Sunday, August 29, 2021

Again Venting My Anger And Shame About Australia Abandoning Afghanistan

Howdy dear availees, welcome to the third post about our shameful betrayal of our Afghan allies and's been a very, very long few weeks personally, and I'll get into that later, but it's been added to and exacerbated by what we as a nation have done and/or failed to do regarding Afghanistan...the last two posts were mostly about the history of conflict and resistance in the country, and why we were there, etc, but today I want to cover the extraordinarily base, rancid, Right Wing response of insidiously crass per usual, Liberal/National Party Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison has been fervently denying any failures and feverishly gaslighting about what we have and/or haven't done, and praising himself/the LNP for all of these supposed actions/achievements...also, due to the intensely confronting and serious nature of the last coupla' posts I have been deliberately leaving my confected literary device alter ego 'Ed' out of the mix...but today I'm re-introducing him 'cos he's predominantly utilised for humour/sarcasm/mocking, and this post is about sheeting-home all of the vitriolic abuse and seething disrespect I can muster for the sickly self-serving and increasingly Fascist Scummo LNP... 

I'd like to open with this stunningly accurate observation of how poisoned the political well is in Australia, where-in there is only truly one Party, the Self-Interest Party, and the rest of us are cattle, chattel, and uppity's absolutely correct in pointing-out that we are responsible for who our PM is...(and that in turn reflects back on us exactly who we are, we have exactly the government we deserve 'cos we've let this happen-Ed)...indeed, 'cos regardless of the influence of the criminal Murdoch media and other complicit Main Stream Media, etc, and how that combined has allowed the LNP to lie and manipulate with absolute impunity, etc, etc, the supposedly intelligent, supposedly decent 'Democratic Australia' voted for Morrison...and so here, pinched from Twitter, this...***

Replying to
Australian’s have not valued our democracy. We’ve let it be hijacked by a pack of self-centred shysters, on both sides of the isle. Scott Morrison is the logical conclusion of that process. He is the very nadir of integrity. He sees only the monetary, never the intrinsic value.
***A Potential Correction:...I may previously have referred to the USSR's involvement in Afghanistan in the 1980s as being 'an invasion', but it is probably more accurate to say that they were only supporting an internally-generated populist 'social democrat' coup...some argue that the USSR influenced that coup...(as the USofA is 'accused' of doing in various countries-Ed)...indeed, and my limited knowledge of global politics means I can't state definitively who did what to whom and when, but the difference between 'invasion' and 'support' is stark enough to warrant acknowledging...
A Fact:...we closed our Kabul embassy back in May 2021...there are numerous stories of Australian veterans trying unsuccessfully to get their former interpreters, etc, to safety in Australia, in some cases years of failed lobbying, etc...then Scummo LNP want to state that it's all a bit too difficult, and tell desperate people to go through the appropriate channels, etc...the undeniable fact is that we closed our embassy months before our military finally leaving, making any such attempts to access said alleged 'appropriate channels' massively more difficult if not impossible...(and if we had any faith that the Afghan leadership/government we had installed/supported were ever going to maintain stability, etc, why did we close our embassy entirely?-Ed)...well great point Ed, but I reckon that the obvious answer is as described above, to infinitely complicate accessing those services for visa and/or refugee applicants...
Now Scummo/the LNP are congratulating themselves with the announcement that 'we' will take 3,000 Afghan refugees...(but didn't Scummo recently reduce our 'yearly intake numbers' from 18,750 down to 13,750?-Ed)...yes he did...(so now we're back up to 16,750?-Ed)...a perfectly pointed rhetorical question Ed, 'cos as we both know, that 3,000 is to be counted as part of the 13,750...(so we have in effect done absolutely nothing more than the massively reduced minimum we were prior to this self-congratulatory Scummo announcement?-Ed) on mate...(and if that's part of this year's 'intake', what happens next year?-Ed)...another great question, and I think Scummo covered that with his angry, lipless, sneering diatribe about 'not allowing people smugglers to trade in refugees'...(ah, Scummo weaponising refugees to promote his thuggish, bullying strongman persona, back in his happy place of lording it over those powerless to retaliate-Ed)...well, Scummo is as Scummo does, or should I say, Scummo does as Scummo is...    
Only yesterday I heard LNP Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews bizarrely 'advising' those still stuck in Afghanistan to "avoid the airport", and instead "try to get to the border with Pakistan", whilst repeatedly bleating about how prospective refugees/'rescuees' needed to apply to DFAT (Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and get 'processed appropriately', etc...(that's just nonsensical jibberish, 100% conscience-washing denial of realities, and text-book gaslighting-Ed)...yep, and made no more reasonable by the fact that it was delivered by this career incompetent whilst flanked by soulless, moralless empathy vacuums, fellow Ministers Peter 'Spud' Dutton and Marise 'The Obligatory' Payne...bit of an insider self-joke there, 'cos an aspect of my Scorpio astrological/zodiac thingy, under 'Magic Weapon', mine is 'The Obligatory Pain'...(and isn't your 'Body Part', 'Genitals'?-Ed)...indeed, but pardon our irreverence, not so amusing is the bare-faced hypocrisy, belligerent refusal to accept responsibility, and blatant gaslighting by the LNP relating to what they have quite deliberately done to undermine and hinder our Afghan allies and deny refugees, etc... 
#ScOtt MORrisON:...the response here in Oz, including by the massively complicit, partisan, and largely Right Wing MSM, has been fundamentally obvious and are some of the extraordinarily offensive and self-definingly moronic things that LNP members and various Right Wing alleged journos have had to say about the way that we have handled our part in Afghanistan...(you know, if you try hardly at all, 'Scott Morrison' becomes 'So Moron'-Ed) I takes a particularly low form of mouth-breather to gaslight on this sort of level, ignore your own sides chronic failings and lies, etc, and use this disaster as a political 'joke' to try and prosecute your sickly self-satisfied agenda of attacking anything not also LNP/Right Wing...(but these idiots always find a way-Ed)...mate, it is their way, it's where they dwell, they don't need to go lookin' for it, they're standing right in it 24/7, to the extent that it becomes very difficult to tell where the muck stops and the raker begins... 
The Muck Stops's insipid Right Wing stoat Joe Hildebrand auditioning/begging for his own show on the rancid SKY News station...had to look-up who James Morrow is, but surprise surprise, he's another SKY drone wallowing mindlessly about in the wonder of his own genius...

