Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Massive Burnout From Perpetually Spinning My Wheels

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to yet another stop-gap, 'post something for the sake of posting' continuance of this 'ere's title refers to my most recent epiphany about the trauma that 18 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up has dumped into my existence...(and of course, given that the St Martins Cover-up officially kicked-off in June 2002, we're headed toward 19 years, next month in fact-Ed)...yeah, although, technically the St Martins Cover-up officially started back in the late 1990s when the Lutherans first moved "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from Adelaide to St Martins school in Mt Gambier...(yeah right, after that undefined "incident" the Lutherans told you parents about but wouldn't further explain-Ed)...exactly, so really the '2002 St Martins Cover-up' was just a continuation of the ongoing '1990's Adelaide Cover-up'...(well, the involvement of SAPol (police), Flinders Child Protection Services (Unit), the Teachers Registration Board, multiple Mt Gambier politicians like the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen, his equally corrupt Labor/Liberal State colleagues, etc, etc, all of that parent-driven activism and resultant Cover-up, that all relates to the June 2002 long weekend removal of Dorling from St Martins-Ed)...agreed...

And today's title?...because it makes such an amusing metaphor, in motoring terms a 'burnout' literally involves spinning one's vehicle's wheels...(or in the case of a motorbike, 'wheel' singular-Ed)...sure, same metaphor applies, but I use it here in one of it's other mainstream applications...(how so dear heart?-Ed)...well as a component in a machine, usually an electrical/electronic component, as that might get worn-out over time or over-loaded, etc, and it breaks, that is usually described as 'burnt-out', not least of all 'cos it may well involve some actually 'burning'...(yeah, I understand, and I reckon we've discussed this stuff just recently-Ed)...indeed, and in this instance, I've used 'burnout' to describe a state of physical and/or mental fatigue, exhaustion and/or trauma brought on by excessive work and/or stress, etc...(and that 'load', would that be related to the constant and overwhelming sense that you're just 'spinning your wheels' when it comes to resolving the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...absolutely spot on mate, absolutely spot on...

By happy happenstance, it's an excellent way to encapsulate exactly what I have personally endured...(and to a lesser degree other parents/families involved have also endured-Ed)...well sure, and not so much 'endured' as have been deliberately and relentlessly subjected to by a rankly Institutionally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia, from SAPol, to the TRB, the State Parliament (both Labor and Liberal), the Courts, the Main Stream Media, and the most corrupt of them all, the supposedly Independent Commission Against each and every turn, the 'SA System' has not acted to resolve the St Martins Cover-up, but rather to be wantonly complicit and participate in it...(well the FCPS were actually reasonably supportive, in the sense that they did try but eventually capitulated to the relentless corruption of everyone else around them, eg, the way the TRB screwed them over-Ed)...yeah, fair call, at least the FCPS did try, if ultimately they failed, and that 'failure' is markedly removed from the willing pro-Cover-up corruption of those around them, eg, the TRB and SAPol...

This Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption has then manifested itself in my life as the openly corrupt "bizarre trial" that 'Convicted' me of supposedly breaching ICAC legislation...and when you become the target/victim of the rankly corrupt SA ICAC, that then becomes a whole new level of 'spinning ya' wheels'...appropriate Judicial conduct and propriety and fairness, etc, are duly trashed on the way to achieving the predetermined outcome...for example, when I showed/proved to Her Honour Teresa Anderson just what a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution my "bizarre trial" actually was, HH recused herself officially citing "Abuse of Process"...her actions define her as a decent, respectful and honest person who would not be party to said "Abuse of Process"...(well actually, HH repeatedly used the term "Malicious Prosecution" in Court, which is exponentially worse than the already disgraceful "Abuse of Process"-Ed)...true, on both counts, but HH used "Abuse of Process" on the Court's 'Certificate of Record', so I'll just stick with that...(and that's bad enough!-Ed)...indeed it many times in SA legal history has a Magistrate recused themselves, whilst officially citing "Abuse of Process"?...(not many if any?-Ed)...well quite...(and then compare HH Anderson's conduct to the biased, abusive, corrupt Ian White who inexplicably replaced her-Ed)...exactly... 

And this is all relevant as it relates to my 'burnout'...a coupla' weeks back I read an article about 'burnout' that really encapsulated my personal know what it's like, you're reading/watching something, and suddenly you feel yourself shift from 'observer' to 'subject', when what you're looking at becomes about you...and not specifically about you, but exactly mimics/mirrors your own experience/feelings, etc...this is what I went through, reading about the causes and/or symptoms of depression, fatigue, etc, all as it relates to 'burnout' was all there, plain as day, and I ain't sayin' that realising is resolving, but it certainly gave me cause to pause and even ease-up on myself a bit...I've been through nearly 2 decades of extraordinary trauma, at the mercy of a Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State, and it's no bloody wonder I feel a bit perma-knackered...

So onwards and upwards and back into the breach...and with a Federal ICAC being such a popular topic at the moment, and with my personal experience of how corrupt and malicious can be when it comes to attacking and punishing 'Whistleblowers', here's an excellent piece by Geoffrey Watson SC that identifies the deliberate design flaws of 'Alleged Rapist' Christian Porter's proposed Integrity Commission model...***

Porter's plan will help cover up corruption, not expose it

By Geoffrey Watson

When I first read Attorney-General Christian Porter’s proposal for a Commonwealth Integrity Commission, I thought that he was just putting forward a bad model. But then I realised it was worse. Much worse.

