Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Perpetual Pro-paedophile Political Persecution Of Nick Fletcher Doesn't Exist, Apparently

Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI...not too proud to admit that I am completely lost with my Court stuff...we are now in the third year of my 'trial process', and I'm still trying to digest and process the bizarre adjournment of my 'actual Trial' on the first day November 2nd 2016 due to SAPol (police) Prosecutions trying to change almost every one of the the 19 'Counts/charges', followed by the complete collapse of the 'actual Trial' immediately on Day 2, Nov 3rd 2016, when Magistrate Anderson suddenly 'excused' herself, having read the 100 documents I had provided re the "Malicious Prosecution" that HH had identified from my repeated claims of "political persecution"...(and all of that bizarreness has only been gazzumped for bizarreness by the fact that 'the Trial' just continues-on regardless-Ed)...well indeed, it's hardly my fault I'm lost...(well indeed-Ed)...

I repeat, when SAPol prosecutions tried to 'Amend' (change) the Counts/charges (Nov 2017), Her Honour straight-out stated that 'Count 10' was fundamentally flawed, not amendable, and that SAPol must withdraw it or HH would Order it withdrawn...amid this blinding flurry of bizarreness, of SAPol Prosecutions coming to Court with a wholly flawed 'Charge Sheet' that I was required to plead to before they attempted/applied to 'Amend' almost all of the charges thusly requiring the Court to Order/allow/grant/whatevs SAPol Prosecutions a 30min adjournment to go off and alter/'Amend' their shambolic 'case', etc, etc, amid all that, I managed to stay vaguely in touch with the debate between SAPol and HH...I certainly thought I understood the problem with the Counts/charges, if not the rest of the bizarreness of changing them after I was required/forced to plead, etc...

(Deadset, that is truly bizarre...just by fundamental application of an undeniable reality, changing the Counts/charges means they are no longer the ones you've just plead to, forced/required or not!-Ed)...I know, right?!...but leaving that specific issue aside for a moment, albeit unresolved and to be frequently re-visited, HH carefully explained to SAPol what was wrong/happening (and later herself identified further problems with specific Counts/charges)...SAPol shuffled-off and finally came back a full hour later with an entirely new 'Charge Sheet' (basically the same Counts/charges, but an entirely new/different document I haven't seen before then) that was covered in hand-scribbled notes and arrows and flouro-highlighted bits, etc, looks exactly like what it is, an embarrassingly amateurish last-minute attempt to cobble together some sort of prosecution...(wow-Ed)...yeah, I know...(20+ 'hearings' starting February 2015, your own SAPol 'Operation Baritone' starting at least a full year before that, in a critically important precedent case/application of a vastly sweeping and omnipotently powerful piece of openly Fascist state government legislation, and SAPol haven't even bothered to put together a proper 'Charge Sheet'?, wow alright...

As a layperson I do not understand how any of this can be allowed in Court, but it has been allowed and that's a brief but exactly accurate synopsis of what happened up to that point...when Day One re-commenced, after SAPol Prosecutions deemed to grace us with their presence and swanned-back into Court an hour later, the debate continued re these multiple problems with apparently virtually every Count/charge, and after a further lunch-break, continued some more...HH asked me if I 'approved of these changes', and I said 'no'...(of course-Ed)...citing HH's own statements re withdrawing 'Count 10'...(fair enough-Ed)...and HH was ultimately required/forced to call a further and final adjournment for that day...and in closing said, 'I'm going to use the spare time this afternoon to read those 100 documents re the Malicious Prosecution stuff', and then we adjourned...when we started next morning, Her Honour immediately 'excused' herself, and the trial stopped dead...fact, fact, fact... 