And here's former Labor leader, now One Nation member, and all-round stain on the political landscape, the thuggish Mark Latham...(never one to let decency, intelligence or facts interrupt his stream of unconscionable thought, Mark's hobbies include stupidity, unhinged bigotry, and yelling at flowers...his favourite colour is Righteous Indignation Red-Ed)...indeed, don't be like Mark, be a decent rational human being...

Not At But Actually Is The Coal Face:...LNP gibbering moron National's Senator Matt Canavan has taken exactly the amount of time-out needed from his main job as a fossil-fuel cosplay joke...(you mean that farcical profile picture he was (is?) using where his whole face is smeared with alleged coal dust, but as many pointed out, it's a photo-op fakery 'cos real miners wear masks and often goggles to stop inhaling dust, etc, so most of their face remains clean, therefore the full-face coverage thing was an obvious confected fiction from someone who really had no genuine idea-Ed)...yeah, exactly that, and his live crosses standing in front of a tool board in someone's shed, etc, etc...(they do the same thing with Scummo and his ludicrous chicken coop/cubby-house construction cosplay-Ed)...just your 100% average man of the people doing 100% average manly stuff...(and all 100% politically expedient pantomime-Ed)...exactly...well anyhoos, our hero with a half-brain, Matty, when he's not busy playing at his manly dress-ups, he's penning pathetic offensive crap like this...

Here's a hilarious GIF that perfectly pillories Scummo and his relentless press conference word-salad gibberish, combined with his Pentecostal speaking in tongues nonsense...(mate, I saw some footage of Scummo's mentor Brian Houston supposedly speaking in tongues, and it was hilarious, he was just wandering about the stage going 'dibbloo, dablar, imblum, noomu, bibidinmrum-Ed)...testify Ed!...(he wasn't 'possessed by the spirit of the Lord and channelling a language he otherwise didn't know and couldn't speak', which is the underlying principle of this Fundamentalist/Pentecostal belief, he was just meandering about making stupid noises and looking very stupid doing was a laughable joke-Ed) I understand it, and therefore quite fittingly, this GIF's gibberish comes from a God-related comedy movie, either Bruce Almighty or it's follow-up Evan Almighty...

And in sortta' reverse order, following directly on from the first paragraph in that thread, Scummo's bizarrely Evangelical rant about the dawn, is this thread that identifies where that quote originated...spoiler, it's from a Batman movie, The Dark Night...(Scummo stars as Fatman, The Dank Nit-Ed)...well quite...apart from that, it's another indicator of just how vacuuos Scummo is...(this week he also quoted the animated movie The Croods as a way to criticise Labor Premiers for their handling of COVID19 outbreaks, their border closures, etc-Ed)...yeah, comic book characters, cartoon cavemen, and imaginary boogie man in the sky, it completely and perfectly sums-up Scummo...all joking aside, I've included this here because it's border-line terrifying that our PM appears truly motivated by his appallingly self-interested Pentecostal/Evangelical 'Rapture' agenda...we've covered this in previous posts, but I'll further dissect it in tomorrow's post about the COVID19 debacle in New South Wales...

