Thursday, July 30, 2015

YC? TLTS - No-one Served But Cop This, The Balls-up In Your Courts

Hello France, the UK, Canada and Portugal, and welcome to my attempt to explain the inexplicable without actually identifying 1) who and/or what it's about, 2) the identity of the State Authority involved, and 3) whole slabs of my specific involvement in various issues related to this whole debasco (debacle/fiasco) because any and/or all of that stuff may possibly be a potential breach of that legislation if and when Authorities decide...(wow, way to immediately clear things-up-Ed)...well there's nothing like well defined legislation to help resolve any confusion...(and this is nothing like well defined legislation-Ed)...taboomtish and indeed, and that's the first massive hurdle to prosecuting/defending the swathe of charge against me...(don't you mean 'charges', plural-Ed), it's multiple counts of the same charge...(ah yes-Ed)...

Following a heap of feedback on this issue, I feel I have been asked a specific question that requires a very specific answer/explanation, namely, please explain What The Shreck is happening with this Court stuff re this 'ere blog...(fair enough, it is quite confusing'-Ed)...quite? I've been doing this since May 2014 and it's unfathomably farcical, but pretty much all I can say about all of what's happening is that I'm currently facing a bunch of 'charge' that I can't identify specifically because that would immediately identify the Authority involved and that itself might be a crime under that Authority's legislation...(again, wow-Ed)...I know...

Because even identifying the Authority involved is potentially an offense under it's related ludicrously vast and undefined legislation, I have had to find a pseudonym, hence the Authority is 'Club GoGo Bananas' (CGGB) and the head of that Authority is 'The Banana Lord' (TBL)...(sorted-Ed)...moving on...

However...(ooo, a 'However', I love a 'However', there's always something chunky clunking purposefully this way when you open a paragraph with a 'However'-Ed)...fair enough...however, obviously I have asked what I can say, and what I can do is talk about the Defamatory Agenda of The Border Watch and the relentless errors and deliberate deceits in their 'reporting'...(you mean their version of events-Ed)...exactly, and address those errors and deceits in their version of what is happening with my Court case, and of course those things said and done in open Court as witnessed by the ABC and TBW 'reporters' and attendant randoms... 

During the May 12th 2015 open Court hearing the Magistrate mistakenly/accidentally thought I was 'fessin'-up to me heinous crimes of Talkin' About Stuff, and he read out the first charge and had started into the second when my Legal Eagle swooped to interject with 'hey sorry Mr Court dude, but we're pleading Like Way Not Guilty to that shizzle'...however, the Magistrate had already read-out the charge/legislation which includes the name of the Act which includes the full name of the Authority involved...(so the Authority has been identified by the Magistrate in open Court?-Ed) front of a bunch of randoms and The Border Watch and the ABC persons...(yeah, but you, the 'Dirty Perp' what is facing said charges, you can't even identify that Authority 'cos that might be a breach of the Act/legislation?-Ed)...sort of...(sort of? what, even that's not definite?-Ed)...exactly, sort of...(strewth-Ed)...

And so I can quote the Magistrate, and probably even include the Authorities name, etc, but I choose to err on the side of caution and just quote the legislation as read-out...I'm not even going to identify the section or the date the Act was enacted, just in case...and so;
     "On the (date) at Mt Gambier or other places published or caused to be published information
       tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be, or may have been subject of a
       complaint, report, assessment or referral under this Act and that might enable a person who
       had made a complaint or report under this act to be identified or located.
       Section ?? (a)&(b) of the CGGB Act (date)
        This is a summary offense."

The actual legislation;
     "A person must not, except as authorised by the (*Banana Lord) or a court hearing proceedings
      for an offence against this Act, publish, or cause to be published-
         (a) information tending...(as above)...under this Act; or
         (b) information that might enable...(as above) be identified or located; or
         (c) the fact that a person has made or may be about to make a complaint or report under
              this Act; or
         (d) information that might enable a person who has given or may be about to give
              information or other evidence under this Act to be identified or located; or
         (e) the fact that a person has given or may be about to give information or other evidence
              under this Act; or
          (f) any other information or evidence publication of which is prohibited by the (*Banana Lord). 

So, (a) and then (b) where some of my 'charges' are just (a) everything is potentially illegal, saying anything about anything is possibly a crime, talking about stuff is a crime...but my real concern is (f) which by application gives the Banana Lord all encompassing powers to suppress all discourse, including the media and to stop the media even reporting that it's being gagged...
(Wow, there's about a dozen things I've spotted already that are vastly encompassing...I take your point that just about anything could be a breach of this legislation...even the opening line doesn't make sense, I mean, for example, what does "publish or cause to be published" mean? and particularly in the Modern Media Age-Ed)...well indeed, but back it up further to the ridiculous statement, " Mt Gambier or other places..."...(so you've committed these horrendous crimes 'somewhere, or somewhere else that's not that first somewhere''s, somewhere then-Ed)...stop laughing Ed, it's not funny...(it bloody well is-Ed)...

(And what does "...may be..." mean?...that alone has several widely ranging dictionary definitions, across tenses, from 'might currently be' as in there is an investigation underway, through to 'potentially' as in 'it might happen in the future' in the shreck is anyone meant to know if what they're saying and doing now will or won't be potentially a breach of this legislation sometime into the future, and/or is currently, etc? super vague yet all-ensnaring is a phrase that says "...tending to suggest..." something that "...may be..." is a's nonsense-Ed)....and it's undefined nonsense...there are no definitions with this Act, none at all, not one word...what you're reading above is the entirety of it, no definitions's a farcically incompetent and corrupt joke...

(But how does legislation get through Parliament without it being legally defined? there should be volumes of very specific, very legalised explanation of every phrase in that Act-Ed)...indeed, but they don't exist, that's it, that's your lot matey...(but that's not possible, surely?-Ed)...yet here we are...welcome to Democracy SA Style Ed, courtesy of a Fascist Labor Party and a crass irrelevance that calls itself the Liberal Party...  

Because the legislation is so vaguely omnipotent but so totally undefined, my Leagles cannot even give me clear direction as to what it is I can and/or can't say re this 'ere 'blogging' stuff...(weren't the cops the same when they raided your home back in May last year?-Ed)...yep, I specifically asked if I could still 'blog' and particularly about this nonsense, and they said 'sure, but probably best not to mention the Authority, etc, specifically'...same advice from my Leagles, 'probably best not to', but bottom-line, no-one knows because 1) the Act/legislation simply hasn't been defined, at all, before hittin' the Statutes Book, and 2) this is the first prosecution of this ludicrous legislation so there's no precedents to compare it to, meaning 3) people like our local Member Troy Bell cannot help me 'cos he can't even get the Liberal lawyers to give an opinion as to what's happening, let alone what the outcome might be...

(Sorry? you've been to your local Member of the Lower House of Parliament, Troy Bell, to ask for help/advice, but even with the legal resources available to him as a Parliamentary Member of the Liberal Party he can't even get someone to advise him?-Ed)...that's what he's told me...(and where's that Pillar of the Community, that Champion of the Common Man, Defender of Democracy, Senator Nick Xenophon?-Ed)...he knows because I emailed him on February 17th 2015...but I've yet to hear/see a word...he's currently carefully avoiding me and/or the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and avoiding/ignoring the St Martins Cover-up in a manner that can only be described as complicit....(and Tony Pasin?-Ed)...aha, nice one Ed, all of these gentlemen know about St Martins and yet still it continues...(well actually I was talking about this Court stuff, he's a lawyer isn't 'e?-Ed)...oh Ed, you are a gem, I'll drop Tony a quick email but I was already referring to my Court stuff...

Call me a vain, arrogant ManBear StuffPig, but this Court stuff, having my home raided, etc, etc, has been all over this 'ere blog, and I am quite confident that Tony and/or his Liberal mates have some long-suffering intern along for the read...(aha, poor bastard, Solidarity brother!-Ed)...shut it...even if it's just to know when Tony's name bobs-up...but even if you ignore/discount that possibility, this shizzle's been all over TBW, so he must know...even beyond that, even if he's not been made aware via this 'ere blog, or by TBW, someone somewhere must have said at least once, 'hey Tones, seen Captain Bastard's in the news again?'...   
I also cannot discuss the specifics of the farcical alleged actions of this Authority, other than it culminated in the complete exoneration/support/whatevs of all concerned, everything's been done correctly, everything's fine, just fine, and everyone involved is golden...sorted? not likely...(so a State Authority has done what it's supposed to do and there's no fault/malfeasance/whatevs with anyone, so's everyone's golden and everything's fine, just fine, and yet you're facing a raft of charges for talking about it-Ed) on Ed, I'm facing charges for talking about stuff that's fine, just fine...(wow-Ed)...

(Ya' know, it's almost like State Parliament, Labor and Liberal, have just slammed down a massive slab of legislation as a direct attack on 'Whistleblowers', an act of intimidation and impending threat, with a view that 1) no-one will ever be brave/stupid enough to run the risk of falling foul of the CGGB Act and the Banana Lord and therefore never do challenge it legally and therefore no-one's bothered to actually do what they're supposed to have done and that is actually define it, which then 2) produces this current debacle when the undefined Act is applied, allowing for years of further attacks via secret hearings, etc, etc-Ed)...interesting observation a brief distraction before we return to where this whole Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas shenanigans kicked-off...

China Opens A Franchise Called a raft of our wholly corrupt and in many cases clearly insane politicians sell our country out from under us in a voracious race to the bottom, and with the latest Free Trade Agreement, it looks that it's a done is pure insanity and/or absolute corruption to serve us up in the way we are being betrayed, to serve us up to a Totalitarian Communist government that artificially manipulates it's own Economy as and when it suits it...but even as I say that the Chinese Stock Market continues to struggle/drop, allegedly beyond the control of the Party...I find these 2 realities somewhat irreconcilable, but whatevs, our current political cadre are without exception the lowest class of self-focussed shrecks that my limited political knowledge can summons...(speaking of which, shall we?-Ed)...oh yes, of course...

On May 7th 2014 two SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detectives rocked-up on my doorstep mid-afternoon, video camera in hand, and stated that they wanted to talk to me about my blog...I asked 'what on my blog?'...they said they wouldn't/couldn't tell me until they were formally interviewing me, but stated that in general terms it was about my blogging about Club GoGo Bananas...this discussion went on for several minutes without progressing and I declined to be 'interviewed', saying that I'd get legal advice and come down to Mt Gambier Police Station first thing next my surprise they agreed and left...(but you could have destroyed evidence, left the country, anything-Ed)...I know, whatevs, that's what happened...

When I did attend MGPS at 0900hrs on Thursday 8th May 2014 I followed my very limited legal advice and declined to be interviewed...the SAPol detectives showed me a page of CGGB legislation, stated 'you've done this', and when I asked what that meant, they responded that they didn't know, they were "...just here to gather evidence for the DPP." (Director Public Prosecutions)...when I declined following further legal advice via the phone, I was informed that the detectives were coming to home with a Search Warrant...I fortunately had a witness there, who can confirm that I was repeatedly told "expect to be charged" as the detectives seized my laptop (with password) as evidence, and left...

