Thursday, October 15, 2020

Surprisingly, Just More Corruption Stuff

Howdy y'all and welcome again to my own personal Ground Hog Day (the movie)...again it's another week gone streaming past that seems like only a coupla' days...really not sure what's happening, only know that it is...been doing some stuff, eg, gym sometimes, dog park, written a coupla' letters, etc, but nowhere near enough stuff to account for the 'missing' time...(tell us about one of those letters then-Ed)...well, as y'all know dear availees, I'm still tryin' to get access to the recordings/transcripts of my "bizarre trial" for breaching ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) legislation...(well "bizarre trial" is a very polite way of describing what is definably a massive exercise in Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution via orchestrated Political, SAPol (police), and Judicial Corruptionings-Ed)...well quite, and the shenanigans continue, with me now being required to sign-off on my acceptance of a series of intensely restrictive conditions that effectively/potentially deny me any opportunity to use those recordings in any capacity...(but I thought you'd been given access to them already?-Ed)...well yeah but nah, let me explain...

Back in March 2020 I was finally told, 'yes you can go into Mt Gambier Courthouse to listen to those recordings, it'll take a while 'cos there's lots, but we'll let you know when they're ready'...(yeah, that's what I thought-Ed)...and by August I still hadn't heard anything...(oh-Ed) I contacted then again, and that's when I was told, literally the next day, that 'all 21 hours of the recordings are ready, let us know when you can come in'...("21 hours"? that doesn't sound like much, not from 3 years worth of 'Trial'-Ed)...which is exactly what  I wrote back inquiring about, and was told that they'd 'missed all of 2015', and they'd rectify that and get back to me...(missed a whole year? but even then, that was only brief Pre-Trial Conference hearings, I don't reckon that accounts for all of the 'missing time', I mean, there were 8 full days of Trial alone-Ed)...absolutely...(even if we only allow say, 4 hours per day, that's over 30 hours right there-Ed)...yep, and several of those days were 6 hours or longer...(that's what I thought, so what's happened to the other hours?-Ed)...indeed, I share your concerns, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see...anyhoos, here's the main point...

When I've requested clarification about these restrictions/conditions, eg, where are these legislated?, the response was/is 'the Magistrates Court Act 1991 Section 51', which I have attached just below, and the rest of Section 51 is available at this link, sort of, hopefully, or just Interweb search it;


51—Accessibility to Court records

        (1)         Subject to this section, the Court must, on application by any member of the public, allow the applicant to inspect or obtain a copy of—

            (aa)         any process relating to proceedings and forming part of the Court's records;

            (a)         a transcript of evidence taken by the Court in any proceedings;

            (b)         any documentary material admitted into evidence in any proceedings;

            (e)         a transcript of reasons for judgment (including remarks made by the Court on passing sentence);

            (f)         a judgment or order given or made by the Court

It is my understanding that only Subsection (1) applies to the material I have requested, and that any restrictions in other Subsections are therefore nor relevant...also, I have previously received some transcripts but there were no conditions placed upon my receipt of those...but the main point I'd like to make here, as indeed I have in my latest correspondence, is that opening line stating that "the Court must, on application...allow the applicant to inspect or obtain a copy of"...(but you've been 'applying' for years, since February 2016, and it's even noted in the Court's own official Certificate of Record back in 2017-Ed)...indeed, at least twice, and that Subsection legally precedes the similar legislation that says that I should have been given access/copies when I indicated that I was trying to lodge an Appeal Application back in April 2018...(well how can you prepare an Appeal Application without having the transcripts to refer to?-Ed)...well how indeed, I think that's the point of that legislation...bottom line, there are at least two legislated directives that show that I should already have my recordings/transcripts, yet here I am, October 2020 and still fighting...

