Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I See A Sea Of Corruption, But No I-C-A-C In Sight

 Howdy y'all dear availees, and yes I know, it's been another 8 days since my last post, again, but I still can't explain exactly where that time went so suddenly, again...anyhoos, here we are and here we go with a bit of a cut-'n'-paste post about/from some of the people I trust to tell me the truth...(in a context where the Main Stream Media, including the ABC, are almost wholly consumed by there pro-LNP bias-Ed)...well indeed, in that context where the MSM and ABC have made themselves 'non-believable' and fundamentally irrelevant, and it's the Twitterati whom have repeatedly brought the reality to the fight...

To put the whole time-slipping/Depression thing into context, I'd like to share a small celebration of mine regarding the Disability Support Pension...(well I'd have thought that defeating the 'We Want Him Gaoled' bastardry of Corrections SA, that would be cause for celebration-Ed)...yeah sure, a huge win, in albeit ridiculously nonsensical circumstances where the Corrections SA Affidavit itself carefully explained why I'd been exempted/excused from doing the 260hrs of Community Service they were subsequently trying to have me imprisoned for not doing...(BOING!-Ed)...yes, it's a tightly wound spring of self-defeating ridiculousness, but there's still that over-hanging threat of impending doom...(particularly given how bizarrely corrupt your original trial was, most especially the wholly corrupt conduct of Magistrate Ian White!-Ed)...exactly, and there was always the potential/possibility/concern that Magistrate Panagiotidis would consider the whole thing too confusing and/or problematic, and send it back to Magistrate White for him to sort out...(and he'd no doubt have continued in exactly the same massively biased and definably corrupted manner he had previous like-Ed)...not a doubt in my mind mate, he'd have happily dismissed/ignored the glaringly obvious and gleefully gaoled me...regardless, that's now officially "resolved", but the related stress will take some time to recover from...given the ludicrousness of the exercise, I'd be easily convinced that causing me stress was the main motivation, and actually getting me gaoled would just have been a huge bonus in that same context...     

But I digress, 'cos I just wanted to identify the sense of relief bordering-on joy that I experienced this week when I received my DSP card, effectively renewing my DSP for another 2 years...and with that comes the feeling of security and support...same coin, opposite side, what is going on in my life that I'm happy to be on the DSP for another 2 years?...(well it's probably 'cos you realise that there are many others who should be getting that level of support, but instead are being dumped on other things like JobSearch/Newstart-Ed)...fair call...and whilst the DSP is a poverty-level payment relative to Australia, I've always remained focussed on the fact that globally-speaking it's a fantastic support in the context where many countries provide far less or just zilch...said it often before, how fortunate and genuinely grateful I am to be a DSP recipient and Housing Trust (public housing) tenant, because of the relative support and stability they provide...and as always, I acknowledge the life of relative luxury and privilege I have enjoyed simply for being born White and a Man in a Stolen Land...solidarity brothers and sisters...  

I See A Sea Of Corruption:...that is fathomlessly deep and has no horizon, indeed, we have in Australia a Political System of Organised Professional Criminality as a system of Government...and that certainly ain't helpin' my stress levels...for example, when and IF I finally get allowed access to my own transcripts...(that's a big 'IF'-Ed)..indeed it is, it's a massive 'IF' 'cos the Courts Administration Authority is now demanding I sign-off on never using those transcripts, and stating that I can't have the many Pre-Trial Conference transcripts, etc, etc...and all of that aside, even if I do get that stuff, who am I going to go to with this incrementally provable litany of Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution masquerading as a trial in a climate where the ultimate 'Authorities' are flat-strap committing their own multiple Corruptionings?...and 'cos I couldn't say it better myself, here's a terrific piece by Bernard Keane on/at Crikey...

Gladys D'Spair The Bi-Polar Bear:...and Crikey does some other excellent work in this area too...I fully concur with their observation that the wholly compromised New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has worked very hard to turn her duplicitous corruption issues with her 'secret boyfriend' Daryl Maguire into a case of 'good woman done wrong by her dodgy man'...(I love the 'Mills and Boons' descriptor, I think that beautifully encapsulates this very deliberate  faux-feminism non-accountability strategy that Gladys is employing-Ed)...indeed, her and the MSM...and for those livin' under a rock and/or on a different planet, the NSW Premier has been in a "personal relationship" with disgraced ex-NSW LNP politician 'Dazzling' Daryl for 5-7 years...(yeah, even the time-frame seems to change every few days-Ed)...indeed, but the NSW ICAC has been investigating Dazza' for suspected/alleged corruption after he was dumped from NSW parliament 2 years ago for said corruption...(and Gladys only 'dumped' him about 2 months ago after she was called to give evidence at the ICAC-Ed)...indeed again, and it's only one of many seemingly unanswerable questions and/or indefensible issues about this relationship that the MSM and ABC have allowed Gladys to just walk away from...if she threw him out of Parliament/the LNP 2 years ago for 'Corruption', then how can she have continued in their 'secret relationship' and simultaneously claim to not know about his corrupt dealings? simply doesn't make sense... 

