Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Dyer, Crabb, Chrysanthou, Porter, Conflict Further Explained

Howdy dear availees, just this one-topic, copied post to add to (clarify?) the immediate previous post...not sure where or when this was published, but it was in the last also identifies/illustrates what Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter and his lawyers are doing to denigrate and discredit Ms Kate Thornton... 

Christian Porter’s latest legal move targets ABC journalist Annabel Crabb
By Samantha Maiden
Christian Porter’s lawyer says the woman who accused him of rape was severely mentally ill and suffering from “hypermania”.
As the Minister announces a legal appeal over the federal court’s decision to stop a top defamation barrister from acting for him in his case against the ABC, his lawyers have raised concerns over the mental health of his accuser.
If successful, the legal move could result in Mr Porter recovering some of his legal costs he faces over the legal battle between Jo Dyer, a debating team friend of the Adelaide woman who accused him of rape. The Adelaide accuser died by suicide in 2020 after she informed NSW police she did not wish to proceed with her complaint.
Ms Dyer’s legal action alleging there was a conflict of interest because she had previously consulted Mr Porter’s lawyer and disclosed confidential information forced his lawyer Sue Chrysanthou SC to stand aside.
But the new legal appeal over the judgement, if successful, could also result in the public release of redacted text messages sent to ABC journalist Annabel Crabb, who corresponded with Jo Dyer, a mutual friend with Mr Porter’s accuser.
Late on Thursday, the former Attorney-General filed a notice of appeal in the Full Federal Court in relation to the judgment of Justice Thawley.
Mr Porter’s lawyer Rebekah Giles said the legal action could require the text messages between Ms Dyer and Ms Crabb to be released.
“This includes an appeal to the decision of His Honour to substantially redact text messages between Ms Dyer and ABC journalist, Ms Crabb,’’ Ms Giles said in a media statement.
“As the appeal is now in the hands of the Full Federal Court, it would be inappropriate to make further comment on it.”
As with any litigation, Mr Porter’s legal team have been provided with the unredacted texts through the discovery process and the court proceedings which included closed court hearings.
One benefit of seeking to overturn the Judge’s decision to redact the material is to allow the material to be released publicly and published by the media to bolster Mr Porter’s political claim that the ABC acted with malice towards him.
Some of the content of the text messages were released by the Court this week and they reveal Crabb allowed Four Corners to film an interview with Ms Dyer in her home while she was absent after a location shoot fell over.
“What a strange dude CP is. And how amazingly arrogant to think you can mistreat people and get away with it for ever,’’ Crabb wrote in the private text message.
Ms Dyer responded, saying it was “devastating” that the woman had been troubled for so long.
“Regardless of whether it’s exclusively or only collaterally because of CP’s entitled arseholedom, it similarly fills me with rage,” she said.
“She deserved such a different life.”
In another exchange, Crabb tells Ms Dyer she believes Communications Minister Paul Fletcher, who also knew the woman through debating as a teenager, did not know of her allegations.
After the Four Corners interview, Ms Dyer contacted Crabb saying it had been an “intense” experience.
“I bet (our friend) would be extremely moved to know how much you’re all doing to get some justice for her xx,” Crabb responded.
However, other parts of the conversation were redacted. The legal tussle centred on Ms Dyer’s claim she had disclosed legally privileged material to Sue Chrysanthou SC. Ms Chrysanthou disputed this.
Justice Thawley said in his judgment that some of the confidential information was “relevant both to whether the ABC’s and Ms Milligan’s conduct was reasonable and whether it could be said that it was actuated by malice”.
However, the exact content of that confidential information remains legally suppressed.
Mr Porter is also challenging Justice Thawley’s decision to allow evidence from Macquarie Bank senior managing director James Hooke – a former boyfriend of the woman at the centre of the allegations against Mr Porter – that also remains suppressed and cannot be published.
On Wednesday, Crabb said she stood by her previous statements that Mr Porter’s accuser never made relevant disclosures to her when she was alive.
Crabb knew Mr Porter’s accuser in Adelaide when both were schoolgirls on the state debating team and she attended university with Ms Dyer.
“Louise Milligan asked if a crew could film with Jo Dyer in my house when her location fell over at the last minute,” she said.
“I did not discuss this in advance with Jo and I was not present. I did not introduce Louise to Jo, or to any other person I knew from the debating scene.”
When Crabb appeared on the ABC’s Insiders program in March she sought to disclose her relationship with Mr Porter’s accuser: “I’ve not had any relevant confidences or disclosures made to me (about the rape allegation).”
In other words, she was not told about the rape allegation by the Adelaide woman when she was alive.
However, Mr Porter’s supporters have subsequently argued this disclosure is at odds with her correspondence with Ms Dyer as it suggests she may have known of the allegation prior to the Four Corners’ program and the subsequent revelations in February.
Asked on Wednesday if she stood by that statement, Crabb said: “Of course”.