Coupla' things here...1) whilst the 2 SAPol detectives were overall very polite and by the time they left my home almost apologetic, obviously the whole 'raid' was all a little fraught, and 2) the fact remains that I was raided and had property seized (my laptop) by the same SAPol that I have been in direct conflict with since 2002 when SAPol covered-up the St Martins/Glyn Dorling Child Abuse case...critically, 3) the 2Ds acknowledged reading the blog...(even if it's 'cos they had to 'cos it's their job-Ed)...whatevs, SAPol has irrefutably gone past all of the corruption and malfeasance here in this 'ere blog, gone past all that to come get me...

The SAPol detectives raided my home on the authority of an extraordinary Search Warrant, extraordinary in that it was completely anonymous, allowed the officers to go anywhere, anytime, do whatevs, take whatevs, raid my home and obviously whoever elses home/property that they (SAPol) happened to feel like at the time, etc, etc...this 'Warrant' was 'valid'  for 6 months from issue, and it's issuer? the SAPol Commissioner...(wow, so no application to a Magistrate then? or any other sort of oversight? the SAPol Commissioner just hands omnipotent powers to SAPol officers?-Ed)...yep...(with anonymous Search Warrants that are effective for 6-month blocks-Ed) addresses, no names, no reason needed other than SAPol feels like it, and I was flatly refused my repeated requests for a copy...(wow, I just don't know what else to say-Ed)...Fascism?...(well, if it looks like a frog, it barks like a frog, and it tastes great in garlic and butter, good chance it's the Delicious Barking Frog-Ed)...what?...(sorry, I was being esoteric, yes, Fascism, that looks exactly like Fascism-Ed)...

And how's about comparing that Search Warrant to, um, I dunno, say, what about back in 2002 when SAPol were covering-up the gross abuse of dozens potentially hundreds of primary school kids at St Martins Lutheran School Mt Gambier, flatly refusing to even interview let alone charge "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, or search his home, didn't even go to the school let alone the classroom which was the 'crime scene', etc, and when SAPol repeatedly stated that they couldn't get a Search Warrant because it was all too difficult and there wasn't enough evidence to get one, etc, etc...(but if you don't investigate of course there's no evidence. and Dorling had already been removed from St Martins, kids were disclosing, numerous parents were repeatedly being turned away from Mt Gambier Police Station and SAPol were refusing to accept written statements, interview parents, etc, etc-Ed)..all true Ed, all true, and still nuthin'...

Sorry, 'cos this is so complicated and getting a very long post, Part II on the morrow,

Tomorrow: YC? TLTS - NSBCT, TBIYC Part II

Including the hilarious episode where I wasn't even Summonsed to my own hearing in February 2015...(oooh, I get it now...'No-one Served' is the non-Summonsing, 'Cop This' is for the cops who should have served that Summons, and onto the self-explanatory 'Balls-up In Your Courts'...nicely done sir-Ed)...ta', one tries Ed, and sometimes these things just about write themselves...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, July 27, 2015

You're Confused? Try Living This Shizzle

Oh wait, you are...if you live in South Australia then you're living exactly the same reality I am, you just don't realise it and/or it ain't happening to you...yet...(dude, South Australia makes The Matrix look normal, just replace the machines in the Matrix with paedophiles and bingo, you're in SA-Ed)...I'd love to disagree with you Ed, but, I got nuthin'... howdy to the United Arab Emirates, China, Ukraine, and the good ol' USofA...and to Turkey too, even if y'all ain't allowed to read this 'ere blog anymore...and just in the news cycle, Turkey is now engaging in airstrikes against various groups in Syria/Iraq, which further greatly complicates the already very entwined alliance structures in that area of conflict...

I think it says it all when the greatest outrage about the sudden if unsurprising Privatisation of the South East Forestry Estate, an act of the rankest corruption and malfeasance and economic bastardry from a Rann/Weatherill Labor government well skilled in pro-paedophile corruption, in all corruption, when that outrage comes from CFME Union rep and Labor's March 2006 State Election candidate, Brad Coates...(yeah, but he was in reality a stooge candidate set-up by his own Party solely, purely to garner the votes of rusted-on Labor voters so that those votes could then be handed to Labor's actual candidate, their good mate and fellow rank paedophile protector, former Liberal and alleged Independent Rory McEwen-Ed)...a good point well made...betrayed by your own Party so's they can get their rankly corrupt mate re-elected and thus continue the St Martins Cover-up, the Forestry Sale, etc, etc...

The response from the Liberal Party has been borderline comatose in it's limp irrelevance...(what a bloody disgrace the Liberals are..they're an irrelevant drain on the State's coffers, and their idea of and/or attempts at 'actual outrage', are more like "being caressed with a natural yoghurt" (Mighty Boosh BBC TV)-Ed)...indeed Ed, you'd rightly expect more enthusiasm and energy from a Sea Cucumber on Mogadon than has been seen/heard from various Liberals...pathetically apathetic... 

What really concerns me though was the article in The Advertiser, page 32, last Thursday 23rd July 2015...apols that I don't have a copy, but several things here...1) by putting it on page 32, the implied un-importance of this report that Labor have suddenly fully privatised the South East Forestry Estate at less than a third it's realised commercial value had it been sold outright, $670m instead of $2billion +, a massive loss for SA and corrupt across a range of where's the outrage on the front page? why haven't the supposedly outraged Liberals forced this extraordinary issue into Adelaide's collective grill and shizzle?...60 Public Employees are being forced to accept private employment with only weeks notice, and 3 year 'guarantees' about future contracts, so where's the bloody Unions protecting their precious shreckin' workers?...across the board, the response is a disgraceful and corrupt roll-over...pathetically apathetic is too polite...

But even then, most concerning was what was in that article that I had not seen or heard anywhere else, granted I may have missed it, somehow, but it was the revelation/claim that 'Forestry SA had a 'first right-of refusal' on a further 5 year management contract come October 2017', taking their Contract to 2022...but on the wholly complicit and untrustworthy ABC South East, Forestry Minister Leon 'I Committed Fraud To Get Elected' Bignell...(and that ain't defamation availees, he did actually commit Fraud at the 2010 State Election, without repercussion-Ed)...indeed he did, well 'Neon' Leon repeatedly stated that he was doing workers a huge favour by getting them a 12 month extension on their supposedly guaranteed first 5 years after the Forestry Sale in 2012, so's an extension from October 2017 to Oct 2018...

And Leon repeatedly stated as justification for this bastardry, his personal belief that ForestrySA wasn't going to be the successful Tender in 2017 and therefore he's done workers a huge favour, etc, etc...(so over 2 years out from that decision, less than 3 years into a 5 year 'Contract', Leon's barely adequate psychic defenses may be crumbling, but his prophetic synapses are goin' right off?-Ed)...indeed...(I know that ForestrySA has it's critics and detractors and there have been mis-management allegations, etc, but I'm quietly confident that even they could win a Tender where they are the only candidate due to this alleged 'First Refusal' clause/agreement, indeed I could probably win it-Ed)...mate, in those circumstances, I could win that bloody Tender...(well, technically, as a confected literary device used to create a sense of discourse rather than diatribe where it is actually mostly just diatribe, my victory is your victory 'cos I is you-Ed)...I'm gettin' a headache...(me too-Ed)...stop that... 

And on Today Tonight (Channel 7) on Friday 24th July 2015, alleged Independent Nick Xenophon showed his true allegiances when he stated that 'Minister Leon's a top bloke who does a great job for SA'...(wow-Ed) this point I withdraw my support for Nick Xenophon...he has talked-up a big game re helping us parents resolve the St Martins nightmare, but apart from dumping us in yet another corrupt SA Parliamentary Inquiry that ran for nearly 4 years and then produced a farcically inaccurate and ineffectual roll of toilet paper cleverly disguised as the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry Report no 54 re the Teachers Registration Board, good ol' Nick has completely abandoned us...he has not followed through once on his multiple promises to help us resolve the St Martins issue and/or attend the SARC hearings with us parents to support us, he has failed to respond at all to my repeated attempts to contact him, and immediately before the September 2013 Federal Election he sat across the table from me at a local car dealership where he was doing a photo-op and I effectively confronted/cornered him, and he sat there, looked me in the face, and asked me to back-off until after the election, to give him "a clear run at it"...(and then went back to ignoring you?-Ed)

And when I recently contacted his office re these ludicrous charges I'm facing for 'talking about stuff', contacted him via email, so I have a copy, Nick, mate...(maaate-Ed)...they rudely denied any responsibility because it was a State issue...(but he routinely ploughs into State issues as and when it suits him-Ed) point made to the voice on the phone, whom promptly hung-up on me and I've heard nothing since...charming...and from the Forests We See to the Forests Of The Sea...  

I understand that it's Rory McEwen and Grant King who are/were originally involved in the rank corruption of the currently un-ravelling Kingston/Robe Seaweed harvest debasco (where debacle tail-ends fiasco)...without any Environmental Impact statement or other investigation of the highly sensitive ecosystem that revolves around that Seaweed, the new Chinese owners have apparently been granted license to harvest and export 2,000 tonnes of dry seaweed product, reportedly roughly the equivalent of a semi-trailer per day, and a massively huge expansion of the current 100 wet tonnes...(sorry, is that 2,000 dry up from 100 wet?-Ed)...yep, that's what I heard...(but that 2,000 Dry would equate to gourd knows how much Wet, probably what, 5x the weight, even more?-Ed)...indeed Ed, seaweed is largely water, and according to my Interweb Research Team, from 75%-90% depending on species, so to get 1 tonne dry you'd need minimum 4 tonnes wet seaweed, and up to 10 tonnes...not my facts, just crunchin' the numbers as I'm readin' 'em...(it's Crunch Time!-Ed)...thankyou, settle down...

And here's the rank corruption of Rory and Grant at work again, and all with the pathetically complicit support of a wholly corrupted ABC South East who do nothing but run the Party line, up to and including covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins...(steady on big fella', we're here about the weed man-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, sorry...we are talking about the wholesale devastation of a huge stretch of coastline and the collapse of the thriving ecosystems that revolve around that seaweed settin' exactly where nature intended, eg, the massive invertebrate population that lives in the rotting weed, grubs that feed birds, local and migratory, and of course wash back into the ocean as food that supports a thriving and economically important fishery...

And where's my good mate Greens MLC Mark Parnell?...where are the shreckin' pathetic Greens on this?...why isn't my mate Marky Mark jumping up and down and screaming blue-bloody murder about this licensed wholesale destruction of this critical ecosystem, destruction that is inevitable...these clowns have license to completely clear seaweed from 100% of large areas across potentially 50-70kms of coastline, with 50% clearage of the rest...(but that's bollocks, even I know that if you remove huge areas of weed, waves and tides and such will just redistribute along the empty bits, effectively further stripping those '50%' areas, and there'll be wholesale erosion of dunes, etc, along the rest, and the marine ecosystem the relies on the 'Washback Nutrients' will be drastically affected, etc-Ed).....and do the ABC get the Minister on and grill them about this? nup, it falls to a local Bird Expert to explain it...(and good on her-Ed)...indeed... 

