Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ebsewloot Cornidge - My Court Stuff Latest

Howdy to Egypt, Ireland, Phillipines, and Pakistan, and of course China, and welcome y'all to TMGI...and what a jolly week in socio-political commentary with like words and stuff...(in a context where you've taken SAPol's (police) own words and semi-politely stuffed them back whence they came-Ed)...well yes, that was going to be my joke thankyou, but I'll instead go with 'when push comes to shove me, I've been known to stand my ground and when pushed further, to shove back quite politely but thoroughly, and particularly when it comes to words and shoving them back whence they came, etc...(and most, most particularly when them words are lies-Ed)...indeed, then push-me becomes shove-back comes ebsewloot cornidge, absolute carnage...(as said in an atrocious South African accent, please-Ed)...indeed...but first this...

Me Ol' China:...plate ('china plate' is Oz-slang for 'mate') ol' china, my mate, Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee was just on the ABC South East Radio (this morn) re his latest Ratepayer funded personal business junket to China, along with fellow China-based businessman and MGCC CEO Mark McShane, and a retinue of stooge Councillors...said it before, said it often...(say it again-Ed)...this Council, MGCC, is rankly corrupt when functioning right here in Mt Gambier, almost their every decision riven-through with gross Nepotism and/or Insider Trading, deals for mates, needless and massive works to syphon-off Ratepayer's monies, etc, etc...and that's what they're like right here, what are they capable of away away wherever that may be?...(doing personal deals about buying-up local wineries but not declaring it and/or the income, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, and now this rancid li'l  junket to China...

And no, I'm not using deliberately 'China-based' punnage, eg, 'me ol' China', and terms like 'junket', etc, because Mr Lee is 'Chinese', and the problems I have sometimes understanding Mayor Lee's very strong accent, etc, that's not 'rascism', that's just what it is...I don't give a fat rat's clacker...(fattus rattus rattus rattus cloacus...that's the scientific nomenclature...for a Fat-clackered Rat...........hello?-Ed)...I don't care where Mayor Lee is from, what he sounds like, whatevs, what really concerns me is his extraordinarily rambling and self-contradictory account of his purchase of that Coonawarra winery with a 'Chinese business partner', an account played-out largely on the ABC Radio...first Andy didn't go and/or couldn't remember a certain meeting in China, etc, and that changed to (eventually) 'yes, I was there at that dinner/meeting, but I didn't discuss that winery purchase thing with my business partner, who was also there'...(wow-Ed)..indeed, wow...

Today, I did not hear the ICAC stuff even mentioned, nor was a question about the extraordinary cost to Ratepayers of this junket...the closest thing was a mind-numbing 'Dorothy Dixer' question re 'what do Ratepayers get out of this?'...(yeah, the ICAC stuff, how fundamentally bizarre and rankly corrupt was that?-Ed)...I don't know what to tell you, apart from this, what Mt Gambier City Council did in having that 'Secret Meeting' (January 31st 2017) about 'reporting Andy to the ICAC', that meeting is-and-of-itself a direct breach, dare I say it multiple breaches, of Section 56 (a) and/or (b), the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act (ICAC) Act 2012...and they damn well know it...and to report it in the media? what the shreck is that?...(I thought you said it was a deliberate set-up to deceitfully tell Ratepayers that Council was right on it, gone to ICAC, etc, etc, and excuse ignoring it for a coupla' years because no-one is allowed to talk about ICAC, etc, etc?-Ed) on, I covered this at length a few posts back...the whole set-up absolutely reeks...

When Selina Green asked Mayor Lee what was happening re this winery 'allegations' stuff, Andy waved it away as irrelevant and as being 'over', and that was it...(nobody actually mentioned the ICAC stuff?-Ed)...not one word, although Andy went-off on one of his now famous verbal-rambles which I think was an extension of his original answer, something about how 'if it's not sensible, it's probably nonsense, not real' (very loose paraphrase)...whatevs, he seemed to be saying that his personal credibility/honesty defined these 'allegations' as nonsense...whatevs...and not one word about the cost...(perhaps I can help with that, I seem to remember reading that it was $20,000-Ed)...only $20K?...for 6 of them?...(if you'll let me finish Nick, I was going to say, I distinctly remember thinking to myself, 'bollocks, it's costing another local Council $15,000 to send 2 people, this will cost easily twice that and then some'-Ed)...your math is faultless, 3 times as many will likely cost at least twice as much, well done genius...

