Monday, March 20, 2017

Watt New Lunacy As Weatherill Trumps Reality - The SA Power Debasco

Yo' ma' homies, welcome y'all, and can I just say how excited I am to have been unfortunately so correct re my dire predictions as per this farcical Weatherill/Labor $550m 'Energy Plan Thingy''s just fundamentally ludicrous to spend what will undoubtedly exceed $1billion on stop-gap, 'emergency measures', a massive battery set-up and 'emergency only' government funded/built/owned gas turbine plant thingy, both of which will apparently only be accessed/utilised when the Electricity System is failing due to non-production from 'Renewables' like Solar and Wind Turbines...South Australia, completely vulnerable to the whims of the weather/climate, remains so because these 'measures' do nothing to address the Base Load failure/frailty of the current system... 

OMG OMG OMG:...Donald Trump says/tweets some truly bizarre nonsense, often in a basically incoherent way, but he's just President of the USofA...(your point being?-Ed)...well at least he's writing whatevs nonsense it is, here in South Australia we develop our state's Future Electricity Supply Policy based on a 'tweet' that happened last week...(taboomtish-Ed)...after the latest series of rolling black-outs and/or 'load-shedding' (which is a politically expedient way of saying 'rationing'), Premier Jay Weatherill has decided that gas and batteries are the solution to our multiple problems, and that 'batteries' thingy seems to have originated from a 'joke tweet' between two USofA 'battery-billionaires'...(wow-Ed)...

Couldn't Stand The Weatherill:...before, what with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and all, but this is just an embarrassing, expensive, and farcically dangerous nonsense that does absolutely nothing to protect South Australians from the foibles of the weather...apparently, this proposed Battery Storage Thingy, the BST, will last not 30 minutes, not even 20 under full demand, eg, immediately after dark during a heatwave and everyone's home with lights on, air-con going, tvs and computers on, etc, etc...hopefully/maybe 20 minutes under optimum conditions, how is this going to save anybody from anything?...(well it won't, and particularly in a context where both of these are supposedly to kick-in/operate/whatevs when the system is already under stress/in danger, ie, when there is an 'emergency' already happening-Ed)...indeed Ed, and that's exactly how Weatherill et al have described them. 'emergency measures'...

Furthermore, how is it going to re-charge when it is the source of power and there's no other production and/or importing of electricity?...what happens when there's a week-long heatwave and not a breath of wind in South Australia and South East Oz, and Victoria/New South Wales are desperately clingin' onto every Megawatt they got and there's nuthin' comin' down/up the line to Adelaide/SA through the Heywood Interconnector, etc...(or heaven forbid, the HI goes down/is damaged/whatevs, and there isn't even the capacity to transfer even if there is the energy-Ed)...well indeed...and that's just re Domestic Demand/Supply, and doesn't even start on the problems industries/producers are having with such an unreliable and massively expensive electricity supply...(yay-Ed)...and this farcical $550m plan addresses none of that...(how do you spell 'home-generator retailers'?-Ed)...I don't know, look it up yourself... 

And I am sooooooooo sick-and-tired of hearing often deeply compromised/involved persons/parties, constantly bangin' on about how great Wind Turbines are, and now the same with batteries, and they never ever acknowledged the massive energy/pollution footprint created by these 'technologies'...(you could include SVPs in there too-Ed)...and I will, including SVPs, Wind Turbines/batteries/SVPs, time and time and time again, promoters/supporters of 'Renewables' conduct their gushing adulation in a context where Turbines, SVPs and batteries in particular, just seem to have dropped out of the sky...(nah, you're getting confused with Hydro-Ed)...nice one Ed, and I thank you for making that most excellent point...where's Hydro?...(and what about Geothermal?-Ed) on! where has Geothermal gone in the debate?...(yeah, and what happened to the Kanawinka Geothermal World Heritage area thingy?-Ed)...well it's still there, but it's now referred to as the Kanawinka Geopark...

Lonely Paranoia Seeks Like-Minded Reality:...because sometimes it's a trap to see something because just seeing isn't always believing and it certainly ain't always proof...(whaaa?-Ed)...well it occurred to me some time back when that name/title for the region was changed, because years back it was specifically referred to as 'Geothermal' which is very specifically and geologically definitive, there is 'Geothermal activity' somehow related to volcanoes/whatevs, but now it's just 'Geopark'...has the term 'Geothermal' been deliberately removed so as to diminish and even remove this most obvious source of 'Base-load Renewable Energy' from the debate?...(indeed, Geothermal is the only Base-load Renewable energy source that isn't reliant on 1) the weather, and 2) storage-Ed)...absolutely, because Geothermal is basically just pumping water through 'hot-rocks' deep underground, and using the returning steam to drive Turbines...this is a closed, non-polluting and constant, reliable power's Geothermal people! get on board, we live on a shreckin' volcano for crikey sake!...

