Saturday, June 26, 2021

Ms Katherine Thornton's Statements About Liberal MP Christian Porter, The Self-Defined Rapist

Howdy dear availees in Argentina, Montenegro, Belgium, and Guatemala...I refer y'all to yesterday's post that was a cut-'n'-paste copy of a Kangaroo Court of Australia post about Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter...and I don't hesitate to again refer dear availees to KCA for his excellent articles on a range of topics, but specifically this week's posts about the Court decision to release the letter sent by a friend(s?) of Ms Katherine Thornton to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, and Labor Senator Penny Wong...I remind y'all that Morrison claimed to have not read the letter, but instead to have just passed it to the Australian Federal Police...(having also denied knowing about the Rape of Ms Brittany Higgins in a Minister's office in Parliament House (Canberra), despite the fact that multiple Ministers, politicians, and senior public servants knew, but supposedly Scummo didn't have the faintest idea until the morning it was published in the media-Ed)...pathetic lies from a pathological liar, Scummo has proven himself to be a man who lies as a default-setting, he is literally incapable of honestly answering the simplest of questions...

(And didn't both Porter and Scummo plead ignorance about the allegations/facts, but at different times both claimed to have discussed it with the other?-Ed)...indeed, Morrison stating that he accepted Porter's denial and claims of innocence, and Porter denied the allegations without supposedly knowing what they were...(and didn't Porter also have discussions with Scummo about the November 2020 Four Corners report that originally was going to include the Thornton allegations/facts?-Ed)...and of course, Porter repeatedly lied about how the media had never contacted him about these 'allegations', a pathetically transparent lie shot-to-hell by multiple media outlets who stated that they had contacted him, often frequently, but sans any response...(including the multi-layered lies relating to the ABC contacting him prior to November 2020, etc-Ed)...absolutely, lie upon lie upon lie, endless, relentless lying...

I don't quite understand the sequence of events that has led to this letter (link below) being released publicly, but here goes...this relates to the Court case where-in Ms Thornton's friend Jo Dyer successfully stopped/excluded lawyer Sue Chrysanthou acting for Porter, because Chrysanthou had previously advised Dyer on a related issue in a separate case...apparently Porter is appealing that exclusion decision despite the fact that he has already withdrawn and 'settled' his 'Defamation' action against the ABC...for a more detailed explanation, I again readily defer to KCA, here's the link, which includes the link to the Thornton letter...quick note - pages 4 and 5 of the letter are presented in reverse order, that is, read page 3 then 5 then 4, y'all 'll see what I mean...

Trauma Warning:...this letter and the diary extracts contain detailed descriptions of Sexual Assault...

I remind y'all that it was former PM Malcolm Turnbull who earlier this year publicly questioned whether Ms Thornton had actually taken her own life...(and didn't Four Corners and/or Louise Milligan float the possibility that there are multiple other victims of Porter?-Ed)...yes, and that journo asked Porter outright if there were any Non-Disclosure Agreements with other women, which he denied, but 2 issues there, namely, 1) if there were other women and NDAs, those women would be prevented from coming forward by those NDAs, and 2) the LNP are just such pathological liars who routinely deny fault/failure, refuse responsibility, and relentlessly gaslight, etc, that an LNP 'denial' is effectively as good as an admission of guilt...

I already believed Ms Thornton and that Christian Porter is a Self-Defined Rapist, and that Scott Morrison knows all about it and has since at least mid-2020, etc, so the No.1 thing I take from this letter is what a deceitful, corrupt, Rapist-protecting disgrace that Peter Van Onselen truly is...Van Onselen has repeatedly attacked Ms Thornton on behalf of his mate Porter, and in previous posts I've clearly established just what low scum I consider Van Onselen to be...(like in that post Peter Van Onselen Is A Vile, Immoral, Misogynist Rapist Protector, as posted 13th March 2021?-Ed)...yes, exactly like that...(and Why Are So Many Male Journalists So Hell Bent On Denigrating Ms Katherine Thornton?, posted 8th March 2021?-Ed)...yep, and probably several other recent posts on the same topic of  Right Wing predominantly Male journos attacking women journos...

Two issues with our rancid li'l mate Van Onselen, 1) who leaked that letter to him months ago?...(well I very much doubt that it was Hanson-Young or Wong, so it looks like it was either Morrison, Porter, or the AFP-Ed)...exactly, and 2) this letter in it's entirety exposes what we all already knew...(and that is?-Ed)...that Putrid Vacuous Orifice carefully cherry-picked one page that supposedly supported his denigration of Ms Thornton, and studiously ignored the many other pages, including the extensive list of highly-credentialed friends/supporters, many of whom had direct specific experience/testimony supporting Ms Thornton...Language Warning:...if there was any doubt still, this letter fundamentally defines what a fucking scumbag Vacuous Orifice truly is...and fuck The Australian, and particularly fuck The Project that they continue to provide this fuckin' prick a platform...(and particularly the atrociously appalling The Project, and most particularly Lisa Wilkinson, that they would collectively pontificate and proselytize about the evils of Sexual Assault and supposedly support Ms Higgins, etc, etc, but then sit there laughing along with this fuckin' disgrace PVO!-Ed)...indeed, fuck them and the sanctimonious ponies they rode in on...End Language Warning...

Tomorrow: The Magistrate White Becomes Deputy State Coroner Post

It might seem a long bow to draw, but what I experienced at the hands of the rancidly corrupt Magistrate White and ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, et al, is directly related to the broader attitudes and actions of those in 'Authority' in this supposedly enlightened and educated society we call Australia, as evidenced by the rank corruption of Scott Morrison, Porter, the AFP and New South Wales Police, the Liberal/National party and the Labor Party, etc, etc, et is literally an 'Us and Them' struggle, and in an increasingly if not yet wholly Fascist paradigm where 'Them' have all the power and will do literally everything to maintain that control and privilege and non-accountability, etc...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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