Monday, April 24, 2017

Nick Fletcher Doesn't Deny Not Declaring Candidacy For Nick Xenophon Team Party Bus Thingy

***and yes, sure, I've done it again, but here anyway is a fortnight's worth of posting where-in the whole thing's a bit long, the synchronicity's a bit dodgy, etc, cheers***

Howdy Israel, Mozambique, Chile, and Brazil, and to y'all else...and no offense but no apologies for yet another 9 (10?) day hiatus between us (***make that 14, oops***)...(he means you dear availee-Ed)...indeed I do, and to you too Ed, it's been a while...(ah yes, but you're always in my thoughts-Ed)...and you too in mine, cheers...(and to think, only a few short years ago, I was merely a confected literary device, and now, well, here we are-Ed)...wherever the shreck that is...(well quite-Ed)...anyhoos, what can I tell ya'll?...I've had the bestest fortnight of many years, albeit barely functioning beyond eating, sleeping, walking, talking...(gardening-Ed)...yes, plenty of 'catch-up' gardening, in almost perfect weather...and of course I found that flint tool that I guesstimate to be pre-Mt Gambier eruption of approx 5,000 years ago...and then this happened...

The Windey Man, The Long Mover:...and I'd love to have inserted right here -        - the photo of the 7-foot long python sunning itself on a ledge, but I'm having a few tech issues with Telstra/whoevs changing formatting, again...(again?-Ed)...again, and I'd pretty much just figured-out the last one, and then they change it...and also having problems with Interweb connectivity and some programs, eg, transferring photos to this 'ere blog...last week, no probs, this week, no can do...(I'd be more paranoid about it if it wasn't that many others in this corner of the planet have many similar problems-Ed)...well quite...(and of course there's your abundant lack of ability re this 'ere computer thingy-Ed)...and the somewhat antiquated equipment we're using...(not least of all because SAPol (police) still have your laptop-Ed)...3 years next month...(3 years? nnno? 3 years since those 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide, raided this 'ere abode and seized you by the laptop?-Ed)...yep, 7th/8th May 2014, 3 years...(so SAPol 'Operation Baritone' has been running, what, how long now?-Ed)...dunno', started some time in February 2014 and dunno' if it's even still a thang...whatevs...

(*why I try so hard with the spelling/grammar, and why a post can take so long, above there's a 'nnno?', which indicates a long 'nnn' followed by a short 'o', punctuated with a '?', showing it as either a question or exclamation of disbelief, or often both at once, as is the case here...this would be said starting in a high register and dropping lower, 'nnno?'...'nooo!' is a cry of anguish, said in a flat register, with a short 'n' and a long 'ooo'...from a cry to a howl with a little literal steroids, 'NOOO!'...'no?' is a question referring to a potential disagreement...and because I play these very pedantic games with English grammar, I also will generally follow that grammatical gymnastics with a very basic even blunt explanation...('gramnastics'?-Ed)...why not, 'gramnastics'...the general formula is just to say it as it sounds as written, read it into the sentence a coupla' times, and hopefully I get across the inflection/emotion I'm attempting...cheers*)    

No Longer Courting Disaster:...because the fundamental reality, and as now repeatedly discussed in Court and/or via the Mt Gambier media, is that I'm facing charges/have been in Court for over 2 years for allegedly illegally/unlawfully discussing the fact that South Australia's version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption has allegedly investigated and then dismissed 'complaints/reports' re allegations of alleged corruption re Mt Gambier City Council and/or various persons involved...

this has all been discussed, often repeatedly and in great detail, in open Court and/or in the media, the ABC South East Radio has reported outright that I am 'in strife for talking about an ICAC investigation'...Mt Gambier City Council have themselves identified this 'investigation' in their own MGCC Minutes from their Full Meeting May 2014...this 'discussion' is of course deeply compromised by the very specific media reportage, and I've covered this repeatedly in previous posts, but that's what it is...and if anyone wants to challenge my claims about what is happening in Court, what has and/or hasn't been discussed, etc, etc, then perhaps y'all can get the Court to release those recordings to you, because I've been refused...(and not just once-Ed), repeatedly, and I mean like a lot of repeatedly...(almost often already-Ed)...almost...

