Monday, March 13, 2017


Hello again y'all, and immediate apologies because I ain't feelin' much in the way of humour today so this post could well be a bit dour, dire, downright mired in the tiers of tired tears uncried and ranks of crass corruption...(well a bing and a bong and a buzzbuzzbuzz to you too sir-Ed)...don't quote BBC's BlackAdder at me mate, it ain't helpin'...(just tryin'-Ed)...just sayin'...(fair enough-Ed)...not in a great mood to get around that a li'l bit, here's just a quick nod to the life of extraordinary privilege and luxury that I have lived and have effectively come to expect as being somewhat my 'right', albeit a 'right' I have for being born a White man in this stolen land...(it just sounds so very wrong when you say it like that-Ed)...what, correctly?...(yeahhh, like that, it doesn't sound great, "stolen land", mmm, sounds a bit, you know, accurate-Ed)...don't it though...

As I understand it, there have been at various times during the various early stages of the European Invasion of this continent, various different 'contracts/treaties/whatevs' signed by 'European Settlers' with 'Aboriginal Peoples' re land settlement, etc, which puts the game right in the ES court, 'cos contracts/treaties/whatevs are ES constructs introduced by ES for ES...(and I don't see many if any of those 'contracts' being 'honoured' today-Ed)'s part of why I find so offensive the Weatherill Labor government's recent announcement (late 2016) that Labor will be doing 'treaties with Aboriginal people'...(but is a treaty a contract? and whatevs, don't we have an obligation to acknowledge and at least attempt to rectify these injustices?-Ed)...sure, absolutely, it's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm saying that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's treatment of Aboriginal peoples has been woeful, tokenistic, and shamefully self-serving...said it before, this announcement is a callous and calculated stunt leading-up to the March 2018 State Election, to give Labor the moral high-ground on this issue, 'ooo gee whiz, look what we've done, we helped the Aboriginal people'...(mate, I don't think Labor waves it's arms about madly, pulling stupid faces, and whining in a stupid voice when it talks-Ed)...have you seen them?...(fair enough-Ed)...whatevs...

Rann/Weatherill Labor, via then Attorney-General Michael Atkinson, immediately appealed the very first 'Stolen Generations Compensation Case'...(I'd forgotten-Ed)...well do you remember only a coupla' years back when Rann/Weatherill Labor forcibly bussed a number of Aboriginal people out of the West Parklands late on that Friday afternoon because they were making things look unsavoury for the Festival Of Like I Give A Damn...(no, I do distinctly remember the panicked/distressed voice of the Elizabeth City Council Councillor/employee/contractor/whatevs on ABC Radio, stating that several busloads of people had just been dropped-off literally right in the City Centre and just left there, were still just there as he was speaking, and he/Council didn't know what was happening, hadn't been informed/warned/whatevs, not nuthin', and didn't know what he/Council were going to do because all offices/services/whatevs were now closed for the weekend-Ed)...exactly, to save Adelaide the embarrassment of having that unsightly mess cluttering-up it's precious parklands...

Only that wasn't 'unsightly mess' was it, that was people, and furthermore those people weren't just camping or hangin' about lookin' scruffy, they were technically/actually Internally Displaced Refugees from Yuendumu in the Northern Territory, literally/actually fleeing gang-style, community-wide violence...and so when I hear/see Jay Weatherill and/or any other Labor stooge mouthing-off about how they're going to work tirelessly to do wonderful things for Refugees, only taking time out to work tirelessly on doing wonderful things for Aboriginal people, I like to not-so-politely hurl this li'l reminder at them...this is what you are Jay, these are your actions and your lies, this is what you did when Aboriginal Refugees lobbed on your doorstep...(disgraceful-Ed)...