And as for Wind Turbines, Solar-Voltaic Panels, and particularly batteries, where do they come from? they don't just grow on bloody trees or magically appear courtesy of the Renewables Fairy...dear availee, check for yourselves on the Inter-Google the pollution footprint of all of these things, and not just in the production, installing, etc, but particularly with the post-use refuse...(I thought they came from chickens-Ed)...what?...(I though they came from chickens-Ed)...who came from chick.........if you dare say ba...(battery hens.....................................hello?-Ed)...piss-off...(fair enough-Ed)...

Dear South East,
                       You are Fracked...and I mean like really Fracked...don't believe me? look at the points raised in this $550m farce, eg, $24m incentives for gas exploration, and the focus on gas in general...(didn't Weatherill just recently, like only a few weeks ago, announce about $24m for exploration-Ed)...could be, I think this is more/different money, gourd knows, but I'm particularly concerned with 1) the Labor government's position re '0% Royalty Deal' on extracted gas, 2) the very affectionate Labor relationship with those Mad-Frackers at Beach Energy, and 3) the $360m for this bizarre 'not to be actually used' state-owned gas generator, etc, etc, and then listening to the ABC Radio interview with the SA Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME)...the woman straight-out denigrated South East residents, who have fought politely but insistently to stop the lunacy of Fracking...(indeed, get stuffed SACOME-Ed)... 

You Want Bribes With That?:... to force it through...10% Royalties for land-holders' is a straight-out bribe, the same as for land-holders with Wind Turbines getting a payment per Turbine, in a context where you as neighbour can have these truly massive Industrial Plants (100m+ high towers plus 60m+ blades, etc), several of these, only 1km from your home, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, whilst your neighbour, often absentee land-holders, gets paid...(and right there, there's another parallel with this 'royalty bribe', namely, Fracking can start on the surface on one property, but the very nature of the process is to spread-out underground well-away from the original well site-Ed)...well quite, the drill goes on one property, but the 'mine' goes under the entire surrounds...this 'royalty bribe' is exactly that, conceived and designed by a soulless, Adelaide-centric Labor to try and circumvent SE opposition to Fracking... 

And just now on the ABC South East is Beach Energy supposedly doing a 'Conventional Gas Well',  supposedly targetting a 'conventional gas reservoir' 3500m down, about 8kms from Penola, and bingo, Beach are 'negotiating with the landholder'...(and didn't they just get given $6million of Taxpayer's money re this new Labor $550m Energy Plan bollocks to do this 'exploration'?-Ed)...indeed, and won't be paying any Royalties on any gas they extract...(charming...and didn't Beach Energy get 'given' a swathe of the Glenside site right on the Adelaide parklands?-Ed)...that's them, clearly very good mates with Labor...

Get The Fork our super-dooper plan is we're forkin'-out $360m for a back-up Gas plant at a time of 'gas shortages'...(albeit due to massive export contracts-Ed)...well indeed, but domestically we do thusly have 'shortages' and resultant spiralling gas prices, etc, and that's where we're going...and sorry, is that someone screaming "WHAT ABOUT THE WHITE ELEPHANT MASQUERADING AS A SHRECKIN' $2BILLION+ PART-TIME DESALINATION PLANT AT HALLET COVE?" right in my ear...(ah yeah sorry, that's me-Ed)...ahh right, well at least I'm not crazy and just imagined it then.................(moving on?-Ed)...probably best...(mmm-Ed) having dug ourselves a $2billion Pit of Despair that Rann/Weatherill Labor's continue to shovel cash into just to keep it 'running' if not actually producing, because to not use it at all would be even more expensive!...(wow-Ed)...on top of that debasco, now it's $360m for this bollocks...

Apparently, so I've heard, Rann/Weatherill Labor poured over $2billion of SA Taxpayers dosh right into a giant damp hole in the ground at Hallett Cove, and then christened it 'DeSal Plant', and what little water does actually dribble out of it now, is massively expensive to produce, to the point that it's never going to be economically viable to run it properly, and there are media reports that the whole shebang is fundamentally flawed/dysfunctional and has a snowball's chance of ever producing it's alleged capacity, not anywhere near it...(and if it could/does produce to capacity, the water would still be hugely expensive? does price drop with volume, therefore greater return/income, etc, etc?-Ed)...good, because it relies on 'Renewable Energy' don't you know, and every drop is worth it's weight in coin just to produce, if and when it can!...(wow and yay-Ed)...

