Tuesday, October 20, 2020

And Yet More Media Pro-LNP Bias

Howdy dear availees, welcome to a super-short, one topic post, just 'cos I gotta' get this shizzle outta' my head...if y'all are here in Australia and particularly Melbourne/Victoria, y'all will be well aware of the concerted Liberal/National Party and Main Stream Media campaign to attack and undermine Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and his/Labor's COVID19 efforts...(well it's been typically partisan, just rail inanely bordering on insanely against anything that Labor does and support/promote every moronic stunt that the LNP stooges engage in, and ignore anything that might cast the LNP actions in a realistically poor light-Ed)...precisely put Ed, and the MSM are as complicit as the LNP stooges themselves, and this latest effort is simply superb in demonstrating all of these issues...yesterday (Friday 17th October 2020) on the ABC/BBC News Radio station I heard a lengthy replay of an interview from the ABC TV's Afternoon Briefing program...(oh gourd, here we go, Afternoon Briefing, let me guess, something about how Labor's the problem and/or Twitter users are nasty people who don't know what they're talking about-Ed)...yeah, you got it mate, great slathering serves of both...

I can't watch Afternoon Briefing with former Murdoch employee Patricia Karvelas, or in fact anything she's involved with because she has demonstrated an almost unwavering affection for the LNP, delivered with a holier-than-thou you grubby peasants sneer..(she's nearly as bad as that Michael Rowland sycophant who does the morning news-Ed)...mate, the MSM and particularly the ABC are literally filthy infested with these self-important stooges, who are either genuinely pro-LNP biased or simply more interested in protecting their precious jobs than holding the LNP to account for anything...eg, for years I've watched Jane Norman gush enthusiastically whenever discussing the LNP and then screw-up her face and spit out commentary about Labor or the Greens, etc...(and now we have David Speers destroying the credibility of the former flagship ABC Insiders program-Ed)...how many times have we seen critical issues critiqued only on Twitter and completely ignored on Insiders, or worse, jokingly brushed aside...for example, in the same week, PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison berated and ignored the Speaker of the House, Insiders brushed over it briefly with barely a word of comment let-alone any criticism...and then in response to health provision-focussed questions about women giving birth on a stretch of highway because they had to drive to another town due to lack of services in theirs, etc, Scummo made the cynically misogynistic comment about spending money on that highway's improvement...(wow-Ed)...and that was covered in a dismissively jokey manner as the weekly closing 'humourous observation' piece...(in a context where the program itself is the actual joke!-Ed)...

And I've watched Jane Norman get promotion upon promotion, far exceeding any actual talent, and now she's the ABC's go-to political commentator, eg, she was the 'host' for the ABC's coverage of the critical Eden-Monaro by-election, and her LNP loyalties and Labor contempt were on full display...(and Speersy mate, he was the lead 'commentator' wasn't he?-Ed)...yep, and infamously stated "we" when referring to the LNP's fortunes in that ultimately Labor-won election...and Janey was right on character, sneering and spitting about the Labor candidate and any reference to her/them, and smiling sweetly or furrowing her brow in intense concern for the fortunes of her precious Liberal candidate...it was an appallingly unedifying display of wholesale pro-LNP loyalties...(and isn't Norman accused of being in a relationship with LNP Attorney-General Christian 'Nail Em Up I Say' Porter?-Ed)...indeed, it's been all over Twitter and ne-ery a denial to be heard or seen...doesn't make it true just 'cos it's alleged, but there's a pattern of things being 'exposed' on Twitter that then are just left to hang, at the very least lending some credence to those accusations, eg, that it was LNP's Alex Hawke who was responsible for the Ruby Princess debacle by ordering/approving the disembarkation of COVID19 infected passengers 'cos his relatives were on board...this has been openly, repeatedly discussed on Twitter and deafening silence from Alex and Border Force, etc...   

