Monday, April 3, 2017

Some Personal Indulgencing

***ummm, oops, sorry, done it again, gone so hard for so long and then tripped and stumbled and booofff!!!, face-down in the dust...different paradigm for sure but still Crash And Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy (CABIN Fever) is what it is...but, here we are, and here we go with a post 90% written a week ago and then nuthin' 'til today...dunno...(well I'd suggest it quite possibly might have something to do with not having anything nice to say-Ed)...nnnooo, that's never really stopped me much, more a case of 'it'll get done when I damn well feel like it, but there's plenty more to come'...(when you feel like it?-Ed)...when I feel like it.........(do you feel like it now?-Ed)...let's go...(result!-Ed)...*** 

Howdy Russia, Canada, Portugal, and France...(welcome y'all-Ed)...and Ed, of course ladies and gentlemen, welcome Ed...(cheers, cheers, great to be here-Ed)...great to have you here, you confected literary device you...dear recent availees, 'Ed' is a character what exists only in my head, 'he/she' is not an actual person, 'he/she' is a way for me to engage in often contradictory debate/discussion, and effectively brandish my concerns/anger/opinion/beliefs/ideology/whatevs in your/availees faces without just straight-out lecturing at you's, and occasionally...(albeit generally accidentally-Ed)..set-up jokes...(for lack of a better term-Ed)...whatevs, the whole blog is written as a dialogue/pseudo-play, often referencing/homaging my favourite comedians, so by all means please replace my and Ed's voices with your own and/or your fav's...(sorted, let's get bloggin'-Ed)...not quite done...  

More as I would like to acknowledge the degree of support that I have received in recent months, particularly those who have praised the blog, 1) for it's intent/content, and 2) for the 'style'...people have said 1) that I have a 'style', and 2) that they like it, even, that it is "clever"...I'm mildly stunned that several people have actually approached me directly to express support for this 'ere blog, and have put to me that TMGI has a certain credibility and with that comes 1) a certain degree of power, which itself brings 2) a degree of The Mount Gambier Independent, I Nick Fletcher, believe that I have justly earned that credibility by already exercising genuine responsibility, and that each supports the other, and from that impervious matrix inevitably comes a degree of power...(I'll give you that one-Ed)...

I have put the cart right behind the horse, pointed them to the gate, and bolted it once they're back in the pen...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, I haven't put the cart before the horse or shut the gate after said horse has up-and-bolted, no, I have sought to be accurate if apoplectic, spot-on if scathing, factual if furious, informed if incandescent, to maintain veracity in a voracious avalanche of vicious venting, and so-on-and-so-forth...and on the rare occasion I have erred, I've immediately TMGI, I would argue that it is the/my demonstrated commitment to accuracy and genuine social activism and strength of character, these things that I now pride myself on, these things have always existed with-in this 'ere blog, and hence it's credibility...(and no-one's more amused than yourself to hear you refer to yourself in terms of 'strength' and 'character'?-Ed) Ed, you know me too well...    

No-one can genuinely accuse me of being a 'keyboard warrior' and/or 'social media troll', etc, because 1) I attend many meetings I'd quite happily miss, and have routinely put myself right in the political/social firing-line, not least of all as a candidate in state/local elections, and 2) I put my name to everything I do, and am more than happy to personally candidly chat with any of the litany of corrupt clowns who's collective works fill these pages...I mean, what hope?'s not just that it's not the way I roll, that it's not how I conduct myself...(and no-one can accuse you otherwise-Ed)...well they can accuse/infer/imply/whatevs, and they do, but it's without any actual incident actually occurring...but that aside, what do y'all reckon would happen if I bailed-up and personally delivered some of my unhappinesses to some of these clowns when I encounter them about the town?...

Imagine what would happen if I tuned-in alleged journo Sandra Morello of The Border Watch next time I see her in the Post Office carpark, again, like happened last week, again...or her translucent husband, former TBW Editor and current Mount Gambier City Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello whenever I run into him in the Main Street...or ABC South East's Stuart Stansfield when I see him at Coles, as has happened 4-5 times since his tormenting abuse of me in December 2012 finally pushed me over the edge and into the best decision I've never made...(that says "never"-Ed)...I know what it says...

