Sunday, June 6, 2021

Australia's Main Stream Media Obsessed With 'Trauma Porn', But Refusing To Hold Scott Morrison's LNP To Account

Howdy dear availees right across this wee pebble hurtling through the vacuum of an eternally indifferent Universe...(yay-Ed)...and yes, I do realise that 1) it's been another week since the last post on this 'ere blog, and 2) that I'd promised a scathing piece about the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corruption of Magistrate Ian White, and how that relates to his extraordinary and massive promotion to South Australia's Deputy State Coroner...(and why all Sow Strayans oughtta' be very, very concerned about that-Ed)...indeed, and more than a li'l scared about the potential repercussions for 'official' non-accountability, particularly with SAPol (police)...but instead we offer this super-short post, as it relates to this attached excellent Twitter thread/article...

I know I ain't Robinson Crusoe when it comes to calling-out the apparent hypocrisy of multiple people in the Main Stream Media when it comes to 'Supporting Women's Rights', etc...a perfect example, Channel 10's 'The Project' Lisa Wilkinson vehemently holding-forth about her support for Ms Brittany Higgins and/or the March4Justice and/or Ms Katherine Thornton, etc, but who sits there time-and-again crackin' jokes and laughin' along with that rancid sack-a-crap Peter Van Onselen...(is that the spineless scumbag who has repeatedly published appalling derogatory articles about Ms Thornton (deceased), in open support for his mate Christian Porter?-Ed)...yeah, that's him, good ol' PVO...("PVO"? sounds like some sort of highly infectious, irritating venereal disease-Ed)...indeed it does, and his disgraceful attacks on the Mental Health of Ms Thornton, you'd think that alone would be enough to see him hounded out of the media...(and didn't he delete his entire Twitter history before then re-booting it a coupla' weeks later?-Ed)...yes and yes, and imagine everyone's surprise that this week he's been mouthing-off about literally everything, but not a single mention of Self-Defined Rapist Porter's withdrawal of the 'Defamation Case' against the ABC...   

And perhaps I'm being a tad harsh on Lisa Wilkinson when calling her out about her rank hypocrisy, but harsh only in a context where other media, and particularly for the openly-evil Murdoch media cesspit, are obsessed with running the 'Trauma Porn' aspect of a case, but not pursuing any genuine outcomes for the 'victims/survivors'...(doesn't Pontificating Vacuous Orifice work for Murdoch?-Ed)...well it's a hotly debated issue, 'cos whilst he officially is just another in a lengthy list of spineless, immoral, self-serving C-grade hacks 'employed' by Murdoch, plenty of people reckon that 'The Orifice' actually works for Self-Defined Rapist Porter...(are you referring to the widely-held opinion/belief that The Orifice's mind-numbing defense of SDR Porter is 'cos PoVaOr reckons he's gunna' be 'Future Prime Minister' Porter's Chief of Staff?-Ed)...yep, and furthermore, that PoVaOr's supposed 'Professor' status was awarded as part of that mutually-profitable's a deeply incestuous and problematic relationship, which might explain The Orifice's appalling conduct, but nothing excuses him, he is a bloody disgrace...

But I digress, 'cos today we're specifically about how the MSM wants to do 'click-bait' sensationalism, particularly when it comes to issues of Sexual Assault/Paedophilia/etc, but rarely if ever holds perpetrators to account...(and this is starkly obvious with the recent barrage of 'Abuse Issues' spewing outta' the Federal Parliament, involving Self-Defined Rapist Porter, and the definable Cover-up of the Rape of Ms Brittany Higgins-Ed)...indeed, a Cover-up that started the day Ms Higgins was Raped, and directly involves Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, Linda Reynolds, Michaelia Cash, Peter Dutton, (Simon Birmingham) the Speaker (Lower House) and the President (Upper House), and multiple other 'office officials', etc...(and now includes a perpetual, rolling series of Cover-ups covering-up the original Cover-up!-Ed)...and of course the position of 'Victim/Survivor' Ms Grace Tame as Australian of the Year...time-and-again the MSM wants to engage with the salacious details of Sexual Assaults, etc, but will not go the hard yards about the litany of failure of investigating authorities like police...