Furthermore, Jane Norman is now (recently) also the Vice-President of the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery Committee, who decide who gets 'press accreditation' to be allowed to attend government press conferences, etc, and I was reading on Twitter where she's already been identified as blocking the 'accreditation' of one Twitter-based research journo 'cos he's critical of her beloved LNP...and it's also been exposed via Twitter that the Prime Minister's Office and/or senior federal Liberals have been contacting media and back-grounding them against Labor, eg, providing info from the supposedly confidential National Cabinet meetings, and/or directly giving them questions to ask...(and there's been several 'hot-mike' incidents where journos have been overheard discussing this stuff amongst themselves, and their phones are heard pinging during pressers as they get sent those questions, etc, etc-Ed)...and time-and-again it's only ever discussed on Twitter...(no wonder the pollies and journos hate Twitter so much-Ed)...yep, that's why they hate it, 'cos they're getting held to account right there in their precious little ivory towers... 

If you've ever listened to or watched a Dan Andrews press conference, and I've seen/heard bits and pieces of many, y'all will be fairly familiar with the often sub-intelligent biased badgering of alleged journalists like Rachel Baxendale, and more recently, Peta Credlin...and Rachel amongst others have quite rightly been called-out, frequently via Twitter, eg, Rachel tried to release a revised transcript of her question to Dan, adding several critical words that she didn't actually say, which then changed the entire context...(strewth-Ed)...and she used that altered account to attack him for chastising her about her actual original question, where-in she stated that "recommendations" to the Aged Care Royal Commission were "findings", and he called her out on that quantum leap...and last week it was former Tony Abbott senior advisor and SKY News rancid Right Wing stooge 'commentator' Peta Credlin inanely railing at Dan in long-winded rambling soliloquies, and repeatedly doing the gaslighting stuff of repeatedly asking about 'alleged' stuff or just stating the same untruthful thing, over and over and over, trying to make it an actual thing by repetition...and again Dan called her on it, naming it for exactly that, attempting to 'create truths by repetition'...

Two quick points...1) I do not agree with everything that Dan/Labor has done, and clearly there were mistakes in Hotel Quarantine and Aged Care...(albeit that Aged Care is actually a Federal responsibility-Ed)...indeed, another critical point that the MSM seems more than happy to ignore...I also take issue with some police actions in enforcing lockdown regulations, etc, but all of this comes in the context of a community-wide health emergency as part of a Global Pandemic...what cannot be denied is that Dan's/Labor's strategy over the last coupla' months has seen them control their 'Second Wave' in a successful way that no other country/jurisdiction has...statistics show that 3 months ago countries like France and the United Kingdom had almost exactly the same Daily Infection Rates, and Victoria is down to low single figures...(I think it was 1 today-Ed)...indeed, whilst these others have figures well above 10,000...it's a joyous (for Victoria) reality that cannot be denied, and yet the Liberals and the Murdochracy continue to rancidly attack Dan/Labor...(it's almost like the truth is irrelevant to Murdoch and the Liberals-Ed)...mate, it's their idiom, their entire modus operandi, it's all they know how to do, lie and lie and lie again, and then lie about lying...(and then lie about lying about lying-Ed)...yeah alright mate, don't push it...   

Point 2) I'm all for calling-out Murdoch gimp-simp-hacks for being exactly that, they've thoroughly earned that title and that abuse, etc, but I do not condone violent abuse and/or threats, especially anything that is gender-based, especially Rape threats, etc, that is fundamentally wrong...when I refer to Jane Norman as "an LNP fan-girl" that's 'cos she's a girl, and in that same context Phil Coorey is an LNP fan-boy...('cos he's a boy-Ed)...exactly, calling them corrupt idiots is just embracing my anger and frustration, etc, about the reality of their conduct...it is never okay to threaten violence, especially when it comes to Rape threats, etc, and those people who do should be held to account and charged accordingly, etc...