Don't have the actual tweet, 'cos he quickly deleted it, but this from Victorian Liberal MP Edward O’Donohue regarding Melbourne's COVID19 restrictions...“Melbourne follows Kabul in introducing a curfew"...he and Canavan have been rightly denounced for their appalling comments, even by their own colleagues...(but Capt Cosplay Matty doubled-down, saying, and I quote, “We continue to distract ourselves with first world problems while the larger issue of our national security goes ignored...we need to redevelop our manufacturing and industrial strength, not try to save the planet or bring democracy to countries that it doesn't suit...I am just trying to shout this wake-up call before it is too late.”-Ed)...what an arse-hat, "not try to save the planet", wow...

And in closing today I'd just like to offer this truly bizarre piece of shark-jumping dross from the feverish mind of one Claire Armstrong...I believe the phrase 'to jump the shark', refers to a Happy Days episode where the writers were really, really struggling to come up with believable plot lines that would hold the audience, so they had main character Fonzy water-ski jump over a can only assume that dear ol' Clare has been at the 'shrooms again...(or the brown acid, you don't wanna' mess with the brown acid-Ed)..or the brown acid, sure, nice Woodstock reference Ed, although I have read that the brown acid was actually quite good...(maybe she took the pill the caterpillar offered?-Ed) in Alice In Wonderland, sure, but we digress...ladies and gentlemen, please disengage from reality, slip your minds into neutral, and join us as we traipse through the unicorn-infested poppy meadow of Clare's mind... 

#EXCLUSIVE An Afghan mother and her child were the last people Australia evacuated from Kabul, after Prime Minister Scott Morrison held the final plane for crucial extra minutes so they could board.
Clare would have us believe, that with all of the chaotic random happenings at Kabul airport, that Scummo...(the same man who literally can't walk out his front door to address peaceful female protestors, and doesn't know anything about multiple Rape issues occurring around him, doesn't hold a hose, can't organise basic vaccine supplies, etc, etc ?-Ed)...yeah yeah, that Scummo, he supposedly had not only immediate real-time knowledge of exactly what was happening on the tarmac in Kabul, but also had direct control of the entire situation, including who did what as it related to all the flights being organised by multiple countries...(and after the LNP spent all week congratulating themselves for evacuating some citizens from that airport, constantly stating that it was a laudable effort given the intensely tight timing of flights and general chaos, etc-Ed)...precisely...I can only hope that Clare is an immoral, scheming hack, 'cos if she wrote this genuinely believing that it was possible, then she's solid gone man... 
And if one is going to produce a work of such absolute fiction based on political realities, then one cannot go past the most excellent work of a certain Mr George Orwell...(I love Orwell, particularly how his name has become a descriptive noun when discussing neo-Fascist politics, eg, "the LNP's new 'National Security' legislation has plunged us into an Orwellian police state dystopia"-Ed)...nicely summarised Ed, who said that?...(well I just did, and it's fact-Ed)...what is fact?..(that the latest raft of bizarrely absolute powers handed to the Australian Federal Police this week in Parliament, those are further confirmation that we live in an Orwellian Pseudo-Democratic Police State, as per his novels Animal Farm and 1984-Ed)...yes, I see what you mean and I fully concur, granting the wholly politically-complicit AFP powers to access and then actually alter peoples private online accounts, that's truly terrifying Orwellian-style control...
(One assumes that blogs such as this will be/are a prime target for this sort of openly Fascist, politically motivated interference/attack-Ed)...I'd reckon you'd be pretty damn right about that...and as a final damning jibe about the tepid vacuum that is Scummo, who better to quote than the man himself, George many have observed, this descriptor is Scummo defined...     
    "He was a fattish but active man of  paralysing stupidity, a mass of imbecile 
      enthusiasms - one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, 
      more even than on the thought police, the stability of the Party depended."  
      George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty Four (the novel)

Tomorrow: Morrison and Berejiklian Deliberately Infect Australia

I will eventually get to that Magistrate White Deputy State Coroner post I keep's already sortta' half done...however, what is currently happening with the LNP scourge in NSW and how blatantly the Main Stream Media are protecting the viciously incompetent Berejiklian/Morrison response, etc, is a fundamental case study in just how screwed we are as  nation...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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