Don't care who from MGCC is going or what it costs, etc, etc, if this Council, if Mt Gambier City Council is involved, then this is a deeply corrupted and worrisome junket, paid for by Ratepayers who can't even catch a bloody bus on weekends or public holidays, etc, etc...haven't ever seen a Council work-team in my street in the 13years I've lived here, it's currently a disgraceful mess left to the Housing Trust/Bedfords, who do what little they can with the pitiful funding they get to do's a bloody past the Gladigau Rd playground and check-out the 2-swing, 2 seesaw park that hasn't seen Day One of improvement in that 13 years, etc, etc, etc...whole streets in Mt Gambier are getting whole new surfaces because they were a bit patchy, and here in the North-East we're all but ignored by a corrupt, self-focussed, self-involved Mt Gambier City's a bloody disgrace across the board...

Still cannot get past the empowering rage of watching that squatly corrupt excuse for a man, former Mayor and current MGCC Councillor Steve Perryman, when watching/listening to this person, this key player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, I will never forget or forgive Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...for his mocking and contemptuous denigration of disabled persons and 'political correctness' during his extraordinarily corrupt involvement in getting Ratepayers to fund his (Stevo's) self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier group...(you mean when he deliberately rammed this $160k per annum funding for TMG through Council whilst normal procedures were 'suspended', then immediately following that when Council went back into 'formal procedures' to vote yes to Ratepayers handing Stevo/TMG that $160kpa, and he then left the Chamber citing a 'Conflict of Interest' re his position as Chair of TMG, returning once the vote passed?-Ed)...Stevo maaate...(geez you've got a lotta' mates mate-Ed)...I get around...(around like a very polite tornado-Ed)...indeed...

And because there's so much stuff re Court, and the lengthy Council/China stuff above, today I'll stick to the specific concerns I have re the actual costs, etc, and just churn-out a series of posts re the Court proceedings in detail...suffice to say that I politely but persistently dismantled the Prosecution case and/or their witnesses, for 3 days, and we ground to a halt 1300hrs Friday 17th March, with SAPol mired in yet another massive lie, caught-out in real time right in front of Magistrate White, who is saying to me 'what's the relevance?'...('what's the relevance?' of the SAPol lead investigator lying, let alone right in Court? re the costs... 

It is well documented/reported the problems with massive backlogs in the South Australian Courts, problems gathering-up upon themselves, ie, not getting through even 70% of last year's Court lists means that 30%+ goes into this year, which is only going to get 70% done again...(if all goes well-Ed)...indeed, if all goes well...(and SAPol/the Courts don't spend lunatic amounts of time on a Large Angry Hippy-Ed)...indeed...(or Large Angry amounts of time on a lunatic Hippy-Ed)...steady on, but a fair point I guess...actually, that's pretty damn accurate, 'large, angry amounts of time on a lunatic hippy'...but that's a very brief, broad summary of a raft of harsh realities, namely 1) the problems with Court backlogs and/or overloaded Gaols and/or overworked SAPol officers, etc, etc, so-on-and-so-forth, and all that, and 2) the extraordinary time and energy expended on 'getting Nick Fletcher'...

For example, SAPol witnesses were in the stand here in Mt Gambier Courthouse from Trial Day One, then again on Day Two, and a couple were also present via audio/video from Adelaide, and then again, several personally present Day Three, including a coupla' ICAC reps who never saw Second One on Day One nor Two nor Three...(not one on One, Two, or Three?-Ed)...not one...there were to my understanding, at least 5 SAPol/ICAC/OPI/whatevs witnesses present in Mt Gambier for at least a coupla' days each, and that they travelled to Mt Gambier in at least 2 vehicles...(didn't Court pull stumps at 1300hrs on Day Three so's Magistrate Ian White could drive back to Adelaide-Ed)...indeed, and I'll get back to that, but just with these witness persons that's at least 5 officers/staffers/whatevs going here and back at roughly 5 hours each ways...(not counting time in Adelaide just getting ready/organised/whatevs on those days-Ed)...sure, purely in actual travel time, 450kms each way,   so's basically 5 hours each way, 10 hours return, 10 hours return per officer/staffer...(but that's a minimum of 50 hours of 'police time' lost just to get these people in Court at 'Trial'-Ed)...yep...(and this all happened of course back in the disastrous and collapsed 'Trial' of November 2nd-4th 2016? they all came down then?-Ed)...yep, and not one saw the witness stand, as we just discussed above...