It is an irrefutable reality that Day One of my November 2nd-4th Trial was mostly spent discussing SAPol Prosecutions clumsy attempts to change their 'Charge Sheet'...fact, not up for debate...and I ain't a lawyer with no book learnin' nor nuthin', but HH, as required under law, carefully explained to me and SAPol both, just exactly what was wrong with the Counts/charges...(advice exactly repeated by the Legal Eagles at South East Community Legal Service later that same arvo-Ed)...exactly...(when the Leagles gave you those copies of the exact legislation involved, with the words 'prejudiced' and 'dismiss' flouro-highlighted-Ed)...that's the one...anyhoos, following HH's explanation/direction all I had to do was say 'sorry, I don't really understand what's happening with this Change-the-Charges shizzle, but I do follow your most excellent explanation re the specific multiple problems with those Counts/charges, and I see/hear you your Honour about to remove 'count 10', and I surely need to get some sort of legal advice don't I?''...not a lawyer, all I did was point at it and say that doesn't look right, and HH was required/forced to call the day adjourned...

Even though I was effectively forced to ask for this adjournment, and obviously I did, it's not my adjournment and I ain't takin' responsibility for it...(orrr come on!-Ed)...nah, SAPol Prosecutions dropped the Court right in it with this ludicrously inappropriate Change-the Charges shizzle...(orrr, fair enough-Ed)...thusly placing HH in an untenable position where-in HH was required/forced to grant/allow that adjournment the moment I spoke the magic words...("the magic words"'?-Ed) above, 'I don't understand, I want an adjournment'...(shazzam!-Ed)...this is a fundamental illustration of just exactly how flawed/problematic that whole scenario/issue/process/conduct/whatevs is!...not a lawyer, just me, just me just standing there saying/asking 'what's goin' on with that?', and it all grinds to a halt, Day One...(wow, either you're some sort of unfathomable genius, or this whole thing is a farce!-Ed)...I agree, it is also a farce...(taboomtish-Ed)...

And gourd bless the good ol' The Border Watch newspaper for yet again 'reporting' my trial as only TBW can, namely, vilify and belittle and discredit li'l ol' me, Nick Fletcher, and studiously avoid acknowledging anything that might possibly expose and/or the support the realities of 1) what I write in this 'ere blog, much of which has been discussed/exposed in Court, and 2) the actual Court proceedings/outcomes/whatevs...and I say this title, The PPPPONFDEA, particularly in the context of the extensive documentary evidence I have presented the Court, at the Court's specific direction, re my repeated claims/statements/whatevs, as made at every hearing in 2016, that this entire 'trial process' is motivated by a desire to get me because of this 'ere blog, because what I'm saying in this 'ere blog is 'true' and therefore effectively not vulnerable to the blizzardous litany of Defamation Threats I've had hurled my way, pretty-much ever since the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up officially kicked-off in June 2002...but apparently I'm wrong about all that...but I also digress, here's the TBW article from February 2017...    

Snuck, Duck And Covered:...yet again this an anonymous article, and I did not see anyone in Court that day, not a single person, not no-one, not even TBW...dunno', I guess it is potentially possible that a TBW reporter somehow snuck-in un-noticed immediately after we started, then ducked-out again before I saw them, etc...(what? counting the adjournment? 4 times?-Ed)...I know, whatevs, who knows and what can I do about it?...(fair enough-Ed)...just another bizarreness adrift in the Sea of Bizarre that is my 'trial'...(I'm gettin' seasick again-Ed)...anyhoos...

Line 1:...over 2 years 'on trial sort-of', on my third Magistrate, not least of all because the second one suddenly bailed during the 'actual Trial', so I now get my own FIFO (Fly-In, Fly-Out) Magistrate, and all at what extraordinary expense?...and apparently it's me what's "notorious" don't you know...(you bastard!-Ed)...

2)...there is a world of difference between Magistrate Anderson's original identification of my claims as being "Abuse of Process", and her final descriptor of "Malicious Prosecution"...Her Honour's own terms/words...the first relates to how the prosecution is conducted, the second refers to the intent behind even commencing the prosecution, and may or may not...(but likely does-Ed)...include specific Abuse of Process issues...I would argue that I successfully argued/proved both, but apparently I'm wrong...(apparently-Ed)...