I have received the transcripts from the actual 'Trial' dates before Magistrate White, but they have clearly been censored/edited to remove or minimise critical material, and there's so much stuff from the many PTC hearings...(you mean like when you caught the SAPol Prosecutions straight-out lying about when you were supposedly 'Charged'?-Ed)...yeah, exactly like that, where I caught Prosecutions lying and Magistrate White just waved it away as irrelevant...(yeah but surely, I mean, if they lied about that, what else have they lied about?-Ed)...exactly, and that all ties-in with the fact that the ICAC Act 2012 was changed in November 2014, after I was raided and supposedly 'Reported' in May 2014 but before I was allegedly 'Charged' in January 2015 and my 'Trial' started in February 2015 without me being 'Charged' or 'Summonsed' or even made aware at all that the 'Trial' was happening...(wow, now that's some seriously organised corruption right there, before your 'Trial' even shreckin' began!-Ed)...exactly, and then there's my very own personal ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'...(and then Magistrate Anderson bailing-out mid-Trial November 2016, citing 'Abuse of Process' issues, but then Magistrate White gets parachuted-in and on goes the 'Trial' anyways-Ed)...yep, how does that happen? what happened to SAPol's "Abuse of Process"?...(and the bizarre failed attempt by Corrections SA to have you gaoled-Ed)...yeah, that too...and now there's a raft of what looks like special rules especially pour moi...(well you are a very special boy, I've always said that-Ed)...I feel special mate, really I do...  

But enough about that for now 'cos it's still very much ongoing...(ongoing going-ons-Ed)...well quite...and whilst my "bizarre trial" exposes rampant corruption in the SA ICAC and Parliament under Labor...(we're now equally corrupt under the Liberals, so it's comparing Apples and equally rotten Apples-Ed)...fa' shizzle, it ain't about a few bad apples spoiling the whole barrel, one has to be rotten to get in the barrel in the first instance...(an old joke very appropriately applied-Ed)...indeed, 'cos one never needs to look to far nor for too long to find other issues, and with all that's gone on in the Liberal/National Party Criminal Cabal of Serial Rorters, Grifters, Counterfeiters, Frauds, and Thieves, it's always a good time to do a quick review of some of that stuff, and this brief account has been doing the rounds on's not as comprehensive as some of the tables we've previously copied/posted, but it's still a terrific read...(just terrific-Ed)... 

And then there's the stuff with Alan 'Cricket' Tudge being supported by Attorney General Christian Porter...if y'all aren't familiar with this story, this is well worth looking at...a Court, Justice Geoffrey Flick, has ruled that by his (Tudgies') egregious conduct, the Tudgemeister has "unlawfully deprived a person of his liberty", an act that is "criminal"...(just Interweb search 'Tudge criminal conduct'-Ed)...indeed, and The Big Teasy himself has dismissed this official Court ruling as "commentary"...(hey mate, I've got a commentary I'd like to share with the T-Man-Ed)...I don't doubt you have Ed, and I'm sure that many thousands of Australians have very similar commentary, but let's not potentially compromise the viability of this 'ere blog, and just take your 'commentary' as given...(I'm just sayin' that all these LNP crooks oughtta' get locked-up, preferably on Christmas Island, and then left there after a Magistrate rules they are to be released-Ed)...yeah, but then the LNP's Rascist Dog-Whistling Scape-goat Sri Lankan family that the LNP has dumped there so it can demonstrate just exactly what Rascist hard men they are when it comes gaoling Children of Colour, then that poor family would have to endure these rancid simps...(mmm, fair  point-Ed)...    
I also note that it's just kickin'-off, again, with New South Wales Liberal Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and yet another revelation about the $150million icare scandal, namely, that a USofA 'consultant' being paid a motza and icare executives doing promotional videos for a USofA company...(just go to the link mate-Ed)...oh yeah, here's the link to The Sydney Morning Herald...
...and everybody's ever so sorry and gee whiz and golly, but what should really happen...(is off to Christmas Island with ya's!-Ed)...indeed, or any gaol will do really, just so long as it's a good hard sueing to reclaim all those missing/squandered $$$millions, then off to clinky...and here's another not-so-amusing look at how the LNP rolls...(over propriety and truth and common human decency?-Ed)...exactly...
We hear a lot of announcements from Scott Morrison - this is what he actually delivered in September.
And just this week the reality has really hit the fan in New South Wales where it's been spectacularly exposed in that state's ICAC that Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian has been in a 5-year long "personal relationship" with 'disgraced' former Minister Daryl Maguire...(well I wouldn't believe rumours and innuendo, especially in ICAC-Ed) was Gladys herself who suddenly fessed-up to the relationship...(riiight, well then, I guess it's probably true-Ed)..."probably true"?...(well you know how I struggle to believe anything any politician says about anything, most especially the Liberal/National Party, they're just such a collective of pathological liars-Ed)...well I'd reckon that it's a very healthy and appropriate attitude to have...(and whilst it's a big call from aways-out in left field, it occurs to me that there's a whole bunch of other stuff goin' on in NSW that the LNP would be keen to distract away from right now-Ed)...fair call, and Gladys is refusing to accept that she's done anything wrong...(well she did lie in ICAC, and that ain't good-Ed)...sure, but it remains to be seen if she will be held to account for that, which ain't happened yet...(fair call-Ed)...this story has legs though, so we'll undoubtedly return to it...     
And just to round it all out today, supposedly exonerated Child Molestor and career paedophile protector George Pell has bolted out of the country back to the Vatican and is doing photo-ops with the Pope...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: More FARC Stuff

