Thursday, October 1, 2020

Please Read This Fantastic Twitter Thread About Media Bias

Howdy dear availees...apologies for this latest gap in postings, not really sure what happened, hours become days becomes another week...anyhoos, today I'm just going to ask y'all to access and read this Twitter Thread, below,

It'll take a short while, and there are a few side-threads to access as well...I encourage y'all to read it through and pass it on to friends, particularly those who have been deceived and influenced by this atrociously corrupt sort of pseudo-journalism from these deliberately toxic sources...those of us who see it for what it is will not be surprised, and I'm confident that many who have been manipulated and get it explained to them thusly, those people will not appreciate being played for gullible suckers...I remember with great fondness one of the last conversations I had late last year with my now deceased father, a vocally antagonistic Liberal voter and denouncer of the ABC as being 'Leftie biased'...I carefully explained to him how the ABC 'gaslights' it's viewers by claiming to be "without bias or agenda", but continuously runs Liberal/National Party lies without challenging them, supports LNP talking points by framing questioning in that context, rarely holding the LNP guest to account if at all, etc, and then go at the Labor/Greens/whoevs interviewee asking angrily how they'd run the country, etc...when explained to him in those terms, he was truly pissed-off that 1) he'd been deceived, and 2) how easily it had been done...and mate, if my old man could make that realisation, then there's hope for most...

(Well even the otherwise excellent Mad As Hell political satire program partially 'gaslights' it's viewers by making constant self-deprecating criticisms about how 'Left' and 'Bolshy' it is, etc-Ed)...sure, but they do run a lot of stuff about the rankly corrupt LNP, and stuff that often gets studiously ignored by the Main Stream Media and the ABC's own 'genuine' news shows, eg, Minister Alan 'Nudge Nudge' Tudge being labelled a criminal by the Court...(yeah, fair call-Ed)...and they also have a fair bit of a go at Labor...(indeed, but there's still instances where the sarcasm/reverse reality stuff runs very close to just following MSM pro-LNP stories-Ed)...I take your point and I have had those same concerns, 'cos sometimes it's a very fine line in that context where the sarcasm/reverse reality jokes rely on the viewer having a pre-existing broad and informed understanding of the news events being referred to...but we digress...   

There's also heaps of great stuff to be accessed by following/viewing the #ThisIsNotJournalism and #Accuracy Matters Twitter pages...happy reading, and see y'all back here for a 'proper' post real soon...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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