Monday, September 11, 2017



Dear Availees,
                    I do not apologise for the tone of this short post, because, if what I understand to have happened recently at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre did actually happen, it's an absolute scandal, and a potentially deadly scandal still very much happening as we speak.

Since it was announced, I have heard various concerns about the Helpmann Theatre renovations, but only this week I have been repeatedly ask-informed* about a recent Fire Alarm Incident at the Helpmann Theatre, where-in allegedly, 1) several Fire Alarms did not function, and 2) Fire Escape doors were found to be blocked by scaffolding supports (are still?), and 3) staff/officials initially failed to evacuate correctly, having to be convinced by others present?     
    (*ask/informed - when someone says, 'hey, did you hear about such-and-such?', but you haven't, so they're informing you about it by asking you about it)

Is this true? Have Mt Gambier City Council and Country Arts SA and Dycer Constructions blocked Fire Escapes in the Helpmann Theatre with scaffolding supports, etc?

Why didn't Fire Alarms sound at the rear of the theatre (dressing rooms, etc)? Have MGCC/CASA/Dycer deliberately disconnected those alarms or is it an accident? Whatevs, at least one but allegedly several Fire Alarms did not work and those people at the rear of the building heard nothing and were entirely unaware of any 'situation' until someone went to fetch them...  

It has been put to me that all senior officials involved with MGCC/CASA/Dycer have been aware of at least some of these issues for some time, eg, the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt former The Border Watch Editor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello, richly rewarded for his Paedophile Corruption by being given the plum job with Country Arts SA...(just another stunning example or the Pro-Paedophile Crew Nepotism that sees rankly inept but rankly corrupt Labor Pro-Paedophile stooges appointed to high-paying positions far beyond anything they're actually qualified for and/or have earned-Ed)...exactly Ed, Frank Morello, the perfect illustration of what any talentless, spineless hack can achieve when prepared to partake of the fruits of the Pro-paedophile Corruption that defines good ol' SA, the Paedophile State...

Frank Morello, CASA Manager at the Helpmann and also a Mt Gambier City Councillor, has apparently been aware of at least some of these issues prior to this 'Incident', eg, that Fire Escape doors are blocked by scaffolding...

And this is the main issue with the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines Mt Gambier's Politicians/Council/Polite Society, namely, these stooges will lie/cheat/steal/whatevs to get what they want for themselves, and that includes deliberately covering-up anything that might possibly be their responsibility and/or to their own specific detriment, eg, MGCC/CASA/Dycer must be aware of these issues re blocking Fire Escapes yet they've done it apparently...

This corruption leads people to make woefully corrupted decisions, eg, not notify the relevant authorities/patrons/public/whatevs and continue-on as though there's no problem, eg, continue to hold functions in what authorities know to be a potential death-trap, etc...

Human history is littered with such 'disasters'...

Obviously I will try to address this very concerning situation, not least of all because the Helpmann complex now houses MGCC offices and those people are going into work in what appears to be a bonfire waiting to happen...  

There are also multiple concerns about the entire integrity of the Helpmann complex now that many tons of 'cladding' have been added to the exterior...(not the same 'cladding' that's under question across the country re it's Fire Vulnerability and that terrible Grenfell Tower fire?-Ed)...not sure, but it's certainly the same structural issue, namely, creating a massive 'flue' up the outside of the building...beyond that, MGCC/Dycer have themselves just cited 'Unforeseen Engineering Complications' in making a massive cost increase on the project, jumping from an alleged $900,000 to over $1.4million...

Even when corruptly stacking Ratepayer's cash into each other's pockets, again, these clowns cite their own incompetence, their own alleged failures to do even the most basic Engineering requisites, their incompetence is their reasonable justification to just take more money...(well it's only not their money to start with-Ed)...indeed Ed, every cent spent is Ratepayer's cash, every bloody cent...

There are also concerns re Fire Safety due to the massive holes punched through the walls and roof/ceiling of the Helpmann building to allow scaffolding, etc...has this completely compromised the 'Fire Integrity' of the entire building?...(what, because they've created a giant chimney riddled with umpteen draft/draw holes to allow maximum Oxygenation of any internal blaze and for any external fire to be sucked into the building?-Ed)...indeed Ed, let's just stop a moment and think about that...

Picture an ol' 44galon drum modified to be a wood burner, because that's almost exactly what has been done to the Helpmann...a potentially highly flammable flue up the outside of the Flytower, and holes punched all through it for excellent aspiration of any fire that does occur, inside or outside...

How can this be an accidental incompetence, you literally couldn't make the situation more dangerous...put holes through the structure that completely compromise any prior official Fire Rating/Approvals/whatevs, and whack a possibly flammable flue-up the's absolute lunacy, yet it appears to be exactly what Dycer/MGCC/CASA have deliberately done...(absolute lunacy? it's almost like they want it to burn down-Ed)...almost Ed, almost...  

Is it further alleged to me that Country Arts SA staff/personnel are aware of many of these issues, but have been 'ordered' to remain silent, particularly on this specific Fire Alarm this true?...would not surprise me in the least, and this is the concerns about rank corruption that I expressed before...Frank Morello and Mark McShane and Dycers and MGCC/Silvy/Humphries/Sexton/whoevs/whatevs, they all likely know exactly what the problems are and they will all likely act to cover it up regardless... 

I will endeavour to address and/or establish the veracity of these issues first thing today and will get back here on this 'ere blog asap...however, in the interim, if you have family/friends working in the Helpmann with Country Arts SA or MGCC, whatevs, or are planning to attend an event, whatevs, I'd be acting with the utmost caution and certainly contacting all involved, MGCC/CASA/Dycer re this 'Incident'...just don't expect the Truth for an answer...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...I genuinely hope to be absolutely wrong about every aspect of this 'ere post, but I don't think I am, unfortunately...cheers and laters...

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