Monday, May 31, 2021

Confused About Australia's Vaccine Roll-out? And More Christian Porter vs ABC Defamation Stuff

Howdy dear availees, just yet another stop-gap post directing y'all to some other people's excellent research, etc...Language Warning, through-out this post...and our first stop is the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison Liberal/National party perpetual cluster-fuck that is our national COVID19 vaccine roll-out...('stroll-out' more like it-Ed)...indeed, you ain't the first person to make that terrible but evisceratingly accurate pun, 'cos our roll-out is dragging along at an appallingly incompetent stroll, as opposed to an actual roll...(and with that the battering blizzard of conflicting information and contradictory denial and/or refusal of responsibility from the Scummo LNP-Ed)...indeed Ed, a massive serve of incompetent malfeasance with deceitful word-salad, and all the text-book 'gaslighting' you can eat, it's classic LNP fraud and failure...the LNP have absolutely fucked our vaccine roll-out to within an inch of it's life, sowing confusion and therefore distrust and disorder, etc, and then blaming the media and the 'victims', what is us folks... 

Below I've posted the link for the most excellent piece put together by 3 ABC journos I haven't heard of before, carefully explaining the endless unrealistic self-praising announcements from the LNP, particularly Scummo, and the relentless barrage of immediate denials, baffling contradictions and changes to the timeline...(changes that are inevitably presented as "what we always said it would be" by Scummo, Health Minister Greg Hunt, and career LNP stooge Brendan Murphy, et al-Ed)...indeed, in a cavalcade of deceits and outright lies, who can forget that pitiful crescendo a few weeks back where these clowns all contradicted each other on the same day?...(and just last week were refusing to accept any responsibility for the slow uptake, flatly denying they'd said, 'there's no rush', having repeatedly said "it's not a race", and  whilst still saying exactly that!-Ed) put me in mind of that extraordinary circumstance a few weeks back when Phil Gaetjens and AFP Commissioner Nick Kershaw were simultaneously giving evidence to different Senate Estimates hearings and managed to flatly contradict each other...(and then hours later Kershaw released a statement changing his 'evidence' to agree with Gaetjens-Ed)...which has since been proven to be as a result of Gaetjens calling Kershaw that arvo and requesting him to change his 'evidence'...(thick as the thieves they are-Ed)...indeed...

But we digress...if you've been trying to follow the endless announcements that prove to be lies...(over and over again, lie upon lie-Ed)...yeah, if you've been trying to make sense of all that, here is a most excellent presentation that covers that last few months...please note that this does not cover how Scummo loudly congratulated himself many times in early-mid 2020 about how he'd managed to get Australia to "the front of the queue for vaccines", but then managed to completely fuck-up the Pfizer orders mid-2020, meaning we're now lagging way behind in our orders/supplies, and resultantly in vaccinations conducted...(and again, Scummo and Greg Hunt et al refuse to take responsibility, and straight-out lie about how this was always their plan, etc-Ed)...couldn't lie straight in bed, as my Pops used to say...anyhoos, please peruse this excellent appears quite long but it's 90% graphs and stuff...

And I know I ain't the only one screaming 'CON JOB' when the LNP and their compliant, complicit lap-dog Main Stream Media suddenly reversed their position regarding the safety of the Astra-Zeneca day the concerns about blood clots were being waved away as irrelevant, but then the LNP realised just how badly they'd fucked-up their procurement processes, leaving us multi-millions of doses shy, and suddenly AZ is only for people over 50...(but not before Scummo tried to falsely blame 'Europe' for that procurement failure-Ed)...indeed...(and why that arbitrary age? why 50?-Ed)...well it's 'Pick A Number' politics masquerading as sage medical strategy...(and a strategy that instills doubt if not outright fear in AZ, and therefore slows the demand-Ed)...exactly, and then gaslight and blame the media and public by reverse engineering that process and time-frame...(and get away with that 'cos the MSM does sweet fuck-all to hold the LNP to account for anything-Ed) on...