(But I don't understand-Ed)...what?...(when are Labor going to have time to tirelesly work on doing wonderful things for The Gays, like they promised in that extra special extra week of State Parliament that we apparently had to have late last year, after the year of actual State Parliament had ended?-Ed)...that's purely a stunt...(no-Ed)...yep...(no?-Ed)...yeah...(nooo?-Ed)...yes, I'm telling you...(but they seemed so sincere-Ed)...see, now you're just takin' the piss...(sorry, I get what you're saying, and I agree, why the need for a massively costly extra week, what the shreck were these clowns doing for the actual year in Parliament, let alone the 16, oh my gourd count them, 16 years they've been ruining, sorry I mean running South Australia-Ed)...nice...(what the shreck have these clowns been doing, or rather, not doing for 16 years, that we suddenly needed an extra week?-Ed) I say, it's a stunt, a cynical stunt conducted at taxpayers expense and given it's own Special Week so that Labor could milk maximum Moral Goodness from it...      

Secondly, as per last post, I take a certain degree of pride in what I have managed to achieve in my extraordinary Court saga thingy...(not least of all given that you don't actually know what's going on most of the time-Ed)...shut it!...(no I mean, like 'cos you ain't no lawyer with no book learnin's, but are still being forced to self-represent in this precedent case of a massive piece of hugely powerful yet fundamentally undefinable piece of legislation, and have not just survived but have achieved rather extraordinary things, eg, successfully arguing for those Court Summons for info from SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and the Banana Lord...that's some impressive stuff right, we're all really impressed down here I can tell you-Ed)...yeah, nice try buddy, but quoting Monty Python at me ain't helpin' either-...

Anyhoos, here again is The Border Watch version of what happened in Court February 8th 2017, where it is I is bein' done for the heinous crime of allegedly talking about something that apparently is all just fine, everything having been appropriately investigated by the appropriate Authority...(you can't prove that!-Ed) I cannot, nobody can, not even the Authority involved can prove it...(wow-Ed)...I know, but that's a whole different cuttlefish to be tipped into the fire and fried another day, a dish best served cold...(errr, sure-Ed)...

Following straight-on from the previous post, we were up to line 10, I think...(yep 10, we'd just got to the really good stuff, where you catch SAPol Prosecutions lying in Court, right in front of Magistrate White, who just dismissed it as irrelevant-Ed)...and all of which has somehow managed to not quite make it into The Border Watch version of events...(well I for one am totes surprisé-Ed)...what?...(totes surprisé, totally surprised-Ed)...yeah yeah, I get that, I don't understand why you'd be surprised...(I'm not mate, it's a flamin' joke, I'm being sarcastic-Ed)...ah right, sorry, told you I was off my game today...Line 10...

Line actually referring to the as-proven-in-Court albeit bizarre stuff re me not ever being charged or even Summonsed to my original, dare I say it, inaugural Court hearing ways away back in February 2015...(ahhh, a simpler time, a happier time, and other nostalgic musings-Ed).........mate, is this about that Fringe shizzle? it better not be...(I'm sure I don't know what you mean, unicorn frollicking in a Buttercup meadow-Ed)...right, that's it, I heard that and I warned you, the next person to get whimsical all up in my grill and shizzle, well, they're gunna' cop this, whack!...(stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself-Ed)...damn, I forgot for a moment, you're a damn confected literary device!...(a devised literary device if you will-Ed)...well obviously I will and I have and I do because here you/we/me are/are/is, I think...hang on a second...(pssst, availee, let's just skip to line 11, this could take a while-Ed)...but if I created Ed and write all Ed's stuff, am I Ed? am I actually Ed channelling through this empty vessel called Nick Fletcher?...(riiight, ummm, line 11 availees?, yeah? probably best-Ed)...   

Line 11:...this was said in general re the entire conduct of SAPol Prosecutions across the whole 2 years plus...(but they lied right in front of him, you caught them right out right there in the Court in real time, right in front of Magistrate White-Ed)...and I was going to say, and specifically includes the outright lie that 'Mr Fletcher was charged on December 18th 2014', as stated by SAPol Prosecutions, in Court, February 8th's an outrageous lie from SAPol that comes after 2 years of being asked ín Court, including with SAPol Prosecutions head honcho Andrew Paesch either on the phone, in Court but sitting-up the back, or even as in September 2016, at the bench next to me, as the actual acting Prosecutor...(and didn't he have fun that day?-Ed), he tried to glare me down from a metre away and I glared him right back, a glare removed of all the usual self-imposed constraints on my anger and trauma and suffering and did I mention anger, and I simply let it flow, and simply looked it all right at him...right at him...poured it right into him...(and how'd that go for him?-Ed)...and within moments he was struggling, within seconds floundering, and in less time than it takes to read this line, he broke and looked away...(sorry, I shouldn't laugh, this is serious-Ed)...indeed...

