And please never forget that this is all about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and the rankly complicit pro-paedophile corruption of your State government and Parliament and local politicians, etc, your Police, your alleged Child Protection System, the Lutheran Church, the relentless litany of deliberately pointless Royal Commissions, etc, etc, ad infinitum...a class of 7 year old kids have been abused and this community covers it up...that's what all of this is's the fundamental reason why I'm writing what you all are reading...
Hello and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent for Tuesday 27th October 2015...and I am sorry but I do not apologise for having arguably the worst week I've ever had since moving to this extraordinary place called Mt Gambier, way back in 1997/98...(well, regarding this week, you knew this would happen mate, I mean, you start having 'good days' and being 'happy' (for lack of a better term) like you have several times in recent months, and there's gunna' be a price to pay for that somewhere down the line-Ed), if you party now you're going to get a hangover?...(yeah, a bit like that, but there's still more to it-Ed)...remember 'Drug-Shrecked Tuesdays', Ed? all those years ago...(I vaguely recall...but I don't think 'Shrecked' was the term we used-Ed)...seems like several lifetimes ago, but remarkably sage advice for the present...
Never make a life-changing decision on a Tuesday...don't quit a job, end a relationship, whatevs...and it probably wouldn't hurt to give Wednesday a bit of a wide berth as well, major decision wise...after a weekend of tilting Reality on it's ear, Reality would say "I ain't havin' that" and restore the balance 'round about Tuesdayish, and for every high is an equal and potentially greater low...I'm just re-inventing the wheel a bit here because this sort of stuff is well documented I'm sure in various studies of addiction, etc...(whatever your poison, chasing a higher high is exacerbated by a desire to concurrently avoid the resultant lows, an often vicious cycle of escalating consumption of said poison-Ed)...indeed, all that stuff...and whilst what's happening in my life at the moment is vastly removed from that time, the logic applies in the same context when superimposed over my recent week...
(Yeah, all true, but I still think it's far more than just a 'bingey back-lash' because it's not about indulgence and it's inevitable consequences, and by the way, being 'happy' isn't an indulgence, this is about sliding back from a genuine attempt at 'moving forward' toward a better personal outlook/disposition/temper/contribution/whatevs-Ed) mean, if you take too-big a step forward up a slippery slope you're guaranteed a bit of a slide backwards?...(indeed, the trick is to not slide back further than you've stepped, and the way to avoid that isssss?-Ed), small steps?...(exactly...but even then, it's still not the entire story in explaining your deep funk this week, is it?...there's also the pendulum thingy where one swings from one extreme to another, again, the idea of a high creating an inevitable low-Ed)...ah yes, but by definition, a pendulum has 2 definable high points and only one definable low...(well technically, yes, good point, but that's not how that metaphor is usually applied, usually one apex represents good and the other not so much-Ed) ol' swinger you...
And because the discussion around Mt Gambier and issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the farcically flawed attempt to flog-off a slab of the Show Grounds to ALDI, and the Jazz Academy housing stuff-up, Mt Gambier City Council's rank corruption, particularly re the Main Corner and the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, etc, etc and so on and so forth...because those discussions are being had but only in a context where it continues to be 'me' that's the issue, where it's about me and how I
apparently conduct myself and how I should apparently conduct myself...(what are you? a flippin' one-man orchestra or somethin'?-Ed)...indeed,
but seriously, it continues to be a pitched battle between the
realities I have exposed on this 'ere blog, and how hard some people
continue to work to make these things not a problem at all by making it all about me and/or my fault...(I've said it before and I'll say it again, you really are quite the bastard-Ed)...apparently...I like to think that I put the 'Star' in bastard...(well technically, everyone who writes the word bastard puts the 'star' in it 'cos that's how you spell bastard-Ed)...are you quite finished? you know what I mean...
Anyhoos, so we come back to the same place, where-in I
want to be a Nick Fletcher who is more than the sum of his traumas, more
than a personality consisting of and/or derived solely from my personal
baggage...the upside of that is, for all my faults and failings,
and they be legion, I'm still somehow able to function as a basically
polite, respectful, and genuinely deeply passionate person...but
unfortunately, even that brief moment of self-congratulation is tainted
with the knowledge, with the reality that it simply doesn't matter how I
conduct myself...(the second violin's comin' in a bit late, again-Ed)...and
it doesn't matter what I say or how I say it, or even how genuinely
motivated I am to try and improve my community, eg, by addressing the
gross pro-paedophile corruption in Mt Gambier/South Australia, none of
it matters 'cos it's always going to be about me, each and every time,
about me and how it's me what's the only real problem...
And it all came to a stunning crescendo for me this week when I went to the Mt Gambier Show Society to renew my lapsed Membership (I joined last year to attend those ALDI meetings) and to offer my volunteeringness again...(would that be your 4th show now volunteering?-Ed)...would have been my 5th actually, having started in 2011 when I put in some photos and they asked and/or I offered to help pin them up, etc, and that led to moving tables, hanging things up then takin' them down again, setting-up sheep-dog yards, fixing fences, etc, etc, then packing away and cleaning-up, right through to doing the dishes after the volunteers luncheon because that's just how I flippin' roll mofos, deal with it...(indeed, only a coupla' weeks ago there was that lady who said hello to you as being 'her man who does all the dishes', and it was that conversation that reminded you to get in there and pay your Membership-Ed)...true, thanks for reminding me Ed...
It was also put to me by someone that the MGSS were keen to get more volunteers and had said as much, leading to that person telling me...given that I felt my efforts were noticed and that they were required and welcomed...(and that you had specific experience with doing all the photo judging stuff, albeit hardly rocket surgery-Ed)...yes, given all that, I was naively even foolishly unprepared for the latest manifestation of what has become a standard mode of functioning for me, being denied and/or decried by people who are the problem, and yet again I am blamed, this time for sorting out the mess the Show Society got itself into...
I remind availees that I attended that October 2014 meeting at the Show Society, and what I witnessed was a deadset dodgy disaster wrestled politely to the floor and hog-tied by a handful of private citizens, myself being one...somehow, via a rankly corrupted process that has never been explained/investigated, the Show Society had somehow got itself involved in selling an un-valued block of Showgrounds land (the prime North East corner block fronting Jubilee Hwy/Pick Ave) for approx $1.2million, less than a 1/4 of what it was worth...and I don't give a damn how people now try to redefine that debasco (debacle/fiasco), that October 2014 meeting was scheduled to be a 'Vote To Sell' meeting, and the only thing that stopped that happening was the whole thing being publicly exposed, largely due to a private letter in The Border Watch...and I was second, even third in that line of people involved, but apparently my name has been front and centre re apportioning the blame...
(But I don't understand, how can you be blamed for stopping a bad thing from happening?-Ed)...if you're Nick Fletcher, by being involved at all...(nice-Ed) showing up...(yes, I get it, it's you-Ed) expressing an opinion in a quiet, intelligent and informed manner...(ok, you've made your point-Ed)...
I attended the Show Society office Monday morning 19th October 2015 to pay my dues and offer help, etc, and happened to happen upon Society President Peter Woodroofe...and I only mention Peter specifically as confirmation of the following conversation because it was conducted largely by him on speaker on his phone, with another MGS Society 'official'...unfortunately, the people I usually work with/for were away this year, and so Peter contacted said unnamed 'official' to ask when/where they needed a was very politely stated, on speaker, that my help was not required this year, they had enough volunteers...(but Peter was on the ABC Local Radio just this Show Saturday morning October 23rd, and a goodly part of that discussion was about the importance and/or requirement of volunteers, and of how the Society was always pushed to get enough volunteers and always keen for new particularly young Members and/or volunteers, etc, etc-Ed)...I know, I know...
This is what I exist with every day for years now...I've long ago given-up responding to various public calls by local service groups for volunteers/members to join, because I know as fact that there's people blocking my involvement by using my reputation against me, albeit a reputation largely manufactured from nothing and designed to discredit me and denounce what I talk about on this 'ere blog...the agenda is to deny me any positive contribution that might make me look good, and isolate and discredit me regardless of my behaviour...and I've had this Chinese-whispers, back-stabbing, character assassination shizzle hurled about behind me for a decade plus, because 1) the St Martins Cover-up is so bad no-one can tackle the realities of it head-on, and 2) on the rare occasions anyone's had a go at me to my face, I've politely but succinctly put the record right...(dude, ain't that the truth!-Ed)...
During the 2014 Mayoral Election campaign, The Border Watch heavily censored my standard, requested by TBW candidate contributions and all but censored me out of their coverage of the Forum where-in I had politely politically pantsed all the other candidates, etc, etc as per previous posts from October/November 2014...(that was hilarious when TBW's Anelia Blackie suddenly swung 'round and started interviewing the back of that person's head rather than talk to you standing right there-Ed)...indeed, hilarious...and the Mt Gambier ABC censored me right-out of the Election completely...(well at least the stout yeomen and yeowoman of Mt Gambier can rely on their local media to keep them fully and accurately informed about important local issues-Ed)...unless of course it's about/ and/or nvolving Nick Fletcher?...(unless it's Nick Fletcher-Ed)...the ABC hasn't ever mentioned my Court stuff, least not that I've heard...
Read The Just Fine Print: because this bias, censorship, and general corruption is apparently fine...(just fine?-Ed)...super-fine when it comes to pulling the wool over Mt Gambier's collective eyes...and so when the ABC or TBW put out the call for interesting stories and/or say 'contact us', that call comes with a series of Fine Print conditions, the first and foremost of which is Rule 1, Unless Of Course You're Nick Fletcher...and this is the wall I ran into last week at the Show, and ran into it with my arms by my side because I didn't see this one coming...even after 4 years of volunteering and dealing with those glaring half-wit Lutherans I'm guaranteed to run into there but still never bringing my politics with me, and busting my back if not a knee, etc, etc, this is still how I get treated because it's me...and I'm sick of it...
And the really crushing reality of this is as described previous...I have worked extensively with this unnamed senior 'official' and they have seen how I contribute, up to and including my politely intelligent efforts at those ludicrous ALDI Sale meetings...this person has seen for themselves exactly how I conduct myself, and yet they have still managed to work themselves into a place where I'm the problem and I need to be denied and I need to be ever so politely told to sod off...and this is my perpetual reality, here is Nick Fletcher the walking target for Mt Gambier's corruption and shame...and you should be ashamed...look at St Martins and tell me that every person in this town shouldn't feel shame...I do...
I didn't go back to the Show until Thursday morning, just to check if they needed last minute help, and they were sort of ok, and I literally had one other thing to do, so I went and did that instead...previously, I wouldn't even have asked the question because for 4 years I've been there for several days either side of the Show, just doing whatevs was needed doing, but this time the enthusiasm was beaten out of me and I just didn't want to be there and I left...and I doubt I'll go back...didn't go to the Show either, probably won't again...
And this here, this is my future in Mt's never going to matter what I say or do and/or how I say it, etc, because the corruption in this town will always work to make it my fault and/or make me the problem...(and yet here you are doing it again, dragging yourself off the floor and going again-Ed)...yeah, I've had a truly shockin' week and I'm really strugglin', but that doesn't mean I'm giving-up anything, least of all this 'ere blog...(get in my son-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Rail Lands And The Continuing Deceits From Council
WIN TV 90 Second News In An Adbreak:..tells us (last evening) that Council has, via the Rail Lands Development and Management Committee effectively granted itself and/or the RLDC and/or the Rail Lands Activation Team, all of which are Council, a "six figure sum" for "activating the $4.5m site", with $100,000 for some "minor improvements" for the Old Station and something about "start-up initiatives", etc...(but how do WIN TV know what happened at that Council meeting, if, as stated during several of that 90 seconds, WIN gets it's stories from The Border Watch, and the Press Gallery was empty at the last Council meeting?-Ed)...dunno, via Council's Minutes online I s'pose, rang Council and asked, whatevs...
And twice in a coupla' weeks I've managed to almost stagger 'round the Crater Lakes sort of...(oooeee, way to almost achieve, sort of-Ed)...yes, I know it ain't exactly breakin' any records and I sure as heck won't be runnin' no marathons this side of a knee replacement, but it's the actual application of literal philosophising...I am actually/literally putting one foot in front of another in a series of small steps...(albeit still going in small circles...because if you walk the Blue Lake or Valley Lake you're going in a circle, literally-Ed)...yes, thankyou...(but at least with the Crater Lakes walks you get to spend at least some of your week pushin' it all downhill...'cos it doesn't just go 'round, it goes up and down as well-Ed)...terrific...(walk on sir-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND "" AND ""
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Baggage For Personality Suits The Head Case Style
**And since I started this post Tuesday arvo, the news has broken that senior National's Senator Bill Heffernan has been 'provided a list of names of paedophiles by police', and that this list includes 'senior people' upto and including 'a former Prime Minister'...he has further claimed that he 'cannot get anyone to look at it'...I just didn't want to deal with this immediately because it's such a direct and specific reminder of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and it's made me a very unhappy li'l blogger, and we all know the age-old saying, 'Don't Blog Angry Now'...this report is a jarring and stark reminder of the St Martins Case and the levels of complicit pro-paedophile corruption evident in South Australia and particularly in Mt Gambier...
Since the removal from St Martins School of teacher Glyn Dorling (June long weekend 2002) parents have fought against a wholly corrupted Lutheran Church and a wholly corrupt State system, particularly at the levels of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the pathetically complicit Liberal Party, SAPol (police), the multiple other Authorities involved, eg, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the various Parliamentary Inquiries that parents gave evidence to, etc, etc, on and on, over and over...since it happened, for over 13 years now, I and other parents have been openly attacked and routinely betrayed for trying to get formal action against Glyn Dorling, the man who has abused dozens if not hundreds of children at St Martins...
Everything I have experienced of the St Martins situation screams pro-paedophile corruption...from former St Martins' Principal John Alexander and the Lutherans, former Premier Mike Rann, current Premier Jay Weatherill, current Speaker/former Attorney General Michael Atkinson, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, etc, etc, etc...right on through to the current Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, another crass and emotive manipulation of traumatised people that has refused/failed to look at either the St Martins Case specifically, or the Lutherans at all...after 3 years of operation...and multiple trips to Adelaide...and parents have lodged submissions about St Martins, etc, etc...they all know the exact if broader realities of the abuses committed by Glyn Dorling at St Martins, and yet they all refuse to acknowledge those realities, and when pushed, immediately attack's sickly corrupt, and this is what you are Mt Gambier and South Australia, this is your civic leaders for you...
And I don't withdraw at all from my recent observation that the world might somehow have come to consider Mt Gambier to be "a rancidly corrupt backwater run by paedophiles", not least of all because it's partly a quote from what others have had to say to me, what locals have had to say to me, given the evidence I have provided on this 'ere blog...others have said to me, repeatedly, that what I've blogged about the pro-paedophile corruption I have personally experienced, backed-up as it is with documentary evidence, eg, letters from Premier Rann and Minister Weatherill refusing to allow Commissioner Ted Mullighan official involvement, the front page from The Border Watch from May 6th 2005 where they gave the then Member Rory McEwen carte blanche to attack parents, etc...(the letter from Comm Mullighan to lawyer Bill Degaris identifying/confirming all of the stuff about C Mullighan's and DeGaris's involvement-Ed)...yep, that's a classic...other people have said to me that what they've witnessed via this 'ere blog, is clear evidence of a paedophile ring operating at the highest levels, both in Mt Gambier, and SA, ie, Adelaide...
And this is exactly the bewildering situation Senator Heffernan has stumbled I had set-out Tuesday arvo' with the most very bestest intentions of a Rail Lands post, and instead I've had to just walk away for a day or so...(and slip in a quick visit to Council along the way-Ed)...indeed, and with the benefit of hindsight, availees can see the mood I'm headed into Tuesday evening when I tried to complete that/this post, post the Council meeting, with the Heffernan revelations/claims fresh in my mind...I've let it be as was written because I pulled the plug Tuesday before it went into self-censorship territory...(but, by stopping for that reason, aren't you self-censoring anyway?-Ed)...yes alright thankyou...hoped you'd missed that slight contradiction, but I maintain that it's better to just bail, rather than wind myself-up with a bunch of stuff I can't even use...(fair enough-Ed)...
And please excuse the pretentiousness of this post's title, being as it is a self-quote from some poetry what I done wrote a long, long, long.......long......long......long time ago when I did that sort of hippy bollocksness, and it very much applies to what I'm currently trying to achieve in-and-of myself, my current attemptings at 'self-improvement', if you will...I want to be a Nick Fletcher who is more than the sum of his traumas...(dude, self-realisation's a bitch ain't it-Ed)'re telling me?! I've had nearly 30 years of this nonsense...