I'm Tired Of All The Filth On My TV:...(well do some bloody housework and tidy-up a bit, look at the dust on this pelmet-Ed)...yeah ok, that's a fair call, things are a bit dusty right now, but that's not what I was referring to...(oh, you mean all the soft-porn video clips and stuff on at 0700 hrs in kiddies programming time, stuff like that ludicrous Tricky Minge film-clip about her Axolotyl-Ed)...well, again a good point, but 1) I think it's Nicky Minaj, and 2) the song's called Anaconda, and 3) sorry, that's still not what I was referring to...(well then you must mean that The Project show on Channel 10, where-in they're frequently talking about each others sex-tapes, and/or other purile and completely inappropriate highly sexualised dross?-Ed)...well I don't watch it much, but indeed, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that nearly every time I do watch this show, some sort of moronic highly sexualised 'banter' is evident...

(So if it's not that, and it's not the dusty ol' patina, and it's not the grossly sexualised gangster misogyny of crap songs that need a very distracting video-clip, then what?-Ed)...then all of these bloody repeats of police shows everywhere...(omg-Ed)...if it's not the bloody Midwinter Massacres or Miss Loster Marbles or Hercules Pinot Noir...(you're using 'filth' in it's slangness to indicate 'police', using Slanguage if you will-Ed)'s a swathe of unfathomable Scandinavian crime dramas that might actually be just long ads for Skodas or Volvos or Vodka or somethin', I just can't tell, and if not that then it's bloody Roadside Breath-test Custom Cops On The Border...(yeah, fair point, but I don't think that you can justify using that rather abusive pseudonym/slang just because it's in the opening line "Riding 'round on my bike all day 'cos the filth took away my license" of that Lily Allen song that was on high rotation on the ABC Local Radio a coupla' years back-Ed)...yeah I can and I just did...   

Pardon My Cynicism: but what the shreck is SAPol (SA Police) doing with this terrible incident of a small child's remains that were found in a suitcase on the side of a road in SA's Riverland? on Earth can SAPol rule out any potential identities of the child when they're (SAPol) saying they don't even know the gender let alone the accurate age let alone the identity of this child? doesn't make sense because it literally isn't possible...(yeah, unless they've suddenly resolved/solved those other missing children cases, which means they aren't 'missing child' cases anymore-Ed)...perhaps it's just my cynicism when it comes to SAPol, but there's something really wrong with this...(and now SAPol are charging people based on some 'new, world-leading forensic technology' that they supposedly have but the rest of the world doesn't-Ed), that doesn't sound suss much...

And here again, it ain't my fault, but how can anyone trust anything said about any subject when the source of that info is SAPol? blog is not responsible for SAPol's complete lack of credibility on any subject, it's they're own demonstrated capacity for 'top-down' rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and gourd knows what else cover-ups-Ed)...well indeed, wholesale cover-ups like St Martins don't just happen in isolation, they require complicit involvement of many Authorities, eg, the Crown Solicitor, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, and a corrupt media, and many very corrupt individuals, eg, Rory McEwen, Jay Weatherill, Steve Perryman, et al, which segues all too neatly into the rank pro-paedophile corruption of our charming State Parliament...I remind availees that the Liberal Party is every bit as complicit and corrupt as Labor when it comes to St Martins... 

Learning From Exemplary Behaviour:...I'd personally like to thank the mighty Liberal Party for graciously educatin's us less intellectual folk as to what "entitlement" really means, educating by example, educating by lavishly flopping about the place in luxury limos and chartered aircraft of various configurations to show us just how truly offensive that sort of self-entitled indulgence is...(nice-Ed)...and what the shreck is 'Probation' for the Speaker of the House? it's a bloody confected nonsense that PM Abbott has mind-farted into existence to try and glaze over what Bronwyn Bishop has done by pretending to admonish's a crass joke from self-entitled loons...

And imagine my joyous surprise to learn via the ABC TV's The Drum program that Liberal politician's 'entitlement' claims have rocketted under the 'New Age of Entitlement Is Over' governance of The Mad Monk, who himself is in First Place...I just happened to catch 5 minutes of The Drum on my way from one channel to another, and it feels like a li'l pat on the head from the Universe again because they stated that Tones was first, followed by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, with Foreign Betrayal I mean Trade Minister Andrew Robb, in third, and have a wild guess who was fourth with nearly $1.3 million in "entitlements" spent/claimed since he was elected in September 2013, so 18 months ago...(pull up a chaise lounge my mate Tony Pasin-Ed)...oh spoilers Ed, but yes you're right, Tony Pasin...

Imagine my surprise, not, that a goodly chunk of this $1.3m, $300,000+, has gone to renovating Tony's mate's building in Commercial St that Tony uses for his 'Electoral Office' here...(so's taxpayers have paid for that private owner/leasor's renos?-Ed)...yep, and Tony says it's nothing to do with him, he has no say in it, it's a Parliamentary Committee Oversight Authority or some shizzle...(bollocks, it's a massively unnecessary expenditure on a massively unnecessary office space, in a building Tony chose, that just happens to belong to his mate...there was no Public Tender for that lease/reno, so it's Tony's choice to his mate's great advantage...why can't every other property owner in town have a lazy $300k to do up their premises?'s a bloody disgraceful, avaricious outrage-Ed)...nah, come on Ed, it's all fine, just fine...oh, and by the way, we're also payin' for this blizzard of charmingly self-congratulatory postcard pamphlets that Tony keeps sending us to let us know just how lucky we are to have him...hilariously, this article is available to read/watch, just Interweb search The Drum under 'Tony Pasin entitlements'...(it's what I did-Ed)...ta' Ed...

Tomorrow: A Courtin' We Will Go...(If We Know It's On-Ed)...Stop That Ed...Orrr, Now Look What You've Done, You've Completely Stuffed This Title What Is Rapidly Becoming A Paragraph...(Well I'm Just Sayin' That You Didn't Get Summonsed Originally Until 2 Days After The Initial Hearing, Which Is Just A Fraction Crook-Ed)...Ok Ok, You're Right, But Tomorrow, Yeah?...(Sure-Ed)...

In responding to multiple feedback, yes, I will try to explain my Court stuff...(well good luck with that, I can't wait to see you try to make sense outta' that stuff when talking about it is in-and-of-itself potentially a breach of the legislation because virtually everything is a breach of the legislation involved if Prosecuting Authorities decide to have a go at ya' they're using this legislation to retributionally attack you for doin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well, we'll do what we can, yeah?...seeya' tomorrow...(laters-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Just More SA Labor Government Pro-Paedophile Propaganda From ABC Mt Gambier

Hello to Ukraine, France, Greece, the USofA, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and y'all else, and welcome to the blog...**please excuse chronological inconsistencies 'cos this 'ere post was started several weeks ago when I was still hangin' tough from my illness and the accumulated trauma of the relentless stampede of paedophile stories through the media, and of course a raft of other issues, not least of all the latest nonsense from Mt Gambier City let's get stuck in...**

Feedback: so extensive that I'll have to do a 'Feedback' post all it's own...and cheers y'all because I've used that 'Feedback' to gain a foothold in the long climb back to doin' this 'ere blog...(only one thing worse than being talked about-Ed)...what? the The Border Watch printing knowingly defamatory lies about me?...(well yes they do do that but no, I was referring to the famous Oscar Wilde quote, 'only one thing worse, not being talked about'-Ed)...that does seem somewhat appropriate... 

There's a long, wisdom-drippin' sayin' that I heard but won't attempt to quote, about how it's way un-cool to brag about the stuff you've achieved...(but it's also way very cool to calmly claim and acknowledge your achievements?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...(and I assume there's something in there about accepting responsibility for your own cock-ups?-Ed)...don't know, didn't hear that, it was just the stuff about 'gracious victory', ya' know, all that 'being a good winner without gettin' arrogant' stuff...(fair enough-Ed)...and I'm tryin' to be all over that idea with how I run this 'ere blog 'cos I am having an effect and ultimately I believe that overall it's a positive affect...(also fair enough-Ed)...and in that context I genuinely believe that these latest ABC stories are desperately trying to counter the dialogue I have established via this 'ere blog re the many St Martins/paedophile/corruption issues and the TBW/ABC's complicit conduct in the St Martin's cover-up, deceits about the New Gaol and offenders there, etc...

**Friday 17th July-and yesterday the ABC took the perpetual rolling balls-up that is there rank corruption, took that balls-up all the way to the basket with yet another long propaganda piece about the Mt Gambier Gaol...(everything's just fine?-Ed) Ed, don't be so cynical, everything's not just fine, it's super-fine...(sounds like they're pulling the wool over people's eyes if you ask me, the 'everything's super-fine wool' if you will-Ed)...oh Ed I will, ewe and your woolly puns...and Stan Thompson laughably referred to this whole Labor propaganda piece as "a coup" for the ABC...(but they've been invited in there, and invited purely so they can run this deceitful bollocks on behalf of their Labor paymasters-Ed)...exactly Ed, can't believe a single word of it even if any of it was actually true...and that, ABC, that's what you do to your own credibility when you lie so often...

It's not inappropriate to address the swathe of personal vilification I've copped from Mt Gambier City Council, the ABC, The Border Watch, Rory McEwen, et al...all of them what have attacked me personally...(have at you sir-Ed)...but rarely to my face...(well have at your back anyway, sir-Ed) their deliberate campaign against me, a campaign mired in/inspired by the rank corruption of the St Martins Cover-up, Mt Gambier City Council, SA Parliament, et al, and how by just standing my ground via this 'ere blog, I've not just addressed much of that personal Pariahtisation but also some of the corruption, the most obvious and immediate example being these pathetic attempts by the ABC Mt Gambier to convince people that the ABC in this town is anything other than a collective Labor stooge fully functioning to further facilitate the pro-paedophile corruption that's destroying this state...(ouch-Ed)...

Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield and Alan Richardson, et al, the ABC Mt Gambier, are fully aware of and thus completely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up and, like TBW, have regularly given their rankly corrupt mate and former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen a platform to openly attack parents, me in particular, and dismiss the St Martins case, etc...the ABC has repeatedly 'banned' me as a personal favour to Rory, and for nearly a decade now have refused to give families any air-time at all, eg, despite us getting a Parliamentary Inquiry (SARC Inquiry no.54 - apologise that I may have said 'no.52' recently, sorry) to investigate the Teachers Registration Board, etc, is the abject corruption of the media re the St Martins Cover-up that allows the rank corruption of the St Martins Cover-up...why am I the only 'media' in this town talking about the realities of what we've done as a town, as a local media, the effort that's been exerted to support the St Martin's Cover-up...(are you sure it's not you that's the problem?-Ed)...I'm not the problem, but I'm workin' on it...(get in my son-Ed)...

It is the abject corruption of the media re the St Martins Cover-up that allows the rank corruption of the St Martins Cover-up.  

