Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Dear Availees, Apologies For This Break in Transmission, But We're Back

Howdy dear availees everywhere...respectful apologies for the recent 3 week break in transmission...been having a thoroughly average time of things for various reasons and decide to have a coupla' weeks off...no apologies for being swamped and overwhelmed by multiple issues, not least of all the many manifestations of the relentless corruption of the Scott 'Scummo'  Morrison led Liberal/National Party and how sickeningly complicit the Main Stream Media is in protecting them and therefore proliferating said corruption...and how that corruption runs through the Courts, the Public Service, etc...the most immediate example is the extraordinary Court ruling that buries the ABC's 'evidence' against the now Court Defined Rapist Christian Porter...where Porter was previously the Self-Defined Rapist, now he is clearly being protected by the Courts, so he is now the Court Defined Rapist...this rancid cover-up runs right through-out the LNP, with multiple Public Official functionaries involved, especially the farcically corrupt New South Wales Police, and now the Courts, with scum-sucking sycophants like Peter Van Onselen and numerous other (often Murdoch) goblins running protection in the MSM, etc, etc...

And that whole issue now focuses attention on the South Australian Coroner's investigation of the death of Ms Katherine Thornton, the (then) teenager that Christian Porter Raped, and whom allegedly took her own life...and I view with deep concern some people's ill-placed optimism that the SA Coroner will make some sort of finding that will hold Porter to account...I desperately hope to be proven wrong, but I have absolutely zero faith that this will happen...my extensive personal experience of South Australian is that we are every bit as rancidly corrupt as the rest of this sad, sick country, and in many respects are leaders in the field...I remind dear availees that the definably corrupt former Magistrate Ian White, who conducted my "bizarre trial" and subsequent 'Conviction' for allegedly breaching SA's bizarre ICAC legislation, etc, who set-out with the predetermined desire to convict me regardless, indeed who was appointed to do that, that this man with a definable penchant for colluding with SAPol (police) and politicians, etc, he is now SA's Deputy Coroner...

This one issue, Christian Porter the Court Defined Rapist, this fundamentally defines how 'The System', a wholly corrupt System protects it's own...we are not a Fair Dinkum Egalitarian society where everyone is equal before the law, before Scummo's beloved "Rule of Law", we are the Plebs, we are cattle, and we are to know our place and not bother the 'Elite', not challenge their privilege and corruption, etc...we are a broken pseudo-Democracy, mired in a Class System of deliberate bias and dysfunction, stumbling and staggering toward official Fascism...and with the rise of Fundamentalist Christian influence, we are exposed for exactly what we are, a Class-structured, Rascist, Bigotted, backward embarrassment of a Nation with a smattering of decent human beings trying desperately to address those faults and failings...

And dear availees, it ain't for me to tell y'all where you lie on that scale, where you exist in that spectrum, for I ain't no saint myself...I do what I do 'cos I got dumped into this Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption Meat Grinder in 2002, courtesy of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...I don't choose to do this, I was cast into it, in all of the definitions of that word...1) cast - flung into the maelstrom that lies beneath the surface...2) cast - as a bit-player amateur actor in the broader pantomime...3) cast - fired in the furnace and poured into the mold to harden...

And on top of all that stuff, whilst I had intended a 2 week hiatus, last week was dominated by a very serious family issue that literally took me physically away from my clunky ol' PC...it was extremely chaotic and hectic, I'm not gunna' go into details, and it's an ongoing situation, but hopefully the worst is passed, so I'm back home and I'll be posting again tomorrow or at least in the next few days...

Tomorrow: The Magistrate White Post - How It Affects Everyone In SA

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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