Whilst being forced to self-represent, I've been refused self-recording and have been refused access to tapes of proceedings, outside of maybe possibly being allowed to sit in a room at Mt Gambier Courthouse and listen to them, maybe possibly at some as yet undetermined time...(holding my!-Ed)...indeed...since my home was raided in May 2014 I have had to tip-toe around vague pseudo-advice that I "probably shouldn't" identify that this farce is about every juncture, from May 8th 2014 when I asked the 2 SAPol ACB detectives, through various lawyers, Court appearances, etc, etc, I have repeatedly asked 'what can I say about these charges/ICAC?', and nobody has offered anything better than "probably" as in 'probably not, possibly'...(and that's why you were doing that ludicrously hilarious stuff with the pseudonyms, Club GoGo Bananas for the ICAC and the Banana Lord is the ICAC Commissioner-Ed)...exactly, trying to discuss being on 'charges', etc, without discussing who and/or why and/or how, etc, etc...but no more...

From here-on-in there'll be no more 'Banana Lord' and/or 'Club GoGo Bananas'...(nnnorrr, I quite like 'BL' and the 'CGGB'-Ed)...orrr yeah, why's that?...(well it just adds an air of brevity to what is otherwise a criminally corrupted and deeply disturbing even frightening situation where-in the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander (appointed by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government) has absolute power to hold secret 'ICAC Court hearings', then force witnesses to answer questions under fear of gaol, and then wholly suppress any-and-all reportage of that 'hearing/process/outcome', including suppressing the fact that it's been suppressed-Ed)...said it before, saying it again, the South Australian ICAC is a farcically corrupt construct wholly and fundamentally conceived, designed, legislated, enacted and then utilised to cover-up the rank corruption of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government and it's various multiple corrupt stooges/agents, and 2) to achieve that with legislation that threatens/bullys/intimidates genuine whistleblowers, with 'the Whistleblower'  likely to be the one facing protracted Court action and subsequent massive fines, etc, effectively shutting-down said 'whistleblowing'... 

The Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 quite deliberately makes reporting corruption (whistleblowing) in South Australia a potentially career-destroying, guaranteed absolute nightmare for the person reporting...the SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 deliberately and effectively criminalises 'whistleblowing' my understanding, I am the first person prosecuted under ICAC Act 2012, but apart from this bizarre nonsense of 'you talked about an appropriate investigation appropriately exonerating all involved', apart from that, no-one can and/or will explain exactly why and/or how li'l ol' me, a private citizen, why and/or how a private citizen came to be the subject of an ICAC investigation as then pursued by SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch...(particularly given there's no 'corruption' involved-Ed)...well exactly!...  

I'm the first, and journalist Michael Owen is potentially the second (and/or already another) after the rankly corrupt Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine used the "Coward's Castle" of Parliamentary Privilege to demand that SAPol arrest/charge Mr Owen for the heinous crime of referring to but not actually identifying the bizarre ICAC investigation/exoneration of her gross corruption as a State Labor Minister...given that I believe that the disgracefully corrupt Naracoorte High School Child Abuse Cover-up is now itself being 'covered-up' by ICAC, that makes anyone involved there also potentially a victim of the rankly corrupt ICAC Act 2012...private citizens and journalists, these are the people subject to the 'Confidentiality Provisions' of the omnipotent SA ICAC Act 2012, specifically Section 56...private citizens and journalists...for speaking truthfully about corrupt shizzle what's actually happened...I also refer availees to ICAC's extraordinary conduct re the Gillman Land Sale...(wow-Ed)...

But jumping back to my hilarious title re the apparent Application Process for the Nick Xenophon Team Party Bus Thingy, the NXTPBT...only a few weeks ago I posted re the tele-visual declarationings of one Mr Peter Humphries (Adelaide lawyer and career-corrupt Labor Party stooge and a rank pro-paedophile betrayer to boot), and his candid canvassing of his impending candidacy for the NXTPBT...he stated that he was going to 'nominate himself', seemingly without the apparent knowledge of Mr Xenophon...(didn't you say that Humphries is a critically corrupt central player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...indeed he is Ed, and as stated previous, if Nick Xenophon accepts Mr Humphries into the NXTPBT, then that defines Mr X as fundamentally corrupt...they are both Adelaide lawyers, and I and other parents have personally explained to Mr X the exact role Mr P played in betraying me/us/our kids re the St Martins Lutheran Cover-up...Mr X knows exactly who/what Mr P is...and now there's Kate Amoroso in The Border Watch identically declaring her potential self-nomination...

