Monday, April 10, 2017

Court, Like A Bunny In the Headlights

Howdy to Pakistan again, Ireland, India, and (the) Ukraine...and damn it, I am obliged to apologise because yet again I've 1) spent a sleepy week between posts, and 2) haven't actually got to the Court stuff here again is a bunch a' random bits, but whatevs, the title's perfectly appropriate because I've got a wee bee in ma' bonney bonnet about the latest shonky shenanigans from the Mt Gambier Show Society, the MGA&HS (the MG Agricultural and Horticultural Society)...(boooo-Ed)...and I have already moved on it...(yay-Ed)...if half of what I understand to be true is actually true, then you's people have every reason to be very concerned because the reality of your own actions is a comin' to getcha'...(he means that we all here at this 'ere blog are gunna' go a' gunnin' for the MGA&HS, probably with plenty a' punnin'-Ed)...and they've definitely got it comin'...  

It is my understanding that there is yet another dodgy attempt afoot to flog-off a fair chunk a' the Mt Gambier Showgrounds...and that just ain't happenin'...and not least of all because MGA&HS Members voted only in February/March 2015 re not ever selling-off any land, a vote that followed a mega-dodgy attempted deal between ALDI Supermarkets, local agent Herbert's Real Estate, and MGA&HS Treasurer Roger Saunders, a deal that was intercepted and summarily dispatched by angry Members...and there's a bunch of other very inappropriate stuff goin' down around the Showgrounds...(and we're moving on it?-Ed)...have...("have"? as in 'already'?-Ed)...yep...(get in my son-Ed)...and for those involved, there's nowhere to hide, nothing to be done but to stand there like a bunny in the headlights and cop what's-a-comin...(and in a context where some of these clowns should/will end-up in Court themselves-Ed)...indeed... 

But First:...remember the stuff I've mentioned dear availees, like how it sometimes seems the Universe is giving me a bit of a pat on the head, a sort of 'karmic-acknowledgement' for my various 'good deeds' and/or 'right-doings'...(you mean like the time you deliberately didn't attend that 'Renewables' forum thingy even though you really wanted to to have a go at SA Green's muppet Mark Parnell about Wind Turbines, but out of respect for the conveners you didn't, then the very next morning you literally ran into him in the Main St and enlightened him with 1/2 hour of your assorted wisdomings? that?-Ed)...exactly like that Ed...(or the time you accidentally knocked that book onto the floor and it happened to be Mt Gambier City Council's 2004/05 Year Book thingy?-Ed)...ah yes...(and it fell open to the exact page, the exact full-page where-in MGCC very carefully explains the exact details of the Rail Lands Deed/Easement issues, and thusly carefully self-defines Council's decade of repeated multiple deceits re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda-Ed)...ahhh, the RLRA, one of my personal favs...(and handing-back that $700 and your bag not falling off the car roof-Ed)...not strictly connected, but I take your point...

Bunging It On:...anyhoos, yeah yeah, all that 'karma stuff', well in this last coupla' weeks, the Universe hasn't been so much 'patting' as 'bludgeoning'...(nice-Ed)...and one I won't mention because it immediately identifies someone, but it's re this 'ere blog, etc...(nice?-Ed)...extremely, but there's 2 others I'd love to share, and the first covered briefly below and then tomorrow as well, but for starters, get this one down ya' stuck waiting to be served and started thumbing through a magazine, and thusly this bit is courtesy of a new 'free' South Aussie lifestyle magazine thingy published by 'Newstyle Media', and distributed by Foodland (supermarkets), a magazine called 'Fritz'...(ah, this is a classic, and of course your shocking pun refers to 'Bung Fritz' as it's known here in SA, and as called 'Devon' in other states-Ed)...indeed, and I guess that's the 'Statey-specific' identifying/defining reference, but whatevs 'cos according to 'Fritz', a certain Mr Kirby Shearing is the "...A-list...personal chef..." at a posh holiday house at Moana near Adelaide...(ahahaahhaahhaaa, nice one...oh sorry, you're serious?-Ed)...damn straight...(Kirby 'Carp-Cooker' Shearing? husband to former Mt Gambier City Councillor and currently Limestone Coast RDA Tourism Development Officer, Biddie (Tietz) Shearing?-Ed)...that be him and that be her...