Is Faux-Feminism Worse Than Genuine Misogyny?:...furthermore, Gladys's recent publicly broadcast evidence to the ICAC, following her initial 'In Camera' evidence of 2 months back, she suddenly publicly super-casually 'fessed-up to the relationship, then openly and repeatedly lied about, when questioned about Dazza's dealings with a company Gladys repeatedly replied that she didn't even know what that company was, and then ICAC played a phone-tap of her discussing that company with Dazza...(and then there's her comment made when discussing a commission Dazza's due courtesy of some dodgy land deal, "That’s good. I don’t need to know about that bit." dodgy is that? she's clearly aware of the inappropriateness of what's being discussed and knowingly trying to avoid any direct knowledge/responsibility-Ed)...well quite, and here's how Janine Berrett at Crikey has covered this issue...

Well quite frankly dear availee, you could just do as I do and spend quite some time on Crikey 'cos they do a very fine line in investigative journalism and accurate editorialising...(and by "fine line" we mean 'excellent product'-Ed)...yes, good quantifying Ed, 'cos "fine line" as it applies to Gladys's conduct is the vapour-thin difference between 1) her knowing about Dazza's corruption and being complicit by association and/or non-action, etc, and 2) her simply being directly involved in that corrupt conduct...(yep, and it is at best a theoretical line not an actual one 'cos both issues are definably corrupt-Ed)...excellent point again Ed...(and then that line entirely disappears in a puff of credibility when it comes to Gladys handing-out 90% of $250million of grants to LNP or marginal seats, and then allegedly shredding all associated paperwork and allegedly deleting all digital/electronic records-Ed)...yep, the 90% is classic LNP 'Sports-Rorts'-style corruption, using Taxpayers' monies for grossly political pork-barrelling/bribes...and I assume you use "allegedly" 'cos it's potentially a back-peddling strategy/excuse to hide the fact that there wasn't any appropriate records in the first instance...(bingo! it's very difficult to prove that something that admittedly doesn't exist now 'cos it was allegedly destroyed ever existed at all-Ed)...and no matter how you break that down, it's rancidly corrupt...

And true to form the MSM has all-but ignored this massively corrupt rort...(enter the ABC's woefully corrupted Insiders who in the week this document-destroying issue exploded across Twitter and to a far lesser degree the broader national media landscape, Insiders didn't even mention it-Ed)...and now the former SKY News hack and unambiguous Right Wing Fan Boy, Insiders host David Speers, they've got him doing the ABC's Morning News program for several's where the Professional Corruption manifests as the appointment of complicit cronies who will run cover and/or deflection for their corrupt buddies...Speers absolutely personifies what Bernard is writing about... 

Language Warning:...'cos there's only one thing worse than watching/hearing that fiscal simp Liberal 'Treasurer' Josh Frydenburg using parliament to "congratulate Victorians" for 'beating the COVID-19 second wave', and before he's even finished that sentence, launch into yet another shouty, unhinged ideological rant about how it's all Dan Andrew's fault, and the damage Dan's supposedly done, etc, etc, particularly regarding Mental Health, including talking about "a friend of a friend who committed suicide"...(way to go Josh you fucking arsehole, using suicide as a political tool to attack someone, prick!-Ed)...when he's not hiding his own corruption by making false accusations and frothing well rehearsed faux-outrage about the 'Anti-Semitic motivations' of those whom criticise him...(oh yeah, he's a class act through and through-Ed)...and now he's blaming people's Mental Health issues on Dan Andrews...(well when it comes to what's really negatively impacted on people's Mental Health issues, I'd suggest that it's been the rabidly politicised bastardry of LNP gimps like Scotty and Joshy and Gladys and Greg Hunt and Tim Wilson and Tim Smith and Michael O'Brien and numerous other LNP luminaries, and their simpering sycophant mates in the MSM like Rachel Blaxendale and Peta Credlin and any of the career loons at Murdoch or on SKY News TV, etc, etc, it's been their wholly agenda-driven attacks and fear-mongering and faux-outrage about the shut-down, etc, it's their outrageously self-serving politicised attacks that have done far more damage to people than any shut-down or even the COVID-19 itself!-Ed)...

