Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Latest Bizarrity Re My Court Stuff

Welcome dear availees in the EU and you's who's there and there abouts, and yes I'm looking at you Spain...(isn't Spain in the EU?-Ed)...gourd, I don't know, probably, I think, whatevs, howdy all...on Tuesday March 8th 2017 in Mt Gambier Court, albeit via videolink from Adelaide, Magistrate White ruled that I had not proven 'Abuse of Process' and that I had not provided evidence and/or testimony to prove any Child Abuse Cover-up Conspiracy, and that my bizarre 'Trial' would continue/start/proceed???...I say '???' because I literally have no idea what is going on in this regard anymore, 'cos we were at 'Trial' in November 2016 and that went just massively bizarrely wrong but we've just continued-on regardless and then there's been 3 more 'hearings' of one day each, November 24th 2016, February 8th 2017, and this latest one March 8th 2017...(I don't understand-Ed) does mate, no-one does...

I understand that this 'Reasons for Ruling' is a 'Public Document', having been 'handed-down' in open Court, and what little 'discussion' was allowed, occurred in front of the journo from The Border Watch...(ah, so there was someone there this time?-Ed)...I'm fairly sure that's who it was, and we spent a hilarious 10 minutes waiting out in the foyer, just the 2 of us, as TBW yet again steadfastly refused to actually acknowledge the very real and rather large presence of Nick Fletcher, let alone ask him what he thinks/feels/knows...(it's not all about you mate-Ed)...well yes actually it is, mate, in the context of this Court stuff, and particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, where-in every effort has been made to hide and ignore the realities and instead attack parents, particularly me...(and how have TBW reported this latest shenanigans?-Ed)...haven't...(well now there's a surprise-Ed)...there's only one thing worse than being talked about, not being talked about...(ahaha, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...actually, I think that is Oscar Wilde...(well there you go-Ed)...   

In the attached 'Reasons for Ruling' regular availees will immediately recognise the 'Template of Deceit' re official documents as I have outlined in previous posts...this document is grossly and deliberately erroneous, and has definably been very carefully drafted to isolate, denigrate, belittle, humiliate, and discredit me...this document very, very carefully ignores the vast amount of my testimony and evidentiary documentation I provided to the Court on February 8th 2017 (as per Magistrate Anderson's 'Orders' of September/October 2016), evidence/testimony that exactly proves the rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption openly controlling all levels of South Australia, the Legislative and the Executive and the Judiciary...

This 'RfR' carefully,deliberately and grossly misquotes me, carefully identifying supposed faults/failings/frailties in what I have said/done/whatevs, and completely deliberately misquotes or simply ignores official 'responses' me, as a layperson, this reads as a deeply biased document that appears to have been prepared for use by other parties...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, Magistrate White has very carefully and specifically identified 2 letters where-in the Crown Solicitor openly threatens me with 'gaol for defamation', grossly misquotes those letters completely out of context, and then jumps a full 7 years to one of my many letters to Premier Jay Weatherill, a letter which Magistrate White has personally editorialised as being 'defamatory'...

This document reads as though it's been prepared for others to try and use against me...(how so?-Ed)...well, it attempts to establish a pattern of my supposedly deliberately 'defamatory' behaviours, and then editorialises yet another supposed is an official SA Court document that says 1) the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up doesn't exist and by definition abuse didn't happen, and 2) Nick Fletcher is 'defamatory', even the Court says so...  

I am deeply concerned that Magistrate White has very carefully and deliberately grossly misrepresented the timeline and context of letters I provided, and has cherry-picked minute, miniscule sections of only 3 documents out of 100 (in a context where he knows there are literally 1,000s of documents), and completely ignoring huge swathes of my testimony/evidence/documents...this document carefully and deliberately completely misrepresents and minimises the nature of Magistrate Anderson's original 'Orders/directions' to me, namely, Her Honours descriptors of firstly 'Abuse of Process', that then became 'Malicious Prosecution'...this is not my descriptor or my 'application' or anything else, I was 'Ordered' by HH to present re 'Malicious Prosecution'...   

When this 'RfR'was delivered March 8th 2017, Magistrate White immediately dismissed the 'Abuse of Process', refused me addressing the 'RfR', and I wasn't even provided a copy until partway through the 'hearing' and after I asked, therefore not getting a chance to even read it until after the 'hearing' was concluded...this follows on from February 8th 2017 when Magistrate White flatly refused to allow me addressing my 100 documents individually, documents that HH had 'Ordered' me to provide and explain...

This 'RfR'document straight-out and quite deliberately calls me a delusional liar who has been repeatedly warned...this document tries to yet again deny the realities of the rank pro-paedophile corruption crippling SA, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

A few genuine errors would be annoyingly understandable, but there are no 'genuine errors' here, this is very specifically and deliberately erroneous document, worded to support a clearly pre-conceived desire to present a particular and deeply manipulated version of events and of me...and you expect that from the rankly corrupt SAPol Prosecutions, but not from the Court itself...

I also note that on February 8th 2017 I caught-out SAPol Prosecutions yet again grossly lying, this time about the failure to 'charge me' real time, right in front of Magistrate White, red-handed, SAPol lying to the Court...and Magistrate White has chosen to completely ignore and indeed excuse this extraordinary conduct...can y'all imagine what would/will happen if I was proven to lie to the Court, particularly in such a deliberate way...

This 'RfR' document clearly illustrates a gross bias against me, and availees will immediately see that, given the realities repeatedly exposed across this 'ere blog...I note that Magistrate White has completely ignored the 2 letters I provided and spoke to on February 8th, the 2 letters from then Premier Mike Rann and then Minister now Premier Jay Weatherill, letters officially shutting-down the investigation of St Martins that Commissioner Ted Mullighan was conducting, 2 letters availees have regularly seen in these electronic pages, 2 letters that alone prove exactly the realities of St Martins and the related corruption...2 letters completely ignored...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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