Monday, April 26, 2021

Scott Morrison Goes Full Sky Pilot Messiahnaic Maniac At ACC Shenanigans

Howdy dear availees across the Third Rock...very brief post today 'cos the actual brief is to avail y'allselves of this footage of PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's extraordinary pseudo-Preacher, borderline Messiah-complex diatribe from the Australian Christian Churches conference...(is that the ACC shindig  on the Gold Coast?-Ed)...yep...(that Scummo flew to in an official RAAF/government jet, and flew back again that evening?-Ed)...that Scummo flew to on the Taxpayer's dollar...and it's not just the cost, and not even the self-aggrandising, unhinged god-botherer ranting that really shrecked me off, it's the unashamed celebration that Pentecostal/Fundamentalist nutjobs are running the Federal Liberal/National Party, and therefore the country...(well what really pisses me off is not just that it's happened at all, and not even the time and effort that Scummo's committed to do this, not least of all when it was done in 'work hours' when he's supposed to be running the country, etc, what really riles me is the context of that time/effort as it relates to his refusal to address the March 4 Justice held in Canberra-Ed)...excellent point Ed...(when 1000's gathered literally right outside his door, and he flatly refused to even step-out and meet them-Ed)...indeed, yet here he is, when it suits him and it's all about him, etc, then he's got all the time he needs, on flights back and forth, etc, etc... 

I know it's asking a lot to say please sit through any of the inane, often unintelligible word-salad gibberish that spews relentlessly from Scummo's sneering, smirking smear of a countenance, but I'm asking you to sit through the full 23 minutes of this 'speech' 'cos it's a deeply disturbing expose/insight as to what's really happening with Scummo and his phalanx of sky pilot of luck...sound at beginning is a bit off but please persevere...(I particularly like the stuff where he's preaching about "morality"-Ed)...indeed, it's insane hypocrisy from start to's the Facebook link...

And seeing as how 'Brother Stuart' gets a mention by Pastor Scummo, I'd also like to direct y'all to another excellent, thoroughly researched Twitter thread from Tweety The Sarcastic Sewer Rat, this time about Stuart 'Rolex' Roberts and his various business associations...this thread starts 23rd April 2021...there's several posts and various attachments...

Tomorrow: We May All Need A Day Off, But We'll See

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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