Monday, April 19, 2021

Just Another Liberal/National Party Corruption Scandal, This Time It's ASIC

Howdy dear availees and welcome to yet another purloined gem, this time cut-'n'-pasted from my Facebook's such a terrific tale of the Institutionalised Corruption and Misogyny that infests our Federal Parliament that I just had to post it...and this one is so remarkable, such a stand-out even in a broad acreage of similar corruptionings...(and is it just a coincidence that yet again it's the blokes who are identified as the blatant crooks and a woman who is standing against that corruption?-Ed)...not sure how to call that myself, but it's certainly a question worth asking...(and 'cos it's the blokes involved that li'l Joshy 'Fraudenburg' Frydenburg is working so hard to misrepresent the realities of his mate's corruption?-Ed)...again, a very pertinent question...(well?-Ed)...well, at a pinch, I'd have to agree with you on both counts, ie, I don't think that it's a coincidence, and Josh's related corruption is about protecting his mates in a manner he'd never act to protect a woman...but that's just my personal opinion...

More importantly than the gendered issues clearly involved, is that we are talking about multiple and extensive acts of corruption being committed by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the official regulator...(yeah, you'd kinda' expect the 'Corporate Corruption Watchdog' to be actually 'watching', otherwise they'd be known as the 'Corporate Corruption Participants', am I wrong?-Ed)...indeed, and you'd also be excused for being more upset if this latest litany of Instituitonalised Corruption wasn't overshadowed by the definable Pro-Rapist Corruption being exercised by the New South Wales Police...(you mean how they've been definably protecting 'alleged' Rapist Liberal Attorney-General Christian Porter, by refusing to investigate Ms Thornton's allegations?-Ed)...absolutely, and again I put 'alleged' because I believe that Porter did Rape Ms Thornton, and that his own recent conduct confirms that...but that's stuff for another post, so here's the copied article about the rancidly corrupt ASIC...(yay-Ed)...I've edited-out the photos but included the link in the title there if y'all wanna' peruse them...***