Ooo! just now listening to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle...(former-Ed)...what?...(former CEO, he's quit and done a bolter back to Murray Bridge-Ed)...but he's on the ABC Radio South East right now...(yep, and he was on yesterday morning too, droning-on about the MGCC 'Special Meeting' Tuesday night-Ed)...but last week he was unavailable supposedly 'cos he was allegedly "on leave"...(do you seriously believe anything any of these clowns have to say?-Ed)...yeah, fair point, my bad...but let's close with some classic quotes from The Peddler..."my people skills and my management skills"...(FARC development 'team') "the best and the brightest"..."disappointed not to see completion"..."time for me to move on"...(ABC question re QandA in Lifestyle One magazine...should Council do more homework?)..."Council was blackmailed (by) Federal government (who) said it had to be done" (the funding application)...(hey! but that's an outright lie, Liberal MP Tony Pasin said aways back in 2018 that 'it's no biggie if we miss out, we can apply next year'-Ed)...yeah, I know...(to say that Council was "blackmailed", it's an absolute lie, Council deceived and threatened and blackmailed Ratepayers!-Ed)...I know, I know...
And he went on and on, all about his commitments to his family, blah, blah, blah, but I can't quite get my head around the fact that apparently Barbara Cernovkis will be appointed interim CEO as of November (3rd?)...(well who's gunna be the CEO until then?-Ed)..I'm assuming it's still The Peddler, but who knows, maybe no-one...(and what about all the time and energy and money that's gunna' be wasted recruiting another CEO?-Ed)...dunno'...(and what penalty does Handy Andy face for breaking his 5-year contract?-Ed)...dunno, the ABC didn't ask, no-one has as best I can tell...(huh! yet another pathetically simpering Dorothy Dixer interview from the ABC-Ed)...indeed, they don't even bother to attempt the basics of interviewing someone, they just trot out the lame questions, carefully avoiding any compromising issues, and don't challenge the obvious lies...
Language Warning:...And hoo-fuckin'-rah! the charges/investigation against the ABC journos re the Afghan Files, those charges have been dropped...not going to go into details here, but it includes raids on the ABC and journo Dan Oakes' home, etc...(but there still remains the spectre of the Big Angry Stick of Retribution being waved in journos faces if they expose official corruption-Ed) on...(and the whistle-blower soldier involved is still facing decades in gaol-Ed)...exactly, it's a fuckin' Fascist threat-fest against Whisleblowers and those whom report for and/or support them, hence the highly sarcastic "hoo-fuckin'-rah"...this situation should never have existed at all, it's a stupidly naive thing to just celebrate that it's supposedly over...(the fact that it even happened means that it's never over-Ed)...exactly...End Language Warning.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I am Petitioner 249214 for the KRMRCP...(remarkable coincidence that Kevin Rudd's Murdoch Royal Commission Petition immediately goes berko gang-busters, and within days up bobs our mate and Channel 9 stooge Ray Martin with a spookily similar 'petition'-Ed)...exactly...(complete with frequent TV ads-Ed)...indeed, and I'd be havin' a real good look at exactly who is behind this, eg, Prime7, WINTV, etc, before I'd consider it a genuine campaign rather than a distraction from Rudd's, particularly given that Murdoch has just shut many dozens of 'regional media outlets'...(whooo, and you call me a cynic-Ed)...and it took me days and multiple attempts just to register and vote my support, what issues were at play there? was it just that the site was inadequate? was there some sort of interference? who knows...anyhoos, cheers and laters...

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