Two weeks ago (**a month or more now) Stan Thompson ran 15 minutes of prime bumph about how the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission 'has been' to Mt Gambier which turned out to be 'had spoken by phone to a coupla' people', and that contact was via his 'guests' the Victim Support Service, and Know More, who are some sort of legal liaison for the Royal Commission...this entire story was a dot-point attempt to address the criticisms I've levelled at the ABC and the Royal Commission on this 'ere blog, starting with the ABC actually doing a story about Child Abuse...(but even then it's at the very outer edge of actual abuse issues-Ed)...well spotted Ed, so, one little dot at a time:
1)  the ABC is actually doing a story re Child Abuse,
2)  an interview that says 'gee whiz, look at us, were so sensitive and aware that we're running a story about the poor people who might be upset about all this nasty paedophile stuff in the media all the time',
3)  and if you've got an issue with Child Abuse there are some services you can ring like the Victim Support Service and Know More,
4)  who themselves talked about how Abuse Survivors 'feel better to talk about their traumas', etc, which justifies and quantifies the Royal Commission, and,
5)  partly refutes my point that the RC is ignoring parent submissions re the St Martins Cover-up and isn't even coming to Mt Gambier, and does it by deliberately false statements like 'the RC has been to MG' when actually it was a couple of phone calls.

Availees won't have to go far in this 'ere blog to find the conclusive evidence I've provided that proves how deeply cynical and manipulative this little effort is from the ABC...there are no Child Protection Services in Mt Gambier, no counselling services, not diddly-squat...the RC hasn't been, won't be comin', and will continue to toe-the-line re ignoring the St Martins case...and it's an absolute disgrace to use people's suffering and trauma against them with glib statements about how grateful they are to be able to talk about it...this is undoubtedly true for some, but what about the rank corruption of Authorities, Religious bodies, etc, particularly the rank corruption of the Lutheran Church?...corrupt child abusers one and all and none will be held to account...

For the recent ABC stuff re the Mt Gambier Gaol, I'll go with a direct quote from a Mt Gambier City Councillor's news Page Thingy (as referred to in recent posts), because it opens with the blatant error that,
     "The team at ABC South East SA always push the boundaries and get the stories that (sic)
       important to our the community."
...whatta' joke...(that's not a joke, that's just absolute bollocks, the ABC South East is rancidly corrupted, particularly with their definable pro-paedophile conduct-Ed)...indeed, conduct they're trying to address and refute by running pathetic non-stories like these, stories that are riddled with Labor government propaganda, outright lies, carefully worded deceits, and deliberate glaring omissions...(well that's just a general description of standard Labor governings-Ed)...well quite...this is arguably the most cynical piece of pro-paedophile shizzle I've seen from ABC SE thus far, and that from the people wholly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(indeed, so when it comes to gross pro-paedophile corruption they really know their stuff-Ed)...

I refer availees to the ABC Mt Gambier's Interweb site and the article/s itself re Sex Offenders at Mt Gambier's all there, all the lies about Rehabilitation and none move to Mt Gambier and everything's fine just's bollocks from start to finish..........(is that it? that's not a very concise excoriation of the article-Ed)...yeah, sorry, just don't have the energy to drag through it all all over yet again today, and if you're even vaguely aware of the realities they're immediately obvious, eg, the figures about how great these 100s of hours of rehab are and the fantastic results, etc, are absolute nonsense that completely ignore and/or contradict the international data on this issue, particularly on the issue of re-offending, known as Recidivism...(I don't recall that word, Recidivism, being mentioned at all in that article-Ed)...whatevs...

These people are in gaol for vile crimes against vulnerable others, and given Adelaide's appetite for supporting paedophilia and the Judiciaries open affection for perpetrators as witnessed with the relentless parade of suspended sentences, good behaviour bonds, etc, these prisoners are often recidivists guilty of multiple crimes against children, gaoled for yet another conviction and/or parole breaches, etc...just in the last fortnight (**month**) Adelaide Courts have given a Scout Master a suspended sentence and a $100 fine for Grooming and Raping a young man, and another man a suspended sentence and $200 fine for Accessing and Disseminating Child Pornography of the 'most extreme kind' depicting violent sexual assault of small children and toddlers...

With the Scout Master's sentencing, the Magistrate justified no gaol time for this man who groomed and raped a teenage boy in his care, justified it with the statement that 'this man will receive better counselling and support outside prison' (paraphrase)...(sorry, what?-Ed) heard...(but the whole ABC narrative is/was about how everything's just fine with a prison full of sex offenders and paedophiles, not least of all due to this fantastic supposedly world-leading counselling that prisoners get that sorts everything out, and yet an Adelaide Magistrate has stated as fact that a child rapist won't be doing time because he'll get better treatment outside gaol?-Ed)...exactly right Ed, as lunatic as it sounds, that's exactly right...(but that means that either the ABC stuff is absolute bollocks, or it's just another rankly pro-paedophile decision from a rankly corrupted pro-paedophile Judiciary via a sympathetic Magistrate who was just looking for some lame excuse to not gaol a paedophile...which is it?-Ed) tell me Ed...(hooray for SA-Ed)...
And what a sanctimonious, hypocritical sack-a'-shreck is The Advertiser/Sunday Mail Editor/Manager/whatevs David Pemberthy who yesterday (**weeks ago now in the Sunday Mail**) contributed one of the most hypocritical and cynical slabs of sanctimonious crud re this sentencing issue re these's plain offensive given The Advertiser's history of covering-up Child Abuse, particularly the St Martins case...(and didn't mention the MP Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Court case that has now run 4 years from his arrest in April 2011, and has now simply disappeared off the the face of the planet-Ed)...indeed, and I still cannot find an Interweb mention beyond April 21st 2015, when the Magistrate had already retired to consider 'the evidence'...(whatta' corrupt pro-paedophile joke-Ed)...and hello, welcome to South Australia...

More concerning are the blanket statements of government propaganda re the MG Gaol, presented as fact by this interviewee Counsellor, that prisoners aren't released into Mt Gambier unless they're originally from here...bollocks...(how the shreck would they know anyway?-Ed)...absolutely Ed...this is an outright lie, eg, taking someone back to Adelaide and dumping them at the Bus Station with no support services and enough money to get back to Mt Gambier is not 'releasing them in Adelaide'...this pathetic ABC article/propaganda mentions nothing of day release programs where offenders are let out to wonder about our community to help them re-assimilate, or the Supported Housing in Mt Gambier specifically set-aside for offenders, etc, etc...(Mt Gambier media has an extraordinary ability to filter-out any facts that conflict with their agenda/attitude-Ed)...indeed, it's called Corrupt Bias Ed, and you'll find it reigning supreme in the Mt Gambier media...(corrupt people doin' the corrupt bidding of their corrupt mates-Ed)...indeed Ed...

And can I just say what a sad day it is when that 6 foot of self-confessed freakshow Nick Fletcher is the relatively accurate voice of sort of morality and kind of justice in this town...(yeah, but you're comparing yourself to TBW and ABC South East, so you've set the bar fairly freakin' low-Ed)...dude, I ain't set the bar nowhere, these clowns have taken their own credibility and buried it under a pyre of lies and pro-paedophile corruption...all I've done is dig down through all the corruption and degradation to get to that bar and raise it back into the light...  

And as if all that isn't absolutely pathetic enough, now Pope Franky J Catholic has spewed out another load of hypocritical dross, whinging about Environmental Issues and the inequality of Wealth Distribution...(wow, that is a hypocritical load of bollocks...the Catholics are vastly wealthy land-holders, largely responsible for environmental destruction and poverty across the planet, and their own Mission Statement, the Bible, says that god put everything here on Earth, including women, for Man's benefit-Ed)...pretty much...(but hasn't Frank and/or the Vatican just sacked/defrocked/charged 2 Bishops re Child Abuse-Ed) what? it's purely unavoidable damage's just the Catholic Paedophile Octopus with it's tentacles caught in a trap, readily hacking-off it's own limb to's like this bollocks with charging Bishop Phillip Wilson, it's pure window dressing in a facade of contrition...more laters...

Tomorrow: Following Advice, Some Court Stuff

Whatta' Sad Joke:...that the farcical Adelaide Oval is apparently up for some award for Design or some's a $700+million, 3rd Rate Tent that Labor sold-off the South East Forestry Estate to pay for...(yeah, but $90m of that went on a huge bribe to the SA Cricket Assoc to get them to back the 'new' stadium by paying-off SACA's massively self-indulgent debt-Ed)...yay, huge bribes, selling-off profitable state assets due to pathetically corrupt mismanagement, and thought-bubble election promises...well done Labor, rooting SA into the ground one corrupt deal after another, one pro-paedophile day at a time...

And who gives a damn what that rancid Labor stooge former SA Liberal leader Rob Kerin says about the Budget or the Milk Gate Price or Free Trade, whatevs, because he's just another soulless sack of politician deeply, complicitly involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and now being a highly-paid Labor stooge running the Labor government line...(he's nearly as big a corrupt turncoat as that thick sliver a' sanctimonious self-satisfaction, Martin Hamilton-Smith-Ed)...indeed Ed, even that motor-mouthed li'l betrayer MP Geoff Brock isn't as corrupt as Mighty Marty Moose...(yeah sorry, I just got carried away, what with all the betraying and all the pro-paedophile corruption, etc-Ed)...I understand Ed, really I do...when you're looking at a vast wall of pro-paedophile corruption, and that wall is State Parliament itself, the Police Force, and the Judiciary, it can be somewhat overwhelming...

Yet here I am...and I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Everything's Fine, Just Fine, Just and Fine

Hello to y'all and sundry and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...apologies for another brief break from this 'ere blog but that's exactly what I've had and y'all 'll please forgive me the indulgence of not projecting by publishing my extended absence from home over a certain period for various reasons...I appreciate in advance that y'all 'll appreciate why I wouldn't give advance notification...(yeah, I cannot believe the stuff that people put on Faceache and Shizzlebook and the ilk, including why and when their domiciles will be unattended and ripe for robbery, etc, it's madness, madness I tell ya's-Ed)...settle down, but I agree that it's not particularly clever...what really freaks me out are these Interweb sites that advertise 'hey, want to know all about that person, text us and we'll find out and send you the info asap'...(yeah, that's really just creepy-Ed)...

And of course these absences...(absenci?-Ed)...dunno...these times when I ain't here leave me unable to do any post on account of because SAPol still have my laptop what they done 'seize' when raiding my home in May 2014, and even if I wanted to try and do this 'ere blog via my phone, even if that were possible, I ain't Interweb connected, my phone/camera is just a phone/camera...did I mention that SAPol still have my laptop, which is actually not mine strictly speaking either, I 'borrowed' it...

Just like to say cheers for all the feedback and particularly the advice to 'ease-up on myself for the sake of my own health', and that a coupla' posts a week is fine...(just fine-Ed)...and that looking after myself is important because the blog is important and I need to be doing it...(yes, but you're still important as just a person with other responsibilities other than this 'ere blog, blah blah blah, whinge bitch moan-Ed)...oh, way to care Ed, I'm feelin' the love from here...(I just hate agreeing with you, so I like to do it mockingly-Ed)...fair enough and indeed that's exactly what I've been doin', just 'me' stuff including spending as much time as possible with my child/adult/person briefly back from university...on top of that I've also been working really hard on my own 'health', and anyone who's near me and/or reads this 'ere blog knows that means, 1) leaving the house as step one, followed by 2) as many other steps as possible on knackered knees, and that 3) I'm working really hard, and I mean sweaty hard...

