Thursday, March 16, 2017

Out Of The Lying Stand, Into The Liar

Woohoo, I do exist...(I'm just like a real boy-Ed)...steady on...(I am a man, and also an animal-Ed)...enough of the mangled movie references, but yes, I'm not worthy, because just now there was a quick news-bite re my Court stuff on the ABC South East...(sorry, did you say ABC South East?-Ed)...yep...(the Australian Broadcasting Corporation?-Ed)...that's the one...(their South East station here in Mt Gambier?-Ed)...indeed...(so let's see if I've got this right...the rankly corrupt ABC, deeply and complicitly involved as a key player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and who have routinely censored you out of state/local elections, have suddenly out-of-the-blue started reporting it?-Ed)...yeah, but their 'reporter' didn't ask me a single question even though I was standing right there...(just like TBW, not one question-Ed)...not one question...        

And thankyou ABC because I wasn't sure that I should be doin' this 'ere blog during the 'Trial', but you've opened that gate, and particularly by identifying on the airwaves that this is about alleged comments I allegedly made on this 'ere alleged blog re an alleged ICAC investigation...(hang on, you just said that this is about ICAC?-Ed)...yeah...(well previously you've used the title/pseudonym of Club GoGo Bananas for the ICAC, and 'Banana Lord' for ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander because it may potentially possibly might be yet a further breach of the ICAC legislation under which you've already been charged?-Ed) ...yes, and in the absence of anything even resembling actual legal advice on this point, even after I repeatedly, specifically asked SAPol, etc, and now that the ABC has broadcast to the nation that this is about ICAC, ICAC ICAC ICAC... 

I apparently 'accused police of lying'...(you didn't accuse anyone of anything, you caught them right -out, again, trying to again run this lie about when you were allegedly charged, which never actually happened!-Ed)...indeed Ed, still hasn't...all this and a bunch of other very specific lies and /or deceitful omissions that will be addressed when and if I get to cross-examine...but as for that specific and repeated lie, I was never charged and/or even Summonsed between the SAPol Anti-Corruption two-part raid of my home on May 7th/8th 2014, and the start of my farcical 'trial' on February 3rd SAPol are repeatedly simply lying about it in Court, and Magistrate White is just letting them do it...not my opinion, this is exactly what's happening...I have caught SAPol Prosecutions repeatedly lying and Magistrate White has repeatedly just waved it away as irrelevant...(wow-Ed)...    

Fletcher repeatedly laughed:...(well it's better than swearing-Ed)...well actually I was swearing plenty under my breath and/or in my head, and I actually got chatted by Mag White for (quietly) uttering a 'profanity', to which I replied 'apologies if during this ludicrously inappropriate conduct from SAPol Prosecutions I let slip a mild profanity' a context where SAPol Prosecutions were clearly lying, whilst introducing 5 new documents and 1 possibly 2 new electronic discs (CD), and Magistrate White just let all that happen, and I get worded for an exasperated 'geez'...(what a joke, no wonder you were laughing-Ed)...indeed...    

I did 'refuse to enter a plea', and as I explained to Magistrate White, I'd been through all that stuff with Magistrate Anderson back in February 2016...I have committed no crime, there is no 'crime', and I refuse to plead to a 'non-crime'...

SAPol Prosecutions, a rankly corrupt division of the rankly corrupt SA Police, have conducted the most amateurish, embarrassing and corrupt prosecution against me, repeatedly and deliberately acting to trick, deceive, and undermine my legal rights in a thus far farcical attempt to 'get me'...justice, truth and professional morality are clearly and provably irrelevant in this Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution masquerading as 'justice'..

Carry-on Up The Court:...despite me catching both SAPol Prosecutions lying, yet again, and catching-out their first 'witness', SAPol ACB's Gardner also lying, in real-time in Court in front of Magistrate White, nothing happened, not nothing, again...Magistrate White also allowed SAPol Prosecutions to table not one, not two...(three?-Ed)...5 'new documents' and at least one new 'dsic...("5"?-Ed)...yep, and better still, SAPol Pros casually 'fessed-up that these documents were actually ready to be used at 'Trial' in 2016...(which trial date? it was meant to go to 'Trial' in August 2016 but that went ballistically pear-shaped when you got those Summons issued against SAPol Commissioner, the ABC, and the Banana Lord-Ed)...if it wasn't so serious it'd be hilarious...(hence all the laughing-Ed)...indeed...but anyhoos, no, apparently SAPol Pros were referring to the November 2nd-4th 2016 'Trial'...(the actual 'Trial' that went balistically pear-shaped when SAPol Pros tried to change their entire 'Charge Sheet' on Day One, and then completely collapsed Day Two as Magistrate Anderson suddenly withdrew?-Ed)...yep, that one...  

(Hang on, SAPol Prosecutions reckon these very slick 'new documents' were ready for Court back in November 2016, so lets say they were ready late October at least-Ed)...fair enough...(and SAPol Pros have just sat on those 'documents' ever since?-Ed)...yep...(sat on them through the 'Trial' November 2016, then the bizarre whatevs 'hearings' on November 24th 2016, February 8th 2017, and March 8th 2017?-Ed)...yep...(and then dump them en masse on you on Day One of what is effectively 'Trial 3'?-Ed)...yep...(but this is clearly an entirely inappropriate stunt to deliberately deny you any chance to have legal advice on those 'documents'!-Ed)...indeed, and when I vehemently protested this crass and deliberate denial, and my need for new legal advice, etc, etc, Magistrate White finally gave me the lunch adjournment...(wow-Ed)...and actually had a go at me about how 'people work through their lunchbreaks'...(wow-Ed)...

Me again just now on the ABC...police lying, ICAC investigation on blog, police hadn't provided documents, Mr Fletcher called it a corrupt farce...  

(Don't suppose that the fact the ABC are up in Court some time soon to give evidence to their rankly corrupt Affidavit, don't s'pose that that's motivated the ABC to suddenly cover this stuff, to my knowledge previously entirely not acknowledged by the ABC-Ed)...good point Ed, it would look a little odd if the one and only story they ran on this was their version of their evidence...(why are you smiling?-Ed)...because I cannot wait to get these ABC clowns in the Chair of Despair some call the Witness Box, and metaphorically rip them to shreds for their corruption and lies, and running this stuff this morning is clearly a lead-in set-up stunt so's they can run their undoubtedly rankly corrupted version of events...(the same way The Border Watch constantly does?-Ed)...exactly like that...

Tomorrow: Is Another Day

And so is today, so until tomorrow...and the title today? the Witness Stand has produced lies, and I've got stuck right into the liar...(nice-Ed)...

Magistrate White has demonstrated a clear and definable bias against me, not least of all evident in the deliberately derogatory 'Reasons for Ruling' as posted that, Magistrate White has straight-out called me a liar re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and therefore further directly inferred that I'm also somehow delusional about it, and actually attacks me as being 'defamatory of Premier Weatherill'...his conduct yesterday was extraordinarily inappropriate and further demonstrates an unacceptable bias against me...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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