In Victoria, the ABC has been frequently 'reporting' the unhinged 'Dictator Dan' rant-stunts of professional gibbering idiot Liberal state MP Tim Smith, and effectively protecting him by not holding him to account in any of that 'reportage', and then they run this prize piece of rancid pro-LNP propaganda like it's some sort of story...it's pathetic, it's corrupt, and it's ABC-loody typical...here's the link to the We Love Dim Tim puff-piece...https://twitter.com/abcnews/status/1312176222458138627... and it's not just the childish nature of his taunts and rants, it's that it's unambiguously party politic posturing during the enormous problems of a global pandemic...he's using the crisis engulfing the entire state of Victoria to attack the Labor government and promote himself, and do so without any factual and/or scientific rationale...it's been entirely name-calling and anti-Labor disruptive, divisive emotive dog-whistling and button-punching...he's a git and that's the start and the finish of it, and the ABC has promoted and supported him with dross like this...(was it him that posted pictures of Jenny Mikakos's home and encouraged people to go there and protest?-Ed)...not sure, but he was responsible for releasing 'capture or kill cards' imitating the ones related to the hunt for Saddam Hussein...here's the link to a story about it...


But back to my original point, the Afternoon Briefing interview about an opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review, an interview that itself then became a 'news' item on the ABC/BBC 24 News Radio station...Patricia Karvelas interviewed Phil Coorey about his pathetically self-serving 'article' in which he compared the #IStandWithDan people to "a cult' and "Donald Trump supporters", etc...(oh gourd, not Coorey, of all the Murdoch simp-hacks he's arguably the worst-Ed)...indeed he is, perhaps not quite the worst but altogether appallingly pro-LNP biased, and not so much "simp" as 'gimp' I'd say...(indeed, a 'gimp-simp-hack'-Ed)...hthey went on to whinge about the people on Twitter who say not nice things about them and other journos...here's the full interview, go to about 14:00mins, and this'll be available apparently until 30th October 2020, so check it out...please note the pro-Gladys Berejiklian puff piece just before this, excusing her openly corrupt conduct and relationship with disgraced former MP Daryl Maguire...


I make the critical point that the #IStandWithDan "movement" came about in response to the moronic 'journalism' at Dan Andrews pressers, and Tim Smith's and Liberal Michael 'Who?' O'Brien's rancid personal attacks and the Murdoch minions corruptly pro-LNP biased 'reportage' of the COVID19 Second Wave, and federal Liberal's like Scummo and Josh Frydenburg attacking Victoria, etc, etc...the broader 'abusive' criticism of the wholly pathetic Murdoch-compromised MSM, criticism often expressed on Twitter, that 'abuse' is in itself an absolutely valid response, an absolutely valid expression of people's exasperation and frustration and anger about that Murdoch-controlled pro-LNP bias and deceit and manipulation of Australia's Main Stream Media and the ABC, and what that's done to destroy genuine Democracy in our country...dear Phil, mate, if you don't wanna' cop flack for being a biased Murdoch gimp-simp-hack, easy, don't be a biased Murdoch gimp-simp-hack... 

Tomorrow: FARC Hub Costs Unknown

Not my words mate, that's a front page quote from the resurrected The Border Watch newspaper, stating that Mt Gambier City Council doesn't actually know where the cost will eventually go...(and doesn't that article also repeat the claim that 'secret documents' show that it's not blown-out to merely $57million but actually more like $64m. minimum-Ed)...yep, but apparently even that's a best scenario guesstimation...(wow, we are screwed-Ed)...indeed we are, unless of course you're on the inside of this farcically corrupt project...(and I thought we were gunna' do a post about The 2020Budget: A Case Study In Ideological Hatred?-Ed)...yep, I'll try to get to that, and it does tie-in nicely with the rancid pro-LNP bias of the MSM and ABC where-in they are reporting how well this Budget has been   received...(well accept of course by all the people/sectors that have been royally screwed over-Ed)...exactly...

And if their own conduct wasn't actually the story, the ABC's QandA program last evening was on the evils and disinformation, etc, of Social Media...(laugh I nearly-Ed)...note how in these increasingly frequent 'discussions about Evil twitter and disinformation, etc, no-one ever mentions the bloated old elephant in the room, the wholly deceitful and agenda-ed Murdoch media and how they lie and manipulate on behalf of their LNP mates, indeed, it's Murdoch's business model...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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