Ongoing Language on Ed, it would be an entirely different story if these fucking idiots had supported the shut-downs and restrictions, etc, all of which have proven to be extraordinarily successful, to the degree that Dan and Victorians are being globally acknowledged and praised for what they have managed to achieve...(exactly, imagine if the LNP/MSM fuck-knuckles had supported their communities and the lock-downs and called for calm and cooperation instead of their crass political opportunism of ratchetting-up the fears and pushing/provoking people to fight against this winning strategy, etc-Ed)...exactly mate...(imagine if people felt supported and secure that the Shut Down stuff was the right way to do things, how much better would have how many people handed it?-Ed)...again, I absolutely concur...(and outside of that, for all the possible faults and failings, the facts remain that 1) the majority of deaths occurred in privately owned Aged Care facilities, that 2) are a Federal responsibility-Ed)...yep, both critical issues the MSM/ABC continue to ignore...if anyone is responsible for increased Mental Health problems/issues in Victoria it's the fucking LNP and their simpering MSM lapdogs...            

If Only It Could Get Worse:...and not letting me down, SKY News's font of self-important political syphilis, our mate Chris Kenny managed to drag the wholly abusive Ranting Right Wing Nut Job Cluster Fuck that is SKY News (After Dark) to a mind-numbing new low when he blamed Dan Andrews personally for the deaths of 4 infants in Adelaide...(fuck me!-Ed)...yep, because SA Health cannot/will not provide those highly specialised services here, babies are sometimes transferred to either Sydney or Melbourne, and because of COVID-19 restrictions, these transfers have not been happening...and Chris 'Yphilis' Kenny, in his rabid stampede to attack Dan, conveniently plows right past the fact that the Liberal Premiers of SA and NSW have responsibilities here, if indeed anything could have been done to avoid these distressing losses...but whatever the broader issues of service provision, accountability, etc, the fact remains that this low fucking prick used the extreme trauma of several families to try and prosecute his wholly partisan political attack...

(And that one worse thing would be...?-Ed)...oh yeah, our smirking PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison openly attacking Dan Andrews, demanding opening borders, etc, but then when the Shut Down proves effective Scotty suddenly about-faces and takes credit for what has been achieved in Victoria by repeatedly using language like "we"...(what a prick!-Ed) put it politely...(I'm very much feeling the love for Scummo's latest nickname-Ed)...'Crime Minister'?...(nope-Ed)...errr, 'Scotty From Marketting'?...(nice but nuh-Ed)...'I Don't Hold The Hose Mate'?...(well that's not so much a nickname as it is an actual quote of what he said in excusing his buggering-off to Hawaii during the horrendous 2019/20 Bushfire Disaster-Ed)...ummm, 'Scotty The Simp'?...(another beauty but no, I'm referring to Scott 'Blister' Morrison-Ed)..."'Blister'"?...(yeah, he only appears after all the hard work is done-Ed)...oh snap! that is so scythingly accurate, I love it...

Tomorrow: Either Another FARCticle Or The 2020 Budget Bastardry

Either which-way it's another delightful cavalcade of Nepotism, Corruption, and Ideological Bastardry courtesy of the rancidly corrupt LNP...(ah that's right, the whole FARC debasco (debacle/fiasco) was/is the creation of federal Liberal MP Tony Pasin, and the federal funding comes from one of several LNP 'Sports-Rorts'-style funding initiatives, also with funding from the SA Liberals-Ed)...and as relentlessly shoved onto Ratepayers by a wholly deceitful Liberal cabal in Mt Gambier City's wall-to-wall Liberal fuckery that will be (is) awash with vastly over-priced consultants and jobs for mates, etc, etc, and will forever and a day be the focus of one long self-congratulation by these same lying Liberal crooks who have deceitfully forced this vastly stupid White Elephant Money Pit on Mt Gambier...End Language Warning...(about time-Ed)...

And in closing, I'd like to defer to Monty Python's Life Of Brian which has yet again proven to be a deeply insightful dissertation on the Human Condition, this time regarding Gladys's disingenuous bleating about how she's just another good woman done wrong by a dodgy man...take it away Brian's mum..

"Promised me the known world he did. I was to be taken to Rome, House by the Forum. Slaves. Asses' milk. As much gold as I could eat. Then, he, having his way with me had... voom! Like a rat out of an aqueduct."

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...(oh I get it now-Ed)...what?...(well the title pun thingy that you do-Ed)...yeah, and...?...(well, some people pronounce the Independent Commission Against Corruption as 'Ike -Ack', but others say 'Icey-Acey', or as you have "I See A Sea", nicely done sir-Ed)...annnnd?...(ummm...oo oo, something about how there's not likely a federal ICAC "in sight", whilst referring to your personal 'insight' as to how a corrupt ICAC operates in a corrupt system, but others can't seem to see it?-Ed)...near enough mate, well done...

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