3)...true, no documents, not my phone, no personal effects, not nothing, because I fully expected to get arrested for 'Contempt of Court'...(and bingo!-Ed)...yeah, but, as I later stated in Court but isn't reported correctly, I was warned/threatened with 'CoC' in a different context to what I expected...(nothing can ever just 'happen' with you, can it?-Ed)...warned/threatened not for talking about the rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption in the Legislative, the Executive, and...(oh oh!-Ed)...exactly, and in the Judiciary...(you said that to a Magistrate? in Court?-Ed)...repeatedly and inevitably, but I didn't get worded-up for that, it was very early on when I was questioning what happened with the previous trial, etc, and was 'interrupting' Magistrate White...

4)...I have been repeatedly officially legally advised, not least of all by Her Honour on Day One of the November 2016 'Trial', that, as defendant, I am under no obligation to answer any questions...(and outside of that, your relentless co-operating with the Court has only seen SAPol take advantageous liberties and repeatedly change their Affidavits, 'Charge Sheet', etc-Ed)...well yes, I'm well aware of that, and others have advised/made comments on this same is what it is, and if I don't speak-up and defend myself I'm just going to get convicted anyway, in silence...I've been left no happened here...

5)...again TBW tries to portray me as some sort of Machiavellian Forrest Gump by cherry-picking some colloquial, jingoistic throw-away line, and again deliberately failing to acknowledge whole swathes of my informed, document-supported, critical testimony/discussion/whatevs...

6/7/8)...this did happen, as I've described it above...I was absolutely resigned, still am, and the many issues I raised remain unresolved...

9)...we were in Court discussing Malicious Prosecution, including my belief that just being in that discussion/hearing already proved my MP argument, an MP motivated by this 'ere blog, etc, etc, and that this MP started long before it even got to SAPol...and again, I've never been charged and wasn't originally summonsed...hello 10)...

10)...this refers to the hilarious shenanigans of February 2015, when, having not been charged or Summonsed, I found out about my first hearing in this whole bizarre process, found out via an unrelated phonecall when someone alerted me to a TBW article about my failure to appear for 'my Court hearing' the day before, apparently...I note that TBW have not reported where SAPol Prosecutions tried casually to state officially that I had been 'charged on December 18th 2014'...(wow-Ed) outright lie that I immediately jumped on, but Magistrate White dismissed as 'whatevs'...(wow-Ed)...

Dear availees, sorry, I'm gunna' pull stumps rather randomly right abouttttt here! because it's late and there's heaps to go, including the latest, the 22nd? 23rd? 24th? hearing thingy last Wednesday March 8th 2017 where-in I was informed, via videolink, that I am apparently wrong about the Malicious Prosecution, and apparently also wrong about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and by definition apparently therefore a liar and/or lunatic...("or"?-Ed)...shut it!...

Tomorrow: The PPPPONFDEA Part Deux

(Ah mon dieu!-Ed)...frankly, I've had just about a gutful...(nonsense, you hunger for the thrust and parry, you hasten to the chase and hanker for the clash, you thirst for the engagement-Ed)...damn straight I do, well in this specific context's pretty much become my life to the extent that I sure as heck don't need any damn documents in my hand anymore to tear this shizzle apart time-and-time again...and it's not like I'm being left any choice, these clowns are coming after me...

Sure it's tiring, sure it's frustrating, and sure, sometimes it's outright depressing with all those hilarious affectations, eg, the social isolation, the Crash And Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy (CABIN Fever), etc, but it's happening whether I like it or not, and just look at what I've achieved, largely by just standing my ground and being 'truthful'...I've not just 'survived' a full year self-representing against SAPol Prosecutions et al, I've pushed back real hard, managing to argue successfully for Court Summons (for info) for the SAPol Commissioner, the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and the Banana Lord* themselves...(wow, that is actually quite a remarkable achievement-Ed)...and then also successfully generated the Malicious Prosecution stuff...(so you're confident of acquittal then?-Ed)...nope, I clearly don't have a snowball's chance in heck...(and fair enough-Ed)...    
            (*the synonym I have to use for the Authority involved re my Counts/charges because
               simply naming that Authority might also be an's a ludicrous nonsense)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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