Monday, May 17, 2021

Channel 7 Uses Craig McLachlan To Attack ABC On Behalf Of Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter

Howdy dear availees you can tell from that title, there's an awful lotta' awful stuff to be unpacked in this 'ere post...forced myself to sit through the bizarre and offensive Channel 7 'Spotlight' program last night, and my first and most prominent impression is that this was about Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes attacking the ABC, on behalf of his pet politicians in the rancidly corrupt Liberal/National Party...(BAM! right outta' the gate, tell us what ya' really think-Ed)...with a view to try and influence the ongoing 'Defamation Case' that McLachlan is pursuing against the ABC...(a 'case' that continues to unravel for dear Craigo as it has revealed that there were/are several more people 'alleging' his inappropriate conduct, which in some instances is definitively assault-Ed)...absolutely, to a total of 10 now...but that delicious irony aside, why would good ol' Stokesy and the LNP be so keen to stick-it to the ABC?...(ummm, to try and eradicate the competition, the ABC, and to simultaneously support the LNP's anti-ABC ideology?-Ed)...both correct I'm sure, but what's the more immediate motivation...(errrrr-Ed)...two words...(ummmm, any clues?-Ed)...'alleged Rapist'...(ahhh, Christian Porter-Ed)

Not a shadow of doubt that Stoke's agenda here is to try to support/protect Rapist (LNP) Christian Porter, to support Porter's 'Defamation Case' against the ABC by trying to white-ant the this context Stoke's has literally sacrificed McLachlan as a mere medium to focus that white-anting...(of course, that farcically appalling attack on McLachlan's accusers/victims is ultimately about helping Porter-Ed)...Stokes is trying to support McLachlan. but only in the sense that this pathetic program insidiously attacked the ABC, hopefully to help McLachlan sue the ABC, etc, with an ultimate goal of supporting/strengthening Porter's ridiculously arrogant 'Defamation Case' against the this context, McLachlan is just a poor, ignorant stooge being utilised by an immoral media tycoon, to help that tycoon's Rapist's a mutual relationship mired in Western Australian politics and assorted associated alliances/allegiances... 

But if you're now feeling a bit sorry for poor ol' unwitting Craigo, that he is some long-suffering innocent whom has been used and discarded, etc, just to put everything in context about poor ol' Craigo, here in his own words is how he describes an 'incident' with Ian 'Molly' Meldrum...this is repeated multiple times across Twitter, originated in Ian "Molly" Meldrum's autobiography Ah Well, Nobody's Perfect, and as then reported in The Sydney Morning Herald article 9th January 2019...***

"I couldn't help myself this night," said McLachlan, who explained in the book that he was off stage and the audience couldn't see him.

"As Molly was reading his piece, I glided my seven-inch stiletto heel on to the back of his trouser leg. By the time I got to his knee, the audience could see my shoe. I continued up … I located where I imagined his arsehole to be.

"Molly looked down ready to give me a good serve, but I had manipulated my dick out of my G-string and was wildly swinging my member. My stiletto is a good four inches up his arse and I'm whipping my member around.

"I was too much for Molly. He lost it and said, 'Craig, you are awful to me!'

"'I'm Frank-N-Furter, you idiot'," I hissed. "'If you're gonna lose it, at least stay in character!'"

***So there you go, that's the sortta' champ ya' mate Craigo is...Anally Raping a man on stage mid-performance, whilst waving his dick about, and thinking it's all a jolly hilarious wheeze to be boasted puts into context McLachlan's repeated 'argument/defense' that these other assaults couldn't have happened 'cos of all the people around and/or it was on stage, etc...(and it's also a clear indicator that he had been behaving like that for some time, 'cos you don't just sodomise a work colleague and wave your dick at them as a one-off, first time 'lark'-Ed) on Ed, absolutely spot on, and it's well documented that he was a regular offender...from that same TSMH article...***
Only recently the show's creator Richard O'Brien said of McLachlan: "If most people went to the lengths Craig does, it would be offensive, but it never is with him. Of course, we have to rein him in occasionally." 
***And finally, here's part of the Magistrate's final comments about McLachlan's behaviour, her verdict as given under the old legislation, and the vile conduct of McLachlan's lawyer in attacking the woman...McLachlan and the CH 7 program made a huge deal out of the fact that he was "innocent", proven 'Not Guilty', etc, so here's the actual context of that supposed 'exoneration'...*** 
***So now we've established the genuine pro-Porter motivation for this disgraceful program, and what sort of person McLachlan really is, and just exactly how 'innocent' the Magistrate actually considered him to be, etc, here's the promo wording for that program and the link for the actual one-minute footage...***
A major @7NewsSpotlight documentary months in the making. New evidence. New eyewitnesses. Never-before-seen footage. Explosive revelations. 7NEWS Spotlight: Horror Show. Premieres tomorrow night at 7.00 on Channel 7.