And because of all that rather inconvenient Lymphoma tumour business and associated Chemo carry-on I did back in 2004/05, when I sweats, I really sweats...(uh-humm, excuse me, horses 'sweat' sir, gentlemen perspire, and ladies softly glow-Ed)...and what do ManBear StuffPigs do?...(just make the place look untidy and damp I'd suggest-Ed)...fair enough...and I mention this Cancer stuff re my self-confessed inability to divest myself of a sense of responsibility for the St Martins Cover-up, and 'feedbacky' observations that despite my massive tumor and tons of Chemo, etc, I all but strolled through that death-defying experience and barely skipped a beat re St Martins, appearing at various hearings, doing submissions, is put to me as a sign of both a sickness in itself and of extraordinary strength...and of course 'Tomorrow is the day my Cancer comes back, always Tomorrow'...(now that's a healthy attitude dude, practical in it's grip of reality yet optimistic in it's perpetual non-realisation-Ed)...yeah, I read it on a bus ticket...(really? about Cancer? that seems a little specific-Ed)...and that's because I lied, gotcha', that is one of mine, I think, and surely a post title all it's own...laters...  

Apart from that I've had a bunch of other personal stuff goin' on, but maybe for another day with that stuff...(or maybe not at all, we can but hope-Ed)...and of course there's been a coupla' Court appearances, etc...I've also been refused 'Legal Aid Funding' re my ludicrous charges of 'talking about stuff', a case that has also just been moved to Adelaide, on my legal advisor's advice/application, so's I could get a proper barrister, etc...(what? can't get one in Mt Gambier? can't imagine why-Ed)...that's what I my legal advice...who just laughed in my face...(so the State is levelling a wholly political trial at you, an unambiguous trashing of the long-lost principles of the Separation of Powers, a case with associated multiple ridiculous charges, etc, etc, and now you're somehow expected to get to Adelaide for your hearings, where you'll have no legal representation?-Ed)...yeah, I don't know that there's a lot of "trashing" goin' on, more 'dancing on it's grave' I'd reckon... 

(And the responsibility you do have to do this 'ere blog, well that's a self-instigated responsibility that's mired in, anchored to, and furiously fueled by your sense of responsibility for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed) know me too well Ed...(yeah, yeah I do...and that's my point right there, it's not a responsibility of your creation, this was all foisted/dumped on you by the wholly corrupt Lutherans and the vast raft of rankly corrupt and/or spineless public officials and media half-wits who have created the St Martins've got to get your shizzle together dude and stop blaming yourself for the St Martins ain't healthy...13 years of your life forfeited to fighting the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines this shrecked-up State, I think that allows a li'l wriggle room when it comes to divesting yourself of blame for this St Martins stuff...or at least some of the blame-Ed)...I'm lovin' the optimism Ed, but sorry, I ain't feelin' it myself...

Ed, you of all people know that I live every day with the haunting, driving image in my head of the day in late May 2002 when I saw teacher Glyn Dorling grooming/assaulting 3 girls in the classroom...every day I live with the guilt that I saw this stuff happening but because I was running late and caught-up in all my own stuff, etc, I didn't pick it for what it was...(dude, again, how the shreck were you meant to know that those brief, relatively innocuous contacts you witnessed were not spontaneous shows of affection by the kids for their teacher, the sort of hugs and stuff that kids had given you at reader, chapel, etc?-Ed) mean rather than tiny fragments of the direct application of the now clearly defined extensive regime of psychological, emotional and physical grooming and abuse behaviours committed by teacher Glyn Dorling in that classroom in 2002...(exactly, Dorling and the Lutherans et al are responsible for this, not you...let it go for shreck sake-Ed)...some day soon I'm sure...

Back To Feedback:...because for all my whinging about it, I fully appreciate that people are 'terrified' to speak-out because of the fear of official retributionalisation that I call 'Pariahtisation...(and that reading about how you've been treated/targetted/attacked for speaking-out about the rank pro-paedophile corruption that runs this sad, sick state that is South Australia, yes, I can also understand why some people would find that intimidating-Ed)...and so it bears saying again, and so I will...

For all of the issues I've covered on this 'ere blog, the rank and often pro-paedophile corruption of public figures and official Authorities like SAPol and the Crown Solicitor, all of that remains wholly ignored or summarily exonerated/dismissed, and I am now being investigated and prosecuted by those exact same corrupt Authorities...and I'm not facing defamation or libel, whatevs, I'm being charged with talking about a State Authority supposedly appropriately doing what they're allegedly supposed to do with a resultant A1 Exoneration of all involved...for talking about stuff that's fine...(just fine-Ed)...just and fine...moving on...

Wind Turbines: are up again tomorrow because I am fully sick and tired of the millions of ludicrous exaggerations and outright lies spewing out of the pro-Wind Turbine lobby and the Greens political party when it comes to issues of Wind Turbines...and last Friday evening that serial liar Greens MLC Mark Parnell went back to that trough of deceit and got himself soakin' wet...and again with the pathetically complicit lack of accountability from the ABC...(but that was your phone message/question that was asked, and it drew the highly defamatory response from Mark Parnell re infrasound testing at Portland?-Ed)...yeah yeah, tomorrow mate...

It's All About Context:...particularly when it comes to our charming Treasurer 'Smokin' Joe Hockey's declarations about people who are "lifters" and those who are "leaners", and his associated comments about how he/they (Liberals) have to hack apart Disability funding, Domestic Violence funding, attack those of us on Disability Support Pensions or other 'support payments', etc, because it's a 'Budget Crisis'...and all of this self-excusing Class War ideological rhetoric lumped together under the catch-cry that "the age of entitlement is over"...(and this from the the man who uses his Parliamentary Travel Entitlements to pay rent to his wife-Ed)...indeed, that's some 'context' right there ain't it dude...(unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...

But now it's time to cross to the TMGI In The Sky traffic helicopter for the latest update, where are you Ed?...(wooka wooka wooka wooka...well, we're supposed to be over the over-turned truck on the M2 Nick, but some mad woman has hijacked us and we're now apparently on the way to the Geelong Golf Club-Ed)...hijacked? is she armed?...(wooka wooka...she's gotta' big sack of stale croissants that she's throwing at cars, Nick, and a helmet I think, but that might actually just be her hair, but no other visible weapons-Ed)...has she made any demands?...(wooka wooka wooka...other than 'take me to Geelong now you bloody peasant'?, she's just slingin' croissants and screamin' 'let them eat cake' at the traffic below-Ed)...croissants aren't cake though, they're more bread than cake...(wooka wooka...yeah, she's also babbling something about 'the plebs being grateful for this manna from heaven'-Ed)...intriguing...and, um, Ed, if she doesn't have any weapons, how did she manage to hijack an entire helicopter with attached burly crew, and your good self...(wooka wooka was her overwhelming sense of self-entitlement, we didn't stand a chance-Ed) poor bastards, come home safe...

And The Context:...that the $5,000 that Speaker Bronwyn Bishop spent/claimed on a chartered helicopter flight from Melbourne to Geelong to attend a Liberal Party fundraiser, rather than use her government car/driver for the one hour drive, a charter that is "an entitlement" that she refuses to acknowledge as wrong and/or apologise for, instead claiming that repaying the money is "the best apology" she could make, that that $5,000 for that one flight to a Liberal function, that $5,000 is 1/4 of my yearly income on the DSP, and that's if you include the monies I 'borrow' from my family to own/run a car...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...all class Bronny, all class...

Tomorrow: Wind Spin - Another Round Of ABC Turbine Propaganda

The ABC South East has been goin' flat-chat with it's Labor Propaganda shizzle, and the ABC in general continues to just sell-out the people of this state...for example, last week in an interview with Regional Development Minister Geoff 'Motormouth' Brock the announcer Annette Marner briefly put it to him about SA's horrendous 8.2% Official Unemployment rate, further impending job losses, and future job creation, and Geoffo mate...(maaate-Ed)...actually stated that the OU rate in Regional SA is only near 6%...(bollocks!-Ed)...then mumbled something about "abbatoirs" in the South East and "tomatoes" in the Mid-North...(what a ridiculous load of rot-Ed)...absolutely, and apart from a brief and tepid protestation from Ms Marner that really only set-up the next load of crap, there wasn't one word of accountability from the ABC...bloody disgraceful...

The ABC's conduct re Turbines continues to be a one-way stream of carefully worded lies and propaganda on behalf of and/or by Turbine proponents like the Clean Energy Council and the Greens...and the Greens are provably relentless liars on this issue because they've had most of this stuff explained to them by clowns like me, yet they continue to ignore what doesn't suit their argument/agenda and lie where necessary...(and in supporting Turbines there's a shreck of a lot of realities to be ignored and many lies to be told-Ed) would appear so Ed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters and 'ron...(sorry, ''ron'?-Ed)...yeah, later on, 'ron...  

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Adelaide Is A Barrel Of Laughs...Going Over The Falls

Hello and welcome one and all to TMGI...still pushin' forward in an up-hilly direction...(and I'm not sure what exactly is that you're pushin', but it reeks to high heaven-Ed)...that Ed, that's a steaming pile of reality, a big steaming pile of it, and I'm pushin' it up this 'ere hill...(yeah, and that's not exactly a hill  though is it...more of a Mount really-Ed)...indeed...(and you seem to be pushin' the same load of stuff up the same Mount every day-Ed)...everyday...and I'm not going to apologise anymore when that pushin' gets to a point where I simply cannot summon the strength to continue...(and/or give a damn-Ed)...true, and decide to have a bit of a laydown...

(You're really sortta' pushin' stuff in all directions via this 'ere blog, aren't ya'...I mean, you're pushin' multiple issues uphill, pushin' your opinions via and/or on people via this 'ere blog, pushin' your luck re more possible charges, more harassment, more City Councillors fondling your letterbox-Ed)...cheeky...(and gourd knows what else sort of bollocks and shenanigans-Ed) mean like already facing a gazillion charges for talkin' about stuff...(err yeah, sorry, exactly like that-Ed)...don't apologise, it is true to a degree that when the pushin' comes to shovin', that 'push-back flak' is just par for the course...and that's exactly what my Court stuff is about, a 'push-back flak' political trial motivated by the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australia...(yay-Ed)...

And anyway, I do my best shovin' just standin' still, not even when pushin' that shizzle up that shreckin' hill, but by just standin' my ground...(nice, standing like stone almost-Ed)...

For example, I've recently just spent hours trawling through the various statements/affidavits/accusations re my Court stuff, and I've got to say, it makes fascinating reading...obviously I cannot go into any specific details about the various statements/allegations made against me in legally repercussive/accountable Affidavits, but from my barely concealed delight y'all 'll be gleaning that I'm furiously keening my rapier wit to be so metaphorically eviscerating those whom have had these things to say about me...(ummm, does that mean that you're looking forward to having your day in Court re these Affidavits against you, which in itself means that those Affidavits are likely to work for you rather than against you-Ed)...and not just that, these Affidavits give me the exact toehold I need to give a few people a bloggy-booting re a decade of their corruption and abuse...