In closing this half-post tangent, I ask that availees access this story about Senator Heffernan's 'paedophile list' claims/statements...sorry, I don't have a copy, but here, in the Senator's understandable bewilderment, this is where I've lived for well over a decade, overwhelmed by the insane reality that the State I live in acts to protect paedophiles, and it has taken a massive toll on me, my health mental and physical, my familial relationships, my finances, my social connections, etc, etc...and for many years I have accepted that I have effectively chosen to wear that abuse and that trauma, etc, by choosing to pursue 'justice' re St Martins...(and even then, I think you could quite easily replace "by choosing to pursue", with 'unable to not pursue'-Ed)...fair enough, either and/or both, suits we go...**)
Hello Russia, India, Brazil and Indonesia and welcome to a post about the Mt Gambier Rail Lands...(yaaaay, at last-Ed)...alright, alright, settle down...indeed I have promised this post many times over, and my failure to deliver means that there's literally a queue of Rail Lands posts to be rolled out in future because Mt Gambier City Council just can't seem to get enough of deceiving the community via the wholly complicit The Border Watch newspaper...every other week there's a huge Rail Lands article or even articles, and/or a big front-page announcement, and blah blah blah whatevs because it's almost all lies, and TBW just trots it all out without questioning any of it or addressing the multiple contradictions/lies/failures...anyhoos, where to start?...(may I suggest, as usual, at the beginning-Ed)...and fair enough...
But First:...went to Mt Gambier City Council's meeting last night...(**actually on Tuesday 20th October, now Thursday 22nd...and apologies again for the break again, but I keep moving toward the 5 post week, cheers...back to the post**)......Council's meeting last night...(oh dear-Ed)...indeed, and they didn't let me down...(mate, I don't know how you do it-Ed)...well, I get in my little car and I drive down there and I go in the door and...(no no, I mean how do you sit there through all that nepotistic corruption and sanctimonious self-congratulation without screaming abuse at someone-Ed)...silence is easy when speaking can/will get me banned from attending...(fair enough, but still, what's the point if you can't say anything?-Ed)...well, 1) because I need to be there to know what's happening, not least of all because 2) Council's Minutes are corruptly unreliable and inaccurate, regularly getting attendances/apologies wrong, completely changing the subject matter, etc, and 3) if I go and see/hear/note what happens, then I can come onto this 'ere blog and cut authoritively crook about it...and I mean real crook...
And indeed, I'll have to return to doing a proper 'Council Meetings post' after each one because I haven't even covered the September meeting yet, and in amongst that is so much Rail Lands bollocks that one really won't believe it...(well this one believes it, I was there sir!-Ed)...apart from that, the rankly corrupt former Mayor and now Councillor Steve Perryman continues to be having yet another go at some sortta' game of 'Provoke The Hippy'...(orrrr not still-Ed)...yeah yeah, still and/or again...(well it seems to make him happy-Ed) remember when he twice tried to physically intimidate/provoke/pick a fight with me at the 2013/14 Budget meetings?...(as in those posts about 'My Paranoia vs My Ego or An Epic Fail' stuff, back in mid 2013?-Ed)...yep, that's the stuff...(classic-Ed)...well he continues to be havin' yet another go in the same vein, where-in he comes past me wherevs, say, whilst I'm standing out in the foyer bit, waiting for the Council meeting to start, and he pretends to warmly greet me, 'Hi Nick'...(ooo, saying hello, provocative-Ed)...yeah yeah...
Now he and I both know what I think of him for his explicitly complicit rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and his rankly corrupt conduct as Mayor, and I like to think I know what he thinks of me for constantly talking about his rank pro-paedophile corruption re St Martins, etc...(he's a charming individual no doubt-Ed)...well last night he had a go at dragging Councillor Greco into the middle of it...(ahhh, is that what all that was about? I wondered what was goin' on there-Ed)...indeed, and I mention this specifically because I certainly don't blame Councillor Greco, because even if it was some sort of complicit contrivance of which he was aware, it's still exactly as I describe it, Cr Perryman dragging a newby (Cr Greco) into his (Stevo's) ongoing crass attempts to discredit me...I'll cover all this soon in a Council Meetings post...(yay-Ed)...I'm not being condescending when I say I felt/feel a little sorry for Cr Greco because he looked like a bunny caught in the headlights...moving on...
Also picked-up re a recent post, 'More SA ICAC Stuff', that Alexander Cullen, given a Suspended Sentence for possessing Child Pornography, had actually "pleaded guilty to an aggravated count and a basic count of producing child pornography" (The Advertiser)...I don't know exactly what that means, but as reported, it would seem to say that he has himself been personally involved in making at least some of the pornography, hence 'producing'...that aside, a Suspended Sentence is a bloody disgrace, particularly with that 'better counselling' justification...moving on...
Rail Passenger Services: stopped running through Mt Gambier in 1990...(check-out the most excellent and extensive stuff re Mt Gambier Rail history as available on/at, a local former rail worker's put a lot of time, effort and devotion into that site...anyhoos, without about $100million to completely redo the approx 200kms of line between here and Wolseley/Bordertown, there's never going to be a train along that way ever again...several years back it's return was briefly canvassed re the proposed Penola Pulp Mill which would have generated tons of freight, but this 'plan' was shelved along with the Pulp Mill...I think it's fair to say that everyone wants to see Rail Services returned to the Mount, but no-one truly believes it will ever happen...
(Pity Mt Gambier isn't in Adelaide, 'cos Adelaide regularly drops $100m+ on projects on a whim, eg, the farcical $160m Q-bahn Extension and associated tunnel that will reduce commuter times by approx 4 mins, if that-Ed)'s quite extraordinary isn't it, the Labor government's got absolutely not nothing for a critical piece of infrastructure for the whole South East of the state, but can immediately find $100s of millions for projects that pander to the instant wants of marginal seats in Adelaide's North East suburbs...
**Absolutest apologies, but for previously explained reasons at the top of the page, I'm gunna' bail right, and say thankyou for your ongoing patronage and,
Tomorrow: My Train Of Thought Says "Choo-oo-woohhhh, Back Onto Goin' Off About The Rail Lands, Again"
(I think I can, I think I can-Ed)...Mt Gambier City Council's conduct of the Rail Lands Retail, I, words, fail...(mmm, succinctly put sir, a few more choice words and you'll have an actual sentence-Ed)...dunno', just dunno' what to say that hasn't already been said and already been proven beyond contradiction on this 'ere blog, namely, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(I take your point, but you've just got to keep on pluggin' away at the current deceits from Council, and in particular this business as surfaced Tuesday evening with Cr Perryman raising the issue of selling the Old Rail Station, referring to it as 'potentially another White Elephant like the Main Corner', and the confirmation from CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane that indeed 'Council can sell-off whatevs we want re the Rail Lands, provided the funds go back into the Rail Lands site' (a very close paraphrase)-Ed)...yeah, yeah...
I have long predicted that Council has no intentions of producing the November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan, nor any vague resemblance of it...(well other than included a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the adjacent Lakes/Centro/whoevs Plaza out across the Rail Lands site-Ed)...well one effectively buries the other, under a shopping centre, but I take your point that even those November 2011 plans for Parkland with central Sound Shell, etc, exactly mimic the various official plans presented by Council in February 2006 that all show extensive and arguably complete Retail/Commercial development of the site...
I have long predicted that the Old Rail Station's future was far from certain, and that Council clearly has no intention of retaining it because it's right in the way of the RLRA...Council has flatly refused to renovate and utilise this classic building, spending allegedly $4.5million on the Rail Lands and yet not one cent on The Old's exactly where the Bus Terminus should be located, perfectly centralised in a renovated Old Station building, and it wasn't put there because of the Council's talking about tarting the Old Station up a bit with '$10,000, maybe $100,000', whilst simultaneously backing away from spending any money at all on it...(and also simultaneously spending $50,000-$100,000 on "Activating The Site"...deadset, what does that even mean?-Ed)...I know, I was there, still find it hard to believe, and we're still only scratching the surface...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...tomorrow...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Since the removal from St Martins School of teacher Glyn Dorling (June long weekend 2002) parents have fought against a wholly corrupted Lutheran Church and a wholly corrupt State system, particularly at the levels of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the pathetically complicit Liberal Party, SAPol (police), the multiple other Authorities involved, eg, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the various Parliamentary Inquiries that parents gave evidence to, etc, etc, on and on, over and over...since it happened, for over 13 years now, I and other parents have been openly attacked and routinely betrayed for trying to get formal action against Glyn Dorling, the man who has abused dozens if not hundreds of children at St Martins...
Everything I have experienced of the St Martins situation screams pro-paedophile corruption...from former St Martins' Principal John Alexander and the Lutherans, former Premier Mike Rann, current Premier Jay Weatherill, current Speaker/former Attorney General Michael Atkinson, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, etc, etc, etc...right on through to the current Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, another crass and emotive manipulation of traumatised people that has refused/failed to look at either the St Martins Case specifically, or the Lutherans at all...after 3 years of operation...and multiple trips to Adelaide...and parents have lodged submissions about St Martins, etc, etc...they all know the exact if broader realities of the abuses committed by Glyn Dorling at St Martins, and yet they all refuse to acknowledge those realities, and when pushed, immediately attack's sickly corrupt, and this is what you are Mt Gambier and South Australia, this is your civic leaders for you...
And I don't withdraw at all from my recent observation that the world might somehow have come to consider Mt Gambier to be "a rancidly corrupt backwater run by paedophiles", not least of all because it's partly a quote from what others have had to say to me, what locals have had to say to me, given the evidence I have provided on this 'ere blog...others have said to me, repeatedly, that what I've blogged about the pro-paedophile corruption I have personally experienced, backed-up as it is with documentary evidence, eg, letters from Premier Rann and Minister Weatherill refusing to allow Commissioner Ted Mullighan official involvement, the front page from The Border Watch from May 6th 2005 where they gave the then Member Rory McEwen carte blanche to attack parents, etc...(the letter from Comm Mullighan to lawyer Bill Degaris identifying/confirming all of the stuff about C Mullighan's and DeGaris's involvement-Ed)...yep, that's a classic...other people have said to me that what they've witnessed via this 'ere blog, is clear evidence of a paedophile ring operating at the highest levels, both in Mt Gambier, and SA, ie, Adelaide...
And this is exactly the bewildering situation Senator Heffernan has stumbled I had set-out Tuesday arvo' with the most very bestest intentions of a Rail Lands post, and instead I've had to just walk away for a day or so...(and slip in a quick visit to Council along the way-Ed)...indeed, and with the benefit of hindsight, availees can see the mood I'm headed into Tuesday evening when I tried to complete that/this post, post the Council meeting, with the Heffernan revelations/claims fresh in my mind...I've let it be as was written because I pulled the plug Tuesday before it went into self-censorship territory...(but, by stopping for that reason, aren't you self-censoring anyway?-Ed)...yes alright thankyou...hoped you'd missed that slight contradiction, but I maintain that it's better to just bail, rather than wind myself-up with a bunch of stuff I can't even use...(fair enough-Ed)...
And please excuse the pretentiousness of this post's title, being as it is a self-quote from some poetry what I done wrote a long, long, long.......long......long......long time ago when I did that sort of hippy bollocksness, and it very much applies to what I'm currently trying to achieve in-and-of myself, my current attemptings at 'self-improvement', if you will...I want to be a Nick Fletcher who is more than the sum of his traumas...(dude, self-realisation's a bitch ain't it-Ed)'re telling me?! I've had nearly 30 years of this nonsense...
In closing this half-post tangent, I ask that availees access this story about Senator Heffernan's 'paedophile list' claims/statements...sorry, I don't have a copy, but here, in the Senator's understandable bewilderment, this is where I've lived for well over a decade, overwhelmed by the insane reality that the State I live in acts to protect paedophiles, and it has taken a massive toll on me, my health mental and physical, my familial relationships, my finances, my social connections, etc, etc...and for many years I have accepted that I have effectively chosen to wear that abuse and that trauma, etc, by choosing to pursue 'justice' re St Martins...(and even then, I think you could quite easily replace "by choosing to pursue", with 'unable to not pursue'-Ed)...fair enough, either and/or both, suits we go...**)
Hello Russia, India, Brazil and Indonesia and welcome to a post about the Mt Gambier Rail Lands...(yaaaay, at last-Ed)...alright, alright, settle down...indeed I have promised this post many times over, and my failure to deliver means that there's literally a queue of Rail Lands posts to be rolled out in future because Mt Gambier City Council just can't seem to get enough of deceiving the community via the wholly complicit The Border Watch newspaper...every other week there's a huge Rail Lands article or even articles, and/or a big front-page announcement, and blah blah blah whatevs because it's almost all lies, and TBW just trots it all out without questioning any of it or addressing the multiple contradictions/lies/failures...anyhoos, where to start?...(may I suggest, as usual, at the beginning-Ed)...and fair enough...
But First:...went to Mt Gambier City Council's meeting last night...(**actually on Tuesday 20th October, now Thursday 22nd...and apologies again for the break again, but I keep moving toward the 5 post week, cheers...back to the post**)......Council's meeting last night...(oh dear-Ed)...indeed, and they didn't let me down...(mate, I don't know how you do it-Ed)...well, I get in my little car and I drive down there and I go in the door and...(no no, I mean how do you sit there through all that nepotistic corruption and sanctimonious self-congratulation without screaming abuse at someone-Ed)...silence is easy when speaking can/will get me banned from attending...(fair enough, but still, what's the point if you can't say anything?-Ed)...well, 1) because I need to be there to know what's happening, not least of all because 2) Council's Minutes are corruptly unreliable and inaccurate, regularly getting attendances/apologies wrong, completely changing the subject matter, etc, and 3) if I go and see/hear/note what happens, then I can come onto this 'ere blog and cut authoritively crook about it...and I mean real crook...
And indeed, I'll have to return to doing a proper 'Council Meetings post' after each one because I haven't even covered the September meeting yet, and in amongst that is so much Rail Lands bollocks that one really won't believe it...(well this one believes it, I was there sir!-Ed)...apart from that, the rankly corrupt former Mayor and now Councillor Steve Perryman continues to be having yet another go at some sortta' game of 'Provoke The Hippy'...(orrrr not still-Ed)...yeah yeah, still and/or again...(well it seems to make him happy-Ed) remember when he twice tried to physically intimidate/provoke/pick a fight with me at the 2013/14 Budget meetings?...(as in those posts about 'My Paranoia vs My Ego or An Epic Fail' stuff, back in mid 2013?-Ed)...yep, that's the stuff...(classic-Ed)...well he continues to be havin' yet another go in the same vein, where-in he comes past me wherevs, say, whilst I'm standing out in the foyer bit, waiting for the Council meeting to start, and he pretends to warmly greet me, 'Hi Nick'...(ooo, saying hello, provocative-Ed)...yeah yeah...
Now he and I both know what I think of him for his explicitly complicit rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and his rankly corrupt conduct as Mayor, and I like to think I know what he thinks of me for constantly talking about his rank pro-paedophile corruption re St Martins, etc...(he's a charming individual no doubt-Ed)...well last night he had a go at dragging Councillor Greco into the middle of it...(ahhh, is that what all that was about? I wondered what was goin' on there-Ed)...indeed, and I mention this specifically because I certainly don't blame Councillor Greco, because even if it was some sort of complicit contrivance of which he was aware, it's still exactly as I describe it, Cr Perryman dragging a newby (Cr Greco) into his (Stevo's) ongoing crass attempts to discredit me...I'll cover all this soon in a Council Meetings post...(yay-Ed)...I'm not being condescending when I say I felt/feel a little sorry for Cr Greco because he looked like a bunny caught in the headlights...moving on...
Also picked-up re a recent post, 'More SA ICAC Stuff', that Alexander Cullen, given a Suspended Sentence for possessing Child Pornography, had actually "pleaded guilty to an aggravated count and a basic count of producing child pornography" (The Advertiser)...I don't know exactly what that means, but as reported, it would seem to say that he has himself been personally involved in making at least some of the pornography, hence 'producing'...that aside, a Suspended Sentence is a bloody disgrace, particularly with that 'better counselling' justification...moving on...
Rail Passenger Services: stopped running through Mt Gambier in 1990...(check-out the most excellent and extensive stuff re Mt Gambier Rail history as available on/at, a local former rail worker's put a lot of time, effort and devotion into that site...anyhoos, without about $100million to completely redo the approx 200kms of line between here and Wolseley/Bordertown, there's never going to be a train along that way ever again...several years back it's return was briefly canvassed re the proposed Penola Pulp Mill which would have generated tons of freight, but this 'plan' was shelved along with the Pulp Mill...I think it's fair to say that everyone wants to see Rail Services returned to the Mount, but no-one truly believes it will ever happen...
