Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Independent News Website CRIKEY Posts List Of Scott Morrison Lies

Howdy dear availees...just this super-short notification/link to the CRIKEY story, as they have generously posted it themselves...I don't always agree with CRIKEY but I fully support them in a context of genuine independent journalism...in a climate/country where the Main Stream Media is so wholly and relentlessly biased toward the Liberal/National Party and their pathological liar PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, it is sites like CRIKEY that provide informed balance to any debate...the fact that the MSM protects and enables Scummo's pathological lying, that no-one officially calls him out on his relentless lying, that is the real issue here...so here's the link to this excellent CRIKEY story...as many witty scribes are reporting, Scummo's action in Parliament this very afternoon render this list of lies as outdated and incomplete...there are multiple attached articles and explanatory side-bars, so I'm just gunna' direct y'all to that stuff, and say happy reading... 


It also appears that all 3 of Scummo's transparently fake 'investigations' into the Brittany Higgins Rape Case, are going to be 'suppressed/hidden' via fraudulent 'Cabinet Confidentiality' excuses...today in Senate Estimates Scummo's Secretary of the PMO, Phil Gaetjens, refused to answer basic questions about who knew what/when about the Rape, and the Stephanie Foster report, even she doesn't seem to know what's happening with that...and in his latest display of rankly incompetent arrogance and hubris, Scummo literally just now slapped down the Kunkel review of who in the PMO was back-grounding against Ms Higgins, stating that "my Chief of Staff found in the negative", which is itself not true...Scummo offered no details, did not provide the Opposition a copy, etc, just literally threw it on the desk and slumped back into his seat...here's the link to the actual statement...


Note the attached commentary that quite rightly dissects the weasel-worded non-statements...and never forget that it was self-important scumbag Peter Van Onselen whom stated outright that someone had back-grounded him directly...time for slimey PVO to 'fess-up and name that source that Kunkel apparently couldn't (didn't want to) find...and of course this list doesn't include the 'Safe Workplace Inquiry' that the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins is conducting...(is that the one she did over a year ago but has sat gathering dust on Scummo's desk ever since?-Ed)...no, this a new one that she was directed to start almost exactly a year after tabling her first report...just Interweb search 'Jenkins workplace Inquiry' for multiple stories on both her previous and current Inquiries, the timing, etc...      

Tomorrow: That 'Magistrate White Rewarded For Corruption With Promotion To Deputy State Coroner' Post

Literally and actually just more tales of South Australia's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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