(And where is Biddie these days?-Ed)...nobody knows mate...(still swanning-about the place on the Taxpayer's dollar whilst achieving sweet bugger-all?-Ed) idea mate, haven't heard/seen squat from Biddie for weeks nay months, nobody has...whatevs, just another rankly corrupted appointment based on personal allegiances not merit...(and what of this Tourism Mount Gambier thingy? isn't The Bidster involved with that as well?-Ed)...she is, but gourd knows mate, just more rankly self-involved corruption, as run by rankly corrupt self-involved people...(yay-Ed)...TMG is her, former Mayor and current MGCC Councillor Steve Perryman, and everyone's mate, Rory McEwen...(mmm, I can see how you get away with calling Tourism Mount Gambier "corrupt"-Ed)...why, because the Truth is still a powerful defense against defamation threats?...(well sure, if you've got the gumption to stand your ground, as you do, but many cannot do that-Ed)...if by "gumption" you mean 'white-hot rage fuelling seethingly vindictive vendetta-ish vengeance'...(we quibble over terms-Ed)...sure, "gumption", why not?...(but I was actually referring to your own personal experience of these Career Stooges and your direct witnessing of their individual and collective rank corruptionings, which empowers you to directly identify these unpleasant realities-Ed)...indeed...

Anyhoos, Kirby is apparently "like a chef patron" (his words) at some "seven stars" holiday house, apparently owned by someone whom "prefers to go unnamed", but whom the publisher chooses to refer to as "Mr Eccentric"...(oh my gourd!-Ed)...well exactly, and in that very special Adelaide-centric context where 'eccentric' likely means 'paedophile'...(exactly what I was thinking-Ed)...what an absolute farce, the sort that makes ya' blood run cold...and who exactly owns this wondrous '7 star' property? who is "Mr Eccentric"? who exactly would employ this rank-hack Kirby as a '7 star chef'?...who exactly's paying him to 'travel 45,000kms in 8 months' hosting "intimate dinners for big name clients"...(didn't you say his wife's the Tourism Officer for LCRDA? wouldn't she be 'hosting big-name clients'?-Ed) I understand it, there's a coupla' businesses here in Mt Gambier what are still owed goodly amounts by my mate Kirby, from when he walked-out on them...cheers Kirby mate...

And briefly, Universal Pummelling Part II, re my position about being 'a White Man born in a Stolen Land', etc, see below below and then tomorrow...moving on quickly... 

And Weatherill/Labor continue to 'pork-barrel/carpetbag/moral-highground' their way towards the March 2018 South Australian State's been 'Children's Commissioner', 'Aboriginal Treaties', 'Medicinal Marijuana', 'LGBTQ Rights', etc, and last week it was the announcement that there will be seat-belts and air-conditioning fitted to country school buses...and after how many years of Rann/Weatherill Labor?...(16-Ed)...and how long has this been an issue?...(ummm, forever?-Ed)...well, for as long as there's been buses probably, but yes, certainly for all of that 16 years...(and then 11 months out from the next Sow Strayn state election-Ed)...and whilst it's all 'free public transport to/from the bloody Adelaide Oval', here in Mt Gambier, the largest Regional centre in Sow Straya, here there will be no public transport, ie, buses, from 1715hrs on Thursday April 13th until 0900hrs on Tuesday April 18th...(and then again on ANZAC Day, April 25th-Ed)...and the weekends either side of course...from 1715hrs last Friday, there's Public Transport (the bus) only 8 days in the next 16...that's a bloody disgrace...     

Premier Jay are a pathetic coward and an abject liar...your relentless, vacuous posturing and billious bravado against submissive or absent opponents is just embarrassing...come to Mt Gambier and try that shizzle on with me champ, come down here and try that on with li'l ol' me...(and I'd reckon a coupla' other parents wouldn't mind a bit of a go with Ray Jay-Ed)...indeed, but I got this one...bring  your vast retinue of media advisors Jay, bring all your lawyers, bring John Rau and Michael Atkinson and Martin Hamilton-Smith, heck, bring them all...I'll take you all on, Mano et Jay, you have betrayed me, my child, our family, every child in that St Martins class, their families, every other family and child at that sickly corrupt school, every child/family involved with the pro-paedophile Lutheran Church, every child/family in this sad, sick state...(what an absolute bloody disgrace-Ed)...I momentarily hang my head in our collective shame, then raise it again to stare unblinking into The Maelstrom...(and how's it working-out for The Maelstrom?-Ed)...not well, not well at all...(get in!-Ed)... 

Still Weather 'Ill Still Wither All:...(whaaa?-Ed)...because when the temperatures rise and the wind drops, as per any good ol' Adelaide heatwave, there will be by necessity 'Rationing/Load-Shedding' and/or blackouts, and people will die...(and not least of all because of our stratospheric electricity costs, where-in many simply cannot afford to run air-conditioners, if they can afford one-Ed)...indeed, and it's not being at all alarmist, it is well documented that heatwaves directly cause deaths, and often for weeks afterwards...(even those who can afford electricity in this broken State will be waving their dollars at a dark, hot room-Ed)...and Jay Weatherill's got the bare-faced audacity to say he's fixed it all...(do you reckon he's actually delusional, or just a soulless, moralless liar?-Ed)...does it really matter when the lights go out on a hot night and people start dying?...                    