***Now I don't know what the "new evidence" was, because there was no actual "evidence" presented...(I think that might be the stuff about the ABC story and the supposed manipulation of the witnesses, etc-Ed)...could be, dunno', there was no actual 'evidence' of anything I saw, it was all conjecture, hearsay, and McLachlan's denials and/or opinion...and there's a swathe of stuff on Twitter, etc, about how people were not going to watch this deeply distorted load-a-shizzle, and I was initially one of them, but I forced myself to, and now you can too as I'm just going to go through it point by point as I consider them to be important...

1) 'his partner was there all the time and she saw nothing'...(well like he's gunna' do it in front of her-Ed)...exactly, it's a moot point that neither disproves or proves any assaults/harassment...(and as above, he's admitted doing stuff previous on stage mid-performance-Ed)...exactly...

2) 'the ABC manipulated and coached the accusers'...supposedly proving that the accusations were false...I've been interviewed several times by journos, including for a lengthy story Channel 10 did in January 2005 about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and re-doing and re-wording statements are common practice...(and it's exactly what this program did with McLachlan, and with the emotive music, etc, it was standard 'current affairs' over-dramatisation and viewer manipulation-Ed)...exactly, and add-in carefully avoided facts, etc, and those drastically over-dramatised minor but supposedly supportive incidents/events, eg, why did they need to do a re-enactment drive down a street to point at a cafe and say 'that's where my accuser happily greeted me', etc? why not just state it?...(to try and create a sense of reality, ie, 'ooo look, there's the actual cafe, etc, it must be true'-Ed)...that, possibly, and to ramp-up the supposed importance of that minor exchange...

3) this show very carefully focussed on one particular allegation, the mid-show kiss, and did so in exquisite detail, including a bizarre re-enactment by McLachlan and his partner Vanessa Scammell...(which for some strange reason was filmed from high above...was this some lame attempt at dramatic effect?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs, but it hilariously showed a) McLachlan has a terrible singing voice, and more critically b) their collective statements about the innocent nature of the on-stage kiss, etc, was immediately contradicted by how they played it out...the accusation was about an 'unscripted kiss' followed by an unduly long 'hug' which the complainant felt powerless to remove herself from...McLachlan and Scammell played-out a brief peck-style kiss followed by no hug at all...

4) 'we want him out of that job'...was a phrase used by the ABC producer (I think) and repeated several times by Channel 7, once several times over, with the obligatory serious music playing behind it, etc, all classic D-grade current affairs manipulation, used as some sort of supposed proof that the accusers and ABC were out to get Craigo...(as I recall it, this comment was actually made at the time of and relating to the re-starting of the Rocky Horror Show play, and specifically referred to the 'accusers' desire to protect other women from McLachlan-Ed)...indeed, I understood it that that specific motivation was what initially brought these women forward...note Ch7 repeatedly used the same few very limited clips from what would have been extensive footage, indicating Ch7 was deliberately trying to create a false narrative about the tone and context of those interviews, thusly manipulating the Ch7 viewers... 

5) 'post-Weinstein era, hashtag Me Too movement gone mad' just straight-out an appalling thing for McLachlan to say...(along with repeatedly saying that these 'false accusations' were motivated by the Weinstein and/or MeToo events-Ed)...and/or by the accuser's desire to seek revenge for not getting contracts and/or just to generate some career-positive publicity/notoriety...(sure, 'cos claiming abuse against a major star, that's really gunna' help promote ya' career ain't it?-Ed)...along with the abusive media attention and legal attacks, etc, is well documented that women are far, far more likely to not report abuse because they fear the backlash, as opposed to the very limited incidents of false accusations...(and 10 people don't just make-up stuff about some-one with no specific agenda, especially when it's non-political-Ed)...yeah, what agenda do 10 people have against one perpetrator?...    

