Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Scott Morrison Demonstrates His Pathological Hatred Of Women By Promoting Court-Protected Rapist Christian Porter

Howdy dear availees across this sad, brown land...yesterday when I posted about how Judge Jayne Jagot had acted to protect the Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter, thus making him the Court-Protected Rapist, I was not aware of his promotion to Acting Leader of the House...apparently Leader Peter Dutton is in COVID19 quarantine, but for some reason Porter was promoted past the current Deputy Leader David Gillespie...I refer to Porter as a Rapist, not 'alleged', because I believe Ms Katharine Thornton, because I have read the documentation she prepared/produced...if you have not read her harrowing account of the night that Porter violently Raped her, here is the link, as copied from the excellent Kangaroo Court of Australia website...

Yesterday I heard Porter, this rancid excuse for a human being, deny Labor leader Anthony Albanese leave to table a document, I think of a transcript of PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's press conference from earlier that day, a transcript effectively proving that Scummo was lying in Parliament, or at the very least completely contradicting his earlier statements...this illustrates the obvious, that the Leader of the House, currently Porter, has the unilateral power to quash democracy...if y'all are somehow unawares of Christian Porter and exactly what sort of sleazy, grubby operator he is, just interweb search him...and whilst these stories are tip-of-the iceberg stuff, please watch these ABC Four Corners 'Canberra Bubble' programs about Sexual Assault in our nation's parliament, if y'all haven't already...

Also try watching Porter's pathetically self-pitying press conference from March 2021, where-in he outs himself as the until-then unidentified Cabinet Minister accused of almost every other circumstance, yes, I am trying to inform and therefore influence y'all dear availees, I try to present facts and allow y'all to form your own opinions, etc, but in this case, if you can watch Porter's insipid and clearly deceitful denials, and not see this man as the Self-Defined Rapist that he is, then I'd thank y'all to just leave this 'ere blog, ne'er to return...that's how infuriated and traumatised I am by this's the link...

And now Porter has been is what Australian of the Year and Child Abuse survivor Ms Grace Tame has said about this deplorable situation...***

Porter's elevation betrays PM's chilling apathy towards survivors

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has just overseen Christian Porter's assuming of the role of Acting leader of the House of Representatives. Amid a burgeoning, pre-eminent mass awakening to the endemic issue of sexual abuse, this decision marks a proverbial slap in the face of our entire nation.

Less than two years ago, the twice-convicted paedophile who abused me and others before me was awarded a doctorate by the University of Tasmania, despite breaking the student code of conduct and being charged and jailed a second time for producing child exploitation material during his PhD tenure.

In light of my own experience, it's hard to process how an accused rapist - albeit one who will never face prosecution - could be offered one of the highest positions of power in the country by none other than our nation's leader himself.

Christian Porter has been accused of raping a woman in 1988. Last year, his alleged victim suicided. He has denied the accusation.

But it isn't just Porter's character that's in question here, it's the morality of our current leadership.

Outside of Parliament, positions of public trust are governed by codes of conduct that stipulate one must be a "fit and proper" person in order to occupy them, such as in the case of doctors who are bound by the Hippocratic oath. Furthermore, their adequacy - in terms of both knowledge and ethics - is repeatedly challenged and updated through mandated continuing professional development.

In Parliament, however, no such requirements exist. It is the Prime Minister who sets the standards and maintains them by appointing cabinet ministers at his or her discretion.

Given the seriousness of the allegations against Porter, the bare minimum test of his fitness to hold ministerial office would be an independent inquiry. How damning it is that the government refused to allow for one.

If the Prime Minister's recent rhetoric about wanting to support assault survivors and protect women's safety was indeed true, he would surely go to any lengths possible to ensure there was not an accused rapist amongst his own staff. Clearly, it has been nothing but lip service. His actions speak volumes that drown out his every word.

And now, not only has Porter been permitted to remain in office, he's been temporarily elevated. His are circumstances steeped in the protective privileges of a patriarchal Parliament.

There is no way this decision was accidental. It is a transparently deliberate, definitive statement that reeks of abuse of power and a blatant disregard of the people.

Last week I had what I thought was a productive meeting with the federal government, and now this has happened.

Sexual abuse is an issue of human rights and should therefore transcend all divides; political and otherwise. And yet, by his actions our Prime Minister has proven he is of a different mind. He is determined to associate his party with outmoded, oppressive cultures and attitudes.

I'm not party-political, but I call out injustice where I see it, and in this instance, it is damn-near blinding.

Typically, one of the things the leader of the House does is shut down debate. The role is embedded with the power to enforce silence; the power to suppress truth. How powerfully ironic.

Demonstrative actions at the apex of influence - such as the elevation of Porter -have a dangerously permissive effect on future corruption whilst simultaneously stifling progress. They send an intimidating message of chilling apathy.

In particular, this appointment is an insult to all survivors, and indeed the whole country. It reinforces the idea that accused predators are too often protected, feeding into the already crippling fear of victims and bystanders. It is an act of emboldening perpetrators.

My heart breaks at the thought of survivors still living in silence, looking to our leaders for hope.

Grace Tame is a survivor of child sexual abuse and the 2021 Australian Of The Year.

***...and I would disagree with Ms Tame on only one point...and it's the same point that I disagree with those who describe Scummo's actions here as being 'tone deaf to the social climate around Sexual Assault', or similar statements about Scummo 'having a tin ear to current Sexual Assault issues', etc...Ms Tame describes it as being a "blatant disregard" and "an intimidating message of chilling apathy", but I believe that it's much, much more than that, that it's far more concerning than that...

I believe that this is Scummo unleashing his full Pentecostal-fueled pathological hatred for women, coupled with his delusional messianic psychosis, in what is a fully conscious and calculated retaliation against women for their recent actions and activism around seeking justice and/or protection for women...Language Warning:...this is Scummo saying 'Fuck you you uppity bitches, how dare you protest outside Parliament and embarrass me and inconvenience me, get back in the fucking kitchen where you belong and do as you're fucking told, as God tells us you should...think I give a fuck about you and/or your pathetic whinging? well cop this, I'm going to fully support, protect, and then re-promote the Rapist Porter, and there's not a single fuckin' thing you can do about it!'...End Language Warning... 

This is who we are Australia, this is the man you/we voted for as Prime Minister...

Tomorrow: The Deputy Coroner White Post

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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