Saturday, July 10, 2021

Morrison LNP Government Rorts Examined And Explained By Vince O'Grady

Howdy dear availees...I know it's been awhile (9 days?) and I'll explain next post, later this arvo or early tomorrow, whatevs...just Twitter scrolling and ran into this absolute gem by Vince O'Grady, via the most excellent Ronni Salt's feed, so I've attached the link to her literal nod to (Mr?) O'Grady's work, and there-in is the link to his graphs, use his words, it's about the "Rorts Central" that is the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison LNP's relentless corruption of appropriate process via blatant and wholesale very basic summary, $62billion in 'grants' in less than 4 years, a minimum of 70% going directly to LNP seats, which doesn't include the large percentage that has been directed trying to win 'marginal Labor seats''s the link...

It's all very easy-to-follow graphs, but there is an associated page, 'Spreadsheet Sleuth', as referred to in the 'Statement of Authenticity of Data Analysis', so please also read about his intensive methodology in that 'SoA' and the 'Sleuth' page for more specific's the link to the 'Sleuth' page...

Mr O'Grady has clearly done a very thorough shreck-load of research and collating, etc, to get all that info into the graph format, kudos to you the 'SoA' there are also links to 1) the Australian National Audit Office reports about two of the 'schemes', reports which themselves are scathing indictments of the LNP's conduct, and 2) the government's own 'grants' page...we're all aware of this stuff, but when it's presented so 'graphically', pun fully intended, it really illustrates just how corrupt these 'standard pork-barrelling practices' really are...

Tomorrow (This Arvo?): Latest On Porter vs ABC Documents Hearing   

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...


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