6) 'the will I/won't I log'...supposedly about Craigo contemplating suicide, and monitoring the 'strong tidal pull' of an un-named river, etc, discussions with himself which he happened to video...(very odd stuff, and I'd love to see the time stamps on that video-Ed)...indeed, how genuine was that? was it produced for this moronic 'expose'?...(and what was that bizarre answer when he was asked had he tried to suicide?-Ed)...about 'but I miscalculated the weight'?...(yeah, did he try to tie rocks to himself or something? it doesn't make sense-Ed)...I took it to mean that he had tried to hang himself but the rope broke or the beam or branch, whatevs...(ok, sure, I can see that, but wasn't he talking about drowning himself?-Ed)...yeah, but for me, it was the very carefully indirect way that he alluded to hanging but didn't specifically name it that made it ring untrue...  

7) "Crucified"...was the farcical title of one segment, and totally about trying to elevate the status of McLachlan and try to underline/highlight the narrative about how this was such a wonderful man being horribly persecuted by those soulless heretics at the ABC... 

8) there was a strong 'woman are liars' narrative running through the program, but I'm not sure that that was anything other than a convenient sentiment for Ch7 to tap into, rather than an actual agenda/attitude per this specific story...

9) 'what if hypothetically I had proof the media conspired to get me'...this comment was just thrown out there by McLachlan, but was not followed and/or supported by any actual facts...(I got the impression he was trying to link it to the earlier claims that the ABC had orchestrated/manufactured the witnesses statements, all that stuff-Ed)...indeed, it was a very carefully planned attempt to establish that otherwise unproven 'reality', again playing to the anti-ABC lobby, and trying to give some two-way credibility to both unproven 'realities'...this was directly reminiscent of the appalling Christian Porter press conference where-in he blubbered away about 'just imagine for one second it isn't true'... 

10) 'I was admitted to a mental health facility'...(well his partner 'committed' him and I didn't hear any talk of an actual medical diagnosis or referral/committal-Ed)...and for how long and what level of 'facility', etc, etc...(and how many times recently have politicians disappeared from responsibility for their atrocious actions by hiding in 'Mental Health Care'?-Ed)...exactly, Linda Reynolds, Christian Porter, and most concerning, Ms Brittany Higgin's 'alleged' Rapist Bruce Lehrmann who went into 'MHC' the day her 'allegations' were made public...(and hasn't been seen since, not even interviewed by New South Wales police-Ed) he even still in the country? there's heaps a' Twitter chatter that he's been spirited off to the USofA so as to avoid being questioned...again though, true or false, it's a moot point 'cos admission to care is not always admission to fault...  

I'm sure there's some stuff I've forgotten, but the basic motivation for the program remains as stated and explained above...this was about attacking the ABC, with a view to helping Christian Porter...and apart from something right at the beginning, I'm not sure what happened with the credits for the program, it just abruptly ended and that was it...and whilst there are those who are still singing Craigo's praises and/or screeching abuse at the bastard ABC, etc, the vast majority of reaction is one of disbelief and criticism and trauma, etc...

Here's a link to Kangaroo Court of Australia website that has an excellent take on how several recent/current 'Defamation Cases' have gone wrong or have the potential to go wrong for these poor stooges, including McLachlan and each case the attempted 'Defamation' has only served to expose more allegations/witnesses/victims/etc, and therefore effectively proven the original claims...

...and here-in lies Porter's motivation for trying to have the ABC's entire defense dismissed/ruled-out before they can even present it...he knows there's highly likely other women out there that he's abused/assaulted/harassed, and whether or not he knows specifically what the ABC has in their investigations and that didn't legally make the Four Corners programs, etc, he's desperate to have anything and everything hidden...     

Tomorrow: The 'Magistrate White Is Now Deputy State Coroner' Post

And anyone thinking I'm some sort of dim-witted 'Woke Leftie' blindly defending the ABC, just check-out my many, many criticisms of the ABC, across many posts across many years...I'm just calling this out as I see it playing out, and I continue to support the critical role of a well-funded but genuinely independent ABC...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...   

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