Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Christine Holgate Has Been Set-Up And Betrayed By The Serial Liar Scott Morrison

Howdy y'all and welcome to another partially poached post...and here-in lies the exact sort of spot-on research and presentation that makes me an unabashed fanboy of (Ms?) Ronni Salt...whilst most people familiar with the Maniacal, Psychopathic Control Freak-ness and Spineless Scapegoating that PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison brings to everything he does...(and the Prosperity Gospel Fueled Bigotry and Ideological Hatred, don't forget the Prosperity Gospel Fueled Bigotry and Ideological Hatred-Ed)...yeah yeah, and the PGFBIH...(oh, and the Pentecostal Nutjob Misogynistic Insecurity Ideological Gender Hatred, don't forget that-Ed)...well yeah of course, I mean, you always include the PNMIIGH, that goes without saying...(fair call-Ed)...okay, so apart from the MPCFSS, the PGFBIH, and the PNMIIGH, what has Scott Morrison ever done for us?...(well he brought that Sickening Smug Leering Smirk that ya' just wanna' wipe of 'is dial with the flat of a shovel-Ed)...orrr yeah, he did bring that...(I wonder if anyone will notice that we've shamelessly ripped-off Monty Python's Life Of Brian 'What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us?' schtick?-Ed)...oh I wouldn't think so, but best not to mention it, just in case...(gotcha'! my lips are sealed-Ed)...

So anyhoos, most people familiar with Scummo's usual work, well we were immediately aware that what he did to Ms Christine Holgate, that was all about creating a distraction away from the gross corruption of the Liberal/National Party, a litany of bare-faced corruption being played-out daily in Parliament and in clear view of the ever-suffering public...(hey that's us!-Ed)...yes, us and everyone else...I'm not going to go through all of those various corruptionings again here, but I think the 'latest one' was the $30million purchase of some land worth $3m...whatevs, Scummo's pantomime-grade confected outrage at the Dispatch Box was transparently fake, including his ludicrous pseudo strongman staccato annunciation that he does, "She.Can.Go."...(hasn't he now denied ever saying that?-Ed)...well, denied that he publicly denigrated her and forced her out of her job, etc...(both of which he clearly, definably did-Ed)...well quite...Scummo stood-up in Parliament and ripped into Ms Holgate, demanding she quit/resign/"Go"/whatevs...

I, like many others, also saw an obvious sub-plot that had been playing-out prior to the 'Cartier Watches Scandal' beat-up...(a 'Scandal' that it turns-out was approved by multiple executives at Oz Post and was well within Ms Holgates legal remit to conduct, and therefore entirely appropriate and lawful!-Ed)...exactly, and just for those who are unawares, a coupla' years back Ms Holgate purchased 4 Cartier watches, total value $20,000, as reward/bonuses for executives who had landed a massively lucrative Banking Services Provision contract for Oz Post...and it was all legal and signed-off by several senior Oz Post executives, etc...and my immediate suspicions about this attack by Scummo and dismissal, and likely the genuine reason for Ms Holgate's sacking, was...(that Scummo hates women?-Ed)...well, sure, but apart from that...(he particularly hates and fears intelligent successful women? 'cos they make him look like the sub-standard stooge that he is?-Ed)...okay, sure sure, all of that, that Ms Holgate was/is an excellent CEO who had very professionally reversed the sagging fortunes of Oz Post, etc, but all of the Gender Hatred and Fear aside, it was that success, full stop, that really pissed-off Scummo and his LNP clown posse...

Scummo and the LNP have been angling for years to down-grade and sell-off Australia Post...(they sure have-Ed)...and on top of that, Ms Holgate was appointed by former PM Malcolm 'Smooth Operator' Turnbull...(ouch, it's the perfect storm isn't it? a professionally competent woman making Oz Post financially viable and even profitable, who was also   appointed by Turnbull-Ed)...indeed...(mate, she didn't have a hope-Ed)...not really, no...(Scummo clearly had the daggers out for her, and the Cartier watches re-birthed faux scandal was the exact 'justification' Scummo needed to do the whole hyperbolic confected outrage stuff-Ed)...indeed, it was a win/win/win for him wasn't it...1) be seen to be vehemently doing the 'strongman reacting angrily to outrageous corruption' routine, not least of all to 2) distract away from his gross incompetence and outright complicit involvement in multiple LNP rorts and thievery, and simultaneously 3) get rid of that troublesome woman who was rooting-up the 'Sell Oz Post Agenda'...(and he's just so bloody-mindedly obvious in his deceits and machinations as well-Ed)...yes he is...

What I hadn't realised/noticed was the extensive groundwork that Scummo and the subserviently complicit Main Stream Media had been doing for months in setting-up Ms Holgate...having said that, it comes as absolutely no surprise that Scummo's li'l meltdown in Parliament was preceded by an extensive campaign of deliberate disinformation and denigration in the pathetic MSM...and this is where I defer to Ronni Salt for her excellent Twitter thread/expose on the anti-Holgate media campaign leading upto Scummo's li'l Parliamentary performance...so here's the link, and please be taking the time to go right through it, and then share it with all and sundry...


Tomorrow: Just More LNP Corruption And Stoogery

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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