Monday, September 18, 2017

Australia's 50% Divorce Rate, Now That's Marriage Equality

Just sayin'...(and really, it's all that really need be said-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog where-in we support Equality, Fraternity, and Liberty for all...(and dismiss this Marriage Equality Postal Survey/Vote as an embarrassing and costly farce that demeans us all-Ed)...well quite...cheers and laters... the interests of balance, recent surveys have Oz's current Divorce Rate down to only 1 in 3 marriages, but I'm not sure if that's because there are more 'defacto' relationships, and/or more 'gay couples', or what exactly the criteria are...I'm assuming that it's a flat-rate relating to actual 'legal' marriages, whatevs, 33% still gives the 'Sanctimony of Matrimony' argument a fair whack... 

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