This 'ere blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, TMGI exists because of and in direct response to the rank corruption and self-serving bias of the Mount Gambier media, not least of all involving the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...unable to accept this corruption, unable to accept/process and simply move on, burdened with the knowledge of what happened in that Lutheran classroom, I was drawn/pushed irrevocably toward doing this 'ere blog...and here we are, with me quite comfortably using self-descriptors like 'credibility', 'strength',  and 'character'...(ludicrous-Ed)...I know, but what does it say about the rest of these clowns when I'm the one who displays these traits, when I'm the one people believe?!...(it doesn't really say much, does it-Ed) least we agree on that much...

Furthermore, I as a person, just as a Man-Bear Stuff-Pig person, I am absolutely knackered right now, dead-set out-on-ma-feet knackered...following the extraordinary events of my 3 day ICAC 'Trial' on March 15th/16th/17th 2017, which I'll post about in detail this week, I rolled outta' there at 1300hrs on Friday 17th, and I don't reckon the euphoric after-burn cooled it's jets until Monday, maybe Tuesday...and since then I've been absolutely, so tired, but in an entirely different context to the deeply draining depression stuff...this was the post-euphoric crash that inevitably follows great achievement, great success...(get in my son-Ed)...

It would be naive and self-defeating for me to deny and/or try to fight-off the deeply draining, tiring, depressing, frustrating, and unpleasant realities of what is happening with my extraordinary ICAC 'charges' and the resultant bizarre Court proceedings, now in it's third year, etc...accepting those realities has been/is the best way to deal with it, etc, 'cos it's gunna' knock me through a hoop for days probably weeks, etc...that shizzle's just gunna' happen, nuthin' to be done about it, not even gunna' try...but what else is also hap'nin' now is a stunning new paradigm where-in I know that I can go into this openly hostile cauldron and not just hold and/or stand my ground, I can ground-down with a soundly profound pounding those hounding me so...(woof!-Ed)...maybe an old dog does have it's day...

***dear availee, please consider this to be a witty link between bits of un-related post...(orrr, good work Wilde-Ed)...piss off...(charming, don't know why I put-up with you sometimes-Ed)...*** yet another ABC TV drama about Legal Eagles, this time set in a (the) Crown Solicitors Office and following the often-personal shenanigans of those there-in...never watched it myself...would like to see Oz telly cough-up something a little more original, but good to see at least some local production/employment/whatevs that isn't 'Neighbours' and/or 'Home And Away'...(it's Ozzie you say, I thought it was just another rip-off of a British show, you know the one, about women riding about on bicycles, whizzing hither-dither-and-yon to deliver babies-Ed) you mean 'Here Comes The Midwife'?...(that's the one-Ed)...I don't see the connection...(yes, sometimes it's a C-section-Ed)............gourd I hate you sometimes...(my work here is done-Ed)...  

HERE FIDO, COME GETCHA' 18C:...(what the shreck is that?!-Ed) version of dog-whistling as done by the Liberals re the Human Rights Anti Vilification stuff and repealing/repairing/pig-rooting Section 18C, etc...(well yeah, of course it's all dog-whistling, but you don't go up and yell it in people's faces-Ed)...yeahhhh, I'm pretty sure ya' do, didn't ya' see the Libs in federal Parliament recently...(fair point-Ed)...dear availees, I've spent literally days this past weeks listening to federal (Liberal) Attorney-General George Brandis and/or his Liberal colleagues (mostly via ABC/BBC Radio), hours of highly-paid politicians piling Taxpayers money into a big stack and settin' it to smokin' if not quite on fire...(whaaa?-Ed)...of all the things we as a Nation need to be discussing in the relatively short periods of time these clowns actually spend in Canberra actually debating actual legislation, etc, etc, all we need is to spend days debating the apparent need to 'reform' section 18C re Freedom of Speech and Racial Vilification, etc, etc...and Gorgeous Georgasaurus was gushingly spruiking the need for speed 'cos folk could be gettin' a rough deal re 18C...