***and as time passes without me posting, so it has come to pass that 'Mr Xenophon's old mate Peter Humphries' has already been booted from the NXTPBT, apparently as recently as 2 weeks ago, literally as we on this 'ere blog were caning that announcement, as done again in the paragraph above...(sorry, what the...?-Ed)...well Ed, it appears that within days of that self-nominating thingo, Mr X booted Mr  H because Mr H had poo-pooed SA Labor's '50% Renewable Energy Target'...(but hasn't Mr X already stated that Labor's 50%RET obsession has led to our current gross whim-of-the-weather vulnerability re electricity, directly linking the 50%RET to the September 2016 statewide black-out?-Ed)...well yes he has sort of, specifically re Wind Turbines, but I take your point that it's all 50%RET stuff...(and this effervescent ejecting all happened around the time you covered it here on this 'ere blog?-Ed)...true, but easily a coincidence of timing...whatevs, it's the bizarreness of what's actually happened and how that plays-out here-on-in...

Dear availees, I do apologise that in my unapologetically self-indulgent non-posting 'holiday' these are the sort of issues that slip-by, but I do guarantee that we have now passed those lazy hazy days of late Summer drifting into Autumn, even though, when you look at it, the weather has still been very Spring-ish if anything, with beautiful mild days and clear starry nights, gentle breezes whisping whimsically across still verdant pastures as...(orrr, get on with it! little less Thomas Hardy thanks, bit more Wilde if you don't mind-Ed)...sorry, sorry, no apologies other than where appropriate, but I've had my rest now, and rest well-earned and certainly needed, not least of all because I've a long haul ahead...(get in my son-Ed)...and again, all this 'Self-Esteem', and 'Genuine Pride in Genuine Achievement' stuff, all that shizzle is still very confronting in it's novelty, but it has allowed me to walk right-away from all of this 'ere blog and associated self-traumatising, etc, etc, and truly enjoy whole slabs of whole bits of whole days for the first time in well-over a decade...cheers***   

And now Kate Amoroso is declaring her self-nomination for the NXTPBT...(well technically she's not actually stating what she intends to do and/or has already done, she's stating that she hasn't decided yet-Ed)...fair enough...(and that's even more critical-Ed) so?...(well, it indicates that there has already been at least basic discussion with Mr Xenophon, and even further to that, that an offer has been made but not yet decided on-Ed)...good point Ed...(I thought you might think so...and we quote from The Border Watch April 18th 2017-Ed)...
     "Ms Amoroso......would not be drawn into commenting whether she would run for the
      Nick Xenophon Team, other than to say she had not ruled out challenging the seat of
      Mt Gambier." 

Yeah sure, but even that doesn't actually say that Ms A is gunna' run as the NXTPBT candidate, only that she is not ruling-out running for the seat, you see?...(fair enough, but you've jumped to the last paragraph, check out para 2-Ed)...
     "Kate Amoroso - who has not ruled out running for the Nick Xenophon Team in the
      March state election - says the community is desperate to see a "turning point" in the
      city's growing ice scourge."
...well indeed, that certainly specifically identifies the NXTPBT, and reports that Ms A 'hasn't ruled it out', but being the Pedantic Old Cynic Too Long Exposed To The Manipulative Deceits Of A Corrupt Media that I am, it begs the question, 'has that question even been asked?'...(I hate it when you're right-Ed)...because it ain't a lie to say that 'Ms A Ain't Said Nay', if the question was never actually asked!...I guess it comes down to the credibility of the reporting...who is it by the way?...(errr, The Border Watch-Ed)...yeah, we know that, who's the reporter?...(ummm...-Ed)'s Sandra Morello isn't it?...(yeahhh-Ed)...ok, right...

Ok, dear availee, 1) TBW has a provable history of making statements of fact, etc, regardless of what's actually happening and often without speaking to those involved, particularly re me, eg, that ABC stuff from the 2010 State Election; or when MGCC secretly exonerated Councillor Ian Von Stanke for/of coming to my home with a defamation-threatening letter in April 2011; or my current Court stuff, etc, etc...and 2) Sandra Morello has no credibility as a reporter, particularly as a 'political reporter'...I remind availees that even TBW was forced to move her 'off the political rounds' due to that shonky shenanigans in early 2010, printing verbatim under her name/byline, candidate Don Pegler's press releases, as written by her husband Frank Morello, himself former TBW Editor and current MGCC Councillor...(oh my good gracious and wow-Ed)...but in this particular article, it answers these questions raised in one paragraph with the other...(how so?-Ed)...well para 2 states that it is the NXTPBT, and the last para indicates that the question was asked of Ms A...(fair enough, but neither is a direct quote from Ms A-Ed)...true, ultimately it's Sandra Morello, reporting politics, in The Border Watch...believe of it what you will...(oh boy-Ed)...