This relatively minor aspect of the process, the transport of a few witnesses, has now cost over 100 hours of SAPol time, and half of them haven't even got to the shreckin' stand...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...and assuming they can only get minimal other stuff done whilst hangin'-about waiting, that waiting time is also SAPol time lost...and that time runs to days, several days per witness, so potentially anywhere between 15 and 30 full days...(really? that can't be right-Ed)...5 or 6 people hangin'-about for 2-3 days in November 2016 and again now for another 2-3 in March 2017?...(mmm, fair enough, 5-6 people for 4-6 days, that is a minimum 20 days and potentially 36...omg wtf, 36 full days of cops just hangin'-about-Ed)...yep, more than 7 full weeks of SAPol time in just hangin'-about, plus more than 2 weeks (nearly 3) simply on goin' back-and-forth...(wow-Ed) a total of at least 10 weeks of SAPol time, just to get these peeps in Court, and a couple still haven't been in the witness box yet...

And that's nothing compared to the time and resultant cost of the bizarrely vast 'Operation Baritone' and the unfathomable amount of time SAPol has spent shrecking about with that ludicrous nonsense...(what in the stone-cold Universe is goin' on? this is a ludicrous and outrageous expenditure, and to what end?-Ed)...well, the harrassment and stress, etc, of constant Court appearances, etc, that's all part of heaping shizzle on me, all part of 'getting Nick Fletcher', and cost is not an issue to a vindictive and retributional Labor government, clearly behind this obvious political persecution, clearly obsessed with li'l ol' me and my li'l ol' blog, this 'ere blog...(koochy-koo, who's a cute little blog then?-Ed)...get off me you idiot...   

(And they ain't sleepin' under a shreckin' bush or curled-up cute as bugs in the back seat of their cars-Ed)...what?...(well there must be some sort of accommodation cost re these SAPol/ICAC peeps and where's they sleeps-Ed)...well quite, and do they get an overnight allowance and/or overtime bonuses, whatevs, for these overnight stays in Mt Gambier?...and it all adds-up to what? how much just on the logistics of getting a literal handful of their staffers/witnesses here? 10 weeks going on to 4 full months?...(and that's not counting the actual Court staffers/Sherriffs/whatevs who are fully occupied for those 6 days of 'Trial' thus far-Ed)...absolutely, and all their time/costs chewed-up re the 23-odd previous Pre-Trial Conferences/Mentions/whatevs...(and then there's the actual Magistrate's time-Ed)...absolutely, what does it cost per hour for a Court to operate, staff/sherriffs/Magistrate, plus the utilities/facilities, the whole kitten-kaboodle?...(dunno', but it can't be cheap, probably well into the $100s per hour, I mean, with at least 4 support staff/sherriffs and a Magistrate, wages alone would run to $100s p/h-Ed)...indeed...

My Main that there are people on remand in this state, effectively in gaol, in gaol awaiting basic hearings re their detention/charges/whatevs, and they cannot get those hearings for many weeks often months because of this 'funding crisis', yet there's all the resources in the world for li'l ol' me...potentially innocent people are rotting in Remand whilst SAPol/Labor pursues's a devastating joke and entirely unacceptable...     

Not A Word Of A Lie:...'cos just now on Channel 7 Today Tonight (Adelaide), yet another story re the catastrophic state of this State's Courts and/or Corrections (gaols) due to a gross lack of funding, etc, and the increasing problems, both administratively operationally and actually structurally due to this fiscal failure...(whaaa?-Ed)...due to SA being broke and broken, the Courts are clogged (as are the prisons) and Court buildings themselves are actually in need of fairly major repairs...and this latest story was mostly re a Labor government 'strategy' of minimal if any actual gaol-time for violent offenders, major drug dealers, etc, in a program SAPol (police) are apparently referring to none too affectionately as 'Catch and Release'...

And there's my besty Premier Jay Weatherill in the ad-break, using Taxpayer's money to lie to us about this ludicrous $550million Emergency Gas Plant and Battery Bollocks that Weatherill/Labor last week spewed onto an ever-suffering SA public...(yay-Ed)...and following on from that farcical 'shirt-front/ambush' embarrassment with federal Liberal Josh Frydenberg, that pathetic pantomime from the damp squib that is Jay Weatherill...(a damp squib admonishing a soporiphic blancmange, entirely unbelievable and wholly embarrassing-Ed)...indeed, but today Jay-baby didn't look quite so macho when he thin-lipped then ignored a journo for pushing on some issue today...didn't like the question, glared at the journo, then snapped at them, then ignored them...absolutely pathetic...