Fresh from his extraordinary faux-furious, fact-fondling, politically-posturing, foppish flopping-about with Liberal Minister Josh Frydenberg a few weeks back, Angry Jay continues to huff and puff and stamp 'is li'l foot and blame all-and-sundry for our (South Australia's) electricity woes...this latest Weatherill ad is an absolute SA Labor (Rann/Weatherill) classic that opens by blaming the national regulator (AEMO? NEMO? whatevs), states that Jay is 'taking control', and then spews raw sewage into my ever-suffering lobes about how his state-owned $350million 'Emergency Gas Generator' and $100m Battery set-up has saved the day and now everything is fine...(what a farcical joke! we are continually right on the edge of State-wide power-collapse, especially in hot weather-Ed)...absolutely...(entirely vulnerable to 1) the weather, and 2) the 'Regulator', particularly re the Heywood Interconnector-Ed)...and that doesn't include the actual physical vulnerabilities of that HI, eg, a bushfire wipes it out and there's no Victorian 'leccy gettin' to SA...(oh gourd no, don't even think it-Ed)... 

For over a decade, Rann/Weatherill Labor have forced Wind Turbines into a dominant position, regularly citing the benefits of 'exporting to a National Market that wants to buy our cheap wind re Renewable Energy Targets and that's why we need Interconnectors', etc, etc, and then when the rank realities of their collective and corrupt lunacy rear right-up in their faces, they can't/won't see it, not least of all because it's probably dark!...(well look on the bright side-Ed)...what?!...(well if there's no power, then the fan isn't going when the Reality arrives...yeah?-Ed)...that's not even funny mate, people are dying in this state because of the way the weather dictates to us what energy we will and won't have and when!...(ok ok, settle down, it's very serious, sure, but comedic interludes is part of my job description, remember?-Ed)...sure sure, fine, moving on...

Nothing that Jay Weatherill or Tom Koutsontonis or any other Labor clown conjures from the fully fancifully fetid depths of their crooked little minds, none of it can deny the Realities as they pile-up in the Class 1 Debasco (debacle tail-ending a fiasco) that is Labor's Greeny-grabbing 'Renewables' obsession, and specifically Wind Turbines...Jay Weatherill looked straight-down the camera and said 'this report is proof that strong winds don't stop Wind Turbines working'...(but that's complete crap, if the wind is too strong they have to shut-down, and when there's no wind, well...-Ed)...and there's also the issue of 'Catastrophic Fire Alert' days when Turbines are required to stop because of the potential fire risk...and the whole while, any actual energy production yo-yos with the's a farcical joke...and now the same self-servingly rabid Greenies-when-it-suits-our-purpose, these same Labor clowns are going to pour hundreds of tons of undefined chemicals deep into the heart of the South-East, and call it Fracking...(yay-Ed)...        

RDA and Forestry:...only yesterday (Tuesday last week? sorry) on ABC South East Radio, yet another long story/article with Regional Development Australia (RDA) re the SE Forestry Estate and the apparently rosy future of Forestry, etc, etc, blah blah blah, and these discussions include repeated references to a 'BioMass Energy Plant' that will apparently utilise forest floor residues from logging, etc, etc, whatevs...I re-state my grave concerns that time-and-again the Forestry Industry is discussed and again, nothing about 'Planting Jobs'...if there's so much work in 'Forestry' and that includes record felling/trucking/shipping, etc, etc, then where are the many, many new jobs in 'Planting'?...what future for the South East? what plans do OneFortyOne Plantations have for this vast area they control, along with the Water Licenses, etc?...

Are 141 Plantations in a position to lease 'their land' to mad Gas Frackers like Beach Energy?...(the same Beach Energy that Labor have just given $6million of SA Taxpayer's money, $6m specifically for 'exploratory drilling' near Penola, where Beach Energy have already drilled two 3-4km deep 'exploratory wells' re 'Unconventional Gas Mining', and are about to start another 'Conventional Gas' drilling?-Ed)...yes Ed, that Beach Energy...(we are so screwed-Ed)...if by screwed you mean Fracked, then indeed, we are screwed... follow a story about a Human Pamplona Virus vaccination 'trial' program at St Martins Lutheran School...(sweet baby cheeses! using the St Martins kids as guinea-pigs? no wonder you're fired-up-Ed)...whatevs, you ever tried telling Lutherans anything about anything?...they want to use their kids to experiment on, whatevs, I was actually referring to the hilariously unfortunate circumstance of following that with a story about the Human-Powered Vehicle race/competition held in Mt Gambier last weekend...(I'm not with you-Ed)...HPV vs HPV...(oh-Ed)...indeed, oh...