And so to the hilarious title above, Nick Fletcher Doesn't Deny Not Declaring Candidacy For The Nick Xenophon Team Party Bus Thingy...(well, particularly with Peter Humphries gone, he's a candidate down-Ed)...what Mr X needs is a Can-do Candidate...(any ideas?-Ed) you idiot, I'm not ruling-out that I'm not running as the NXTPBT candidate...(or not-Ed)...or not, in the seat of Mt Gambier...(or not-Ed)...ahhh, that's not what I said Ed...(well yeah it is, just there-Ed)...shhhh!...I, Nick Fletcher, can officially announce that Mr X doesn't even answer my emails so I'd say there's a very slim but actually quite fat chance I'll be running in the March 2018 SA State Election as the NXTPBT candidate...(sorry, does that mean you are running anyway, just not for/as the NXTPBT, or not running at all?-Ed)...exactly!...

Tomorrow: Court Stuff, Possibly, Probably

Went to Mt Gambier City Council's Full Meeting (April 18th 2017), but wasn't graced with the presence of former MGCC Mayor and part-time current MGCC Councillor, Steve Perryman...(again?-Ed)...which to my reckoning makes 1 of 4 meetings this year...(oh, well that's not too bad, ya' know, only one-Ed)...attended...(only one attended?-Ed)...yeahhhs...(not 'one absence'?-Ed)...nooo...(Steve mate-Ed)...maaate...(has only attended 1 of 4 MGCC Full Meetings this calendar year?-Ed)...yep...(wow-Ed)...oh it gets better...(spare me-Ed)...MGCC has tried to trump Trump, or at least emulate him...(whaaa?-Ed)...apparently one of Council's new phalanx of highly-paid 'Managers', well that dude's from Rio Tinto...(nnnooo?-Ed)...oh yeah, Rio Tinto, apparently previously responsible "for 10,000 employees"...(what the shreck?-Ed) idea mate, but it's sure as shreck got my bells a-ringin', my flags a-flappin', my klaxxons, ummm, a-klaxxonin'...(Rio Tinto? are you sure?-Ed)...that's what was said, that's what I heard...(but why would a 'senior international mining executive' move here to work for MGCC?-Ed)...gourd, I dunno...(hey?!...what was that up the back there?...who up the back yelled out "Fracking"?...come on, we all heard you, care to share the joke?...hmmm? a bloody hippy, just ignore 'em...  

Just now (*last week) on the ABC South East, talking about people accessing a Psychologist via telly-conferencing...dude from the National Rural Health Alliance talking about the Better Access Program   re Mental Health and rebates for consultations held via the telly...I think $9million he said for funding the re-funding of upto 7 outta' 10 of the Mental's Medicare-subsidised Pyschologist visits...that is, Mentals like moi get 10 'subsidised' Psychologist appointments per annum, if we can get actually get access to a service/provider/Psychologist, as also covered by Mr Dude re the gross absence of Mental Health professionals like Psychologists and Psychiatrists in Regional/Rural usual example as explained to me by a highly-qualified professional, that Mt Gambier and Districts should have an absolute minimum 3 resident Psychiatrists to offer a 24hr/365day service, preferably minimum 6 for the population base, optimistically 8-10...there's meant to be one at the new Mental Health facility at Mt Gambier Hospital, but I'm not sure of that current status, sorry...

Several things there about that...1) the absence of services/specialists, eg, I'm not sure there's even a Senior Psychologist currently resident and/or available in Mt Gambier, not that I can find anyways...2) no amount of 'telly conferencing' stuff is appropriate replacement for real-time specialist/patient contact, as stated/identified by this dude, and it must be considered a tool-of-last-resort to be utilised only as an absolute necessity in emergency-style situations or to partially supplement thorough local services...3) one appointment every five can do a lot of 'going backwards' in 5 weeks, and then one hour to try and 'move forward'...