(Pity Mt Gambier isn't in Adelaide, 'cos Adelaide regularly drops $100m+ on projects on a whim, eg, the farcical $160m Q-bahn Extension and associated tunnel that will reduce commuter times by approx 4 mins, if that-Ed)'s quite extraordinary isn't it, the Labor government's got absolutely not nothing for a critical piece of infrastructure for the whole South East of the state, but can immediately find $100s of millions for projects that pander to the instant wants of marginal seats in Adelaide's North East suburbs...
**Absolutest apologies, but for previously explained reasons at the top of the page, I'm gunna' bail right, and say thankyou for your ongoing patronage and,
Tomorrow: My Train Of Thought Says "Choo-oo-woohhhh, Back Onto Goin' Off About The Rail Lands, Again"
(I think I can, I think I can-Ed)...Mt Gambier City Council's conduct of the Rail Lands Retail, I, words, fail...(mmm, succinctly put sir, a few more choice words and you'll have an actual sentence-Ed)...dunno', just dunno' what to say that hasn't already been said and already been proven beyond contradiction on this 'ere blog, namely, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(I take your point, but you've just got to keep on pluggin' away at the current deceits from Council, and in particular this business as surfaced Tuesday evening with Cr Perryman raising the issue of selling the Old Rail Station, referring to it as 'potentially another White Elephant like the Main Corner', and the confirmation from CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane that indeed 'Council can sell-off whatevs we want re the Rail Lands, provided the funds go back into the Rail Lands site' (a very close paraphrase)-Ed)...yeah, yeah...
I have long predicted that Council has no intentions of producing the November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan, nor any vague resemblance of it...(well other than included a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the adjacent Lakes/Centro/whoevs Plaza out across the Rail Lands site-Ed)...well one effectively buries the other, under a shopping centre, but I take your point that even those November 2011 plans for Parkland with central Sound Shell, etc, exactly mimic the various official plans presented by Council in February 2006 that all show extensive and arguably complete Retail/Commercial development of the site...
I have long predicted that the Old Rail Station's future was far from certain, and that Council clearly has no intention of retaining it because it's right in the way of the RLRA...Council has flatly refused to renovate and utilise this classic building, spending allegedly $4.5million on the Rail Lands and yet not one cent on The Old's exactly where the Bus Terminus should be located, perfectly centralised in a renovated Old Station building, and it wasn't put there because of the Council's talking about tarting the Old Station up a bit with '$10,000, maybe $100,000', whilst simultaneously backing away from spending any money at all on it...(and also simultaneously spending $50,000-$100,000 on "Activating The Site"...deadset, what does that even mean?-Ed)...I know, I was there, still find it hard to believe, and we're still only scratching the surface...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...tomorrow...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, October 19, 2015
Alright, Sorry, Let's Try That Again
Hello and welcome to the blog...most genuine and humblest and profusest apologies for the continually disjointed attempt to reboot this 'ere blog...many issues at play here, not least of all an unexpected familial visit...(oh well that's nice then-Ed)'s also nice to be pseudo-busy by trying to engage with humanity as much as possible...(availees, he means 'actually leave the house' and go places and do stuff, like an actual human being does, being an actual being-Ed)...yes, that's what I meant, "being an actual being"...(not just a grumpy ol' bear in a cave-Ed)...yeah, ok...however, the main problem remains with me wanting to even do a post...
Apparently, simply just wanting to do it hasn't been enough to overcome the very confronting and depressive nature of the majority of material that continues to, well...(materialise?-Ed)...well yes, thankyou Ed, 'materialise'...over the last fortnight we've had wall-to-wall Child Abuse Royal Commission deceits...(live from Adelaide-Ed)...indeed, and the same deceits re the Palliative Care stunt, this Gillman Land Sale corruption, etc, and overlaying that, Mental Health Week or whatevs it was called...(oh, Mental Week, we love the Mentals-Ed)...dude, apparently we are the Mentals, remember?...(speak for yourself-Ed) do...
(Ohhh, here we go, do not start that with me again, every time I make a valid point you remind me that I'm not an actual person but merely a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a discussion rather than lecture at them, and help to set-up your stupid jokes, etc-Ed)...that's right, and don't I forget where was we? ah yes...the most confronting thing of all, the biggest hurdle in doing a post, is getting past the weird feeling that consumes me lately, an unsettling and unfamiliar state of being...(yeah, it's called being happy, ya' idiot-Ed) that what it is! well that makes sense, it would explain why I feel I don't want to change the tone of my day by settin'-down to do this 'ere blog...(exactly! why stuff-up a perfectly good day when you're not sure when the next may be along?-Ed)...indeed, Ed, indeed...and I've had the pleasant misfortune of stringin' a few of those days together lately...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...braise the lard!...
But seriously, it's not like I'm having some sort of party here or somethin', it's all about context...(oh gourd-Ed)...about a context of deep depression and isolation and Intermittent 20 hour Crash-a-thon Narcolepsy, and not great physical health, etc, etc, and my efforts to drag myself toward what others might refer to as 'normality' or the best representation of it that I can manage...(ain't that the truth!-Ed)...and I'm still trying to present an engaging and informative blog as best I can, with a very genuine intent to improve my community, and it's not my fault that achieving that improvement is by definition taking-on a corrupt Council, corrupt State government, dodgy State Authorities, etc, etc...and it ain't 'being a Troll' when your name is Nick Fletcher and you put that name to everything you do and even before that you put yourself right on the stage...(oh yeah, the March 2010 State Election Forum in the Sir Helpmann Theatre when as candidate you were on stage, etc, as well as doing media interviews, etc, not even starting this 'ere blog until January 2013-Ed)...exactly...
Just A's not 'talking down' (denigrating/criticising) anything if you talk about it at the level where it's actually at, that's called talking about realities steeped in self-evident truths...and I do get a tad peeved when I get criticised by people who don't know what they are talking about, eg, the continuing dialogue against me personally as being a troublemaker who just criticises, and therefore damages, the otherwise good name of an otherwise faultless Mt Gambier...(I just love the way you say "a tad peeved", and then politely unload mercilessly with the scything sarcasm and venomous verbosity of a seasoned professional-Ed)...cheers...even availees who don't particularly agree with some of what I say and/or how I go about it sometimes, etc, having read this 'ere blog agree that there are issues here-in that should/must be addressed/resolved, and then, having met me personally, express a broader understanding of what I say and why I say it the way I do, etc, and most importantly, that sense of someone genuinely driven if far from perfect himself...moving on...
Mal Dives Into Caymans Issue:...(as in the crocodilian 'cayman', sometimes spelled 'caiman'?-Ed), no, as in the dodgy off-shore tax haven but otherwise quite lovely I'm sure, Cayman Islands...(and is 'Mal' the 'Mal' who is my new bestie whom I'm ever so lucky to have as PM?-Ed)...yes, we're talking about Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the issue of his 'investments' in the Cayman Islands, as has been kicked about the floor of the House this past week...and Mal Mal reckons that he's golden 'cos 1) he pays all his tax right, right, right here in Oz, right...and 2) the money he's got in the Caymans he didn't actually know about specifically 'cos he uses a super-dooper agent in Ye Olde London Town back in the Motherland so as to avoid investment Conflicts of Interests...(well fair enough, but I'd still like to see him direct his agent to invest in Oz and/or what benefits Oz, and he doesn't need to know-Ed)...yeah, but that then could still be seen as a COI...(but with the 'global economy', isn't almost any investment in anything/everything likely to be a potential COI?-Ed), there's food for thought...
(I love his overall defense though-Ed)...what? the stuff about how he's been real lucky like, in business and that?...(yeah, that bit, but more the actual excuse re his wealth-Ed) mean where he said 'Mal Mal ca-ching ca-ching mucho De Niro'?...(you're mad...but yes he did actually say 'yes, I do have a lot of money'-Ed)...mucho De Niro ca-ching ca-ching...(stop it-Ed)...alright, tell us then, what did Malcolm say to excuse the fact that he's got cash stashed in the Caymans?...(he stated that he was unawares where some of his money was invested because he's got lot's, can't possibly know where it's all invested-Ed)...fair enough, I guess...(no no, you're missing the point, his defense is 'I've got so much money I don't know what I'm doing with it'-Ed)...ah yes well, when you put it like that...(I do and indeed I have, put it like that that is-Ed)...yeah, that's a bit of a rich mouthful for his fellow Ozites to try and stomach, given the Liberals apparent joy in hammering low-wage earners, single mums, the unemployed, various social services, etc, etc. leaving increasing numbers of people counting cents and scrimping and scraping for basic utility bills and food, rent,
Feel The Earn:...'The Earn' is the feeling of accomplishment that washed over me the other day when I crested the 400+ steps of the Valley Lake walking path, and everything hurt and my li'l legs were a' burnin', and due to the alignment of the track, looking down at the steps, etc, as you get to the top of the stairs, the whole Valley Lake/Mt Gambier vista opens-up before/below you, and it's quite spectacular...and as you feel the breeze in your face and feel the stair-raising burn in your flabby ol' legs, you feel you've earned the view before you...(ah, and so you 'Feel The Earn'-Ed)...exactly, and well worth a 60 second pause to reflect...(how long since you went that way?-Ed)...10 years, probably more, and stiff and sore for days after, but the fact that I could do it at all is a huge if still very careful step forward as far as my knackered ol' knees are concerned...(yay-Ed)...and clear evidence that my off-blog efforts to get a bit fitter, as frequently referred to in previous posts, have achieved at least a bit...
Some Truly Marblous ÃœberUnderPartybussing:...(whaaa?-Ed)...give me a chance, give me a chance...'underbussing' means to shaft a colleague, as in 'throw them under the bus', as per recent tit-for-tat pleasantries between our new PM Malcolm Turnbull and the man he ousted, Tony Abbott, both masterful ÃœberUnderbussers in their own right...(yeah, with you thus far-Ed)...and at a recent 'celebration' in Parliament House, Canberra, a party apparently re the deposing of Tones, during that deeply respectful soiree, on the Taxpayer's dollar, thanks for comin', your invite's in the mail......sorry, sorry......during that party, at sometime, somehow, a fairly stout marble table had chunks allegedly 'danced-off it', as found by cleaners the next day...(nice-Ed)...
Only thing is, it was the outgoing Tones who threw the li'l shindig...(sorry what?-Ed)...yeah, it's reported that it was Tony Abbott and/or his supporters who were the party in question...(but didn't they lose? I'm pretty sure they lost, and PM Mal Mal is the proof-Ed)...yep, dunno, it's some sortta' wake though if it was Tone's posse whom trashed it...regardless, it's great fodder for a stumbling Labor Party, and a case of self-inflicted if unintentional ÃœberUnderPartybussing from the Libs, collectively throwing each other under the bus by throwing a party that for all intents and purposes celebrates the deep divides in the Party...(hoorah!-Ed)...and further reports are that 1) the table's wholly rooted if not completely shattered and 2) tropherial and/or triumphal bits have been showing-up in people's offices...(and huzzah!-Ed)
What's Fishy About Gillman?...(well his gills I'd suggest, taboomtish-Ed)...just gobsmacked to hear the latest farcical statements from all concerned re the wholly corrupt $100million Gillman Land Sale...the Independent Commission Against Corruption has shown it's true colours, it's true purpose, in investigating this massively corrupt deal and then effectively excusing those responsible...excuse me, but I'm not wasting column space trawling through the multiple layers of clearly evident corruption re this entire situation, eg, the multiple offers from other companies that were ignored, the complete lack of a valuation, followed by the total lack of public tender, followed by a closed Cabinet decision to sell, right through the ICAC investigation that effectively blames those forced to conduct this sale, whilst concurrently completely exonerating Minister Tom Koutsontonis, Premier Jay Weatherill, and the Labor government en masse, other than to pathetically pseudo-chastise Tom for his profane bullying of Renewal SA personnel, and ultimately blames those being bullied...(wow-Ed)...
If y'all have the time and energy and are so disposed, please just Interweb any of the media coverage of this farce, but please try to access the Today Tonight (Channel 7) stuff because they cover the various other offers made, the actual value of the land, $400m, and a bunch more...(that The Advertiser article last week wasn't too bad-Ed)...Gillman is as rankly corrupt as the South East Forestry Sale and subsequent 'privatisation' of Forestry SA here in Mt Gambier...(or the Mt Barker Land Rezoning-Ed)...and/or a bunch of Labor government corruption...they're not even trying to be subtle anymore, it's just open-slather now, with an ICAC designed and functioning to help cover the tracks...disgraceful...
Show purchasing a Mt Gambier Show Society Membership for only $30 (adult) which gets you access both days (this Friday23rd-Saturday24th October ) and free on-site parking...a day ticket costs $15 and no parking...Membership means you can go both days for events/fireworks/whatevs with near-by's great value and a great way to show support for the Show Society at the same time...anyone can join and there's kid's memberships, etc...available until close of business Wednesday evening 21st October...
Tomorrow: I Just Can't Say It
(You want to say 'Rail Lands' don't you, but you're too embarassed 'cos you've promised it repeatedly and yet deliver never-Ed)...orrr fair go, I have covered it extensively and repeatedly and have proven beyond discussion that Mt Gambier City Council's one true plan is the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(fair enough-Ed)...not to mention the absolute bollocks they're coming-up with now re the neglected Old's going to take multiple posts to cover the extensive local coverage of this ludicrous project........and shazzam! right now on Today Tonight (Adelaide) another story re the Gillman Sale...check it out now...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
PS: Check-out Mt Gambier City Council's new 'drone' promotional video with night-time fly-through of the Rail Lands Palm Trees, etc...hilarious...I can picture tourists trying to find these features with no hope because in the cold hard light of day it looks like a waste land lined with decaying buildings...(and at what cost?-Ed)...dunno'...and what happened to the all-conquering $700,000 'Volcano' movie that Council produced only 4 years ago?'s a sickly corrupt and costly joke from start to finish...
Apparently, simply just wanting to do it hasn't been enough to overcome the very confronting and depressive nature of the majority of material that continues to, well...(materialise?-Ed)...well yes, thankyou Ed, 'materialise'...over the last fortnight we've had wall-to-wall Child Abuse Royal Commission deceits...(live from Adelaide-Ed)...indeed, and the same deceits re the Palliative Care stunt, this Gillman Land Sale corruption, etc, and overlaying that, Mental Health Week or whatevs it was called...(oh, Mental Week, we love the Mentals-Ed)...dude, apparently we are the Mentals, remember?...(speak for yourself-Ed) do...
(Ohhh, here we go, do not start that with me again, every time I make a valid point you remind me that I'm not an actual person but merely a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a discussion rather than lecture at them, and help to set-up your stupid jokes, etc-Ed)...that's right, and don't I forget where was we? ah yes...the most confronting thing of all, the biggest hurdle in doing a post, is getting past the weird feeling that consumes me lately, an unsettling and unfamiliar state of being...(yeah, it's called being happy, ya' idiot-Ed) that what it is! well that makes sense, it would explain why I feel I don't want to change the tone of my day by settin'-down to do this 'ere blog...(exactly! why stuff-up a perfectly good day when you're not sure when the next may be along?-Ed)...indeed, Ed, indeed...and I've had the pleasant misfortune of stringin' a few of those days together lately...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...braise the lard!...
But seriously, it's not like I'm having some sort of party here or somethin', it's all about context...(oh gourd-Ed)...about a context of deep depression and isolation and Intermittent 20 hour Crash-a-thon Narcolepsy, and not great physical health, etc, etc, and my efforts to drag myself toward what others might refer to as 'normality' or the best representation of it that I can manage...(ain't that the truth!-Ed)...and I'm still trying to present an engaging and informative blog as best I can, with a very genuine intent to improve my community, and it's not my fault that achieving that improvement is by definition taking-on a corrupt Council, corrupt State government, dodgy State Authorities, etc, etc...and it ain't 'being a Troll' when your name is Nick Fletcher and you put that name to everything you do and even before that you put yourself right on the stage...(oh yeah, the March 2010 State Election Forum in the Sir Helpmann Theatre when as candidate you were on stage, etc, as well as doing media interviews, etc, not even starting this 'ere blog until January 2013-Ed)...exactly...
Just A's not 'talking down' (denigrating/criticising) anything if you talk about it at the level where it's actually at, that's called talking about realities steeped in self-evident truths...and I do get a tad peeved when I get criticised by people who don't know what they are talking about, eg, the continuing dialogue against me personally as being a troublemaker who just criticises, and therefore damages, the otherwise good name of an otherwise faultless Mt Gambier...(I just love the way you say "a tad peeved", and then politely unload mercilessly with the scything sarcasm and venomous verbosity of a seasoned professional-Ed)...cheers...even availees who don't particularly agree with some of what I say and/or how I go about it sometimes, etc, having read this 'ere blog agree that there are issues here-in that should/must be addressed/resolved, and then, having met me personally, express a broader understanding of what I say and why I say it the way I do, etc, and most importantly, that sense of someone genuinely driven if far from perfect himself...moving on...