ASIC boss Chester refuses to back Frydenberg in stitch-up

She is a high-powered former deputy chair of the nation’s Productivity Commission. Now deputy chair at the corporate regulator, Karen Chester is the last person standing at the top of ASIC who is not personally involved in an extremely serious corruption scandal. She is also refusing to bow to Treasurer Frydenberg’s pressure to take part in the ongoing cover-up. Anthony Klan reports.
The last person standing at the helm of the corporate corruption watchdog not personally involved in serious alleged corruption is refusing to stand by the Federal Government’s claims that no wrongdoing has occurred.
The deputy chair of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, veteran public servant Karen Chester, has refused to stand by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s claims that ASIC chair James Shipton - who was found to have charged taxpayers over 60 times the legal limit for his own personal “tax advice” - had engaged in no wrongdoing.
Frydenberg cleared Shipton of all wrongdoing in January, despite providing zero evidence to back that claim.
In fact, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the opposite.
Even a sanitised version of the “review” into the ASIC matter, which was altered by Frydenberg’s Treasury, points to serious wrongdoing by Shipton.
It clearly sets out a string of specific laws that the ASIC chair has almost certainly broken.
It also shows the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), the government body responsible for auditing ASIC’s accounts, has specifically found $118,557 Shipton charged taxpayers to receive to personal “tax advice” was over 60 times the legal limit.
Shipton made the $118,557 of “tax advice” claims in connection to his “relocation” from the US to Australia to take up the top job at ASIC, and later repeatedly falsely claimed the payments were legitimate.
But the ANAO has found (as evidenced in the ASIC “review” itself) that less than $2,000 of that was actually legal.
Frydenberg has refused to release the ASIC “review”.
Instead, on January 29, having sat on the ASIC “review” for six weeks, Frydenberg released a doctored version that was instead “prepared by Treasury”.
That same day Frydenberg announced: “There have been no instances of misconduct by Mr Shipton…nor have there been any breaches of applicable codes of conduct”.
When asked by The Klaxon whether she stood by those claims from the Treasurer, Chester responded with: “Decline to comment”.
Chester is the most senior person remaining at the top of ASIC who is not personally involved in the serious “relocation” payments scandal.
Her fellow deputy chairman at ASIC, Daniel Crennan QC, who was appointed under Treasurer Frydenberg, resigned in October, shortly after the scandal was made public.
(Pic 2)
Crennan had received almost $70,000 in illegal payments towards the rent on his luxury Sydney home.
Despite even Frydenberg’s doctored “review” showing those rent payments were against the law - and Crennan himself admitting they were illegal - zero action has been taken against Crennan.
And despite Shipton charging taxpayers for personal “tax advice” at 60-times the legal limit - and the fact that ASIC covered up both cases of serious wrongdoing for over a year - he has also faced no action.
Shipton remains ASIC chair, earning a taxpayer funded salary of over $800,000 a year.
(Frydenberg has said Shipton, who is only just over halfway through his five-year tenure, will be replaced - but Frydenberg hasn’t explained why, given he also claims Shipton has done nothing wrong.)
By releasing his own heavily-redacted and re-worked version of the ASIC “review”, Frydenberg’s fudge led almost every major media outlet to falsely report that ASIC report had cleared Shipton and Crennan of wrongdoing.
(Pic 3)
This is entirely incorrect, as revealed and exposed in extensive detail
Remarkably, and despite The Klaxon’s extensive reporting proving otherwise over several months, The Australian Financial Review yesterday ran another front-page story falsely claiming Shipton and Crennan were “found to have done no wrong”.
Further, that same article accused Chester of having “launched a fusillade at her own chairman James Shipton” and as having “thrown shade at the deputy chair and enforcement chief, Daniel Crennan”.
The article makes no reference to the fact that the almost $200,000 in taxpayer funds the men received were illegal and that ASIC - under their watch - had covered up the scandal for over a year.
It also provides no evidence to back its suggestions that Chester had somehow acted inappropriately by indicating wrongdoing by both Shipton and Crennan.
As previously reported in detail, the version of Thom’s report released by Frydenberg on January 29 - which he used to claim Shipton had engaged in no wrongdoing - was very different to the version Thom had submitted to the government six weeks earlier, on December 17.
Highly-concerningly, it appears Frydenberg may have not even shared the original, un-doctored, version of the ASIC “review” with ASIC, the corporate corruption regulator.
When asked whether she had received a copy of the unreacted review, Ms Chester, via ASIC’s media unit, also replied “Decline to comment”.
(Pic 4-5)
The Coalition first released details of the alleged serious corruption at ASIC on October 23 - the morning after its aggressive and coordinated public attacks on Australian Post CEO Christine Holgate.
Predictably, the manufactured Holgate “scandal” heavily overshadowed the vastly more serious matters at ASIC.
In disclosing the ASIC matters on October 23 the Coalition indicated - and led the nation to believe - that it had only just become aware of them.
However as revealed by The Klaxon yesterday, not only had official concerns been raised behind-the-scenes for over a year, but the Coalition had secretly launched its ASIC “review” - including signing a $50,000 contract for it to be undertaken - over a week before its October 23 Holgate attacks.
Those attacks were led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison and followed-up immediately by Communications Minister Paul Fletcher and the then Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.
Despite its highly unusual, multi-pronged, October 22 attacks on Holgate, the Coalition provided no evidence supporting its claims of wrongdoing by Holgate.
An inquiry has since absolved her of any wrongdoing.
By contrast, the ASIC “review” in no way absolves, or clears in any way, Shipton and Crennan of serious wrongdoing.
Holgate, legally and within corporate guidelines, gave a total of $20,000 worth of Cartier watches as bonuses to four senior Australia Post executives.
The watches were worth an average of $5,000 each.
That was just 1/30th of the maximum $150,000 in bonuses she was legally entitled to allocate to each executive.
By contrast, ASIC chairman Shipton and his deputy Crennan received - themselves, personally - almost $200,000 in illegal benefits.
That’s the equivalent of about 40 “Cartier watches”.
(Pic 6)
While Frydenberg first released details of the ASIC matters on October 23, in the shadow of the manufactured Holgate “scandal”, AusTender documents show he had officially contracted the ASIC “review” over a week earlier, on October 15.
The Government contracted private Canberra company CPM Reviews to conduct the ASIC “review”.
It was prepared by Vivienne Thom, formerly Australia’s Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, who joined CPM Reviews after leaving the public service in 2015.
As previously reported in detail, the version of Thom’s report released by Frydenberg on January 29 - which he used to claim Shipton had engaged in no wrongdoing - was very different to the version Thom had submitted to the government six weeks earlier, on December 17.
As also revealed, Thom, after several years in her senior role at CPM Reviews, resigned from the company immediately after Frydenberg’s January 29 announcement.
No reason was given for Thom’s departure and CPM has repeatedly refused to comment.
More to come….
Source The Klaxon
1. Karen Chester ASIC, Corporate Regulation
2. Karen Chester’s response to The Klaxon via ASIC media manager Gervase Green
3. Literal fake news: January media reports claiming ASIC review “cleared” Shipton of wrongdoing. Source: Supplied
4. ASIC boss Chester refuses to back Frydenberg in stitch-up
Karen Chester is the last person standing at the helm of the corporate corruption watchdog who is not personally involved in serious alleged corruption. She is refusing to stand by the Federal Government’s claims that no wrongdoing has occurred.
5. Holgate sacrificed for Coalition "blue bloods": The smoking gun
When the Coalition launched its extraordinary attacks on Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate last October - over an incident which occurred two years earlier - it knew it was on the cusp of being engulfed in a completely seperate major scandal of its own.
6. How Christine Holgate was “thrown under the bus” by the Coalition. Source: The Klaxon