And AG GG used that most specific of terms, and one that Leagles have repeatedly used re my Court stuff, where-in I am 'charged' with talking about something that has allegedly been appropriately investigated by the appropriate Authority, the South Australian version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption ...Mr George 'Home' Brandis 'Best' specifically raised the issue of 'Implied Freedom of Political Communication'...(which I understand is most spectacularly covered in ABC vs Lange (1997)-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, you monkey-genius, and whilst that might be skewed toward 'Defamation issues', ABC vs Lange is directly applicable here, for several reasons...

Whether anybody likes it or not, least of all me, I am forced to try and operate as a political entity if not quite activist and certainly not politician...(well I'd argue that the intense level of political shenanigans that you engage in defines you as a 'politician'-Ed)...I can see that, but I still ain't a politician...(regardless of how you describe yourself-Ed)...indeed...(in fact, if it's purely by a process of elimination, then all other definitions/descriptors are obsolete, you are a political entity-Ed)...sure, sure, fair enough, whatevs, I'm a person who's been left no option but to get right into the muck that is politics in South Australia, the pro-paedophile muck that defines this State...    

***and yet another leap...not far now...(are we there yet?-Ed)...I just said, not far now...***

Reading Between Unwritten Lines:...and of course the Mt Gambier media continues to report a version of my life...(well, the Court stuff-Ed)...a distorted version that I vaguely recognise of the shizzle I'm actually involved in, am actually standing there for, but that in reportage looks, well, not like a well-rounded portrait of a well-rounded character, but rather a very 2-dimensional cartoon...

Tomorrow: Court, Like A Bunny In The Headlights

Witness the witnesses scared witless by a politely persistently probing rather Large rather Angry rather Hippy...(permission to be hostile to the witness your Honour-Ed)...permission granted!...

Random  Observation:...very surprised to not hear the self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier group mentioned re this latest Mt Gambier City Council junket to China...(but I thought the whole idea of these TMG clowns was to develop 'Chinese tourism'-Ed)...well amongst others, sure, in co-operation with MGCC who use $160,000 per annum of Ratepayer's money to fund TMG...(but isn't TMG described as being, and I quote, "a sub-committee of the Mt Gambier Chamber of Commerce"?-Ed)...yep, although I'm not entirely sure what that actually means...(whatevs, Ratepayers are funding the CoC via TMG?-Ed)...exactly, but they (TMG) have been noticeably absent when Mayor Lee has repeatedly discussed this latest junket...can't help wondering if someone from TMG is on that junket but Council doesn't want it broadcast whom...(isn't former MGC Mayor and current Councillor Steve Perryman a TMG founder and current senior member?-Ed)...indeed he is Ed, indeed he is...

Random Off The Road:...into a trough-shaped ditch...never forget the rank and self-serving corruption of Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...ramming that TMG funding application through MGCC, in that Council meeting last year, quite literally from his Councillor's chair...wholly and irrefutably corrupt conduct from a loathsomely corrupt person...and the rest of the corrupt stooges just voted it through...a disgraceful joke from a wholly corrupt Council, arguably the lowest point in a graphic litany of catastrophic troughs...(troughs dead-set chocka's with fat, grubby snouts-Ed)...troughs that include the rancidly Nepotistic corruption of the Main Corner...(wow, I still cannot believe how blatantly corrupt Council has been on that one project alone-Ed)...most people can't...except of course the people who are The Main Corner Corruption, and you people are an absolute disgrace...    

Random Up The see who salutes...received several weird random tweets last week from some dude, see what you make of it...
   'Congrats me. Best repeal of ObamaCare eva. Most votes in history of voting eva. That guy there
...and then there's several more immediately following that just read 'USA USA USA' over and over...(weird, who sent it?-Ed)...dunno', but it's signed 'The Real Donald' at #IsDonIsGood...(nnnn, no idea, sorry-Ed)...mmm, probably not important...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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