The proposed model is badly flawed. The structure, for instance, is all wrong. Why are the activities of the commission divided into a “law enforcement” part and a “public sector” part? Why, for example, should law enforcement officers, of whom the Attorney-General is the notional head, be held to a higher and different standard than the Attorney-General himself? Why do politicians get special protection?

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter.

Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations Christian Porter.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

The commission will find it nearly impossible to investigate anything. Very few persons can refer a matter to the watchdog. In practical effect, only politicians may do so. That excludes any referral from the public, or from contractors or bureaucrats – and this would be so, even where that person is specifically aware of actual corruption.

Not even the Auditor-General can make a referral — he or she would need to refer it to another politician and then keep their fingers crossed. Bear in mind that the ICAC’s inquiry into the Obeid family began following an anonymous tip-off. Under Mr Porter’s model, his commission would not be permitted to act on that call.

Then, before the commission can start an investigation, it must already “reasonably suspect” that a crime has been committed. That is just silly. How can you form that opinion before investigating it first?

The threshold of reasonably suspecting a crime is far too high: in practical terms it would prevent any investigation into, for example, the sports rorts affair or the so-called “Leppington triangle” debacle. All that has been exposed in those cases is incompetent administration rather than a crime – a crime can be revealed only by an investigation, but the commissioner cannot investigate. It is circular. The watchdog will be paralysed – unable to act.

If the NSW ICAC had operated under the same rules as the proposed federal watchdog, Eddie Obeid could never have been exposed.

If the NSW ICAC had operated under the same rules as the proposed federal watchdog, Eddie Obeid could never have been exposed.Credit:Rob Homer

Then there is the secrecy. Everything needs to be kept a secret. The fact of a referral is a secret, any investigation is a secret, the commissioner’s opinion as to the existence of corruption is a secret and the referral to the Department of Public Prosecutions is a secret. And if the DPP declines to make a decision, no one will ever know anything about the issue.

You would have thought it was known by now, but I will restate the obvious: secrecy only encourages corruption.

The absence of public hearings is also a foolish oversight. Public hearings are the hallmark of open justice. Just imagine if the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Abuse had conducted its hearings in private. The public can hear and make their own judgments about the evidence and the quality of the evidence.

Please spare me from this condescending rubbish that reputations might be unfairly harmed — the public is capable of making that judgment too. Incidentally, there is an element of hypocrisy here — I did not hear this government complain about the open hearings or the “trashed reputations” at the pink batts royal commission or at the Heydon Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption.

This proposed integrity commission is also prohibited from investigating historical matters. So for all of you who were wanting to know what really happened with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation or in the “Leppington triangle” – you will never, ever know. It is obvious that the government has been playing with us.

A national integrity commission was promised two years ago. This bill has been introduced with a six-month consultation period. There is no hope of having a commission installed before late 2021. By that time, the numerous scandals — sports rorts, grassgate and those excessively generous payments made to Cayman Islands for non-existent water — they will all be gone, dead and buried. Delay is just what the government wanted.

The introduction of a hopelessly neutered commission like that proposed by Mr Porter could do more damage than good. It would entrench a weak body which subsequent governments will be disinclined to strengthen. And because of all of the secrecy involved, a referral to Mr Porter’s Commonwealth Integrity Commission will only facilitate covering up corruption, not expose it.

Geoffrey Watson SC is a Sydney barrister and former counsel assisting the ICAC

***...and this is directly relevant to my personal situation in the following ways...1) everyone is screeching for a Federal ICAC and Labor will supposedly do that, etc, but 2) it was Labor that instigated the rankly corrupt SA ICAC, which 3) behaves exactly as it was designed and intended to, namely, 4) in the exact manner that Mr Watson concludes with... and because of all of the secrecy involved, a referral to Mr Porter’s Commonwealth Integrity Commission will only facilitate covering up corruption, not expose it...this is exactly what SA ICAC is set-up to do, and it's exactly how ICAC legislation was used to persecute and punish me for speaking-out against SA's Pro-Paedophile Corruption...

Tomorrow: The Rancidly Corrupt Magistrate Ian White Appointed SA Deputy State Coroner

Seriously, what hope do I have of ever getting a fair hearing re my continuing attempt to Appeal my "bizarre trial", when this clown has been given such a massive promotion to such a critical position...(have you even managed to access your transcripts yet?-Ed)...nope...(the Courts Administration Authority still stone-walling you on that?-Ed)...yep, the latest was that I could have all the voice recordings, on a USB, but I have to sign a 'contract' to not use any of those recordings for anything...(whaaa? that doesn't even make sense-Ed)...indeed, I'll try to explain tomorrow...

And I can and will continue to call Ian White "corrupt" because he is...he was definably biased against me, repeatedly abused and/or threatened me, and definably colluded with Police Prosecutions and/or their witnesses...his corruption is defined by his own words and/or actions, not least of all in the parts of transcript I have managed to access, and it's a huge part of why I'm being denied access to the remaining and even more damning transcripts/recordings...(it is a massive irony not lost on all involved, that were Ian, mate, and/or the equally corrupt and complicit Crown Solicitors Office ever to make good on their multiple "Contempt of Court" threats against you, that would necessitate you being provided those recordings that irrefutably prove what you're saying about the corruption of all involved-Ed)...exactly, and that's why they've threatened me so many times, across so many years, and yet have never acted...and yes, I am talking to you Dear Googles, as we've discussed before, there is nothing  'defamatory' about telling the Truths, regardless of how distressing or distasteful those Truths are...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 


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