***So there we go...and the most immediately obvious point here...(apart from the fact that li'l Joshy 'Fraudenburg' Frydenburg is willingly and knowingly acting corruptly to cover-up his mate's corruption? apart from that?-Ed)...well, as well as that, sure...(and that ASIC, supposedly the 'Corruption Watchdog', that ASIC is so fundamentally corrupted that 2 of it's most senior officials are definably crooks?-Ed)...yeah yeah, but on top of all that are the two issues that would seem to confirm the 'gender issue' you raised earlier, namely, that 1) Ms Chester has been attacked in the finest Gas-Lighting Tradition, accused of acting inappropriately for speaking-out against this identifiable Institutionalised Corruption...(and 2) Ms Holgate was targetted as a convenient distraction from the ASIC Corruption-Ed)...exactly, and I cannot imagine either of these things being done to men within the LNP in that context it is misogyny, deliberately attacking and scape-goating women to protect corrupt men, namely, Shipton, Crennan, and Fraudenburg...

In previous TMGI posts we've stated that Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's unhinged attack on Ms Holgate was a crassly obvious act of misogynistic opportunism, laced with political expediency, that was about 2 main things...(getting rid of Ms Holgate 'cos she had very effectively saved Australia Post from it's financial woes and therefore potentially from being privatised by Scummo, something Ms Holgate publicly opposed-Ed)...for one, yes...(and to distract away from the rancidly corrupt $30million purchase of $3m worth of land at Leppington, amongst a litany of various other rorts/corruptionings-Ed)...yep, and in that second issue, it appears that we were in the ballpark, and even kickin' goals, but we missed the main goal, as identified above...with the benefit of this excellent article...(and with hindsight-Ed)...indeed, with this info and the resultant 'hindsight', the main game with attacking Ms Holgate was to try and distract from and even hide the Institutionalised Corruption within ASIC...(and Fraudenburg's related corrupt manipulation of the official report, etc-Ed)...yeah, to hide the collective corruption of ASIC and Fraudenburg...

And imagine the nation's surprise that those carefully deceitful attack-articles targetting Ms Chester, with a view to protecting Shipton, Crennan, and Fraudenburg, etc, embrace the collective disbelief that that would be spewed-out by the rancidly corrupt pro-LNP Murdoch media...(carefully ignoring the Truths known to it, and instead running corrupt pro-LNP  propaganda? those zany Murdochrians-Ed)...if by 'zany' you mean immoral corrupt stooges, sure, the 'zany Murdochrians'...(and I'd be fascinated to learn just exactly why Ms Thom 'resigned' when she did-Ed)...yeah, it's very curious timing isn't it...anyhoos , a huge thankyou to those involved in researching and producing this most excellent article, hope you don't mind I've 'copied' your work, but I couldn't have worded it better myself, kudos and cheers...

Tomorrow: More Religious Corruption, Surprisingly, With More LNP Support

Yay, it's not just the corrupt Pro-Paedophile Right Wing Pentecostal nutjobs and Lutherans and Catholics and Anglicans, et al, and how they're all supported by the equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt LNP, etc, etc, 'cos I've been reading about what stellar work the Greek Orthodox church has been perpetrating in the corruption firmament...(is that the stuff where they've been syphoning-off COVID19-related Federal Aged Care grants to buy their head honcho a luxury harbour-side apartment in Sydney?-Ed)...that's the one, some $30m worth of syphoning and a $6m apartment...(whilst the elderly in their alleged 'care' have been dying in droves due to COVID19 and substandard care?-Ed)...mate, I love religion, really I do...(and the Liberal Minister involved has received some sparkly medals from the church for his stirling service to the well-being of the Archbishop-Ed)...I love all of them, and I just wanna' hug 'em...(tightly?-Ed)...really, really tightly...  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and can you feel the love?...cheers and laters... 


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