Friday, June 25, 2021

Liberal MP Christian Porter, The Self-Defined Rapist

Howdy dear availees...this is a cut-'n'-paste post that I started several months ago, but never finished...I'm posting it now as a pre-post for the one immediately to follow about the release of the letter that Ms Katherine Thornton's friends sent to PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, and Labor Senator Penny y'all are likely already aware, Porter withdrew his 'Defamation Case' several weeks ago now, but is still trying to have the ABC's evidence 'removed/destroyed', therefore never to see the light of day...that hearing is still weeks is worth noting that Mr Dowling is a party to that hearing...***

Alleged rapist Christian Porter copies failed strategy of alleged paedophile Alan Jones by instituting frivolous defamation proceedings

Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter has instituted frivolous and vexatious defamation proceedings against the ABC and journalist Louise Milligan in the Federal Court of Australia (NSW) where Mr Porter appoints the judges. The stupidity of the claim is the stuff legends are made of as Porter is only suing for one article that was published on Friday the 26th of February 2021 about the alleged rape, but he is not suing for the ABC’s Canberra Bubble story published in November 2020 last year which exposed Porter for being a sexual predator and sexual deviate which was also published by the ABC and the same journalist.

So, on one hand, Christian Porter is saying he is not a rapist and suing for it but on the other hand, he is in effect confessing to being a sexual predator and sexual deviate by not suing for those allegations in the ABC’s Canberra Bubble story even though he threatened to sue last year and his lawyers discuss the Canberra Bubble story in the Statement of Claim. (Click here to read the Statement of Claim) The reason Porter is not suing for the Canberra Bubble story is that there are many witnesses and he would get destroyed in court so Porter is in effect trying his luck against Katharine Thornton, who accused him of rape, who is deceased.

Christian Porter is copying the failed strategy of alleged paedophile Alan Jones

Mr Porter is copying the same failed strategy and using one of the same barristers, that Alan Jones used against the SBS who Jones said accused him of being a paedophile etc. I wrote an article when he sued the SBS in October 2020 titled: “Alan Jones sues SBS for defamation for implying he is a paedophile, racist and liar. So where’s the defamation?” and I published a follow-up article on the 7th of December 2020 titled “Alan Jones refuses to deny having sex with schoolboys when he was a teacher in defamation case against the SBS” and Jones withdrew his defamation case on the 24th of December 2020 while most journalists were on holidays. I wrote an article this year covering the matter titled “Alleged paedophile Alan Jones settled defamation case with SBS after they filed a truth defence and Australian media covered it up“.

It is almost certain that Christian Porter’s defamation case will end in similar circumstances that the Alan Jones / SBS matter did as any half-decent lawyer and barrister will destroy Christian Porter in pre-trial preparation, the same way Jones’s case was destroyed, with affidavits off witnesses and by filing subpoenas for documents and evidence from Porter.

Christian Porter is using one of the same barristers that Jones used, Sue Chrysanthou, SC, who would have had to lie and deceive in Jones defamation claim because it was that weak as soon as the SBS filed their truth defence and subpoenaed some documents from Jones he settled in world record time. (Click here to read more)

Christian Porter’s Statement of Claim is a joke and Sue Chrysanthou, SC has done no better for Christian Porter than she did with Jones. (Click here to read the Statement of Claim) Porter also has barrister Brett Walker SC representing him but while he got George Pell off in the High Court this matter is a whole new ball game.   

I emailed Christian Porter’s lawyers the below questions, but I haven’t had a response.

Sent: Monday, 15 March 2021 12:40 PM
To: ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>
Cc: ‘Richard Keegan’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘Kieran Smark’ <>; ‘Martin O’Connor’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>; ‘’ <>
Subject: Corrupt Attorney-General and alleged rapist Christian Porter

Dear Ms Chrysanthou, Mr Walker and Ms Giles

I will be publishing an article with the title “Alleged rapist Christian Porter uses the same corrupt barrister, Sue Chrysanthou, SC, as alleged paedophile Alan Jones used in his failed defamation case against the SBS” and I have a few questions as per below:

  1. Is Attorney-General Christian Porter using the same frivolous and vexatious defamation strategy as alleged paedophile Alan Jones used against the SBS in 2020?
  2. Will Christian Porter also withdraw his case if the ABC file a truth defence as happened in the Alan Jones defamation case?
  3. Will Christian Porter also withdraw his case if the ABC file a subpoena for documents as happened in the Alan Jones defamation case?
  4. Can you confirm that Christian Porter has previously settled sexual assault/harassment claims made against him by other women as suggested by a journalist at the press conference in Perth on Wednesday the 3rd of March 2021?
  5. Can you confirm that Christian Porter has had sexual relationships with staff members or other parliament house staff?
  6. Given Sue Chrysanthou, SC, must have breached the Barrister Rules in Alan Jones’s frivolous and vexatious defamation case against the SBS is she a fit and proper person to represent someone as corrupt as Christian Porter?
  7. Given Christian Porter has been on leave for mental health issues how has he managed to instruct lawyers for the defamation matter against the ABC?
  8. Given Christian Porter is the Federal Attorney-General isn’t there a conflict of interest for him to sue for defamation in the Federal Court of Australia given he appoints the Federal Court judges?

Can you please respond by 5pm today (15/3/21) so I can publish.


Shane Dowling

End of email

Some of the above questions I put to Porter’s lawyers will be raised in his defamation case so he can’t avoid answering them forever. And as you can see by the questions I asked, Porter has a lot of skeletons in his closet and I doubt he will be able to keep the closet door closed for long so we will hear plenty more about Porter’s past soon which will also undermine his defamation claim.

Porter is meant to be on sick leave for mental health issues and the below picture on Twitter sums it up. It’s by the Twitter account @TwoEyeHead

Playing the victim card

Porter is playing the victim and claiming via a lawyer statement (Click here to read Porter’s lawyer’s media release) that he has been denied natural justice and it has been trial by media but Porter has a long history of denying others natural justice such as whistleblowers Bernard Collaery, Witness K and David McBride who Porter is trying to have jailed in closed courts where the public and journalists are not allowed to watch or report the evidence in the cases. So, I have no sympathy for Porter at all.

Porter files his defamation claim in the Federal Court to avoid a jury trial

Porter has filed his claim in the Federal Court of Australia (NSW) which he oversees as Attorney-General and one of the reasons is that defamation matters in the Federal Court don’t have juries which if he had filed his claim in the Supreme Court of NSW the defamation claim would have almost certainly been heard by a jury. The ABC should file a motion to have the matter transferred to the Supreme Court. 

Christian Porter is a desperate man and his defamation claim against the ABC and Louise Milligan is an act of desperation that will fail badly. The latest media reports say Porter is due back at work on the 31st of March which I suspect will be a wild ride and the beginning of the end of Porter’s political career. 

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***I had intended to comment further about this, but there's already so much that has happened since, not to mention the various links within this article...I refer y'all to this weeks 'Conviction' of Witness K after 'he' pleaded 'Guilty', and was duly given a 3-month suspended sentence...more about this in future posts...

Later Today: The Letter By Ms Katherine Thornton's Friends

It is an extremely harrowing set of documents, including Ms Thornton's own detailed account of being repeatedly Raped by Christian Porter...I already believed Ms Thornton, and I already call Christian Porter 'The Self-Defined Rapist', but I genuinely believe that this letter and attachments will convince anyone who is not sure about exactly what happened and exactly what sort of person Christian Porter is...

Yesterday, June 24th, was the first anniversary of Ms Thornton allegedly taking her own life.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

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