Monday, August 16, 2021

Our Betrayal Of Afghanistan - I Have Never Been More Ashamed To Be 'Australian'

Today marks a new low in what it means to be an Australian...many times in recent years I have been infuriated, frustrated, angered, embarrassed, and even somewhat ashamed to be an Australian, particularly as it relates to the conduct of our prize moron of a Prime Minister, Scott 'Scomo' Morrison...but today I just watched this sinister clown sneeringly smirk his way through an ABC interview about the disastrous collapse of the Afghan military and the Taliban's over-running of the capital Kabul...this is a devastating situation for the people of Afghanistan, particularly for those who helped/supported 'us', and for all the women and girls who will be forced back into religiously-justified subservience...'we' have shamefully abandoned the many Afghans who supported 'our' troops, 'our' troops whom have been in their country for 20 years, since Liberal PM John Howard loyally and unquestioningly followed the USofA whilst stating that Labor were "fear-mongering" because the conflict would last "only 6 months"'s the link to part of Morrison's interview this morning...

There's so much to unpack here about local politics, eg, about the rancid pro-LNP sycophancy of the Main Stream Media, most particularly of the supposedly 'Left Wing' ABC, but this is about what we've done to another country...not sure, but the full interview (above) may be available via the ABC website... 

The Morrison LNP government, the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison government, our government, we as a nation, we have allowed Scummo and his immoral LNP cronies to maliciously and deliberately stall their supposed 'efforts' to repatriate our Afghan 'our' allies, the people who helped us have been betrayed and abandoned by 'us'...we as a nation should hang our collective heads in shame...and I cannot and will not condone violence, even against Scummo and the rancid LNP, but I have no problem promoting the wonderful work of Egg-Boy, albeit with one caveat...rather than wasting good food on this rancid LNP rabble, please pelt them with putrid, decaying produce...pelt each and every one of them, wherever and whenever they show their smug, sneering faces...each and every one of them deserve exactly that sort of disrespectful abuse...for all it's potential uncivilised barbarity, perhaps we were a bit hasty in moving away from the public humiliation of the pillory and the stocks...

I have absolutely no problem with the likes of Scummo being publicly humiliated in the town square via a carefully monitored and regulated system of public violence, no stonings or beatings or the like, just a perpetual shower of state sanctioned and supplied soggy, rotting fruit and vegies...and even then, I can't help feeling that that past-best produce would be better utilised being fed to the pigs...and I certainly wouldn't feed it to the pigs after it's been contaminated by contact with a Scummo LNP, the pigs might catch something...all joking aside, pigs are pigs, but the Scummo LNP are swine...

We went into Afghanistan because it suited our political purpose...'we' effectively invaded another country to supposedly deny 'terrorists' free reign and therefore prevent any further 'terrorist attacks' in the Western world...whether or not that was the genuine motivation and agenda, and some would argue otherwise, it was our official justification...'we' then tacked onto that various other justifications about 'freedom for the people' and 'rights and safety of women', etc...I have my opinion about all of these 'justifications', but I'll keep it to myself because it's not relevant here...what was obvious throughout the past 20 years was that history has taught us nothing, and not least of all because we chose to ignore it...what we know as the 'Vietnam War' was actually the USofA/Australian section of a much longer war within Vietnam, across many decades, even centuries of foreign occupation...and in the exact same manner, for centuries various foreign entities have sought to control Afghanistan and have failed...the British Empire had a go and failed, and more recently the USSR/Russia tried and failed...

There are so many religious and/or political issues at play, eg, the political doctrine that is motivated by some sections of the Islamic faith, and how that manifests in places like neighbouring Pakistan where the Taliban have a great deal of support and therefore sanctuary, supply, etc...within Afghanistan itself is a strong culture of resistance and 'pride' generated and/or witnessed by these centuries of conflict...and there have been periods of internally-generated carnage as opposing local 'warlords' fought for dominance...but this is all just a tiny fraction of a vast discussion about Religion, History, and Culture that I am not qualified to comment on...however, the fundamental justification for 'our' involvement, as described above, that is self-defined and not open to debate...'we' went in to Afghanistan to stop terrorism in 'The West'...and to achieve that we recruited and encouraged locals to help us as interpreters, etc...and then when it no longer suits us, we, Australia, have quite literally turned our backs and walked away, leaving them suffer the horrendous consequences...

I thought I couldn't be more ashamed than I am on a daily basis of 'our' treatment of Australia's First Nation peoples, of our Aboriginal populace, or that we as a nation are effectively ruled-over by Paedophiles and Pro-Paedophile Corrupt politicians and police, etc, but today I feel I'm occupying that same place...     

Tomorrow: How Often Can/Does A Dead Cat Bounce?

I've had my own very confronting issues over recent months, even more traumatic than some of the issues/situations that have proceeded and/or triggered my recent struggles...I cannot begin to imagine what Afghanis must be going through, but it does motivate me to work harder to keep my own very real and substantial traumas in context, and get back up and fight against what 'we' have become...I know it sounds a little trite, but go back and read my blog if you haven't already, and then tell me I don't know what it means to be in open conflict with and resultantly openly persecuted by government, police, and other authorities, etc, and to come to genuinely fear for my safety and that of my family as a result...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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