I was on this '10 Visits' program for a coupla' years re visiting a Forensic Psychologist, but it simply doesn't exist anymore because that provider no longer provides...(didn't you sortta' self-refer to that dude as well?-Ed)...well actually yes, I did, after seeing him initially re Centrelink demands re the DSP, it was left to me to go organise whatevs...(you didn't get a case worker person thingy when put on the DSP?-ED)...well if I did I couldn't tell you who that is and I've never spoken to them...Centrelink roundly abused me in their initial opposition, demanding I see said FP, so I did, and I was suddenly moved to the DSP and literally pushed-out the Centrelink door with ne'ery a word of direction or advice...I chose to go back to the FP for what was usually quite helpful support, but it was always in a 'voluntary' capacity...            

And if I want to mock myself for being a fractured and traumatised person, and call myself a Mental, and crack hilarious jokes about being on the Disability Support Pension, eg, Fund-A-Mental, then I can and will...(what was that one about 'no-one's ever accused me of being sane', was that yours?-Ed)...yeah, that's one a' of the things that really pisses me right off re The Greens is their sanctimonious and oft self-stated staking of the moral highground, and I ain't gunna' pretend to be anything more or less than what I am...(and that is?-Ed)...the Good, the Bad, and the Grossly Indifferent...(nice-Ed)...I thought so...being a Mental ain't all beer and skittles though, it ain't all fun and games, which is an unfortunately seamless segue right into a certain Ebony Jackson...

Please see attached letter from The Border Watch (***apols, in tomorrow's post, honest) takes a fundamentally bigotted, ignorant and offensive person to write such a fundamentally bigotted, ignorant and offensive letter...and why would The Border Watch print this deeply ignorant, biased and abusive dross?...(if I thought Ms Jackson had the faintest idea about what she's mouthing-off about, I'd also be deeply offended-Ed)...excellent position to take Ed, but that doesn't remove and/or address the fact that TBW has shoved this under people's noses, and all it is is ignorant abuse that will cause far more harm than good...(well done TBW, top effort-Ed) can only hope that TBW will be awash with the backlash for weeks to come as all of these issues/criticisms/abuses are carefully explained to Ms Jackson...(I think you've done extraordinarily well there-Ed)...mmm?...(yeah, to be so productively polite about this, I mean, I know how angry this sort of crap makes you, and yet you've pretty much gone past that to try and create a context where-in this 'opinion piece' could actually produce a positive, namely, a realistic discussion about exactly what is and isn't happening re the many issues trampled in this stampede of pig-ignorance-Ed) tries to rise-above Ed, one tries...

Anyhoos, I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters.........(sorry, did you say 'python'?-Ed)...yep...(we don't have pythons here do we?, it's too cold for too long, have you been on holiday somewhere?-Ed)...nope, other than a self-indulgent fortnight of slothing-about the house, no...(well then, whaaa?-Ed) tell me mate, what is a 7-foot python doing at the Centenary Tower?...(yeah, Tower's not even open, hasn't been for over a year-Ed)... sure, not exactly what I meant, but the ongoing closure of Centenary Tower is an unambiguous Tourism embarrassment, and indeed, when I went back-up there a-snakin' (armed with an old quilt cover) on Easter Monday, a coupla' tourists asked me when and/or if the Tower was open...I politely but exactly explained Mt Gambier City Council's position/actions re the extended closure and any potential Tower Operator having to fund their own 'Liability Insurance', etc...the gentlemen were suitably unimpressed...

What I meant was 'what is a python doing in Valley Lake?', albeit way-up near the Tower...turns out that several people have seen this python, possibly a Murray-Darling (Carpet) Python, it's been spotted from The Sugarloaf, across to The 369 Steps, and near/just past The Tower, and all starting back at least before Christmas 2016...(and that's one very fat, very healthy looking snake-Ed)...mate, I ain't no expert, but that looks way-too broad, way-too solid to be a Carpet Python, but that's the current suspect/contender...bringin' in the Big Guns from tech support to get this footage on this 'ere blog somehow...(there's actual footage?-Ed)...with witty commentary...(let's see...duuude! damn that's one big snake-Ed)...tomorrow...

***PS:...sorted the photos for tomorrow and Ebony Jackson letter too...I swear...often...***

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