In that context, I wanna' refer y'all to this Twitter thread/article about exactly this 'mind-set' also quite rightly cautions about relying on a handful of high-profile 'activists', like Ms Higgins and Ms Tame, and the potential for and/or reality of the Mental Health repercussions for those we place this burden upon...

I'd like to say that I relate to this thread/article, as it relates to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, but my experience is very, very different...I do relate to the first part, namely, that I speak-out not for personal gain or notoriety, etc, but because I have become directly aware of and involved in the cover-up of the abuse of dozens of kids at St Martins...from there, I have become acutely educated in the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...but that's where the similarities end...with the exception of some efforts by a coupla' families, I alone have been left to bear the burden of this horrendous St Martin's reality, the abuse of an entire class of 7-year old grade-2 students by their "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...(and the rancidly complicit Pro-Paedophile 'System', eg SAPol (police), the State Parliament, multiple senior politicians like Tony Pasin, the Mt Gambier City Council, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...and this Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Cover-up achieved of course with the collusion of the complicit media, especially The Border Watch and ABC South East Radio...  

And regular availees will be aware that the approaching June long-weekend is effectively the 19th anniversary of the 'removal' of "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling from St Martins, aways back in 2002...(and two points, 1) this is an arbitrary date 'cos Dorling was moved to Mt Gambier after "an incident" in the late-1990s in Adelaide, and was immediately and frequently complained about by parents and other staff, so the 'St Martins Cover-up' technically began in the 1990s and continued through-out Dorling's tenure, until his sudden removal in June 2002...and 2) "text-book grooming paedophile" is how Flinders Child Protection Services described Dorling, whilst expressing their concerns about "how well he's placed himself within the system to abuse kids and get away with it"-Ed) on, it may be 19 years now, but those words and several other 'quotes' ring in my ears as if I heard them only this morning...and that's the sort of stuff that I know and cannot outrun nor divest myself of, and that's why I behave the way that I do...(and that's why you have been relentlessly attacked and abused and threatened and harassed and Politically Persecuted, etc, 'cos you just don't stop, despite all that abuse/harassment, etc-Ed)'s a self-fueled cycle of perpetual trauma and political retribution... 

Not forgetting the relentless local campaign of abuse and denigration waged against me by TBW and the ABC and Mt Gambier City Council and various related stooges...(like li'l Joshy 'Ambulance Chaser' Lynagh, who has repeatedly abused/denigrated you and then bleatingly pleaded innocence and/or ignorance-Ed)...indeed, I refer dear availees to our most recent 'exchange', where-in Joshy again tried to deny and redefine his actions and attitude, etc, as covered in several TMGI posts from earlier this year...but again I digress, excuse-moi, do please read the thread (link above) and consider where y'all lie in that spectrum of activists/respondents/etc, and whether or not there is more y'all can do, and/or perhaps do differently...

Tomorrow: Gourd Knows, 'Cos I Don't...(That White Coroner Stuff?-Ed)...Sure.

And please also to be availing y'allselves of this Twitter thread about Liberal Minister Linda 'Lying Cow' Reynolds, one of the key players in the Ms Higgins Rape Cover-up, and whom, when confronted with the reality of her involvement in said cover-up, suddenly shot-through on 'Medical Leave' due to a "pre-existing Cardiac condition"...(but didn't she say this week, in Senate Estimates, that it was 'Mental Health Issues' and that it was Labor's fault for asking her questions in Parliament and/or Senate Estimates?-Ed)...yep, lie upon lie upon lie, from a moralless liar, and that's what's dissected in this thread...just Interweb search #lyingcow...

Also check-out #PorterDidNotWin and various other related threads abut SDR Porter pulling-out of his 'Defamation Case' against the ABC...there are many issues at play here, not least of all how SDR Porter has sought to threaten other media who might think to speak-out about him, etc, and also concerns about what 'deal' the ABC did as part of the 'mediation'...this all deserves it's own post, so hopefully we'll get to that too this week...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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