Mal Dives Into Caymans Issue:...(as in the crocodilian 'cayman', sometimes spelled 'caiman'?-Ed), no, as in the dodgy off-shore tax haven but otherwise quite lovely I'm sure, Cayman Islands...(and is 'Mal' the 'Mal' who is my new bestie whom I'm ever so lucky to have as PM?-Ed)...yes, we're talking about Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the issue of his 'investments' in the Cayman Islands, as has been kicked about the floor of the House this past week...and Mal Mal reckons that he's golden 'cos 1) he pays all his tax right, right, right here in Oz, right...and 2) the money he's got in the Caymans he didn't actually know about specifically 'cos he uses a super-dooper agent in Ye Olde London Town back in the Motherland so as to avoid investment Conflicts of Interests...(well fair enough, but I'd still like to see him direct his agent to invest in Oz and/or what benefits Oz, and he doesn't need to know-Ed)...yeah, but that then could still be seen as a COI...(but with the 'global economy', isn't almost any investment in anything/everything likely to be a potential COI?-Ed), there's food for thought...
(I love his overall defense though-Ed)...what? the stuff about how he's been real lucky like, in business and that?...(yeah, that bit, but more the actual excuse re his wealth-Ed) mean where he said 'Mal Mal ca-ching ca-ching mucho De Niro'?...(you're mad...but yes he did actually say 'yes, I do have a lot of money'-Ed)...mucho De Niro ca-ching ca-ching...(stop it-Ed)...alright, tell us then, what did Malcolm say to excuse the fact that he's got cash stashed in the Caymans?...(he stated that he was unawares where some of his money was invested because he's got lot's, can't possibly know where it's all invested-Ed)...fair enough, I guess...(no no, you're missing the point, his defense is 'I've got so much money I don't know what I'm doing with it'-Ed)...ah yes well, when you put it like that...(I do and indeed I have, put it like that that is-Ed)...yeah, that's a bit of a rich mouthful for his fellow Ozites to try and stomach, given the Liberals apparent joy in hammering low-wage earners, single mums, the unemployed, various social services, etc, etc. leaving increasing numbers of people counting cents and scrimping and scraping for basic utility bills and food, rent,
Feel The Earn:...'The Earn' is the feeling of accomplishment that washed over me the other day when I crested the 400+ steps of the Valley Lake walking path, and everything hurt and my li'l legs were a' burnin', and due to the alignment of the track, looking down at the steps, etc, as you get to the top of the stairs, the whole Valley Lake/Mt Gambier vista opens-up before/below you, and it's quite spectacular...and as you feel the breeze in your face and feel the stair-raising burn in your flabby ol' legs, you feel you've earned the view before you...(ah, and so you 'Feel The Earn'-Ed)...exactly, and well worth a 60 second pause to reflect...(how long since you went that way?-Ed)...10 years, probably more, and stiff and sore for days after, but the fact that I could do it at all is a huge if still very careful step forward as far as my knackered ol' knees are concerned...(yay-Ed)...and clear evidence that my off-blog efforts to get a bit fitter, as frequently referred to in previous posts, have achieved at least a bit...
Some Truly Marblous ÃœberUnderPartybussing:...(whaaa?-Ed)...give me a chance, give me a chance...'underbussing' means to shaft a colleague, as in 'throw them under the bus', as per recent tit-for-tat pleasantries between our new PM Malcolm Turnbull and the man he ousted, Tony Abbott, both masterful ÃœberUnderbussers in their own right...(yeah, with you thus far-Ed)...and at a recent 'celebration' in Parliament House, Canberra, a party apparently re the deposing of Tones, during that deeply respectful soiree, on the Taxpayer's dollar, thanks for comin', your invite's in the mail......sorry, sorry......during that party, at sometime, somehow, a fairly stout marble table had chunks allegedly 'danced-off it', as found by cleaners the next day...(nice-Ed)...
Only thing is, it was the outgoing Tones who threw the li'l shindig...(sorry what?-Ed)...yeah, it's reported that it was Tony Abbott and/or his supporters who were the party in question...(but didn't they lose? I'm pretty sure they lost, and PM Mal Mal is the proof-Ed)...yep, dunno, it's some sortta' wake though if it was Tone's posse whom trashed it...regardless, it's great fodder for a stumbling Labor Party, and a case of self-inflicted if unintentional ÃœberUnderPartybussing from the Libs, collectively throwing each other under the bus by throwing a party that for all intents and purposes celebrates the deep divides in the Party...(hoorah!-Ed)...and further reports are that 1) the table's wholly rooted if not completely shattered and 2) tropherial and/or triumphal bits have been showing-up in people's offices...(and huzzah!-Ed)
What's Fishy About Gillman?...(well his gills I'd suggest, taboomtish-Ed)...just gobsmacked to hear the latest farcical statements from all concerned re the wholly corrupt $100million Gillman Land Sale...the Independent Commission Against Corruption has shown it's true colours, it's true purpose, in investigating this massively corrupt deal and then effectively excusing those responsible...excuse me, but I'm not wasting column space trawling through the multiple layers of clearly evident corruption re this entire situation, eg, the multiple offers from other companies that were ignored, the complete lack of a valuation, followed by the total lack of public tender, followed by a closed Cabinet decision to sell, right through the ICAC investigation that effectively blames those forced to conduct this sale, whilst concurrently completely exonerating Minister Tom Koutsontonis, Premier Jay Weatherill, and the Labor government en masse, other than to pathetically pseudo-chastise Tom for his profane bullying of Renewal SA personnel, and ultimately blames those being bullied...(wow-Ed)...
If y'all have the time and energy and are so disposed, please just Interweb any of the media coverage of this farce, but please try to access the Today Tonight (Channel 7) stuff because they cover the various other offers made, the actual value of the land, $400m, and a bunch more...(that The Advertiser article last week wasn't too bad-Ed)...Gillman is as rankly corrupt as the South East Forestry Sale and subsequent 'privatisation' of Forestry SA here in Mt Gambier...(or the Mt Barker Land Rezoning-Ed)...and/or a bunch of Labor government corruption...they're not even trying to be subtle anymore, it's just open-slather now, with an ICAC designed and functioning to help cover the tracks...disgraceful...
Show purchasing a Mt Gambier Show Society Membership for only $30 (adult) which gets you access both days (this Friday23rd-Saturday24th October ) and free on-site parking...a day ticket costs $15 and no parking...Membership means you can go both days for events/fireworks/whatevs with near-by's great value and a great way to show support for the Show Society at the same time...anyone can join and there's kid's memberships, etc...available until close of business Wednesday evening 21st October...
Tomorrow: I Just Can't Say It
(You want to say 'Rail Lands' don't you, but you're too embarassed 'cos you've promised it repeatedly and yet deliver never-Ed)...orrr fair go, I have covered it extensively and repeatedly and have proven beyond discussion that Mt Gambier City Council's one true plan is the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(fair enough-Ed)...not to mention the absolute bollocks they're coming-up with now re the neglected Old's going to take multiple posts to cover the extensive local coverage of this ludicrous project........and shazzam! right now on Today Tonight (Adelaide) another story re the Gillman Sale...check it out now...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
PS: Check-out Mt Gambier City Council's new 'drone' promotional video with night-time fly-through of the Rail Lands Palm Trees, etc...hilarious...I can picture tourists trying to find these features with no hope because in the cold hard light of day it looks like a waste land lined with decaying buildings...(and at what cost?-Ed)...dunno'...and what happened to the all-conquering $700,000 'Volcano' movie that Council produced only 4 years ago?'s a sickly corrupt and costly joke from start to finish...
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
More SA ICAC Stuff
Hello and welcome to a very short, sharp post with large attachments from today's The Advertiser newspaper...(yay-Ed) was that or a post with large chunks of The Border Watch...(yay-Ed)...again I don't really have much choice because the articles largely self-explain...and please excuse me for not apologising for not doing the Rail Lands today and/or getting a post up yesterday, I was having a bit of a 'sleeper'...(is that one of those semi-depressive episodes where you just sortta' crash-out for a day or two, moving from a couch-snooze to a nanna-nap to a couch-snooze reprise, etc, over and over as you attempt to catch-up on weeks of broken sleep patterns?-Ed)...yeah, kinda' like some sort of Run-Into-A-Wall Narcolepsy, and for years now I've basically accepted and functioned around these days...
Not apologising for nor asking permission to say the things I do in the ways that I do...can't say it often enough, and in my own defense, if availees ever feel I've strayed into a bit of a self-indulgent whinge, please do review this 'ere blog and cut me the slack I've clearly earned...(well I think that you unite large sections of the community with your behaviours-Ed)...well thank you Ed...(I mean, large sections of the community are clearly drawn together in their mutual hatred of you-Ed)...oh very amusing I'm sure...(you have your own li'l jeer squad-Ed)...ok thankyou...(and they even have a li'l catchcry for you-Ed)...right...('get your torches and pitchforks'-Ed)...yes, I'm Shrek and I live in a swamp by myself, and it's not me that has a problem, it's the world has a problem with me, etc, etc, you are just hilarious...
No apologies for failing to 'entertain' today with witty alliteration or pithy observation, for having no humour about me today, because all I got today is scalding, seething contempt for this crassly corrupt State of Decay and it's Debasco (debacle/fiasco) Spawn, the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(dude, I get ya', I hear where ya' comin' from, I too was just listening to this farcical findings from the ICAC re the wholly corrupt $100million Gillman Land Sale-Ed)...well I was referring to the article attached below, yet another extraordinary piece from Commissioner Bruce Lander, he whom makes the rules about disclosure, yet again pseudo-complaining about the problems with disclosure rules of his's a farcically self-evident nonsense that has played out across numerous cases, eg, the complete exoneration of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine via a 2 year 'secret' hearing...
(And of course there's the current cases of the Public Board member who has had their identity suppressed, versus what's being done to former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch, who is being royally hung-out to dry by the ICAC/State, with his name/picture/charges all over the media-Ed)...indeed...and Mr Lander decides what does and/or doesn't get investigated, etc...apart from the clear contradiction of what's being done to Mr Hatch and Commissioner Lander's statements, I'm personally aware of several issues currently 'suppressed' under ICAC legislation, and in each case it's the victims of the corruption involved that are the ones under pressure from/being harassed by Authorities, whilst the issues/cases involved are stuck in a corrupt stasis...obviously, given the multiple suppression issues re the ICAC legislation, I cannot identify these cases...
The second article is just mind-numbingly depressing and yet unavoidably critical...please note the extensive diatribe from the Magistrate about how these are 'real victims', etc, which is just a crass attempt to address this exact criticism as repeatedly levelled at the Judiciary in South Australia as they routinely give convicted paedophiles Good Behaviour Bonds, Suspended Sentences, etc, etc...(strewth dude, I've just read that article, and you're right, I can't believe that he gets a Suspended Sentence...and it makes you wonder don't it? this shreck walks free for this stuff, so just exactly how bad is the offending of the many hundreds of paedophiles in our gaols, eg, our quaint little establishment here in Mt Gambier-Ed)...well indeed Ed...
(And thank goodness the local ABC Radio has put my mind to rest with their recent excellent pieces about the Mt Gambier Gaol and the hundreds of paedophiles and sex offenders there-in and the amazingly generous amounts of wondrous counselling they get that makes them all betters, and none of them move here, etc, etc, and everything's fine, just fine-Ed)...your sarcasm is not lost on me Ed, and indeed I was about to refer to our previous posts re the ABCs' stories about the Mt Gambier Gaol and the allegedly extensive and fantastic programs for sex offenders and/or paedophiles provided to some interviews/articles, these programs have also been identified as being the reason inmates are moved, again, here's a Magistrate citing 'lack of counsellling' as justification for no actual gaol time...
In both these cases/articles my opinion is fundamentally irrelevant because the truths are self-evident...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands - Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won't
(Nice, working the dead-joke zone by self-mocking one's own failure to produce a post re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, a post promised so very often recently yet delivered so infrequently-Ed)...ironic really, considering 1) the number of times that the RLRA has already featured on this 'ere blog, and 2) the vast array of projects that Council has promised for the Rail Lands, none of which have eventuated, eg, Stage 4...(ahh, Stage 4, I love Stage 4, the 'extra' Stage what suddenly appeared and then equally suddenly disappeared-Ed)...indeed, and which was supposed to include the oft promised Sound Shell and access through to Margaret St/Aquatic Centre, etc..
(And what about the 'abandoned' iconic Old Station Building what's just been left settin' right there whilst $4.5million approx has been spent around but not on it!-Ed)...indeed Ed, that was part of Stage 4...and most recently, announcements about proposals/plans for a 'Rage Cage' Sport Court and Skate Park, have also been reversed...(and what's this stuff about Council's Rail Lands Committee not having a quorum and then half of them don't show for the last Full Meeting, etc?-Ed) idea mate...(well get one by tomorrow will you please?-Ed)...sure...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Not apologising for nor asking permission to say the things I do in the ways that I do...can't say it often enough, and in my own defense, if availees ever feel I've strayed into a bit of a self-indulgent whinge, please do review this 'ere blog and cut me the slack I've clearly earned...(well I think that you unite large sections of the community with your behaviours-Ed)...well thank you Ed...(I mean, large sections of the community are clearly drawn together in their mutual hatred of you-Ed)...oh very amusing I'm sure...(you have your own li'l jeer squad-Ed)...ok thankyou...(and they even have a li'l catchcry for you-Ed)...right...('get your torches and pitchforks'-Ed)...yes, I'm Shrek and I live in a swamp by myself, and it's not me that has a problem, it's the world has a problem with me, etc, etc, you are just hilarious...
No apologies for failing to 'entertain' today with witty alliteration or pithy observation, for having no humour about me today, because all I got today is scalding, seething contempt for this crassly corrupt State of Decay and it's Debasco (debacle/fiasco) Spawn, the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(dude, I get ya', I hear where ya' comin' from, I too was just listening to this farcical findings from the ICAC re the wholly corrupt $100million Gillman Land Sale-Ed)...well I was referring to the article attached below, yet another extraordinary piece from Commissioner Bruce Lander, he whom makes the rules about disclosure, yet again pseudo-complaining about the problems with disclosure rules of his's a farcically self-evident nonsense that has played out across numerous cases, eg, the complete exoneration of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine via a 2 year 'secret' hearing...
(And of course there's the current cases of the Public Board member who has had their identity suppressed, versus what's being done to former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch, who is being royally hung-out to dry by the ICAC/State, with his name/picture/charges all over the media-Ed)...indeed...and Mr Lander decides what does and/or doesn't get investigated, etc...apart from the clear contradiction of what's being done to Mr Hatch and Commissioner Lander's statements, I'm personally aware of several issues currently 'suppressed' under ICAC legislation, and in each case it's the victims of the corruption involved that are the ones under pressure from/being harassed by Authorities, whilst the issues/cases involved are stuck in a corrupt stasis...obviously, given the multiple suppression issues re the ICAC legislation, I cannot identify these cases...
The second article is just mind-numbingly depressing and yet unavoidably critical...please note the extensive diatribe from the Magistrate about how these are 'real victims', etc, which is just a crass attempt to address this exact criticism as repeatedly levelled at the Judiciary in South Australia as they routinely give convicted paedophiles Good Behaviour Bonds, Suspended Sentences, etc, etc...(strewth dude, I've just read that article, and you're right, I can't believe that he gets a Suspended Sentence...and it makes you wonder don't it? this shreck walks free for this stuff, so just exactly how bad is the offending of the many hundreds of paedophiles in our gaols, eg, our quaint little establishment here in Mt Gambier-Ed)...well indeed Ed...
(And thank goodness the local ABC Radio has put my mind to rest with their recent excellent pieces about the Mt Gambier Gaol and the hundreds of paedophiles and sex offenders there-in and the amazingly generous amounts of wondrous counselling they get that makes them all betters, and none of them move here, etc, etc, and everything's fine, just fine-Ed)...your sarcasm is not lost on me Ed, and indeed I was about to refer to our previous posts re the ABCs' stories about the Mt Gambier Gaol and the allegedly extensive and fantastic programs for sex offenders and/or paedophiles provided to some interviews/articles, these programs have also been identified as being the reason inmates are moved, again, here's a Magistrate citing 'lack of counsellling' as justification for no actual gaol time...
In both these cases/articles my opinion is fundamentally irrelevant because the truths are self-evident...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands - Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won't
(Nice, working the dead-joke zone by self-mocking one's own failure to produce a post re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, a post promised so very often recently yet delivered so infrequently-Ed)...ironic really, considering 1) the number of times that the RLRA has already featured on this 'ere blog, and 2) the vast array of projects that Council has promised for the Rail Lands, none of which have eventuated, eg, Stage 4...(ahh, Stage 4, I love Stage 4, the 'extra' Stage what suddenly appeared and then equally suddenly disappeared-Ed)...indeed, and which was supposed to include the oft promised Sound Shell and access through to Margaret St/Aquatic Centre, etc..