Weir I understand it the DeSal Plant has been promoted/conceived/constructed and continues to be presented/explained/excused as an 'Emergency Measure', to be utilised only as a last resort when the Murray River literally runs dry...(dear availees, Adelaide gets the bulk of it's water via pipeline from the Murray, and only a few years back because of drought, Rann/Weatherill Labor went 'this close' to trying to construct a weir in/on the fathomless mud at Wellington, to grab what little water was flowing, to grab that for Adelaide, thusly destroying the Lower Murray Lakes and extraordinary Coorong, which were clearly irrelevant to what suits the suits on North Tce-Ed)...indeed Ed, SA Labor clearly demonstrated just exactly how un-important anything non-Adelaide is, including vast swathes of the environment, and we went 'this close' to that incompetent debasco, and now this...

Home Solar Panels:...are terrific if you're an Adelaide-based home-owner, your employment highly likely involved with the vastly bloated Adelaide-based Public Service Sector, as compared to the rest of South Australia where we're constantly having services removed and with them the jobs, etc, sorry, I'm rambling now, but in that 'home-owner' context, terrific, good on ya's, I'm sure you've worked very hard for it, etc, etc, whatevs, don't really care, not my business, but the unavoidable and irrefutable issue for me is the 'Middle-Class Welfare' of state-subsidised Solar Panels...the vast majority of renters, and almost all Housing Trust (Housing SA/public housing) like myself, are immediately removed from the can't say ci to SVP if you don't own the roof it's going on...(why hasn't the Housing Trust invested in SVP?-Ed)...sorry?...(if SVP are so super re the environment, etc, and a fiscal positive for the owners, why haven't the state government invested in SVPs for their many Housing SA properties?-Ed)...Ed, you monkey genius...if SVPs are so super, why hasn't Labor created a massively profitable generator by putting SVPs on Housing SA tenants roofs?...Housing SA could be creating and selling onto 'The National Grid', an excellent little earner for SA...

Tomorrow: Ebsewloot Cornidge

In one's bestest worst South African accent please...(whaaa?-Ed)...say 'ebsewloot cornidge' in your bestiest South African accent...('ebsewloot cornidge'...ah, I see, 'absolute carnage', mmm, it must be about the latest installment in the sweeping saga that is your ludicrous Court case-Ed)...absolute carnage, including the extraordinary observation by Magistrate White on Friday 17th March 2017, that he wasn't 'wasting another second of the Court's precious time'...(wow-Ed)...I know...(this started when?-Ed)...well the SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch 'Operation Baritone' stuff started February 2014, after 'it' originated in the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) some time before that, and SAPol ACB raided my home May 8th 2014, and the first 'Court hearing' was in February 2015, but I wasn't even charged or Summonsed/informed, so the first one I was told about/attended is March 2015...(and how many 'hearings'?-Ed)...I'd have to check, 23? 24 maybe, counting the bizarre collapse of the November 2016 'Trial'...(and the Magistrate has a go at you about 'not wasting the Court's 'precious time'?

And both The Border Watch and the ABC South East continue to report these exchanges in a deeply biased and specific way, specifically to try and discredit me...out of all that's happened, out of 3 days of deeply disturbing admissions by prosecution witnesses under my cross-examination, including SAPol witnesses, the local 'media' have carefully picked the few minutes where the Magistrate is in effect bullying me from the Bench, repeatedly waving 'Contempt of Court' in my face, telling me what questions I can and cannot ask, telling me to 'move on' when the current 'witness lie' hasn't been resolved, etc, etc...and Mt Gambier media want to talk about my 'profanities', including such scandalous blasphemies as 'geez', 'christ', and occasionally accidentally calling people 'mate'...(you bastard!-Ed)...and how I've been 'warned about my behaviour', etc, etc...rankly biased bollocks from a corruptly complicit 'media'...(what a disgrace-Ed)'s not great is it?...

I have caught SAPol in the middle of a massive lie, again, a huge lie, and we're still stuck in the middle of that massive lie as 3 days of 'Trial' moves to 2 possibly 4 more dates in May 2017...(wow-Ed)...and do the Mt Gambier/South Australian media report the inextricable reality of the lie and the exchanges between myself and SAPol Prosecutions, their SAPol witness, and the Court, etc, etc?...(I'm going to hazard a 'no'-Ed)...well hazarded...ded...hazardeded?...Ed...well hazarded Ed...trying saying that 5 times, just this morning (Monday March 20th 2017) ABC South East is reporting my 'being warned'' and my 'profanities', etc,'s a joke...yet another massive lie from SAPol, again proven by me, in real time in front of Magistrate White, and this is what Mt Gambier/SA gets to hear's a disgraceful joke...

Barnett Slips Disc Standing On Record:...WA's now former Premier, Liberal Colin Barnett has just been turfed-out, along with his government in a West Australian state election...the last thing I saw of Colin was him not-so-confidently stating that he stood on his 'record' and was duly confident that said record would carry him to victory, glorious victory in the West Australian state election...(what, the one where he/Liberal done just got massacreeed?-Ed)...horribly massacreeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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