Dear we go again...please do not allow these rankly corrupt whinge-bags to come-a-bleatin' to you with their empty threats of 'Defamation'...dear Google, let these corrupt, gutless scumbags fend for themselves and not continually manipulate you into complicit involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and let's face it, that's what's driven us all to this place, to this 'ere blog, the St Martins Cover-up...and so, to Adelaide lawyer Peter Humphries who has declared Senator Nick Xenophon is as bent as a badger, corrupt as all get-out...(sorry? that's not what I heard Humphries say-Ed) what did you hear him say?...(no, I heard him say that he was declaring himself as a 'nominee-candidate' for the 'Xenophon Party'-Ed)...right, ok, well sure, that is quite a bit different to Xenophon making that statement, in fact, it doesn't actually mean that Nick even knew/knows about it...whatevs, the math is very simple, lawyer Peter Humphries is a rankly corrupt, pro-paedophile Labor Party stooge, and a consummate and seasoned betrayer, wholly and pivotally involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse is simply inconceivable that Nick Xenophon, himself an Adelaide lawyer, it is simply not believable that Mr Xenophon doesn't know just exactly who Petey is and how Petey rolls... 

Here's The Thing:...if Nick Xenophon accepts Peter Humphries into the 'Xenophon Party', self-nominated or whatevs, if that decision is made, if Peter Humphries becomes an endorsed 'X-Person', then that defines exactly how corrupt Nick Xenophon really is...dear Google, research back through this 'ere blog to see why and how I can be so bluntly specific about the conduct of both these men...what I say isn't 'defamation', it's reality as I've watched it play-out right in front of me, nay, all around me...and the question is asked, is Nick Xenophon of a genuine bent, or genuinely bent?...

Tomorrow: Actual Court Stuff

Including Magistrate White's extraordinarily biased and deeply corrupted 'Reasons for Ruling' of March 8th 2017, and how it (the 'RfR') clearly and irrefutably defines it's own agenda, carefully tip-toeing around specific realities re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the implicit multiple involvements of Premier Weatherill and SAPol and the Crown Solicitor Office, etc, etc, carefully ignores all that to instead describe me as, at best, a rampant liar, but beyond that as being fundamentally delusional, and furthermore, deliberately seeks to set me up for 'defamation action' by other parties, carefully cherry-picking 2 'defamation threats' from my own CSO documents, then crassly Editorialising that I have been "defamatory" to Jay Weatherill...(charming-Ed)...

Screachin' Of the last (March 2017) Mt Gambier City Council meeting, I was momentarily stunned to hear Mayor Andrew Lee state that he had been told of 'prisoners from Mt Gambier Gaol being released here and given bus fare', presumably to Adelaide...again, I apologise that I struggled to catch some of what Andy said, he has a strong accent and a tendency to trail-off into semi-mumbling diatribes...(yeah, he did it repeatedly in the ABC SE Radio interviews re that super-dodgy winery purchase/ownership/ICAC nonsense-Ed)...whatevs, what he clearly said was that this info exactly contradicted what the MGG Manager had officially told Council, namely, that no prisoners not originally from Mt Gambier get released here...(even Council is identifying this oft-told lie as being a lie?-Ed)...yep...(does that mean it's true?-Ed)...don't confuse the issue...   

Couldn't Lie Straight In Bed:...(and didn't the ABC SE Radio get some farcical award back in 2015 for their hilarious series of stories about their 'exclusive access' and 'the fantastic counselling/rehab and the amazing results' and 'no prisoners released here' and 'their families don't move here', etc, etc?-Ed)...yep, and not only was it bullshit then, it's bullshit now...(as one particularly angry young blogger went berko about ways back in July 2015-Ed)...and so did I...(that's who I meant-Ed)...oh, right, ok, yeah...and only September 2016 our new SAPol (police) Superintendent openly stated that 'relatives of prisoners move here', also previously completely denied by Authorities/Labor... 

Also tomorrow, photos of what I found deep down in my garden, a fabulous find that instantly quantifies my fine statements about being born into a life of privilege as a White Man in a Stolen Land...(whaaa?-Ed)...whilst digging in my garden, I went through the shallow topsoil into the dry orange 'clay' layer...(I think it's compacted sand maybe, not 'clay', maybe was a sandhill many thousands of years ago?-Ed)...sure, certainly looks to be pre-Mt Gambier volcano, which erupted roughly say 5,000 years ago...(and you found?-Ed)...ah yeah, I found a layer of scattered charcoal about a foot down into that...(and?-Ed)...and then on the path where I was spreading the beautiful orange dirt/sand, bingo, there's a worked stone flint tool, a bit bigger than a matchbox...(from about a foot, 30cm, down into the orange stuff?-Ed)...yeah, I saw/found it on the path, but that shovel of dirt/sand was outta' that hole...(wow, gettin' it checked-out?-Ed) that process now...(wow-Ed)...   

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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