(And what about the 'abandoned' iconic Old Station Building what's just been left settin' right there whilst $4.5million approx has been spent around but not on it!-Ed)...indeed Ed, that was part of Stage 4...and most recently, announcements about proposals/plans for a 'Rage Cage' Sport Court and Skate Park, have also been reversed...(and what's this stuff about Council's Rail Lands Committee not having a quorum and then half of them don't show for the last Full Meeting, etc?-Ed) idea mate...(well get one by tomorrow will you please?-Ed)...sure...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, October 12, 2015
No-one Ever Accused Me Of Being Sane
**(Deadset, I reckon the closest anyone's gone is that time that person said that they found it remarkable that you would be capable of being so normal given what they knew of your early childhood and issues there-in-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed, and anyone with a C-grade Psychology degree from the Uni of Pigsknuckle, Arkansas, can see the realities in my vague references to various traumas, and can see the evidence that presents itself in my conduct, personality, etc...(and most explicitly on this 'ere blog-Ed)...again indeed, don't take a rocket surgeon to see that trauma and it's effects are largely what drives me to pursue issues, and most manifestly my mostly almost manic conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
I don't crack jokes when I talk about 'Lack Of Self-Esteem' issues...(yeah ya' do-Ed)...well ok maybe yes I do, occasionally...(even the title of that early post, 'Self-Esteem - The Issue I'd Love To Have' is a gently self-mocking but scythingly accurate joke-Ed)...yes, ok...(and Post 150, 'Nick Fletcher, The Nut That Wouldn't Crack'-Ed)...ok ok, you've made your point...(and all that jibberish about a young man who lived his life on a bit of a "drug-fuelled egomanic rampage", and still remains a bit of a "ManBear StuffPig"-Ed)...yes, alright alright, enough already, but I don't make jokes about others in that same context...(no, fair enough-Ed)...
Beyond that, as regular availees would be aware, for some time now I've struggled with just doing this 'ere blog...I have tried to back-off a bit, but that just makes it more difficult to keep coming back, so's I've made some executive decisions based on what I feel I have to do...(and that is?-Ed)...what needs to be done...I am ultimately irrelevant in serving the purpose it appears I was somewhat 'destined' to...(is this the stuff about how it's all 'nuthin' but a Thang'?-Ed)...indeed, there's nuthin' to be done other than to do it, so here's the Thang...
Being Emphatically Empathetic:...The Mount Gambier Independent will be returning to a daily-post format with 5 posts per week...I'll be approaching TMGI as being my employment, and engaging with it as a full-time job...(but you're already monitoring the media umpteen hours a day, every day-Ed)...true, but not in the attentive way that I should be, it's been more out of a belligerent refusal to back-down, and many issues have come and gone without me addressing them here-in...and how many times have I been listening to something on the radio and just zoned-out and/or walked away, not least of all because I'm just sick of the lies and deceits and depressingly massive corruption involved...(yeah well that's happened heaps-Ed)...I've burned-out, burned-out to the point that zoning back-in is really the only away we go...**
Hello and welcome to the blog y'all...and I'm sorry to kick-off today with such a confronting, bordering on abusive, clearly quite arrogant, almost sort of ultimatum thingy, but, if you can't read the realities here-in in this 'ere post, and then accept them for what they are, then I think we're both wasting our time here on this 'ere blog, and I'd thank you to take your business elsewhere sir/madam...(settle down, settle down-Ed)...ok, ok, I'm joking mate, anyone who doesn't want to read this shizzle can check out any time they like...(but they can never leave? this what we've come to? ultimatums and poaching The Eagles lyrics?-Ed)...almost, just tryin' to bring some sort of humour to at least some of this 'ere blog...(fair enough, but maybe we could try a bit harder next time-Ed)...fair enough...
Fascinated to read that The Border Watch newspaper was planning to 'stream live via their Facebook page' the Palliative Care Forum held at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre last Wednesday evening...(wasn't that cutting of Palliative Care Services in Mt Gambier reversed just this week?-Ed)...indeed...(and we just covered that in the last post?-Ed)...sure...(and I believe you already eviscerated the entire debasco (debacle/fiasco) as being a rankly cynical and clearly constructed manipulation of the citizens of the South East, a manipulation executed using a vital Health Service-Ed)...indeed, but you're missing the point here Ed...(which is?-Ed)...which is, if The Border Watch can live-stream this forum, why don't they live-stream Council meetings once a month?'s literally as simple as setting-up a camera...(perhaps we should do it?-Ed)...interesting idea Ed...
This also segues beautifully into my self-justificationings about why I do this 'ere blog, and my belief that it has played some small part in generating this wholly deceitful Palliative Care stunt...people do tell me and to a degree I obviously agree/believe, that my blog...(our blog sir-Ed)...whatevs, this 'ere blog does have an impact on local politics...(well all ya' did was breath on the Jazz Academy Housing Fiasco and that fell apart-Ed)...yeah, and I did get Council to reverse their ludicrous ban on recording Council meetings, there's my involvement in stopping the highly questionable Showgrounds sale to ALDI, and numerous other issues, upto and including the current farcical Court proceedings against me, itself a political outcome of doing this 'ere blog...(I've said it before, you really are a bastard-Ed)...cheers...
Seriously though, given the deeply traumatising and confronting realities that have been rolled-out this week behind a wall of official deceits and manipulations re both the Palliative Care farce and the intensely corrupt Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, there is very little here to be flippant about...two things, 1) I don't blame people for being deceived by theses agendas/programs of officially carefully choreographed corruptions, it's exactly why these things are being conducted in the manner that they are, with that exact intent, to deceive...2) I can only say that I saw this Palliative Care stuff coming weeks if not months ago, but chose to not say a word for genuine fear of cocking-it-up for everyone else...(sorry? are you suggesting that this 'ere blog is so influential that mentioning something about a particular dodgy situation may well influence that outcome-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what I'm suggesting...
Where To Start?:...(with the latest Rail Lands deceits from Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...yeah, good point, supposedly was goin' to be today's post...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is another issue on this 'ere blog that is not open for debate...I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mt Gambier City Council has one plan for the site, and that is massive Retail/Commercial development, everything else is an abject lie...and so it is with the PC and FCARC opinion is my opinion, but in these situations my opinion is alone but rampant in a field of ugly truths...
I had my suspicions right from the announcement that Palliative Care was being completely cut, but those suspicions were swamped by the realities of the Weatherill Labor governments' relentless dismantling of Regional Health Services to prop-up Adelaide-based services, in a Health System broken, broke, and beyond redemption...(oh you're not on again about the massive expense to South Australia of this Private Profit Contract re the New Royal Adelaide Hospital, as covered in previous posts re the Privatisation of Health in SA?-Ed)...ummm, yes...but as this 'protest process' progressed, those suspicions resurfaced, and soon I was quite confident/convinced/whatevs that this was a set-up, but I chose to not discuss/expose/challenge it because I genuinely feared stuffing-up what I believed was about to be reversed anyway...
Obviously unprovable, I can only ask that availees believe me on this point...I saw this coming, was convinced weeks ago that it was a rank deceit, and events have proven me right...(unfortunately-Ed)...indeed...and again, please pardon the ego, but yes, I do believe that this 'ere blog does have enough influence to affect the outcome of this particularly nasty li'l stunt...I genuinely chose to not even mention this situation for fear of rooting-up what I believed was about to happen anyway, the return of Palliative Care, and in that context I don't care how or why it was returning, I just didn't want to get in the way...
As covered previously, this Palliative Care circus is a nasty little stunt designed to cover a range of credibility issues of all the major players involved, and whilst I don't for a moment claim full or even majority credit/blame for it happening, this carefully manipulated situation conveniently addresses many of the issues I've raised in this 'ere blog, involving many of the players I've identified...when I hear/see Liberal Member Troy Bell praising-up Labor Health Minister Jack Snelling, and vice-versa, and Jack 'The Rat' stating how he's 'not going to standby and watch Federal Health Funding cuts hurt Regional patients', etc, etc, and everyone's praising-up the wonderful community spirit and community effort and 'yay for you Mt Gambier, you managed to get this service returned', etc, etc, these things confirm to me the reality of what I claim...
And the crowning glory to the pinnacle of manipulation on this mountainous deceit, was the involvement of that rank deceiver and 3rd Rate Hillbilly lawyer, 'Hill' Billy DeGaris...(oh ouch-Ed)...ouch nothing, he's a rankly corrupt rank incompetent and I'm sick of his lies and threats...(and fair enough-Ed)...if I needed any further confirmation that this entire PC shenanigans is a deliberate stunt from a wholly corrupted State parliament where Democracy silently rots in the corner like the lifeless carcass it has become in South Australia, the thundering confirmation that indeed I'm right, it is the classic line from Billy-boy at the forum, that this was "grass-roots democracy in action"...(sweet baby cheeses, what a load of bollocks...and who the hell appointed that shonk as 'Master of Ceremonies'?-Ed)...gourd knows...
Even the timing/conduct of the 'televised' forum reeks of set-up...because Minister Snelling announced that these cuts were to be reversed, and made that announcement the day before (2 days?) the forum, it went from being a baying display of displeasure to a far more conciliatory affair with all the associated manipulations about what a great community Mt Gambier is, etc, etc...(broadcast effectively world-wide-Ed)...indeed Ed, broadcast to a world that might otherwise possibly come to believe that Mt Gambier is a rancidly corrupt little backwater run by paedophiles...(and where on Earth would the world come-up with that idea?-Ed)...can't imagine Ed, can't imagine...
Just For The Record:...anyone who has read the blog or knows me, whatevs, knows that when I deride and denounce this PC farce for being the deeply cynical manipulation it clearly is, that I very carefully, specifically blame those who constructed it and those who are immediately complicit, namely the politicians involved, and Bill DeGaris, etc...and I do it carefully because there are many genuine people involved who have had their very genuine concerns and genuine effort to support their community, etc, who have had their own genuine commitment and extensive endeavours manipulated back against them in the machinations of a wholly corrupt State...
And never forget 1) the extraordinarily important service that our corrupt State is playing such cynical games with, Palliative Care, and 2) the triflingly pitiful sums involved, namely $200,000 per annum...this is the contempt that your State government has for you as citizens, a contempt spread thickly across a range of pointless, complicit politicians and their related stooges and chronies...cynical I may be, but tell me I'm wrong that this entire situation is a stunt...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, I Swear...In The Good Way
ÃœberUnderpartybus:...the hilarity keeps on comin' from the Federal Liberal Party, where-in new Prime Minister Malcolm 'The Usurping Serpent' Turnbull unleashed his own personal smarm-offensive on a NSW Liberals Party meeting last week, but unfortunately for him, even as he expertly wielded that most insidious piece of political ordnance, the Underbus, it horribly back-fired...seguing seamlessly from profuse praise for the man he royally shafted as PM, Tony Abbott, whom was settin' right there in the front row, new PM MT tried to shift focus onto the Labor Party dysfunction with comments about how the Libs aren't controlled by factions...(what?! they just had an internal bunfight where one lot backed Mal Mal, whilst others backed Outgoing Tones...a vicious split right through the Liberal Party, based on factions-Ed)...indeed...(and they haven't stopped slingin' each other under the bus since-Ed)...well quite...
It was rather amusing to see the Party room jeering their new PM when he trotted-out these li'l gems...(a Liberal PM jeered in a Liberal Party function, by his own people...when's the last time that happened?-Ed) idea, but I can't imagine it happens very the Liberals have turned Underbussing into a Party game where everyone can play...(as long as they're being fiercely loyal to their leader, whoever that might be-Ed) on...(and I think it needs to be observed that Mal Mal was so inspired by Tones totes amazeballs leadership that he (Mal Mal) was inspired all the way to shoving Tones aside to give it a shot himself-Ed)...shazzam!...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
I don't crack jokes when I talk about 'Lack Of Self-Esteem' issues...(yeah ya' do-Ed)...well ok maybe yes I do, occasionally...(even the title of that early post, 'Self-Esteem - The Issue I'd Love To Have' is a gently self-mocking but scythingly accurate joke-Ed)...yes, ok...(and Post 150, 'Nick Fletcher, The Nut That Wouldn't Crack'-Ed)...ok ok, you've made your point...(and all that jibberish about a young man who lived his life on a bit of a "drug-fuelled egomanic rampage", and still remains a bit of a "ManBear StuffPig"-Ed)...yes, alright alright, enough already, but I don't make jokes about others in that same context...(no, fair enough-Ed)...
Beyond that, as regular availees would be aware, for some time now I've struggled with just doing this 'ere blog...I have tried to back-off a bit, but that just makes it more difficult to keep coming back, so's I've made some executive decisions based on what I feel I have to do...(and that is?-Ed)...what needs to be done...I am ultimately irrelevant in serving the purpose it appears I was somewhat 'destined' to...(is this the stuff about how it's all 'nuthin' but a Thang'?-Ed)...indeed, there's nuthin' to be done other than to do it, so here's the Thang...
Being Emphatically Empathetic:...The Mount Gambier Independent will be returning to a daily-post format with 5 posts per week...I'll be approaching TMGI as being my employment, and engaging with it as a full-time job...(but you're already monitoring the media umpteen hours a day, every day-Ed)...true, but not in the attentive way that I should be, it's been more out of a belligerent refusal to back-down, and many issues have come and gone without me addressing them here-in...and how many times have I been listening to something on the radio and just zoned-out and/or walked away, not least of all because I'm just sick of the lies and deceits and depressingly massive corruption involved...(yeah well that's happened heaps-Ed)...I've burned-out, burned-out to the point that zoning back-in is really the only away we go...**
Hello and welcome to the blog y'all...and I'm sorry to kick-off today with such a confronting, bordering on abusive, clearly quite arrogant, almost sort of ultimatum thingy, but, if you can't read the realities here-in in this 'ere post, and then accept them for what they are, then I think we're both wasting our time here on this 'ere blog, and I'd thank you to take your business elsewhere sir/madam...(settle down, settle down-Ed)...ok, ok, I'm joking mate, anyone who doesn't want to read this shizzle can check out any time they like...(but they can never leave? this what we've come to? ultimatums and poaching The Eagles lyrics?-Ed)...almost, just tryin' to bring some sort of humour to at least some of this 'ere blog...(fair enough, but maybe we could try a bit harder next time-Ed)...fair enough...
Fascinated to read that The Border Watch newspaper was planning to 'stream live via their Facebook page' the Palliative Care Forum held at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre last Wednesday evening...(wasn't that cutting of Palliative Care Services in Mt Gambier reversed just this week?-Ed)...indeed...(and we just covered that in the last post?-Ed)...sure...(and I believe you already eviscerated the entire debasco (debacle/fiasco) as being a rankly cynical and clearly constructed manipulation of the citizens of the South East, a manipulation executed using a vital Health Service-Ed)...indeed, but you're missing the point here Ed...(which is?-Ed)...which is, if The Border Watch can live-stream this forum, why don't they live-stream Council meetings once a month?'s literally as simple as setting-up a camera...(perhaps we should do it?-Ed)...interesting idea Ed...
This also segues beautifully into my self-justificationings about why I do this 'ere blog, and my belief that it has played some small part in generating this wholly deceitful Palliative Care stunt...people do tell me and to a degree I obviously agree/believe, that my blog...(our blog sir-Ed)...whatevs, this 'ere blog does have an impact on local politics...(well all ya' did was breath on the Jazz Academy Housing Fiasco and that fell apart-Ed)...yeah, and I did get Council to reverse their ludicrous ban on recording Council meetings, there's my involvement in stopping the highly questionable Showgrounds sale to ALDI, and numerous other issues, upto and including the current farcical Court proceedings against me, itself a political outcome of doing this 'ere blog...(I've said it before, you really are a bastard-Ed)...cheers...
Seriously though, given the deeply traumatising and confronting realities that have been rolled-out this week behind a wall of official deceits and manipulations re both the Palliative Care farce and the intensely corrupt Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, there is very little here to be flippant about...two things, 1) I don't blame people for being deceived by theses agendas/programs of officially carefully choreographed corruptions, it's exactly why these things are being conducted in the manner that they are, with that exact intent, to deceive...2) I can only say that I saw this Palliative Care stuff coming weeks if not months ago, but chose to not say a word for genuine fear of cocking-it-up for everyone else...(sorry? are you suggesting that this 'ere blog is so influential that mentioning something about a particular dodgy situation may well influence that outcome-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what I'm suggesting...