Also, Scummo has said that we're gunna' get 20million more Pfizer doses 'at the end of the year', and repeatedly stated "it's not a race", etc, etc, and couple that with the concerns about AZ, be they justified or not, and with all of the LNP's contradictory advise/evidence, and it's no wonder some people have chosen to wait until the more effective/reliable Pfizer becomes available later this year...(Scummo and Hunt et al are also straight-out lying when they say that '4million Australians have been vaccinated'-Ed)...yes they are lying, 'cos they damn-well know that to be actually 'vaccinated' requires having received two doses, and that number is more like 500,000, one eighth of what they're claiming, close-on only 2% of the entire population...(and it's corrupt and it's a lie 'cos they know that specific difference-Ed)...exactly, a known lie knowingly presented as rancid self-congratulation...from Scummo on down, the LNP are liars, thieves, and crooks...      

And then there's today's second issue, former LNP Attorney-General 'Rapist'* Christian Porter's 'Defamation Case' against the ABC...please find below the link to the Kangaroo Court of Australia article about the latest developments...again I am following people/sites like KCofA to get accurate reportage and opinion/explanation of this issue, where-in I do not understand the legal minuteae in the way that Shane Dowling, Ronni Salt, Michael West and others in that context I readily defer to their superior knowledge, and especially to Mr Dowling who has a long history of 'legal activism' directly related to KCofA...I hope that my understanding of these latest developments, as covered in this article, that my read on it is somewhat erroneous...I am concerned that the LNP-controlled ABC might agree to mediation with Porter and therefore all of that 'evidence' about what an abusive person Porter is, that evidence will get 'buried' under some sort of dodgy's to being wrong...   (*where-in Porter's actions to hide evidence and deny appropriate inquiry have self-defined him as being guilty)

There are several other Porter-related articles on KCofA, and links to other news articles, etc...(I like the bit where he directly calls-out Sue Chrysanthou SC for her willing perjury-Ed)...yep, and the perjury/corruption of her 'supporters'...(hey, that Arthur Moses, SC, is that the lip-less lizard-man ventriloquist doll dude they had on the ABC's 'Canberra Bubble' program who quite erroneously quoted "The Rule of Law" as an excuse for not investigating Porter?-Ed)...yeah he did, but only while openly acknowledging that his 'opinion' completely contradicted the legal opinions of all his legal mates...(I found it particularly creepy how he managed to talk without moving his mouth, at all, or indeed any facial muscles what-so-ever-Ed)...has he perhaps been Botoxed upto the eyeballs and beyond...(dunno', whatevs' it was/is dead-set creepy-Ed)...and also notable, how the MSM has yet again misrepresented the reality of what has transpired, and in a manner to supposedly support Porter... 

So there's a relatively short post with lottsa' homework to do...and dead-set, just listening now on ABC/BBC News Radio to Greg Hunt doing a press conference, desperately arguing his way around and/or away from taking responsibility for the vaccine roll-out fuck-up and the latest South Australian hotel quarantine fuck-up that has become another Victorian outbreak that has now spread to an Aged Care facility, etc...(lies, spin, denial and deflection, all coated with the same fake figures as above?-Ed)...yep, and on cue, he calls on sad old LNP stooge Phil Coorey for a soft-cock Dorothy Dixer question that deliberately praises the LNP and helps lead Greggo away from the quagmire of failure and refused responsibility...(yeah, good ol' Phil, he ain't nuthin' if not reliable-Ed)...yeah, good ol' Phil...

Tomorrow: I Will Get To That Ian White Deputy Coroner Post

JUST BREAKING:...BAM! Porter has withdrawn his claim against the further action by either party and no damages awarded...dunno' about costs or what else has been 'agreed' and/or where this goes from here, but this is huge news and it clearly and loudly illustrates that Porter is a fake and a coward...(so, when it's became apparent that his supposed case was disintegrating around him and that he was about to be outed for all his other abuses/Rapes?/whatevs, he's shot through like the proverbial and actual rat out of an aqueduct-Ed)...absolutely, screeches his innocence and attacks the Whistleblowers, the ABC and Ms Louise Milligan, and tries to knobble/disallow their defense, and still can't actually stand and face the reality and consequences of his own actions...Coward, Liar, Self-Defined Rapist...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 


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