Monday, May 24, 2021

Kerry Stokes (Channel 7) Uses Craig McLachlan To Attack ABC Again

Howdy dear availees, just a super-short post to follow-on immediately from the previous post, to address the latest installment of the less-than subtle attack on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation by the Stokes-owned Channel 7...the original lengthy and quite bizarre program aired last Sunday evening 16th May 2021, and then there was this 10 minute reprise/add-on last evening 23rd May per previous post, I believe that the entire motivation of that program was to attack the ABC, superficially in support of McLachlan's 'Defamation Case' against them, but with a much deeper agenda...this was first and foremost about undermining the ABC, and  most specifically about white-anting the ABC in support of self-defined Rapist and former Liberal Attorney General Christian Porter...for a detailed explanation, I again refer y'all to the previous post...

And again for the record, I have been royally screwed-over by the ABC South East Radio (Mt Gambier), firstly with their rancidly corrupt collusion in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and then with their grossly biased and unprofessional reportage against me with ya' ICAC trial stuff-Ed)...indeed...(and appearing as Prosecution witnesses against you, whilst refusing to provide documents to support their false claims against you, etc-Ed)...well quite, so I personally have every right to criticise the ABC...(and in complete contrast to it's supposed Leftie-leaning agenda/bias, the ABC is currently massively pro-Liberal/National Party biased, and are clearly and deliberately awash with former Murdoch hacks and stooges-Ed)...absolutely, but for all these faults and failings, the bigger picture in this case is what CH7/Stokes are doing to help their mate Rapist Christian Porter...

*And again, I say 'Rapist' not 'alleged Rapist' because 1) I believe Ms Katherine Thornton and her friends/supporters, and 2) that Porter's entire conduct defines his guilt, eg, bizarrely deleting his phone records, deleting his debating history that directly linked him to the time and place of the Rape, his pathetically self-pitying press conference where he outed himself but denied it, his (and Scott Morrison's) refusal to be involved in a genuinely independent Inquiry, his attempts to have the ABC's 'Defamation' defense thrown-out/suppressed...and then of course there's his well documented previous conduct...and 3) the New South Wales Police deliberate refusal to interview Ms Thornton, because they knew that what she was 'alleging' was true...*

Last evenings 'stunning revelation with a critical eyewitness' was oddly tacked-on to the end of another program (about Martin Bryant), and was more of the same from Ch7...they are working very hard to pinpoint and discredit very specific moments in time, but simultaneously ignore the vast majority of other material that contradicts their narrative...(and all the usual suspects, like the brain-dead LNP sycophants at SKY News, have all been screeching for the summary execution of the ABC over their supposed manipulation of witnesses, women assaulted by McLachlan-Ed)...yeah, and all the angry misogynists and Craigy-lovers, etc...(and a fair serve of LNP and/or Ch7 'bots' too from what I'm lookin' at-Ed) doubt, they're all droppin' outta' the rafters to screech abuse at these women and/or the ABC, mostly blissfully unawares as to exactly how thoroughly they're being manipulated by the cynical Ch7... 

I've previously stated my experience of being interviewed where the reporter and I discussed and modified my statements, not least of all because some things I was saying simply couldn't be published for legal reasons...(as you've identified, Ch7 deliberately manipulated the truth by very carefully cherry-picking very brief segments from much longer interviews, and in a broader context where they themselves have doubtless done exactly the same thing many times-Ed)...and the ABC have addressed exactly this point in their response, and here 'tis...*** 

Response to the Seven Network and Mark Llewellyn


In January 2018 the ABC reported allegations made by three women regarding actor Craig McLachlan. The broadcast and online stories included interviews with these women.

Last week the Seven Network aired claims, since repeated elsewhere, that the women interviewed were “manipulated” by an ABC producer and reporter “to say certain things”. Seven producer Mark Llewellyn subsequently claimed the women were “coached” and that there was “clear evidence of words being put in (their) mouths”.

The ABC rejects these claims. They are also offensive to the women who stepped forward to tell their stories.

Seven has selectively edited raw footage and used very brief grabs without full context from near the end of an almost hour-long interview with one of the women.

The unedited footage shows the interviewee was asked to repeat in a more succinct way statements she had already made on-camera. This is a normal television industry practice in some cases to ensure content is presented in a clear way for viewers.

At the time of the original story the ABC offered Mr McLachlan the opportunity of an interview, sent him detailed questions and ran his responses extensively.

Media contact

Sally Jackson | ABC Communications

***...and that is exactly what I wrote in my previous post, and as repeated above...and again the same sad ol' suspects come charging over the hill they choose to die on...(why is it so many people cannot, or rather will not, see the Truth of how they are being manipulated so long as the outcome/agenda agrees with their personal biases and/or beliefs-Ed)...well that's the perfect rhetorical question isn't it Ed, and it's why I refuse to jump on the ABC in this instance just 'cos I have my own quite justified issues with their conduct...if I am in any ways a semi-intelligent person, it's that I know well-enough not to just side with a certain group/position/whatevs and not consider other possibilities/opinions/whatevs...what Ch7 is doing here is so transparently obvious, and classic 'gaslighting', they are accusing the ABC of inappropriate manipulation by themselves engaging in crass manipulation... 

Tomorrow: Magistrate White As Deputy State Coroner

Still coming to terms with what a deeply corrupted appointment this is and the critical implications for all South Australians...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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