Where To Start?:...(with the latest Rail Lands deceits from Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...yeah, good point, supposedly was goin' to be today's post...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is another issue on this 'ere blog that is not open for debate...I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mt Gambier City Council has one plan for the site, and that is massive Retail/Commercial development, everything else is an abject lie...and so it is with the PC and FCARC opinion is my opinion, but in these situations my opinion is alone but rampant in a field of ugly truths...
I had my suspicions right from the announcement that Palliative Care was being completely cut, but those suspicions were swamped by the realities of the Weatherill Labor governments' relentless dismantling of Regional Health Services to prop-up Adelaide-based services, in a Health System broken, broke, and beyond redemption...(oh you're not on again about the massive expense to South Australia of this Private Profit Contract re the New Royal Adelaide Hospital, as covered in previous posts re the Privatisation of Health in SA?-Ed)...ummm, yes...but as this 'protest process' progressed, those suspicions resurfaced, and soon I was quite confident/convinced/whatevs that this was a set-up, but I chose to not discuss/expose/challenge it because I genuinely feared stuffing-up what I believed was about to be reversed anyway...
Obviously unprovable, I can only ask that availees believe me on this point...I saw this coming, was convinced weeks ago that it was a rank deceit, and events have proven me right...(unfortunately-Ed)...indeed...and again, please pardon the ego, but yes, I do believe that this 'ere blog does have enough influence to affect the outcome of this particularly nasty li'l stunt...I genuinely chose to not even mention this situation for fear of rooting-up what I believed was about to happen anyway, the return of Palliative Care, and in that context I don't care how or why it was returning, I just didn't want to get in the way...
As covered previously, this Palliative Care circus is a nasty little stunt designed to cover a range of credibility issues of all the major players involved, and whilst I don't for a moment claim full or even majority credit/blame for it happening, this carefully manipulated situation conveniently addresses many of the issues I've raised in this 'ere blog, involving many of the players I've identified...when I hear/see Liberal Member Troy Bell praising-up Labor Health Minister Jack Snelling, and vice-versa, and Jack 'The Rat' stating how he's 'not going to standby and watch Federal Health Funding cuts hurt Regional patients', etc, etc, and everyone's praising-up the wonderful community spirit and community effort and 'yay for you Mt Gambier, you managed to get this service returned', etc, etc, these things confirm to me the reality of what I claim...
And the crowning glory to the pinnacle of manipulation on this mountainous deceit, was the involvement of that rank deceiver and 3rd Rate Hillbilly lawyer, 'Hill' Billy DeGaris...(oh ouch-Ed)...ouch nothing, he's a rankly corrupt rank incompetent and I'm sick of his lies and threats...(and fair enough-Ed)...if I needed any further confirmation that this entire PC shenanigans is a deliberate stunt from a wholly corrupted State parliament where Democracy silently rots in the corner like the lifeless carcass it has become in South Australia, the thundering confirmation that indeed I'm right, it is the classic line from Billy-boy at the forum, that this was "grass-roots democracy in action"...(sweet baby cheeses, what a load of bollocks...and who the hell appointed that shonk as 'Master of Ceremonies'?-Ed)...gourd knows...
Even the timing/conduct of the 'televised' forum reeks of set-up...because Minister Snelling announced that these cuts were to be reversed, and made that announcement the day before (2 days?) the forum, it went from being a baying display of displeasure to a far more conciliatory affair with all the associated manipulations about what a great community Mt Gambier is, etc, etc...(broadcast effectively world-wide-Ed)...indeed Ed, broadcast to a world that might otherwise possibly come to believe that Mt Gambier is a rancidly corrupt little backwater run by paedophiles...(and where on Earth would the world come-up with that idea?-Ed)...can't imagine Ed, can't imagine...
Just For The Record:...anyone who has read the blog or knows me, whatevs, knows that when I deride and denounce this PC farce for being the deeply cynical manipulation it clearly is, that I very carefully, specifically blame those who constructed it and those who are immediately complicit, namely the politicians involved, and Bill DeGaris, etc...and I do it carefully because there are many genuine people involved who have had their very genuine concerns and genuine effort to support their community, etc, who have had their own genuine commitment and extensive endeavours manipulated back against them in the machinations of a wholly corrupt State...
And never forget 1) the extraordinarily important service that our corrupt State is playing such cynical games with, Palliative Care, and 2) the triflingly pitiful sums involved, namely $200,000 per annum...this is the contempt that your State government has for you as citizens, a contempt spread thickly across a range of pointless, complicit politicians and their related stooges and chronies...cynical I may be, but tell me I'm wrong that this entire situation is a stunt...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, I Swear...In The Good Way
ÃœberUnderpartybus:...the hilarity keeps on comin' from the Federal Liberal Party, where-in new Prime Minister Malcolm 'The Usurping Serpent' Turnbull unleashed his own personal smarm-offensive on a NSW Liberals Party meeting last week, but unfortunately for him, even as he expertly wielded that most insidious piece of political ordnance, the Underbus, it horribly back-fired...seguing seamlessly from profuse praise for the man he royally shafted as PM, Tony Abbott, whom was settin' right there in the front row, new PM MT tried to shift focus onto the Labor Party dysfunction with comments about how the Libs aren't controlled by factions...(what?! they just had an internal bunfight where one lot backed Mal Mal, whilst others backed Outgoing Tones...a vicious split right through the Liberal Party, based on factions-Ed)...indeed...(and they haven't stopped slingin' each other under the bus since-Ed)...well quite...
It was rather amusing to see the Party room jeering their new PM when he trotted-out these li'l gems...(a Liberal PM jeered in a Liberal Party function, by his own people...when's the last time that happened?-Ed) idea, but I can't imagine it happens very the Liberals have turned Underbussing into a Party game where everyone can play...(as long as they're being fiercely loyal to their leader, whoever that might be-Ed) on...(and I think it needs to be observed that Mal Mal was so inspired by Tones totes amazeballs leadership that he (Mal Mal) was inspired all the way to shoving Tones aside to give it a shot himself-Ed)...shazzam!...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Seaweed Stuff And Some Other Nonsense
Hello Brazil, Costa Rica, Portugal, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...just a quick post to continue my push toward a daily post again...and again, cheers for the support re my personal 'journey' through what can only be described as a very original landscape...(how so?-Ed)...because I guarantee you that there's no-one been down this path in any, way, shape or form, because dude, there ain't even a bleedin' path most of the time...(well if there's any path at all it would suggest nay confirm that others had been this way, hence the path-Ed)...could have been animals...(what, like a ManBear StuffPig maybe?-Ed) re-use that timeless joke, 'I resemble that remark sir!'...(sure, but don't we have a post to do?-Ed)...indeed, and awayyyy...
Riddochulous Shenanigans: at the Riddoch Art Gallery has culminated in the sacking/disbanding of the Board...(it would seem that those stories talked at your head by others, those stories may well be true-Ed)...strewth, narrow it down a bit will ya'? there's a dozen issues re the Riddoch and Main Corner, etc, some my own and those of others...(well the stuff people have been sayin' about the Riddoch getting politely given the arse outta' there, out of the recently renovated Kings Theatre, so's that the Morrison Jazz Academy can be expanded into that space...that stuff-Ed)...ah yes, that's indeed some peoples' belief as to the genuine motivation they believe to be behind this current disintegrating debasco (debacle/fiasco) with the Riddoch...(and it would potentially give the Main Corner Facility leasees complete control of the entire site, Main Corner/Town Hall/Kings Theatre et al-Ed)...I think they effectively already do...(ah yes, the good ol' Main Corner, just another rankly corrupt process/project from City Council, hooray-Ed)...mmm, hooray indeed...
I've previously had a bit of a whinge about the amount of money that the Riddoch receives annually from Mt Gambier City Council, but that's always been in the context of what equal funding could do to provide a slightly more adequate public transport service in Mt Gambier...(please, allow me...we've just had another 3 days of no buses at all in Mt Gambier, South Australia's second city after Adelaide, the state's largest Regional centre, and not even a bloody bus, from 1700hrs (5.00pm) Friday until 0900hrs Tuesday, not a single's a bloody disgrace and shows yet again, in clear fashion, the abject contempt that the Adelaide-based, Adelaide-focussed Jay Weatherill Labor government has for Regional SA-Ed)...indeed, there's free buses to Adelaide Oval or wherevs when it suits Adelaide, whatevs the hour, whatevs the day, yet no Public Transport in Mt Gambier on public holidays or weekends...
My original point though, is that if Council provided the equal funding for public transport that they do to the Riddoch Gallery, approx $60,000 per annum (2014), that would easily fund a daily bus service...(and even a Christmas Holidays bus to Pt MacDonnell, then Browns Beach, and back-Ed)...indeed...and I've been catching the bus at least once a week just to support the service and show solidarity with my peeps on the street who rely it...I maintain that it's the equality of how we provide all of these basic services that defines us as a society, and it's a fairly common belief...starting with Education, Medical/Dental, etc, Child Protection obviously, and Public Transport because mobility is a fundamental 'free-er' that facilitates people goin' places and doin' stuff and opens-up a world of opportunities, including employment...(it's all fairly straight forward really-Ed)...moving on...
I'm fully stoked that Mt Gambier Hospital has had it's Palliative Care Service re-instated, but in my cynical li'l world it reeks of a nasty little political stunt from Labor...this absolutely reeks of a $200,000 per annum set-up for an otherwise uncaring and corrupted Labor government to have a compassionate peg to hang their empty souls on come Election's just offensive for Health Minister Jack Snelling to blame Federal cuts and state that he's "restoring funding" because he's 'not going to stand by and watch South Australians suffer due to Federal cuts'...(but he made those cuts, as the Minister, he made those cuts-Ed)...oh indeed, and now Jack The Lad's only taking time-out from praising his own wondrousness to be praising-up Liberal Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell, and Troy's praising-up Jack, and it's all about what a great community Mt Gambier is, etc, etc...the whole thing just glares at me, literally yells at me as being a deeply cynical stunt from shallow, nasty people...
This 4-person Palliative Care service costs a total $200,000 a that to the $3million that Labor has spent thus far on expensive advertising for their ludicrous Reforming Health nonsense...(with more advertising to come-Ed)...indeed, $millions in months with yet more to come...and Reforming Health is a disastrous nightmare Adelaide will yet live to experience if not long enough to regret...(wow, you are in your happy place today, aren't you?-Ed)...not particularly, just lookin' at the loomin' reality of unavoidable consequences of the Privatisation of Public Health Services as per the Profit-Guarantee Contract that Labor has entered into re the new Royal Adelaide Hospital...I can't even contemplate a post re this Health System shizzle 'cos it's Jacob's Ladder sortta' stuff, straight down the ladder into a mire of depressing realities of collapsing/cut services everywhere across the state as everything goes to finance that PG Contract..(sweet baby cheeses, now you've depressed me as well-Ed)...see what I mean?...(I do! I do!-Ed)...
Seaweed Lies Upon The Beach: but PIRSA's deadset pissin' right in my ear...(woah, steady on big fella-Ed)...steady-on nuthin', I'm absolutely rabid about the rank deceits of my government and it's various stooge-like operatives, and it's nothing short of rank lies wrapped in abuse in what is being spewed-out by PIRSA re concerns about the potential environmental impacts of wholesale seaweed clearing from beaches near Kingston, here in South East SA...(yes, and I can see the large, angry, hippy in you gettin' all fired-up-Ed)...damn straight, that bloody clown from PIRSA (Primary Industries SA) on the ABC Radio the other morning was a belligerent tool, brusquely brushing aside any criticism of this ludicrous and corrupted decision to grant a massive seaweed products export license, a license allowing the complete clearing of (reportedly) 50-70kms of shoreline...
Fundamental research by PIRSA and/or a large group of brightly dressed individuals alighting from a very small car...(you mean like clowns?-Ed)...either of these groups conducting the most basic research would confirm the widely known local/anecdotal evidence that that seaweed is a critical part of a massive food-chain, and that removing it will cause irreversible collapse of that's a basic biological reality that weed-banks like these are riddled with food-source invertebrates like maggots, various cetaceans...(cetaceans? cetaceans are whales, dude, dolphins and shizzle? I think you mean 'crustaceans' as in things like crabs, oysters, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, whatevs, tonnes of maggots, lice-thingies, crustaceans, whatevs, all live in/around that weed and they are prey for other critters, and/or birds, and/or marine species,'s fundamental, school-grade biology stuff about ecosystems...
That seaweed is not surplus to requirement, it is a Foundation Food-source, and it is widely reported and understood that there are multiple fisheries reliant on that Foundation Food-source, and others that may be directly affected or damaged as a result of wider ecological/environmental affects, eg, the Southern Rock Lobster...again, it's basic biology, when ecosystems suffer a massive basic change like removing all that weed/food-source, the effects reach out into every nook of that ecosystem...(has anyone asked themselves or anyone else for that matter whether or not the sudden strange run of huge bluefin tuna close to shore off Pt MacDonnell might be a result of the massive Geelong Star super-trawlering it's voracious way along our coastline, hoovering it's way through local baitfish stocks out in deeper waters where the tuna usually cruise, thusly forcing the tuna in-shore?-Ed), no idea, but interesting theorisationing Ed, very interesting...
(Just an aside whilst we're making-up words like 'theorisationing', I was reading where our close mate new SAPol (police) Commissioner Grant Stephens, he of the Paedophile Taskforce fame whom knew/knows about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up but didn't/wouldn't/won't do anything about it, as covered in multiple previous posts, he described the proposed privatisation of sections of SAPol, eg, personnel supervising SAPol holding cells, even though those cells are currently repeatedly used as 'overflow cells' for an over-loaded gaol system, our man Grantly denied that this was privatisation, instead calling it "civilianisation"-Ed)...classic...
What a bloody disgrace for the PIRSA rep...(actually it was/is Sean Sloan, Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy-Ed)...right, ta'...what a typical disgrace it is for a government rep to belligerently challenge people in this ludicrously brazen way, in such an aggressively confrontational and blusteringly bravado-bloated bullying...(what way? what do you mean? you haven't explained what he said-Ed), sorry, he said that 'if anyone has any proof that this massive clearing will cause any damage, then provide it to us re our Feedback thingy we're doing now, and we'll look at it, but apart from that, what's ya' problem? PIRSA doesn't have one' (paraphrase, but bloody close)...(so he's saying that people who want to oppose this massive industrial clearing of a great swathe of coast, those people need to provide the scientific evidence to support their claims/concerns/opposition-Ed)...indeed, and in a context where PIRSA are clearly full-steam ahead in support of the proposed clearing...
This bears a remarkable resemblance to the argument/justification that Wind Turbine proponents use in refuting claims of health problems re Turbines, namely, 'there's no evidence that Turbines cause any health problems', said in a context where they know that the evidence doesn't exist because no specific testing has been done...(and now PIRSA is saying 'you show us the evidence that this clearing will cause problems', said in a context where they know exactly what the damage is likely to be, and yet clearly don't want to acknowledge that, as part of their equally clearly defined support for this outrageous proposal-Ed)...and it was the belligerent way that this Gauntlet of Denial was flung down by Sean that really pissed me off...
(And that's just the basic foodchain stuff, we haven't even covered the environmental impacts of erosion and dune reduction, etc-Ed)...indeed, or the much discussed plans for 'food grade kelp products' which can only be done with kelp harvested live from the ocean, not stuff bulldozered off a or out of the water this weed is critical to it's environment, indeed it is the environment...the whole project is a disaster that no longer needs to look for somewhere to happen 'cos it's happening right here...
Just Quickly:...and in the same 'This Must Not Be Allowed' context as this Seaweed Clearing, the latest coupla' things I've seen from Beach Energy (whom are planning Fracking (TMNBA) in the South East) have talked about Beach 'consolidating' by selling interests in Romania, Tanzania, and elsewhere, and/or investing further in the Cooper Basin, but ne'ery a word about, ne'ery a mention of the Otway Basin or the South East or nuthin', not nuthin'...(what does that mean?-Ed)...not entirely sure, could be having second thoughts, could be they have plans to continue but they're just trying to 'fly under the radar', trying to avoid flak from greenies, etc...
