Friday, November 6, 2020

#I Stand With Kate (Amoroso) Mt Gambier City Councillor

Howdy dear availees...I know that I've been saying it a fair bit lately, but yet again I'm not exactly sure where the last week disappeared to...anyhoos, I'm just gunna' do this quick post and then go again asap and try to move forward like a recent post I referred to Mt Gambier City Council as "Liars, Crooks and Thieves", or words to that affect...(close, September 6th, "The $57M FARC - MGCC Are Crooks, Thugs and Liars"-Ed)...indeed, we quibble over terms...and nothing defines that Crookedness, Thuggery and Liarness better than MGCC's appalling treatment of Councillor Kate Amoroso...(particularly the conduct of that sick Liberal Party puppy and fellow MGCCouncillor Ben Hood-Ed)...yeah, he's a real piece of, well I'm going to say 'work', but y'all use whatevs descriptor you's think is most appropriate...(well I've got a few, most of which involve bodily functions-Ed)...mmm, and from what I'm reading on Social Media commentary, you ain't Robinson Crusoe...

Now I have known Ms Amoroso pretty much since I moved to Mt Gambier 20 years ago, our kids attended the same kindy, but I wouldn't say we're 'mates' in the Aussie sense, ie, we don't socialise, fact, I have been very 'questioning' of her move to politics, eg, I was initially very cautious bordering on cynical when she got involved with Nick Xenophon...(and if you don't know who that is, Interweb search it, but aways back in 2006-07 he was involved with families trying to get action about "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School-Ed)...indeed, literally the last thing he did in SA Parliament before going into the Federal Senate, was to help establish the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, a SARC Inquiry that self-identifies as being prompted/justified by the TRB's problematic handling of their Dorling Inquiry (March 2003 - November 2004)...("problematic"? wow, that's being wildly generous, especially for you-Ed)...well I'm just basically trying to report that SARC Inquiry as accurately and dispassionately as possible...(and your actual opinion of the actual TRB Inquiry?-Ed)...not my opinion, straight fact, the TRB were/are a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt disgrace who, in the Dorling/St Martins Inquiry, accepted Dorling's 'defence' that our 7 year old kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them, and let him off scot-free...but we digress...

But as per usual, I am delighted to be proven 'wrong' in the sense that Cr Amoroso is as clearly genuine and committed to her community as the rest of MGCC are bent, thuggish liars...I have had several people express to me their admiration for and appreciation of Ms Amoroso for her efforts, eg, her work with issues of addiction, including her positive influence in specific individual cases...(and kudos mate for yet again embracing your errors and/or misjudgements and/or personal biases, etc, and being prepared to openly acknowledge and modify them-Ed)..well, as I've repeatedly said, I ain't interested in thinking I'm 'right', I'm borderline Narcissistically-obsessed with being 'correct'...(and could there be a more positive application of Narcissism?-Ed)...dunno', but whatevs, just as MGCC's appalling attitude and bullying, abusive conduct towards her defines them as Thugs and Crooks, so the exact same conduct defines Cr Amoroso as being genuine and community focussed...(I see, they're attacking her 'cos she's honest and acting to support Ratepayers and the broader Citizenry, not motivated by personal greed, Nepotism, Insider Trading, and any of the other Institutionalised Corruptionings that otherwise define MGCC, she ain't in the Crooked Crew so she's gotta' go-Ed) on mate, spot on...