I have repeatedly caught-out SAPol Prosecutions just straight-out lying, in Court, which to me as a layperson, is Perjury, 'giving false evidence in Court', and particularly given that some of these lies are also in documents supplied to the Court...(I'd agree that's Perjury, but what do I know, I ain't a lawyer-Ed)...sure, you and me I stated to Magistrate White in February 2017, it seems like it just doesn't matter what happens, how much SAPol just lies, screws-up their ludicrous charge Sheet, etc, or the litany of lies from the ABC South East and their Sydney-based lawyers, etc, etc, not to mention the Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas extraordinary conduct, eg, the BL/CGGB response to that Summons, etc, etc, etc, not none of it is going to be allowed to impact on the self-defining reality that we're just carrying-on regardless (with prosecuting me)...

Line 12:...this is almost exactly what I said...(so what's your problem?!-Ed)...with a couple of critical omissions...(ahhh, sorry, should have known, it being TBW and all that-Ed)...indeed, good ol' TBW...1) I used the term 'Malicious Prosecution', as per Magistrate Anderson's direct wording/direction, a technical point but critically important, and 2) Magistrate White straight-out refused me going through my documents individually to establish their relevance, therefore denying me an opportunity to present my case/argument, as I was originally Ordered to do by Magistrate Anderson...

Here again are the 2 Magistrates to have responsibility for my case since it was returned to Mt Gambier Court from Adelaide, returned amid the bizarre blizzard of as yet still unresolved Constitutional Law issues that saw it moved to Adelaide originally in June/July 2015, etc, here are 'my' Magistrates again, to my layperson's eyes, completely contradicting each other...firstly I'm Ordered, by Her Honour, to prepare any and all documentation to support my repeated statements/claims of "pro-paedophile political persecution", and I said 'there's many hundreds of document, it'll be a pile a foot high', and HH responded 'so be it, make it so, be ready to go first re your Malicious Prosecution stuff on Day One of Trial, November 2nd 2016'...and I did a lot of work, with a lot of help, and went into Court as fully prepared as possible, but got to use virtually none of it because of the SAPol Charge Sheet debasco on Day One, and Her Honours sudden self-excusing first thing Day Two...

Secondly, both Her Honour and South East Community Legal Service have identified to me and I think/thought I understand the multiple problems still clearly present in SAPol's already frequently changed Charge Sheet...(wow-Ed)...these problems, SAPol's problems, stopped the Trial on Day One, and SECLS Legal Eagles exactly concurred with Her Honour's extensive explanations, including SECLS providing me copies of the relevant legislation with the words "prejudice" and "dismiss" high-lighted, etc, etc...but then Magistrate White has completely contradicted/reversed/dismissed all of that as being not an issue now, and on we plough...what hope do I have when I get such vastly differing even contradictory advice/decisions/conduct from the very Court itself?...

Line 13:...having been initially refused discussing my documents, I did what I could to present my Malicious Prosecution stuff, culminating in an 8-15 minute diatribe/soliloquy to the Court where-in I carefully outlined the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the rank pro-paedophile corruption in SA and how that was 'behind' my prosecution/persecution, etc, etc, etc, directly referencing maybe a dozen of my 100 documents, eg, the letters from then Premier Mike Rann and Minister Jay Weatherill to Commissioner Ted Mullighan (in 2006), closing down/stopping Comm Mullighan's active investigation of the St Martins Cover-up, etc...and I even put it to Magistrate White that it was "unfair" on him to be expected to make a ruling that declares him, his bosses, and all his legal mates, SAPol, the Banana Lord/CGGB. etc, etc, unfair on him to have to make a ruling that declares all of these Authorities/persons to be corrupt...8-15 minutes of impassioned, eloquent, informed and supported presentation, but none of that mentioned in TBW...