“On the rare occasions on which I’ve written or spoken about this case – for example, on Insiders in March – I’ve always been very clear that I knew (Mr Porter’s accuser) a long time ago, from our school days in Adelaide … Of course, I know Jo Dyer from those days, too, and she remains a friend,’’ Crabb said.
“I’m very surprised to find text messages of mine disclosed by the Federal Court, given my deep personal irrelevance to any of the issues raised in the matter of Dyer v Chrysanthou.”
On Thursday, Justice Thawley released a number of documents, including the full transcript of Ms Dyer’s Four Corner’s interview conducted in July 2020 and the dossier of allegations that was sent to Prime Minister Scott Morrison this year.
“Mr Porter did not object to the release of this documentation however out of respect to the family of AB will not be commenting on it in any detail,’’ Ms Giles said.
“He addressed this comprehensively in his media conference of 3 March 2021 and in documents lodged in the Federal Court as part of his proceedings against the ABC.
“As part of the settlement of the matter, the ABC was obliged to add an Editor’s Note to Ms Milligan’s story of 26 February 2021 conceding that the allegations it reported could not be substantiated to any legal standard.”
Despite not opposing the release of Ms Dyer’s full interview with Four Corners, his legal team had fought to strike out “scandalous” elements of the ABC’s defence in the separate defamation matter that has now been discontinued.
It’s not known what these “scandalous” elements were because the ABC’s defence remains legally suppressed.
The Federal Court will make a decision on whether this should remain on the court file and potentially be released publicly next month.
Mr Porter’s costs for the Dyer v Chrysanthou case could be hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Mr Porter is facing estimated costs of over $500,000 for his defamation battle, suggesting his legal bills for the discontinued defamation battle and the legal tussle over his lawyer could be approaching $1 million.
In a statement on Friday, Mr Porter’s lawyer also said the Adelaide woman was seriously mentally ill, calling into question her allegations.
“It will be clear to anyone, most particularly journalists who have followed the legal actions closely, that the documents released this week highlight serious contradictions and inconsistencies in the materials on which ABC based its reporting,’’ Ms Giles said.
“Since her death, a small group of people led by the ABC have embarked on a campaign to damage Mr Porter and in the process have sought to disclose AB’s confidential and private health and personal information without permission.
“This group took it upon themselves to orchestrate the airing of these allegations when they knew that these claims clearly arose in circumstances complicated by serious mental health issues, including bouts of hypermania
“This conduct has not served the public interest and has resulted in a series of injustices.”
Hypermania is an extreme manic state marked by constant activity, erratic behaviour, disorientation, and incoherent speech.
By contrast, hypomania is regarded as a more mild form of mania.
In other words, Mr Porter’s lawyer is saying that his accuser suffered from a severe form of mania that requires diagnosis by a specialist in mental disorders, a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Hypermania symptoms include an overwhelming feeling of happiness or elation without cause, very high activity level with little need for sleep, difficulty falling asleep due to racing thoughts and flight of ideas, lack of coping skills or just not coping at all with anything that would be upsetting and sporadic behaviour, like taking off on an unplanned road trip. There also might be spending sprees, excessive gambling, promiscuity and generalised risk taking.
***...and Porter's appallingly immoral lawyers pausing their rancid denigration of Ms Thornton just long enough to gaslight everyone about the reality that those documents clearly identify, that Ms Thornton was Raped and likely drugged to facilitate that Rape...they continue on to publicly defame Ms Thornton's friends and the ABC and anyone else who believes, as I do, that Porter did Rape Ms Thornton...what this document shows is that, 1) many people support Ms Thornton and some were aware of the Rape/'incident', and 2) that the ABC reportage was literally 'tip-of-the-iceberg' stuff, barely scratching the surface...
I get the stuff about presenting a robust defence and the presumption of innocence, etc, but choosing to deliberately misrepresent and outright lie about the 'Victim', particularly a deceased 'Victim' who cannot defend themselves, to behave like this in defending the perpetrator, and in a context where this is clearly about the lawyers garnering personal benefit, and not least of all political favour for more/future government contracts, etc, that's where these lawyers define themselves as loathsome sub-humans wallowing about in the rancid bile of their own self-justification...and this then leads directly into the next post...
This Arvo: Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter Proven A Liar
Mr James Brookes, a long-time friend of both Ms Thornton and Christian Porter has publicly/officially contradicted Porter's denials about having had any sort of sexual relationship with Ms Thornton...and I cannot help but take a certain perverse pleasure in watching Porter and his soul-less lawyers have all their lies and denigration and abuse and threats, etc, all come home to roost in such a brutally thorough joy is however immediately tempered by the horrendous realities that underpin this scenario, that any of it is happening is a deeply saddening and confronting insight into who we are as a grossly misogynistic society where Rape is a common and usually unpunished trauma in so many women's/people's lives...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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