Tomorrow: Even I Don't Believe The Latest Rail Lands Stuff
ÃœberUnderbussing Master recently shafted PM Tony Abbott shows the amateurs how it's done...having repeatedly stated that he won't be leaking or briefing or throwing anyone under a bus in retaliation for the rank betrayal of his mates and Ministers, Tony has been quick to point-out that the Liberal policies are exactly the same as before, etc, and his belief that he would have won the next election, etc, but my fave was during a radio interview when Tones stated that politics "is a game of Snakes and Ladders, and I hit a snake"...(ahahahaahhaaa, classic, saying his usurper and new PM Malcolm Turnbull, saying Mal Mal is a "snake", but without actually saying 'Mal Mal's a snake'-Ed)...I wonder if he came-up with that zinger by himself...(does that make Mal Mal the Usurping Serpent?-Ed)...wacko! it does now Ed, excellent, Mal Mal the Usurping Serpent...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Riddochulous Shenanigans: at the Riddoch Art Gallery has culminated in the sacking/disbanding of the Board...(it would seem that those stories talked at your head by others, those stories may well be true-Ed)...strewth, narrow it down a bit will ya'? there's a dozen issues re the Riddoch and Main Corner, etc, some my own and those of others...(well the stuff people have been sayin' about the Riddoch getting politely given the arse outta' there, out of the recently renovated Kings Theatre, so's that the Morrison Jazz Academy can be expanded into that space...that stuff-Ed)...ah yes, that's indeed some peoples' belief as to the genuine motivation they believe to be behind this current disintegrating debasco (debacle/fiasco) with the Riddoch...(and it would potentially give the Main Corner Facility leasees complete control of the entire site, Main Corner/Town Hall/Kings Theatre et al-Ed)...I think they effectively already do...(ah yes, the good ol' Main Corner, just another rankly corrupt process/project from City Council, hooray-Ed)...mmm, hooray indeed...
I've previously had a bit of a whinge about the amount of money that the Riddoch receives annually from Mt Gambier City Council, but that's always been in the context of what equal funding could do to provide a slightly more adequate public transport service in Mt Gambier...(please, allow me...we've just had another 3 days of no buses at all in Mt Gambier, South Australia's second city after Adelaide, the state's largest Regional centre, and not even a bloody bus, from 1700hrs (5.00pm) Friday until 0900hrs Tuesday, not a single's a bloody disgrace and shows yet again, in clear fashion, the abject contempt that the Adelaide-based, Adelaide-focussed Jay Weatherill Labor government has for Regional SA-Ed)...indeed, there's free buses to Adelaide Oval or wherevs when it suits Adelaide, whatevs the hour, whatevs the day, yet no Public Transport in Mt Gambier on public holidays or weekends...
My original point though, is that if Council provided the equal funding for public transport that they do to the Riddoch Gallery, approx $60,000 per annum (2014), that would easily fund a daily bus service...(and even a Christmas Holidays bus to Pt MacDonnell, then Browns Beach, and back-Ed)...indeed...and I've been catching the bus at least once a week just to support the service and show solidarity with my peeps on the street who rely it...I maintain that it's the equality of how we provide all of these basic services that defines us as a society, and it's a fairly common belief...starting with Education, Medical/Dental, etc, Child Protection obviously, and Public Transport because mobility is a fundamental 'free-er' that facilitates people goin' places and doin' stuff and opens-up a world of opportunities, including employment...(it's all fairly straight forward really-Ed)...moving on...
I'm fully stoked that Mt Gambier Hospital has had it's Palliative Care Service re-instated, but in my cynical li'l world it reeks of a nasty little political stunt from Labor...this absolutely reeks of a $200,000 per annum set-up for an otherwise uncaring and corrupted Labor government to have a compassionate peg to hang their empty souls on come Election's just offensive for Health Minister Jack Snelling to blame Federal cuts and state that he's "restoring funding" because he's 'not going to stand by and watch South Australians suffer due to Federal cuts'...(but he made those cuts, as the Minister, he made those cuts-Ed)...oh indeed, and now Jack The Lad's only taking time-out from praising his own wondrousness to be praising-up Liberal Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell, and Troy's praising-up Jack, and it's all about what a great community Mt Gambier is, etc, etc...the whole thing just glares at me, literally yells at me as being a deeply cynical stunt from shallow, nasty people...
This 4-person Palliative Care service costs a total $200,000 a that to the $3million that Labor has spent thus far on expensive advertising for their ludicrous Reforming Health nonsense...(with more advertising to come-Ed)...indeed, $millions in months with yet more to come...and Reforming Health is a disastrous nightmare Adelaide will yet live to experience if not long enough to regret...(wow, you are in your happy place today, aren't you?-Ed)...not particularly, just lookin' at the loomin' reality of unavoidable consequences of the Privatisation of Public Health Services as per the Profit-Guarantee Contract that Labor has entered into re the new Royal Adelaide Hospital...I can't even contemplate a post re this Health System shizzle 'cos it's Jacob's Ladder sortta' stuff, straight down the ladder into a mire of depressing realities of collapsing/cut services everywhere across the state as everything goes to finance that PG Contract..(sweet baby cheeses, now you've depressed me as well-Ed)...see what I mean?...(I do! I do!-Ed)...
Seaweed Lies Upon The Beach: but PIRSA's deadset pissin' right in my ear...(woah, steady on big fella-Ed)...steady-on nuthin', I'm absolutely rabid about the rank deceits of my government and it's various stooge-like operatives, and it's nothing short of rank lies wrapped in abuse in what is being spewed-out by PIRSA re concerns about the potential environmental impacts of wholesale seaweed clearing from beaches near Kingston, here in South East SA...(yes, and I can see the large, angry, hippy in you gettin' all fired-up-Ed)...damn straight, that bloody clown from PIRSA (Primary Industries SA) on the ABC Radio the other morning was a belligerent tool, brusquely brushing aside any criticism of this ludicrous and corrupted decision to grant a massive seaweed products export license, a license allowing the complete clearing of (reportedly) 50-70kms of shoreline...
Fundamental research by PIRSA and/or a large group of brightly dressed individuals alighting from a very small car...(you mean like clowns?-Ed)...either of these groups conducting the most basic research would confirm the widely known local/anecdotal evidence that that seaweed is a critical part of a massive food-chain, and that removing it will cause irreversible collapse of that's a basic biological reality that weed-banks like these are riddled with food-source invertebrates like maggots, various cetaceans...(cetaceans? cetaceans are whales, dude, dolphins and shizzle? I think you mean 'crustaceans' as in things like crabs, oysters, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, whatevs, tonnes of maggots, lice-thingies, crustaceans, whatevs, all live in/around that weed and they are prey for other critters, and/or birds, and/or marine species,'s fundamental, school-grade biology stuff about ecosystems...
That seaweed is not surplus to requirement, it is a Foundation Food-source, and it is widely reported and understood that there are multiple fisheries reliant on that Foundation Food-source, and others that may be directly affected or damaged as a result of wider ecological/environmental affects, eg, the Southern Rock Lobster...again, it's basic biology, when ecosystems suffer a massive basic change like removing all that weed/food-source, the effects reach out into every nook of that ecosystem...(has anyone asked themselves or anyone else for that matter whether or not the sudden strange run of huge bluefin tuna close to shore off Pt MacDonnell might be a result of the massive Geelong Star super-trawlering it's voracious way along our coastline, hoovering it's way through local baitfish stocks out in deeper waters where the tuna usually cruise, thusly forcing the tuna in-shore?-Ed), no idea, but interesting theorisationing Ed, very interesting...
(Just an aside whilst we're making-up words like 'theorisationing', I was reading where our close mate new SAPol (police) Commissioner Grant Stephens, he of the Paedophile Taskforce fame whom knew/knows about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up but didn't/wouldn't/won't do anything about it, as covered in multiple previous posts, he described the proposed privatisation of sections of SAPol, eg, personnel supervising SAPol holding cells, even though those cells are currently repeatedly used as 'overflow cells' for an over-loaded gaol system, our man Grantly denied that this was privatisation, instead calling it "civilianisation"-Ed)...classic...
What a bloody disgrace for the PIRSA rep...(actually it was/is Sean Sloan, Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy-Ed)...right, ta'...what a typical disgrace it is for a government rep to belligerently challenge people in this ludicrously brazen way, in such an aggressively confrontational and blusteringly bravado-bloated bullying...(what way? what do you mean? you haven't explained what he said-Ed), sorry, he said that 'if anyone has any proof that this massive clearing will cause any damage, then provide it to us re our Feedback thingy we're doing now, and we'll look at it, but apart from that, what's ya' problem? PIRSA doesn't have one' (paraphrase, but bloody close)...(so he's saying that people who want to oppose this massive industrial clearing of a great swathe of coast, those people need to provide the scientific evidence to support their claims/concerns/opposition-Ed)...indeed, and in a context where PIRSA are clearly full-steam ahead in support of the proposed clearing...
This bears a remarkable resemblance to the argument/justification that Wind Turbine proponents use in refuting claims of health problems re Turbines, namely, 'there's no evidence that Turbines cause any health problems', said in a context where they know that the evidence doesn't exist because no specific testing has been done...(and now PIRSA is saying 'you show us the evidence that this clearing will cause problems', said in a context where they know exactly what the damage is likely to be, and yet clearly don't want to acknowledge that, as part of their equally clearly defined support for this outrageous proposal-Ed)...and it was the belligerent way that this Gauntlet of Denial was flung down by Sean that really pissed me off...
(And that's just the basic foodchain stuff, we haven't even covered the environmental impacts of erosion and dune reduction, etc-Ed)...indeed, or the much discussed plans for 'food grade kelp products' which can only be done with kelp harvested live from the ocean, not stuff bulldozered off a or out of the water this weed is critical to it's environment, indeed it is the environment...the whole project is a disaster that no longer needs to look for somewhere to happen 'cos it's happening right here...
Just Quickly:...and in the same 'This Must Not Be Allowed' context as this Seaweed Clearing, the latest coupla' things I've seen from Beach Energy (whom are planning Fracking (TMNBA) in the South East) have talked about Beach 'consolidating' by selling interests in Romania, Tanzania, and elsewhere, and/or investing further in the Cooper Basin, but ne'ery a word about, ne'ery a mention of the Otway Basin or the South East or nuthin', not nuthin'...(what does that mean?-Ed)...not entirely sure, could be having second thoughts, could be they have plans to continue but they're just trying to 'fly under the radar', trying to avoid flak from greenies, etc...
Tomorrow: Even I Don't Believe The Latest Rail Lands Stuff
ÃœberUnderbussing Master recently shafted PM Tony Abbott shows the amateurs how it's done...having repeatedly stated that he won't be leaking or briefing or throwing anyone under a bus in retaliation for the rank betrayal of his mates and Ministers, Tony has been quick to point-out that the Liberal policies are exactly the same as before, etc, and his belief that he would have won the next election, etc, but my fave was during a radio interview when Tones stated that politics "is a game of Snakes and Ladders, and I hit a snake"...(ahahahaahhaaa, classic, saying his usurper and new PM Malcolm Turnbull, saying Mal Mal is a "snake", but without actually saying 'Mal Mal's a snake'-Ed)...I wonder if he came-up with that zinger by himself...(does that make Mal Mal the Usurping Serpent?-Ed)...wacko! it does now Ed, excellent, Mal Mal the Usurping Serpent...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Caught In The Act Courtin' Disaster - Part III
***apologies, again, for yet another long break in blog...still trying really
hard off-blog re my personal stuff, and will continue to push back into blogging full-time, ie,
5 days a week...not too proud to admit that I just really haven't
wanted to do any posts recently because of the problems with finding anything
positive to say about, well, anything really, and I've been having some 'good days' I didn't want to spoil with all this shizzle...(closest thing I've had to a holiday in 15 years-Ed) too Ed, me too...but here we are and here we go***
Hello Japan, Ireland, Vietnam, and Netherlands, again, and a big shout to y' all else, and welcome to the blog...because I want to cover a bunch of my own stuff in this one post I'm just gunna' kick-off...previous posts in the CITACD saga were about the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography trial and the only recent reportage I've seen/heard is from the recent late August 2015 announcement from the Magistrate that he was toddlin' off on hols, over 4 months after retiring to consider his decision re Bernie's trial, a trial that started 4 years after the then (April 2011) Acting Police Minister for Premier Mike Rann's Labor government, was arrested on multiple Child Pornography charges...
I've predicted a decision handed down in writing whilst the Magistrate is away, which is apparently allowable/legal, with an exoneration highly likely, but nothing yet...this is undoubtedly a Courting Disaster as our Judicial System is Caught In The Act of being a Court In the Act Of protecting a paedophile myself...(and I-Ed) currently Courting Disaster by writing about this stuff and inevitably criticising the Courts, etc, whilst myself embroiled in my own Courting Disaster as a result of getting Caught in the Act...(strewth-Ed)...but first...
Flight Of The Rail Lands Corridor:...just hilarious to see Mt Gambier City Council still fully flogging the dead horse called Millstone that has become the Rail Lands Saga, or as I call it, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...amongst a plethora of recent and/or repeated deceits is the big announcement that the Rail Corridor through Mt Gambier may be used as a Walkway/Bike Path... (recent? but wasn't this all discussed at those Rail Lands public meetings back in 2005 and again in February 2006?-Ed)...well certainly discussed by the vast majority of attendants, but flatly refuted/refused/denied by Council who proposed several different plans for massive Retail/Commercial Development, and in particular refuted by Council's then CEO Greg Muller...
(Ohhh yeah yeah, I remember, that February 2006 meeting, the time you asked 'where are the Parkland plans for the site like what everyone wants put there, bro?...and Greg actually just sat there, gripped by apoplectic paralysis, just glaring at you for several seconds before he could gather himself and respond that 'there was no public interest in that idea'-Ed)...indeed, which was met with an audience-chorus of 'bollocks, it'd be way choice, give us one of them parkland thingies'...and after those meetings, nearly 6 years of delays, deceits and inaction, until the vastly disingenuous November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan launch, and then again a revolving litany of lies about the Deed, the Easement, etc... more tomorrow...
(Yeahhhhs, look, can I jump in here quickly?-Ed) away...(well, this stuff with the whole Rail Lands Debasco (debacle/fiasco), it's like so many things covered in this 'ere blog, if it wasn't so sad and steeped in City-crippling corruption that has denied Mt Gambier many services and public facilities, and denied well into the future if not permanently, eg, an all-year Aquatic Centre, if it weren't so corrupt and fundamentally rooted, it'd actually be almost funny just how farcically incompetent has been City Council's handling of the Rail Lands-Ed)...well 'Keystone Cops' funny, sure, but it's not just incompetence, it's a 'Corruption Business Plan' as taught in 'Corrupt Business Practices 101', to start a project with no defined plan, no set budget, and just plough-up a perfectly safe and perfectly-draining site without any surveying, etc,'s a license to keep just dolling-out cash to mates...start something that's undefined and then just keep pouring Ratepayer's money into it, eg, the Library, the Main Corner, etc...all that tomorrow...
Caught In The when one finds oneself facing charges for talking about a State Authority allegedly doing what it's supposedly meant to do, and yet one cannot identify the Authority or specifically name the Act under which one is charged, because that 'identifying' is (potentially) in-and-of itself a breach of the 'Act', and where-in saying anything and or everything potentially may be a breach of said Act...(yep, that's sure gettin' Caught In The Act alright-Ed)...and thus this one (l'il 'ol me) is currently (potentially) caught whilst the case itself is somewhat floundering...(whilst also thus forced to resort to 'pseudonyming' the Authority, and so the Authority becomes Club GoGo Bananas and the Head of CGGB is the Banana Lord-Ed)...indeed, CGGB and the Banana Lord...
Thus Farly:...2 SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide came to my home on May 7th and 8th 2014 and seized my laptop, repeatedly stating "expect to be charged", re something/s I'd allegedly written on this 'ere blog about the CGGB and/or the Banana Lord...via my pro bono Legal Eagles, and without having yet been charged, my Leagles were compelled to write to the Banana Lord (twice) asking about whether or not I was even allowed to discuss the 'case' with a response to the second letter, I was granted official written permission to speak with my family, friends, a medical practitioner, and lawyers...(so even before being charged with anything under the CGGB Act, you were/are required to have written permission to talk to lawyers, your family, and even a doctor?-Ed)...yep, and I've put that official Banana Lord written Authorisation in full in a recent previous post...(extraordinary...and not even charged yet?-Ed)...not at that stage...
From August 2014 neither I nor my Leagles heard not nuthin' from SAPol, the Banana Lord, not no-one...not nuthin' from not no-one...then on Wednesday February 4th 2015 I found out via a phonecall that I was reported and pictured in The Border Watch newspaper (page 3 with photo) re my alleged failure to appear for my Court hearing...I was completely unawares of any hearing because I had not been charged and/or Summonsed...with hindsight, it appears that the Mt Gambier Court issued a Summons on or about January 7th 2015, but Mt Gambier SAPol failed to Serve that Summons...I have covered all of the shenanigans of my multiple bizarre encounters with SAPol officers from those few weeks across February/March 2015 in posts of that time...
I wrote to The Border Watch about the failure to Summons me, and TBW buried their response on page 11 of TBW Friday 6th February, not printing my letter but publishing that I 'claimed' to be unawares...I have also previously established that the issue of the Summons, my non-appearance, etc, must have been raised in that first hearing, with TBW sitting right there, so they knowingly printed that falsehood about me, deliberately deleting the known fact that exonerates me completely, and then even when I wrote to them, continued to knowingly misrepresent the facts...(and regardless of all that, in printing 'claimed' they openly acknowledge that they have failed to check the alleged facts of their own erroneous reporting-Ed) on, but the initial error is a deliberate deceit designed to denigrate and discredit me, so why rectify that if its your genuine intent in the first instance?...(good point-Ed)...