And here's also where SAPol straight-out lied about when I was supposedly charged, as above, and again simply not mentioned in TBW...Magistrate White clearly appears to have already made his 'ruling' as per Line 11, a 'ruling' confirmed last Wednesday 8th March 2017 when Magistrate White dismissed the Malicious Prosecution stuff, declaring that there is no conspiracy re St Martins, etc, etc...(and wasn't that your idea? to have this further extra hearing day?-Ed)...indeed...(and gourd knows there's been plenty of them, 'extra hearing days'-Ed)...indeed again...but yes, Magistrate White was going to deliver his 'decision/ruling' Day One of Trial Two...('Trial Two' are a riot-Ed)...when I politely interrupted and suggested that we might do it previous to that to avoid repeating the costly farce of Trial One, what with numerous SAPol staff/witnesses (at least 4, maybe 7) being flown to Mt Gambier, accommodated for days, and the cost of an 'entire Court' paid for for 3 days but only used for less than one in total, no witnesses called, idea...(and Magistrate White said?-Ed)...'that's a good idea'...(and fair enough...but again, I don't see that mentioned here anywhere-Ed)...indeed...

Line above, on March 8th 2017, Magistrate White ruled 'no Child Abuse Cover-up conspiracy, no Abuse of Process, no Malicious Prosecution' and ahead we plough...(wow-Ed)...I was only provided a copy of that 'decision/ruling' part-way through the 'hearing', via the Court Clerk via the Court Sherriff, when I arced-up about what was happening...(wow-Ed)...indeed, a stunningly fortuitous outrage...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, it's absolutely outrageous to make the 'ruling' and then provide me a copy only when I ask, partway through the 'hearing'...(sure-Ed)..but it's incredibly fortuitous that I hadn't read it just prior to or immediately during the 'hearing', because I would have spoken-out most effervescently about this 'decision/ruling'...(ahhh-Ed)...but instead, I've had a real if short chance to come to terms with my disbelief and disappointment and distress, etc, etc, before I have to front Magistrate White again...(most fortuitous indeed-Ed)...

I've heavily truncated this last bit 'cos it's already a long post, so's there's obviously much more to come on this stuff, along with stuff about SA's chronic electricity problems...  

Tomorrow: Watt Fresh Lunacy? Labor intend to unleash on ever-suffering South Australian energy consumers?...having all but destroyed SA's credibility and/or ability to reliably provide for ourselves power-wise, and amid the ongoing and unavoidable reality of future 'black-outs', with all their negative Socio-Economic impacts, etc, SA Labor via Minister Koutsontonis is apparently going to, tomorrow morning, suddenly and miraculously conjure some 'Hail Mary' play to save the day...(oh gourd-Ed)...indeed...(here we go again...let me guess, it's going to somehow massively increase reliability and yet simultaneously drastically reduce costs-Ed)...indeed...(people people people, if Labor had/have a plan, any plan, if they have any sort of genuine plan, then why hasn't Labor applied it already, months if not years ago...just shreckin' do it and do it now-Ed)...well indeed...

But because it's a farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco), this 'Super Dooper Plan' announcement made over 5 weeks ago, is one made out of sheer desperation mid-debasco, an empty announcement that Labor have then desperately sought to backfill...gourd only knows what sort of disaster we're about to have relentlessly propagandaed at us, but us mere mortals will apparently find out tomorrow morning...(yay-Ed)...there's been a bunch of reportage about a Tesla-supplied Battery Storage, but this is yet again, at best a stop-gap attempt to treat only some small part of the symptoms of a fundamentally flawed system that has no base-load production...we are screwed and this sort of moronic grandstanding helps no-one but Labor themselves...gourd knows I hope desperately to be wrong, but I smell a costly stunt that achieves little if anything, from a Labor Party well-practised in such self-promotional self-delusion...buying a gas plant, batteries, whatevs, because if SA Labor are doing it, it's going to be a disaster mired in ideology rather than a resolution cemented in reality...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

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