(Yeah, it's one thing to run a whispering campaign of Pariahtisation and deceit about/against ya', a campaign designed and implemented to hide the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up by discrediting and denigrating those who have pursued it, but it's a whole world of pain that's gunna' rain down when those 'defamations' materialise on the page-Ed)...indeed, and that rain turns to torrent when the defamatory declarations get delivered into my very hands...I feel a bit like I am (or at least my Court case is) one of those extreme low pressure cells just dawdling across Kansas lookin' for somewhere to touch down, and when I do, it's gunna' be absolute carnage...(carnage-Ed)...  

That stuff in a recent post about "coming to get you" and the "Oncoming Storm", etc, etc, was all about these legally accountable documents and how shocked I am that these people would commit to paper these extraordinary statements about my alleged behaviours...(and as you say, in such an accountable fashion...writing lies in an Affidavit is an extremely serious offence-Ed)...indeed...and hence I ain't gotta' go nowhere to 'come and get' anyone, and the Storm is, well, just the Storm, nuthin' to do with me...(well it is to do with's all about you-Ed)...ok, sure, in that context it is sortta' about me, a lot, but in the Stormy metaphor, my only involvement is to sit calmly on the porch and watch the havoc caused...(but you made the Storm, yeah?-Ed), I'm just the butterfly whom fluttered by, and the Storm has just come to be...

But I digress because today we're doing the whole 'Apple Cart Called Gravy Train' motif/mixed metaphor thingy (previous posts) re the not so capital state of the State Capital, that being of course Adelaide, South Australia...(and ya' gotta be rotten to get in the barrel on the Apple Cart, etc-Ed)...exactly, but I doubt it'll be that particular barrel that goes over the falls...and if Adelaide suffers, then Regional SA is gunna' suffer more as our Adelaide-centric Body Politic, Labor/Liberal/whatevs, scramble to sure-up their precious 'safe-seats' in Adelaide and bribe the others...(sorry, Regional SA, where's that then?-Ed)...oh yeah sorry, it's that bit just there outside of Adelaide, just there...(here?-Ed), left a bit...(here?-Ed), bit more...(here? what's this then?-Ed), that's only the Old Toll Booth at the foot of the South Eastern Freeway, keep going...(nnno...I can't see anything...are you sure that SA continues beyond, how you say, the Old Toll Booth?-Ed)...well you say ''The Old Toll Booth", and yes, there's some stuff beyond it, stuff known as SA...

(SA's known to be stuffed you mean-Ed)...most excellent segue Ed, hammering home the point, straight on the head of the nail...this week Premier Jay 'Am I Shiny Or What?' Weatherill was at the 'National Press Club' for what can only described as a farcical meander through the fetid mind of a man truly insane, and done with the pathetically complicit support of the Canberra press corp, pathetically pandering to the pointless pontificating of our precious Premier...I had to leave the room when Ray Jay started spewing about the welfare of children...(wouldn't it be easier to just change channels-Ed)...well one can hardly sweep melodramatically from the room gasping exasperatedly by changing channels, now can one?...(you can be such a diva-Ed)...shut-up and get my Panda fritters and Baby Fur-seal slippers... 

Today we're celebrating the crowning glory that is 8.2% Official Unemployment for South Australia, nearly 1.5% higher than the next state, Tasmania, at 6.7%...(these numbers were current late last week and of course are the OU figures, figures that themselves don't account for/include people working only a few hours a week-Ed)...8.2%, this is the pinnacle of achievement achieved after 13-14 years of the Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor government, as voted for by South Australians, allegedly...(why allegedly?-Ed)...because my personal experience of the SA Electoral system is that it is as rankly corrupted as everything else in this rankly corrupt state...(fair enough-Ed)...

Particularly, Local Government elections which are an absolute farce, where the incumbent Council is the Electoral Office and the Council CEO is the person whom candidates are supposed to supply all our personal info to re donations/supporters/whatevs...(and what did happen to Electoral Commissioner Kay Mouslet's personal phone advice that you'd best just lodge the 'Donations Declaration' form or get into trouble in the Courts?-Ed)...well I agreed, just to be co-operative, but she just sent me the same form addressed to the CEO...more in next post...

(With most metaphors you'll find one directly conflicting, but with the whole 'downhill from there' metaphor the exact same metaphor means different almost opposite things-Ed)...not with you...(well, it's often used to describe a decline toward an often terminal outcome, 'his health went downhill after the surgery', or 'stock prices peaked at $1, but it's been downhill from there', but the same phrase also means that all the hard work is done and so therefore it's 'all downhill from here' as we 'coast to the finish line, etc-Ed)...excellently observed Ed...but we digress.

And this is where I drop in a nice 'taunty' paragraph about 'well done Adelaide, this is what you get for electing a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile political party to power'...(but given the experience you've had of an equally pro-paedophile corrupt Liberal Party, what difference would it make who we vote for?-Ed)...way to bring the 'yay' Ed, but unfortunately you're exactly right, and there's nothing to be celebrated about that...

Bracket Creep: in the real world refers to wage/income increases that push people up into higher tax 'brackets', amongst other things, hence increasing their tax burden and possibly denying them other payments/entitlements, etc...but in Mt Gambier it's how The Border Watch newspaper attempts to portray that bastard Nicholas (Nick) Francis Fletcher...(oh nice, you're a 'Bracket Creep'...clearly a reference to our previous post about the wording of TBW stuff about you and the desperate attempt to 'criminalise' you by giving you a criminal alias in brackets, an alias that's you're actual name-Ed)...indeed Ed, and I'm not goin' back over all that stuff again 'cos I don't need to 'cos you've spotted and explained the joke well...but a lovely segue into...  

If The Subs Don't Fly We're Sunk: because the dreaded 'brain-drain' will turn into a 'talent-torrent' as highly qualified people...(often with massive training/tertiary debts, mortgages, families, etc-Ed)...indeed, the selfish bastards, I mean, fancy having jobs and homes and plans for a future applying their skills and building a career building something, anything...(the bastards-Ed)...but they'll find nought heres-about given the demise of Holden's car manufacturing at Elizabeth and with the Subs contract likely already on a dozen desks in Japan...(ouch-Ed)...indeed, and carried along with the 'talent-torrent' goes the barrel, and over the falls and far away, ne'er to return... 

Families SA staff have apparently been 'spoken to' re their involvement/mistakes/failures re the death/murder of 4 year old Chloe Valentine...(spoken to, not sacked?-Ed)...yep, they've received 'counselling' because "it weren't their faults 'cos it was a dodgy system what we've done all fix now, fixed all fine, just fine", so that's all just fine...(oh yeah, and who said that then?-Ed)...well of course it was the former SAPol (police) officer now running Education and Child Protection in South Harrison there...(I didn't know TH was a qualified Counsellor?-Ed)...well he's not, he's got no Educational qualifications or experience either, he's a cop...(and that's why SA Labor has him running Education, Child Protection, and Staff Counselling-Ed)...indeed...

Give Me A Break-In:...none of it's good, but consider the multiple 'suspended sentences', etc, that SA Courts have recently given to men convicted of Child Pornography and/or Child Sexual Assault offenses, but the dude who broke into the cafe Presto By The Main gets 13 months with a non-parole of 5 months, so he's doin' 5 months is a property crime, all the others involve acts of gross violence and abuse against children...and the property crime does time, and the paedophiles all walk away free...South Australia is a bloody disgrace...

Feedback: re that latest TBW 'article' about my latest Court appearance re the charges I probably cannot/should not/whatevs identify because that would identify the massively powerful State Authority involved, an Authority that I probably cannot/etc identify because that would identify that they've done something (albeit what they're supposed to do) and that's possibly an offense in and of itself...(I need to sit down for a minute-Ed)...indeed, it's truly mind-boggling...but the feedback's been great...because it's a long post already, I'll chuck this feedback into...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Court Stuff - The Border Watch vs Actual Journalism

*Sorry this post is so long...done over several days and lots to's to shorter daily posts asap*

Hello one and all and welcome to the blog...I am your host Nick Fletcher and I continue to move forward, there I said it, and in a manner that best serves my purpose and intent and at a pace of my choosing, but always toward doing a full-time blog again...(get in my son-Ed)...and this here is my maaate, my friend, mon ami, dare I say it, my confected literary device, Ed...(cheers-Ed)...'Ed' being my way of engaging in widely conflicting discourse presented as a conversation/discussion rather than dot-pointed diatribing or lecturing, and also for setting-up jokes and stuff...(one does what one can daaarling-Ed)...due to scanner issues beyond my affording, I'll do this latest The Border Watch farce one paragraph at a time...(it's actually a prime opportunity really...I mean, ya' have to write it all out but it needs to be addressed/corrected literally right through-out so's just do it-Ed)...true...

And great attitude too Ed, when life hands you lemons, say 'what's this bollocks? I ordered the shreckin' Porterhouse'...(well I think the saying is 'get handed lemons, make lemonade', but fair enough, when your actions are metaphorically supplying prime rump, ya' don't want to be served a burnt chevapachichi wrapped in greasy bacon-Ed)...and this meaty metaphor is of course about how I have put myself-up repeatedly for the scrutiny of the rankly corrupted TBW and ABC, yet they flatly refuse to engage with me, choosing instead to take repeated and corrupt stabs at my back via often defamatory statements that they trot-out regardless of the realities, and/or by pretending I don't exist,, the farcical behaviour of TBW alleged journalist Anelia 'OMGINFIBPTITBOTSH' Blackie at the October 2014 Mayoral Forum, twice snubbing me from feet away, and then not including me in the article...(hilarious-Ed)...if it wasn't so corrupt and deceitful...(good point-Ed)...

Good ol' Anelia 'Oh My God It's Nick Fletcher, I Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Stranger's Head' Blackie was present when I politely pantsed every other Mayoral candidate (bar one) by calmly and intelligently shoving the communal denigration hurled at me about what a bastard I am, by taking that abuse and gently ramming it back down the throats of those halfwits from whence it came, people like TBW and the ABC...(well, the throats of those halfwits who bothered to show-up for the Forum-Ed)..indeed Ed, so many people who have had so much to say about me behind my back, so many of them were in town on the night but failed to even front-up...(wow, you are one scary ManBear StuffPig-Ed)...apparently...but it's the Fear of Accountability, the fear of the words what comes out It's mouth what terrifies them idiots, not the It itself...(yeah fair enough-Ed)...

(Did the ABC even have anyone there, at the Forum?-Ed)...not that I saw/recognised, dunno', whatevs...but they furiously refused to even acknowledge it had happened, never even mentioning it...(not even when Mayoral candidates Andrew Lee and Bob Sandow tried to talk about it in their post-forum interviews the next week-Ed)...indeed, ABC's doyens of journalistic integrity couldn't change the subject fast enough...can't talk about a room full of elephants when every elephant has a huge 'Nick Fletcher for Mayor' tattooed on it...(hilarious-Ed)...but I digress, quick, to The Border Watch everyone...