Come to Mt Gambier Jay Weatherill, come to Mt Gambier and try that pseudo-macho shizzle on with me and a coupla' other fathers/families involved in the perpetual nightmare that is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...come to sunny Mt Gambier and bring all your king's horses and all your king's men, and we'll all set down in an officially recorded format and we'll politely discuss what it is you've knowingly done to cover-up the abuse of our children and dozens of others at St Martins...come to Mt Gambier and try bullying us in a press conference stunt, see how that works-out for you...  

Seriously though, Premier Weatherill, please come to Mt Gambier and put-paid to the vicious rumour-monging and diabolical defamationings continuously circulated by I and/or other families...come to Mt Gambier and prove us so tragically and delusionally wrong, surely hardly a testing task given that we parents are apparently so criminally conspiratorial and maliciously manipulative and obviously devious and deliberately deceitful in our outrageous...(dare I say it 'notorious'?-Ed)...notorious behaviours...and bring your lawyers and your mate/office manager Mr Winter-Dewhirst, can't wait to meet him, so gather all your posse and mosey-on down to li'l ol' Mt Gambier...(yeehah!-Ed)'s cowboy for 'yay'...

And the crowning glory in a burgeoning tiara of Trially gems, was the brief but illuminating encounter as I left the Courtroom on Day Three, Friday 17th March......(with whom?-Ed)...oh, with the head honcho of SAPol Prosecutions...(nooo?!-Ed)...yeah, my other besty, good ol' Andrew Paesch...(you're not serious?-Ed)...dead set, right in the doorway, right past each other, me and good ol' Andy McP, the P-man...(the clown who tried to glare you down that day in Court in September 2016, and got a wailing wall of stare right back at him-Ed)...right back at him and right on through him...(mmm, for such a gentle, polite and quiet person, you surely can be one very scary individual, and duly deserving of your reputation as a political head-kicker-Ed)...and always the head mate, always the head...(fair enough-Ed)...and it is my nature to be quiet and gentle, etc, that's true, and as part of that I'm super-careful to not be that Angry Man other than directly at those whom have earned it..and Mr Paesch has surely earned it.... 

Tomorrow: Nick Fletcher - More Court Appearances Than Wimbledon

(And rapidly also becoming an annual event-Ed)...well indeed...(starting sometime in the ICAC in February 2014, possibly January even, maybe back even into 2013, dunno, but from ICAC through to SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch in Feb 2014, who went through your home May 2014, and then into Court in February 2015, albeit without you being Summonsed or even charged, and now on your third Magistrate, in what is effectively the third 'Trial', and 3 days of that, and now still going, going on into at least 2 maybe 4 more days in May 2017-Ed)...and at what cost? much does it cost/has it cost thus far?...(well, we've sortta' covered that above just there-Ed)...I know, that's my point, that the cost factor itself highlights the genuine motivation of this 'Trial' process...(get Nick Fletcher?-Ed)...exactly, and at any cost...

Given that it's all been discussed in open Court, and to a large degree reported in the media, it's not 'Contempt of Court' for me to state, 1) that this entire 'Trial' process is undeniably Malicious Prosecution, and 2) that Magistrate White has a definable bias against me, and 3) that I have proven SAPol Prosecutions and SAPol witnesses have lied, there in Court, right to Magistrate White...all this and more tomorrow...  

Just in Closing:...the ABC just mentioning yet another of my besties, Kirby Shearing cookin' toxic mud-suckin' fish at Carp-a-thon, and feedin' them to the kiddies...(good ol' Kirby, husband of RDA Tourism Officer and former MGCC Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, and how's it all going with those businesses he walked-out on?-Ed)...dunno', not seen or heard anything at all about it in the local media...(well that'd be the rankly nepotistic and metaphorically incestuous nature of the relationship between MGCC and The Border Watch and the ABC South East, more than happy/prepared to attack their mate's enemies and/or completely ignore their mate's criminality-Ed)...exactly, and this extraordinary raft of corruption re Mayor Lee and the winery and MGCC and ICAC, etc, etc, is just the latest's a bloody disgrace...  

Always The McBride:...a certain Mr McBride has apparently won Liberal pre-selection for the seat of McKillop, and it looks like we'll be getting this dude shoved down our throats via the ABC for the next 12 months...(well one assumes, given that the ABC has very specific self-imposed guidelines, semi-backed by somewhat powerless legislation/administration/whatevs, re providing all candidates equal air-time/coverage, and 2) that this dude is now the formally nominated official Liberal candidate for the seat of McKillop for the March 2018 South Oz election, that given this, the ABC will be keeping very close account of Mr McBride's air-time/coverage and affording that same exposure/coverage to other candidates, eg, the Nick Xenophon candidate-Ed)...excellent point most eloquently made...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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