TBW's corruption on this issue was further compounded when the March 2015 hearing opened with my Leagles stating outright that I hadn't been Summonsed to the first hearing, and Magistrate Foley responded outright "yes", and then 'and a second Summons was issued and you're here now, what do you want?' (damn near a quote) and TBW's alleged reporter was sitting right there, right next to the ABC's reporter...(the ABC? are you sure? I've never heard this mentioned on the ABC....and aren't you 'banned' from the ABC anyway?-Ed)...well talk about answering your own question, but rather than 'banned' I'd use the more accurate term 'censored'...I'm being censored out of the news by the ABC Mt Gambier/Adelaide as part of their ongoing corruption re their complicit conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(extraordinary, you really are a bastard-Ed)...apparently...
This very brief March hearing was adjourned to April 2015...despite their alleged reporter being right there when Magistrate Foley clearly conceded and thus confirmed that I hadn't been Summonsed, good ol' TBW again reported that I "claimed" not receiving a Summons...TBW and the ABC were again present at the April 2015 hearing and therefore saw the SAPol Prosecutions officer come across to my Leagles just before the hearing (where-in I had been advised/politely pushed by my Leagles to plead) and hand-over a thick roll of documents/Affidavits/statements...they then saw/heard Magistrate Foley accidentally read-out the first charge of my 20, thus naming in open Court the CGGB because it's written/included as part of the charge...Mr Foley was halfway through the second charge when my Leagles pulled him up stating that I was pleading Not Guilty, not Guilty...(not Not Guilty?-Ed)...yes, Not Guilty...and then I pleaded Not Guilty...again, nothing on the ABC and deceits and deliberate errors in TBW...
(Again, jumping in, why did you plead Not Guilty before you'd even read those Affidavits/statements/allegations-Ed) argument exactly with my Leagles whom were advising/pushing me to plead so as to 1) expedite the case and 2) keep the Court sweet by achieving reason 1)...(but if you hadn't even seen those statements/Affidavits, you've 'pleaded' without knowing what it was you were 'pleading' about-Ed)...well exactly, but the Charge itself is not technically the evidence/allegations involved, eg, someone might claim that you've broken the Law, and it's the evidence that proves/disproves that claim...(yeah, but there might be parts of those statements that you agree with/concede, and as unlikely as it sounds, it might be that you read those documents and think 'fair enough, actually I did do that' and chose to plead Guilty instead...but regardless, why are you getting handed these documents 2 minutes before the third hearing?-Ed)...well, exactly...
Given my belly-achin' about the shonky shenanigans that define the extraordinary conduct of this matter I feel compelled to identify that the handing over of those documents (April) came with a muttered apology and I understand that that officer had herself only just been provided those documents...similarly, the Magistrate reading out the charge and Act was clearly an error where-in he either mis-read or it was errantly written...(whaaa?-Ed)...when arriving at Court, the Clerk writes down on a slip of paper what you're 'pleading'...I saw Magistrate Foley glance down at the slip and start reading-out the charges as though I was pleading Guilty...and then again with the hearings in June 2015 when other Matters conspired to force a series of delays/adjournments and see me literally going in circles around the Courthouse with a very sick dog in the car, etc...just shizzle happenin'...again, all covered in previous posts...
This is stuffing-about that was just stuff happening that stuffed things up a bit...for shizzle...the 2 hearings in June eventually saw the case moved to Adelaide 'cos for some reason my pro bono Leagles here couldn't get me appropriate representation in Mt Gambier...(really? can't imagine why-Ed)...not my choice to move it, had to be moved because it's such a vast and undefined precedent case that no-one would or could's it's been moved to Adelaide so that I could get suitable Legal advice/support/representation, and I've had no choice but to throw myself under the bus of trusting lawyers I've never met as they have tried but ultimately failed to get me Legal Aid, even after Appeal...this process continued through the September hearing and continues even as I's my understanding that I'm excused attending the upcoming October hearing whilst/where these issues are hopefully resolved...
I'll finish here today, and after the next posts re the latest Rail Lands stuff and finishing that CSO letter, I'll come back to dot point the Court stuff with the specific dates, I just wanted to get to the conclusion bit that, from my vantage point, it appears that the people I'm dealing with in the Court, the Magistrate, SAPol Prosecutions, etc, 1) have been involved in but are not necessarily responsible for these problems, 2) are not getting the support they might hope for, ie, this case is clearly being manipulated from behind these people, in what is clearly a Political Trial based on bizarrely undefined legislation, and 3) find themselves as Caught in the Act, the CGGB Act, just as much as I am, but 4) the self-evident realities of how poorly this Matter has been handled cannot be denied, eg, not being Summonsed, getting documents 3 hearings in, etc...
Nearly forgot to mention, I've twice been denied my Application then Appeal for Legal Aid, so no money and therefore technically no lawyers, apart from a pro bono group in Adelaide who are trying to organise something for me...(what a debasco!-Ed)...absolutely...forget that it's about getting me, this is a massively important precedent case re a humongously powerful piece of Omnipotent yet undefined legislation, but I'm being denied even having any appropriate, funded legal representation...(what a farce-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Some Latest Rail Lands Stuff
I greatly appreciate availee's patience with me, persistence with this 'ere blog, and support for the stuff they can see I'm genuinely trying to achieve, both on and off-blog...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Hello Japan, Ireland, Vietnam, and Netherlands, again, and a big shout to y' all else, and welcome to the blog...because I want to cover a bunch of my own stuff in this one post I'm just gunna' kick-off...previous posts in the CITACD saga were about the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography trial and the only recent reportage I've seen/heard is from the recent late August 2015 announcement from the Magistrate that he was toddlin' off on hols, over 4 months after retiring to consider his decision re Bernie's trial, a trial that started 4 years after the then (April 2011) Acting Police Minister for Premier Mike Rann's Labor government, was arrested on multiple Child Pornography charges...
I've predicted a decision handed down in writing whilst the Magistrate is away, which is apparently allowable/legal, with an exoneration highly likely, but nothing yet...this is undoubtedly a Courting Disaster as our Judicial System is Caught In The Act of being a Court In the Act Of protecting a paedophile myself...(and I-Ed) currently Courting Disaster by writing about this stuff and inevitably criticising the Courts, etc, whilst myself embroiled in my own Courting Disaster as a result of getting Caught in the Act...(strewth-Ed)...but first...
Flight Of The Rail Lands Corridor:...just hilarious to see Mt Gambier City Council still fully flogging the dead horse called Millstone that has become the Rail Lands Saga, or as I call it, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...amongst a plethora of recent and/or repeated deceits is the big announcement that the Rail Corridor through Mt Gambier may be used as a Walkway/Bike Path... (recent? but wasn't this all discussed at those Rail Lands public meetings back in 2005 and again in February 2006?-Ed)...well certainly discussed by the vast majority of attendants, but flatly refuted/refused/denied by Council who proposed several different plans for massive Retail/Commercial Development, and in particular refuted by Council's then CEO Greg Muller...
(Ohhh yeah yeah, I remember, that February 2006 meeting, the time you asked 'where are the Parkland plans for the site like what everyone wants put there, bro?...and Greg actually just sat there, gripped by apoplectic paralysis, just glaring at you for several seconds before he could gather himself and respond that 'there was no public interest in that idea'-Ed)...indeed, which was met with an audience-chorus of 'bollocks, it'd be way choice, give us one of them parkland thingies'...and after those meetings, nearly 6 years of delays, deceits and inaction, until the vastly disingenuous November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan launch, and then again a revolving litany of lies about the Deed, the Easement, etc... more tomorrow...
(Yeahhhhs, look, can I jump in here quickly?-Ed) away...(well, this stuff with the whole Rail Lands Debasco (debacle/fiasco), it's like so many things covered in this 'ere blog, if it wasn't so sad and steeped in City-crippling corruption that has denied Mt Gambier many services and public facilities, and denied well into the future if not permanently, eg, an all-year Aquatic Centre, if it weren't so corrupt and fundamentally rooted, it'd actually be almost funny just how farcically incompetent has been City Council's handling of the Rail Lands-Ed)...well 'Keystone Cops' funny, sure, but it's not just incompetence, it's a 'Corruption Business Plan' as taught in 'Corrupt Business Practices 101', to start a project with no defined plan, no set budget, and just plough-up a perfectly safe and perfectly-draining site without any surveying, etc,'s a license to keep just dolling-out cash to mates...start something that's undefined and then just keep pouring Ratepayer's money into it, eg, the Library, the Main Corner, etc...all that tomorrow...
Caught In The when one finds oneself facing charges for talking about a State Authority allegedly doing what it's supposedly meant to do, and yet one cannot identify the Authority or specifically name the Act under which one is charged, because that 'identifying' is (potentially) in-and-of itself a breach of the 'Act', and where-in saying anything and or everything potentially may be a breach of said Act...(yep, that's sure gettin' Caught In The Act alright-Ed)...and thus this one (l'il 'ol me) is currently (potentially) caught whilst the case itself is somewhat floundering...(whilst also thus forced to resort to 'pseudonyming' the Authority, and so the Authority becomes Club GoGo Bananas and the Head of CGGB is the Banana Lord-Ed)...indeed, CGGB and the Banana Lord...
Thus Farly:...2 SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide came to my home on May 7th and 8th 2014 and seized my laptop, repeatedly stating "expect to be charged", re something/s I'd allegedly written on this 'ere blog about the CGGB and/or the Banana Lord...via my pro bono Legal Eagles, and without having yet been charged, my Leagles were compelled to write to the Banana Lord (twice) asking about whether or not I was even allowed to discuss the 'case' with a response to the second letter, I was granted official written permission to speak with my family, friends, a medical practitioner, and lawyers...(so even before being charged with anything under the CGGB Act, you were/are required to have written permission to talk to lawyers, your family, and even a doctor?-Ed)...yep, and I've put that official Banana Lord written Authorisation in full in a recent previous post...(extraordinary...and not even charged yet?-Ed)...not at that stage...
From August 2014 neither I nor my Leagles heard not nuthin' from SAPol, the Banana Lord, not no-one...not nuthin' from not no-one...then on Wednesday February 4th 2015 I found out via a phonecall that I was reported and pictured in The Border Watch newspaper (page 3 with photo) re my alleged failure to appear for my Court hearing...I was completely unawares of any hearing because I had not been charged and/or Summonsed...with hindsight, it appears that the Mt Gambier Court issued a Summons on or about January 7th 2015, but Mt Gambier SAPol failed to Serve that Summons...I have covered all of the shenanigans of my multiple bizarre encounters with SAPol officers from those few weeks across February/March 2015 in posts of that time...
I wrote to The Border Watch about the failure to Summons me, and TBW buried their response on page 11 of TBW Friday 6th February, not printing my letter but publishing that I 'claimed' to be unawares...I have also previously established that the issue of the Summons, my non-appearance, etc, must have been raised in that first hearing, with TBW sitting right there, so they knowingly printed that falsehood about me, deliberately deleting the known fact that exonerates me completely, and then even when I wrote to them, continued to knowingly misrepresent the facts...(and regardless of all that, in printing 'claimed' they openly acknowledge that they have failed to check the alleged facts of their own erroneous reporting-Ed) on, but the initial error is a deliberate deceit designed to denigrate and discredit me, so why rectify that if its your genuine intent in the first instance?...(good point-Ed)...
TBW's corruption on this issue was further compounded when the March 2015 hearing opened with my Leagles stating outright that I hadn't been Summonsed to the first hearing, and Magistrate Foley responded outright "yes", and then 'and a second Summons was issued and you're here now, what do you want?' (damn near a quote) and TBW's alleged reporter was sitting right there, right next to the ABC's reporter...(the ABC? are you sure? I've never heard this mentioned on the ABC....and aren't you 'banned' from the ABC anyway?-Ed)...well talk about answering your own question, but rather than 'banned' I'd use the more accurate term 'censored'...I'm being censored out of the news by the ABC Mt Gambier/Adelaide as part of their ongoing corruption re their complicit conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(extraordinary, you really are a bastard-Ed)...apparently...
This very brief March hearing was adjourned to April 2015...despite their alleged reporter being right there when Magistrate Foley clearly conceded and thus confirmed that I hadn't been Summonsed, good ol' TBW again reported that I "claimed" not receiving a Summons...TBW and the ABC were again present at the April 2015 hearing and therefore saw the SAPol Prosecutions officer come across to my Leagles just before the hearing (where-in I had been advised/politely pushed by my Leagles to plead) and hand-over a thick roll of documents/Affidavits/statements...they then saw/heard Magistrate Foley accidentally read-out the first charge of my 20, thus naming in open Court the CGGB because it's written/included as part of the charge...Mr Foley was halfway through the second charge when my Leagles pulled him up stating that I was pleading Not Guilty, not Guilty...(not Not Guilty?-Ed)...yes, Not Guilty...and then I pleaded Not Guilty...again, nothing on the ABC and deceits and deliberate errors in TBW...
(Again, jumping in, why did you plead Not Guilty before you'd even read those Affidavits/statements/allegations-Ed) argument exactly with my Leagles whom were advising/pushing me to plead so as to 1) expedite the case and 2) keep the Court sweet by achieving reason 1)...(but if you hadn't even seen those statements/Affidavits, you've 'pleaded' without knowing what it was you were 'pleading' about-Ed)...well exactly, but the Charge itself is not technically the evidence/allegations involved, eg, someone might claim that you've broken the Law, and it's the evidence that proves/disproves that claim...(yeah, but there might be parts of those statements that you agree with/concede, and as unlikely as it sounds, it might be that you read those documents and think 'fair enough, actually I did do that' and chose to plead Guilty instead...but regardless, why are you getting handed these documents 2 minutes before the third hearing?-Ed)...well, exactly...
Given my belly-achin' about the shonky shenanigans that define the extraordinary conduct of this matter I feel compelled to identify that the handing over of those documents (April) came with a muttered apology and I understand that that officer had herself only just been provided those documents...similarly, the Magistrate reading out the charge and Act was clearly an error where-in he either mis-read or it was errantly written...(whaaa?-Ed)...when arriving at Court, the Clerk writes down on a slip of paper what you're 'pleading'...I saw Magistrate Foley glance down at the slip and start reading-out the charges as though I was pleading Guilty...and then again with the hearings in June 2015 when other Matters conspired to force a series of delays/adjournments and see me literally going in circles around the Courthouse with a very sick dog in the car, etc...just shizzle happenin'...again, all covered in previous posts...
This is stuffing-about that was just stuff happening that stuffed things up a bit...for shizzle...the 2 hearings in June eventually saw the case moved to Adelaide 'cos for some reason my pro bono Leagles here couldn't get me appropriate representation in Mt Gambier...(really? can't imagine why-Ed)...not my choice to move it, had to be moved because it's such a vast and undefined precedent case that no-one would or could's it's been moved to Adelaide so that I could get suitable Legal advice/support/representation, and I've had no choice but to throw myself under the bus of trusting lawyers I've never met as they have tried but ultimately failed to get me Legal Aid, even after Appeal...this process continued through the September hearing and continues even as I's my understanding that I'm excused attending the upcoming October hearing whilst/where these issues are hopefully resolved...
I'll finish here today, and after the next posts re the latest Rail Lands stuff and finishing that CSO letter, I'll come back to dot point the Court stuff with the specific dates, I just wanted to get to the conclusion bit that, from my vantage point, it appears that the people I'm dealing with in the Court, the Magistrate, SAPol Prosecutions, etc, 1) have been involved in but are not necessarily responsible for these problems, 2) are not getting the support they might hope for, ie, this case is clearly being manipulated from behind these people, in what is clearly a Political Trial based on bizarrely undefined legislation, and 3) find themselves as Caught in the Act, the CGGB Act, just as much as I am, but 4) the self-evident realities of how poorly this Matter has been handled cannot be denied, eg, not being Summonsed, getting documents 3 hearings in, etc...
Nearly forgot to mention, I've twice been denied my Application then Appeal for Legal Aid, so no money and therefore technically no lawyers, apart from a pro bono group in Adelaide who are trying to organise something for me...(what a debasco!-Ed)...absolutely...forget that it's about getting me, this is a massively important precedent case re a humongously powerful piece of Omnipotent yet undefined legislation, but I'm being denied even having any appropriate, funded legal representation...(what a farce-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Some Latest Rail Lands Stuff
I greatly appreciate availee's patience with me, persistence with this 'ere blog, and support for the stuff they can see I'm genuinely trying to achieve, both on and off-blog...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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