"Case Transferred - Fletcher to make appearance in Adelaide court over charges" the 'headline' from this latest hilarious piece of dross from TBW Thursday July 2nd 2015 (page 7)...not only is this article defamatory and libellous, but in places it's just farcically nonsensical...(oh, you're not bangin' on about you being 'defamed' again are you? after all the scorn you've heaped on the various and voluminous vacuous defamation threats hurled at you by corrupt cowards and professional paedophile protectors, eg, lawyers, the Crown Solicitor, etc-Ed)...fair point Ed...indeed, in many a previous post I have hosted the many and unvaried attempts from a galaxy of pro-paedophile stars as they and/or their lawyers have tried to use 'defamation' to bully, harass, intimidate, and outright threaten me in vain attempts to silence me re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

(But ya' still whinging about being 'defamed'-Ed), I'm whinging about a corrupt media and corrupt politicians, et al, knowingly lying to denigrate me...simply by definition I am being 'defamed', and it's happening whether I whinge about it or not...(fair enough-Ed)...I've been routinely threatened with 'defamation' for speaking the truth, but the lies about me being knowingly told by corrupt people like those at TBW are by definition 'defamation'...the difference is I have been/am being threatened by multiple scumbags as they try to scare/bully/threaten me into not talking/writing/bloggin' about their actual (and often pro-paedophile) corruption, where-as TBW et al are deliberately circulating known falsehoods about me to try and discredit and denigrate me, not least of all because of their rank pro-paedophile corruption...(ok ok, you've made your point, often-Ed)...

And let's not forget that the good ol' TBW and the good ol' ABC have been helping cover-up the abuse at St Martins by constantly doing this 'Pariahtisation' stuff for over a decade now, and/or just flatly refusing to acknowledge things like the South Australian (Parliamentary) Statutory Authority Review Committee Inquiry (2007-2011) into the Teachers Registration Board Inquiry of teacher Glyn Dorling, a SARC Inquiry that quotes 'incidents at a school in Mt Gambier' in it's preamble...please see previous posts...

And let's also remember that this Pariahtisation hasn't just been happened to me, there are a number of parents/families who have been attacked by scumbags like local politician Rory McEwen in corrupt media like The Border Watch...I refer to my posts re the May 6th 2005 front page where-in The Border Watch gave Rory McEwen carte blanche to scandalously denigrate parents...(whatta' shreckin' disgrace The Border Watch is-Ed)'re preachin' to the choir Ed...  

And also let's not forget that my Court stuff is being investigated, prosecuted, and adjudicated by a 'System' 1) riddled with, indeed wholly corrupted by pro-paedophile attitudes, that 2) I and a few other parents have been in a pitched battle against since 2002 re the St Martins/Glyn Dorling Cover-up...for 13 years these exact same Authorities have acted without exception to protect the paedophile teacher and attack those parents who did try to protect their children...and from all of the shizzle in this 'ere blog, the only action SAPol et al are interested in is trying to get me, and so I'm facing a swathe of charges of 'talking about stuff'...(I said it before, I'm sure you'll get exactly the same justice that every guilty person is entitled to-Ed)...yes, and it was equally un-hilarious then... 

And so's to paragraph one...
     "COURT proceedings against online commentator Nicholas (Nick) Francis Fletcher were adjourned
      in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on Tuesday and listed for September 11 in Adelaide."
...I'm not the only person in this town whom thinks that it's as hilarious as it is ridiculous how hard TBW is trying to make me look like (The Dirty Perp*), trying so hard right up-to and including creating a (Criminal Alias) for me, highlighted in (Brackets) to indicate all the (Huge Amounts of Criminality) what I 'as done...(ahhh, I get it...according to TBW, you're such a crook with such an extensive history of crookness that you have an ubiquitous Criminal Alias that must be mentioned along with your full name-Ed)...exactly...and I'm such a (Dirty Perp) that my (Criminal Alias) is my actual name, (Nick)...(that is hilarious-Ed)...        (*a 'Perp' is a perpetrator)

     "This follows a request by Fletcher's legal counsel to transfer his case to the Adelaide Magistrates
      Court, where constitutional issues are expected to be raised regarding the charges against him."
...and again with the inferred 'Criminality' and invited disrespect of readers by referring to me as simply 'Fletcher', see also opening title...(well that's how people, the media especially, refer to 'Dirty Criminal Perps' like ya'self-Ed)'s technically true my Counsel did ask for the case to be moved, but if it wasn't moved it was going to collapse anyway, not least of all because 1) the case is so massively unwieldy and ill-defined it simply couldn't happen here, not leaster than that of all because 2) it's all about "constitutional issues" stemming from the ludicrous legislation involved...this should read 'will be raised' not "expected to be"...(well you'd 'expect' that the issues that it's about would be raised in Court-Ed)...wouldn't you though...

     "Fletcher pleaded not guilty to various charges relating to the publication of information about a
      person subject to a complaint before the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on June 12."'s not "various charges", it's unusually high multiple counts of the same charge...appears to be more TBW inferred (Criminality) indicating a range of (Dirty Perp) behaviours...beyond that, the TBW 'journalist' was sitting in Court on May 12th 2015...2 points here, 1) the next post covers the actual Court proceedings thus far, including the Magistrate accidentally reading out the charge, name of Authority involved, etc, in open Court, and 2) it was May 12th, not June 12th...don't know where TBW got the phrase "publication of information about a person subject to a complaint" from, but I'll post if and when I do...this plea was made following the specific advice of my Counsel that I was required to plead something, and occurred only minutes after SAPol handed across a thick roll of statements, etc, right in front of the TBW, statements, etc, that I hadn't yet seen...more tomorrow...

     "The defendant did not attend court proceedings this week, but was represented by his lawyer."
...the (Dirty Perp) was not actually required to be in Court because it was all technical stuff about moving the case, an agreement that had been effectively reached previous...(wasn't the 'Dirty Perp' driving round and round the Court house block with a very sick Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name) in the backseat that day?-Ed)...indeed I was, with phone immediately to hand at my Counsel's request, just in case I was required to attend for some unforeseen reason...technically I wasn't required to attend Court on Monday June 15th 2015 either, but I spent all day there, twice, and still wasn't finally present...sounds confusing? more tomorrow...

     "Magistrate Paul Foley listed the matter "for mention only" on September 11 to set a date for
      arguments in the court at a later stage."'ll excuse me if I follow my Counsel's advice as to when the next hearing is on, but as identified, I'll not technically be required to attend on September 11th/whenevs and wherevs either...(geez, that sentence is almost accurate-Ed)...never fear Ed, the next line makes up for it...(yay-Ed)...

     "Fletcher was in the news on February 2 this year when he failed to turn up for a court appearance."
...(wow-Ed)...indeed Ed, wow, how many lies and mistakes and denigration can ya' shove into one line...(well lots apparently-Ed)...yeah, it was a rhetorical question...the (Dirty Perp) was in the news, in the TBW, on Wednesday February 4th 2015 re the Court hearing of the day before Tuesday 3rd February...(they can't even report their own reporting correctly-Ed)...there's nuthin' funny about it Ed, this is supposedly Mt Gambier's conscientious font of accurate knowledge, and they can't even get fundamental things like their own reporting right...(yeah, sorry, you're right, there's nuthin' funny about that-Ed)...and the TBW reporter was sitting right there at the March 3rd 2015 hearing when my Counsel stated that I wasn't Summonsed to the first hearing and the Magistrate clearly replied 'yes, and a second Summons was issued, and you're here now, what do you want?' *paraphrase...(wow, and their 'journalist' was sittin' right there?-Ed)...more about that tomorrow too...

     "At the time his defence counsel said the defendant did not receive a summons and was thus unaware
      of his court listing."
...again, the TBW 'journalist' was sitting right there on March 3rd 2015 when it was clearly established that I wasn't Summonsed to the February 3rd hearing, and yet TBW continue to publish this lie...(yeah, ya' right, that's not funny, that's pathetic-Ed)...and not just pathetic, but a deliberate deceit of the people who read TBW...and that right there, that's not just deceit, that's also defamation, text-book defamation...the The Border Watch knows they're printing a lie, they're doing it quite deliberately, repeatedly, and with the specific intent of trying to discredit and denigrate me...of course I also wrote to TBW after that first article but they continued the denigration stuff with repeated comments about how I "claimed" I hadn't even been told of the February hearing, etc...furthermore, more tomorrow...

Beyond that, this sentence doesn't even make has me somehow organising to have a "defence counsel" at a hearing I didn't know about, to claim that I didn't know about the hearing...(perhaps that's the point, trying to make your statement look ridiculous by presenting it in nonsensical form-Ed)...I guess that could be it, but they're also acknowledging that my Counsel has made that claim, regardless of when it was done...(don't ask me mate, it's all over the bloody shop-Ed)...

     "Fletcher, who unsuccessfully ran for Mount Gambier City Council mayor last year, is the author of
      a self-styled blog which delivers what he describes as "social-political commentary."
...the (Dirty Perp) is a loser with delusions of grandeur far above his station guvna', but he's got style...(and he home delivers, that's convenient-Ed)...nice, but I prefer our previous joke about how TBW glowingly references/reviews me as a "" who "delivers"...(words are funny things aren't they?...immensely powerful but funny all the same-Ed)...indeed...(scrotum's a funny word-Ed)...yes, yes it is...(I mean, even if you didn't know what a scrotum was, you'd still think, that sounds like a very funny word-Ed)...well quite...(a very funny word, probably about a very odd thing...scrotum-Ed)...right...(did you know that scrotums are made-up of all the left-over elbow skin from our evolutionary past-Ed)...I did not know that...oh, and it's "socio-political"..."socio", not "social"...

I offer this rather pedantic dissection of the TBW stuff as both commentary on and proof of the defamatory and deceitful 'reportage' they conduct specific to me, and that's just not open to debate sorry, it's right there...wrong/random dates, nonsensical statements, and deliberate errors, the facts are irrelevant in the rush to denigrate me...but it's also about the blaring glare of distrust that this undeniable bias against me blazes onto every page of TBW, every article, every word...if this is how deceitfully they conduct themselves relative to me, then how can I hold as fact any single line I read in TBW unless I was there personally to witness whatevs/whenevs?...(how can anyone believe anything that TBW says?-Ed)...well exactly Ed, and that there's the real a world where our local media coverage is absolutely critical in it's advocacy on our behalf because otherwise we are virtually voiceless and invisible, particularly to Adelaide, where we desperately need a local media we can trust, we instead get the ABC South East and The Border Watch...(bocconcini!-Ed)...indeed Ed, sweet baby cheeses...  

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff

Sorry, this one got away from me a bit..and more of my Court stuff because, well just because it's clearly not just about me...(well it is, it's all about you and what a bastard you is, and...-Ed)...yes alright thankyou, it's about 'Blogging' and 'Freedom of Speech' shizzle, and 'the Constitution', etc...(orrr yeah, it's all about all that stuff, for sure, but it's mostly about what a bastard you is-Ed)...yeah, fair cop...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Apologies - Post Up Soon/Tomorrow

Sorry, still sorttin' out some stuff 'off-blog' and haven't been home much, etc, and will explain laters...also SAPol still have my laptop, etc,'s all a bit of a shambles but please accept that I'm gettin' this shizzle slowly turned around...also, very much appreciating the support and encouragement...cheers...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog and we're both here for the long haul...cheers and laters...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Comin' Up For Air And Straight Back Onto The Rails If Not The Horse

Hello y'all availees and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent, my attempt to appropriately and accurately apply my abundant anger to addressing the crippling corruption that seems to define Mt Gambier and South Australia...profusest apologies for continually failing to fulfill my recent repeated promises to crank-out daily posts, but please accept that I've had some shizzle goin' on, and of course, there are days when just sitting down to do this 'ere blog is a confrontation in itself...and I've had quite a few of those days lately...

No apologies for deliberately trying to unravel myself from the sense of guilt and debt, etc, that I carry re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and how that drove me obsessively into completely over-compensating via this 'ere blog, etc, etc...and I need to divest myself of at least some of that guilt and I genuinely feel that I have...(what? only 13 years of fighting tooth, nail, and sanity, and you're finally gunna' let-up on ya'self a little bit about how the St Martins stuff is somehow your fault? that's being a tad selfish don't ya' think?-Ed)...well yes thanks Ed, I appreciate your supportive sarcasm that '13 years is a slack effort', but I guarantee that I ain't walking away from anything anytime soon...(business as usual? asap?-Ed)...yep, asap abap...(abap?-Ed) best as possible...bau asap abap...(nice-Ed)...

Apologies again for the brief break (down) in transmission of this 'ere blog, but I'd had a very, very long week following a very, very longer week, following a very, very long month, after a very, very long year, get the idea...(fair enough to say that, yes, you've had some shizzle goin' on-Ed)...and the weirdest thing Ed, is that as I feel that this 'ere blog has started to achieve some positive outcomes for my community, the less I feel obsessed with it...(and clearly you are achieving stuff who follows this 'ere blog and other local media could have missed the tit-for-tatting, the toing-and-froing, the stuff that you have a gouge at via this 'ere blog, and then there's a related reaction/response/whatevs, eg, the stuff with Council trying to ban people from electronically recording meetings, the recent ABC Child Abuse stories, etc, you're clearly kickin' goals by punchin' buttons-Ed)...well encapsulated and metaphorised Ed, kickin' goals by punchin' buttons...

And so comes the sense of release from the burden of guilt, and as is my wanton need upon addiction teeters so I pick-up the pieces I am and just get that shizzle back together and this 'ere blog apologies for that brief attempt at pseuedo-poetry, nor for staggering forward with the following latest stuff re some of my personal favourites, starting with;

Q&A:...puts that clown to air in 'is silly little 'at, and I'm banned-off the ABC...(whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed...apparently, trying to talk about paedophile issues gets you (me) banned off the ABC...(and outta' The Border Watch-Ed)...indeed...(unless they're printing known falsehoods and nonsensical gibberish about you re your Court case-Ed) mean like today's latest effort...(exactly...pathetic yet hilarious, corrupt yet incompetent, riddled with errors and statements that defy logic and rationale-Ed)...everything one has come to expect from TBW...stuff it, I've got my lawyer's clear direction about what I can say re TBW's rankly corrupt reporting of my Court stuff, so that's up for review next, either tomorrow or the post after that...but I digress...

I'm currently banned, censored, attacked, and vilified by the ABC who flatly refuse to even look at the St Martins Cover-up...(because they know all about it-Ed)...exactly...knowing all about it is exactly why they refuse to touch it and instead have chosen to attack me...(what does it say about the media in this town, this state, and this country, that they all know about the rank corruption of state Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, local MP Rory McEwen, et al, in helping the Lutherans cover-up the daily, structured grooming and abuse of a class of 7 year old children, and yet they, the media, refuse to touch it?-Ed)...well it says they're pathetically weak at best and corrupt by definition...

Weak At Best, Corrupt By Definition...says it all really...

(And how's that workin' out for them there in the local media, this helping to cover-up Child Abuse by attacking you? how's that going for them?-Ed)...oh Ed, dear oh dear, people have had things to say about me in official ways that they really, really shouldn't have because comin' their way there will be, nay there is a wall of legal pain, a very large very angry wall of legal repercussions that they cannot avoid...I'm comin' to getcha'...(oh sweet baby cheeses, you're not screeching 'defamation' yourself now are you?-Ed)...mate, it's all defamatory of me because it's predominantly lies, and lies told knowingly and deliberately to try and discredit and denigrate me...(fair enough-Ed)...but no, in this context, I'm not talking about defamation of me, I'm not even talking about me specifically, and there-in, my friend, lies the beauty of it, 'cos it's the actual act of lying that is the Storm Approaching and not what lies in the lies themselves...but again I digress...

Back on Q&A, a narcissistic, opinionated half-wit gets front-and-centre on national ABC television to talk absolute bollocks...(I thought you said you were banned-Ed)...oh haha, it's like 5 minutes since you did that joke I don't think...anyhoos, if you're not aware of this Q&A issue you've been livin' under a rock 'cos it's gone ballistic with PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott squealing about how the ABC is the 'Them' in the 'Us of Team Australia vs Them', and inquiries into the program, etc...(it must be bad too, because that beacon of Objectivity, Reason and Stability, Mr Andrew 'I Only Look Like A Rabidly Right-Wing Arsehole' Bolt has been driven to criticise the ABC-Ed)...yeah, and it's not like Andy gets upset about the ABC much...(well actually he hates them and regularly criticises them and calls for the ABC to be scrapped completely-Ed)...yeah, that was the joke we were doing, remember?...(oh yeah, sorry-Ed)...

Anyhoos, just Interweb search the Q&A episode from Monday 22nd June 2015 and the comments from Zaky Mallah who's been convicted of making/writing/whatevs death threats to Public Officials, has been publicly advocating violence against women, and a bunch of other terrific stuff...he gets live-to air in primetime and I'm banned, can't even get a comment read out over the radio by the announcer...(wow, what sortta' bastard must you be?-Ed)...well that's the point I'm making Ed...(what an extraordinary danger you must times of 'international terrorism crisis' chumly here gets 'is ugly mug all-up on my telly and shizzle, and you can't even get a comment read out on radio, not even relatively innocuous stuff re Wind Turbines or the Forestry Sale/Adelaide Oval debasco, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed...

I remind availees that the last time I attended the Mt Gambier ABC office in January 2014, Stuart Stansfield ordered me out of the building before I'd actually spoken a word, then threatened and called SAPol (police), and then slammed the glass partition shut, locking my documents on his side of said screen...(hilarious-Ed)...and then, while I stood waiting outside, a cop car cruised past with the driver eyeballing me but he didn't stop...I re-iterate my position that this reaction/incident was entirely about the bias, discrimination, abuse, threats, denigration, etc, that Stuart and his charming colleagues at the Mt Gambier ABC have seen fit to hurl at myself and other parents as they, the Mt Gambier ABC and ABC en masse, willingly participate in the St Martins!...

Rail Lands: are apparently done...(like a dinner?-Ed)...if that dinner is a $4.5million smorgasbord of relentless Mt Gambier City Council lies and complicit The Border Watch corruption and dodgy contracts and related needless earthworks, etc, etc, resulting in an al fresco dog's breakfast of dis-organised nonsense and a Death Pit of Stupidity, then yes, done like a dinner...(and I'm assuming that the "al fresco" part of "al fresco dog's breakfast" refers to the complete lack of shelter on the site, apart from the narrow shelters already on the platforms, and the 2 farcical napkin-sized circus tent thingies Council erected?-Ed) Ed, the No.1 priority for any public space development in Mt Gambier should/must be weather-proofing, shelter for Winter, shade for Summer, and the Rail Lands is an open, windswept Winter swamp that in high-Summer will be an unusable baking prairie...well done Council, top job, top job... 

(When we went past the other day I saw 4 Pacific Black Ducks busy beak-ploughing through the sodden lawn just on the side of Railway Tce there, leaving little trails of muddy destruction behind them-Ed)...indeed, I saw them, and there's been very average rainfall for the season that that ground should be so wet, let alone perfect feeding ground for ducks...rather than run through it all again here, please review my previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda for massive Commercial/Retail development on that site and the corruption and lies, etc, from Mt Gambier City Council in trying to stall work and hide that agenda...I refer particularly to the issues of 1) Council's 'fake' November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan launch at the Civic Centre, and 2) the mysterious appearance then disappearance of 'Stage 4', a 'fake' stage that included 3 main items that will now apparently not happen, namely the walkway through to Margaret St, a Sound Shell, and renovation of the Old Rail Station... 

Please find attached the article from the Lifestyle 1 free magazine thingy that comes in the post/junk mail...this article is the very thin edge of the very dodgy wedge that is Council' completely corrupt conduct across every aspect of the Rail Lands saga...only months ago Council was officially crowing about 'Stage 4' and all the wonderment that it promised of paths to Marge and shells full of sound and now poof! it's all over baby...and whatta' lotta' rot that Council's 'seeking expressions of interest about the Old Rail Station'...that's a blatant excuse to further stall any work on a station that Council wants demolished to make way for development...(you know they could be just angling to sell it to a Councillor's family/mate/whatevs-Ed)...possible I s'pose, but the RLRA is clearly the main game...the Old Station should have been the first thing redeveloped/ Council is talking more bollocks about a minimum $100,000 for a painted 'labyrinth' thingy, and "borrowing" more money to install a skate-park feature...

And what a wonderful segue from the water-logged Rail Lands and the mire of self-contradictory lies that Council has run itself into re their corruption on that site, a segue straight from there to the debasco (where debacle tail-ends fiasco at speed) that is the Mt Gambier Racing Club, and Gray Gray's latest spray re the MGRC GeeGees, also attached below...not satisfied with jumping repeatedly from one 'horse' to another re whom is actually to blame for the unusable state of the track, cancellation of the 2015 Gold Cup, etc, The Power Of Gray-ham now appears to be doing his own water-logged homage to the whole sorry saga with some sortta' Maritime Cirque de Equine act, where-in he's charging through the torrent of reality, standing astride two Albino Palominos, before furiously back-flipping mid-stream onto 2 other horses headed in the opposite direction...(but it's a very clever strategy really, 'cos I got no idea what his actual position really is anymore-Ed)...I take your point Ed, just go with the latest one until he changes it again...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Moving Forward

Thanks for y'all availees anticipated acceptance of my continuing apologisings and understanding of my humble stumblings as I yet again find my feet...(and keep on kickin'-up a ruckus-Ed)...absolutely...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is The Mount Gambier Independent and it's a blog, my blog...cheers and laters mofos...

Apols, damn it, scanner having an Emotional Personal day or something...documents tomorrow plus the latest latest stuff from Council re the Rail Lands...(more stuff?-Ed)...oh yeah, there's still gunna' be a Market don't cha' know, and you do the Hokey-Pokey with your $100,000 for 'Art'...(whaaa?-Ed)...well you put it in and then you take it out, put it back in...(and shake it all about?-Ed) on...and some stuff about sitting around feeling happy 'cos that'll fix stuff, etc, etc...(I can't wait-Ed)'ll have to...laters...