At it's most basic, not including various other similar issues/interactions, there are two main issues at play here, and one clearly precipitates the other, namely;

1) Nearly a year ago Cr Amoroso tried to get MGCC to publicly disclose the massive cost blow-out of the wholly corrupted Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (FARC) project...(the $18million blow-out from $39m to $57m, or the $25m blow-out to $64m?-Ed)...fascinating question Ed, asked with just the right amount of seething sarcasm, 'cos the $39m to $57m to $64m is in-and-of itself a perfect descriptor for exactly how disingenuous and corrupted MGCC have been in shoving the FARC down Ratepayer's throats with a litany of weasel-word deceits and outright lies...(yep, even when they eventually fessed-up to $57m, that was a lie, a $7m lie!-Ed)...a $7m minimum lie, it'll likely go even higher...(yep, minimum $7m, and they knew it!-Ed)...and of course MGCC voted against Cr Amoroso's 'Disclosure Motion' with deceitful pseudo-justifications about 'Contract Confidentiality', etc...bottomline, MGCC knew about the blow-out at least a year ago, and given how deceitful they have been (are), it's highly likely this was their genuine intent/plan right from the off aways back in early 2018...(well given their carefully manipulated Development Plan Application that identifies a '$40m box sans fittings and fixtures', etc, this 'blowout' really does look like a deliberate construct that starts at the start, so to speak-Ed)...indeed, and we've discussed this in previous posts, but again we digress...

2) Cr Amoroso has had a major health issue, including as I understand it, several major surgeries and a lengthy period in hospital...I cannot say where her health is currently, but I do know that she did provide Council with a Medical Certificate, or the equivalent, whatevs, and Council have basically refused to accept it...(sorry, what? that doesn't even make sense-Ed)...yeah, I know, I'll re-research that and provide a more specific analysis next post, but that is how I understand it's played-out thus far...(but ultimately, MGCC are fully aware of Ms Amoroso's 'condition' and treatment/surgeries, etc-Ed) Council is refusing Cr Amoroso attending meetings via phone/Skype/whatevs, and have also refused her a Leave Of Absence, and are actually threatening/moving to kick her off Council for 'failing to attend'...and to quantify how this ain't just callous politicised bastardry motivated by a desire to attack/get Cr Amoroso, there's also the gross hypocrisy of the patchy attendance records of some other Councillors, and one Councillor in particular...(indeed, in discussion of this issue, others have laughingly stated that there's one Councillor who only shows-up when that Councillor has a particular self-serving Insider Trading/Nepotism/Corruption item they want to vote for-Ed)...well quite, if it weren't so seriously corrupted, it'd be quite hilarious...

And if y'all cannot see this connection between MGCC's appalling mistreatment of Cr Amoroso and her genuine pro-Ratepayer activism, then I can't help ya'...I see some are calling for ICAC to investigate MGCC, but I respectfully remind y'all that ICAC pretended to investigate MGCC in 2013/14, an alleged investigation that I proved in Court comprised 2 un-recorded conversations in public settings, one with me at Metro Cafe with 6 -8 people within earshot...(and a second conversation with (then) MGCC CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane in a hallway of the Adelaide Convention Centre-Ed)...indeed, and that was it, no actual hearings, no inconvenient questions, no evidential processes, etc, not nuthin', SFA...and as regular availees well know, it was me the 'Whistleblower' who ultimately was 'charged' and convicted for 'publishing and/or causing to be published' info about that wholly corrupt alleged ICAC, y'all are absolutely right, ICAC should act to hold MGCC to account for it's duplicitous Institutionalised Corruption, but in reality, good luck with that...

Now it is a super short post today, with so many associated issues that I'll have to dedicate multiple posts to them over coming days/weeks, but my one goal here today is to set-up the above identified hashtag...(que?-Ed)...that Twitter hashtag in the title, namely, #IStandWithKate...(ahhh, channelling the spirit of the very successful #IStandWithDan one supporting Victorian Premier Dan Andrews when he was being beseiged by the rancid Right Wing Nut Jobs from Murdoch Media and SKY News and the Liberal Party, etc.-Ed)...exactly, and whilst I don't expect that #IStandWithKate will get anywhere near the nation-wide support that Dan's did, I'd reckon that once it gets out into the local community there may well be some reasonable backing for Cr Amoroso...and quite frankly, she doesn't just deserve that support, she's damn well earned it!...(hurrah!-Ed) get to it people, #IStandWithKate, it's good fa' what ails ya'...

Tomorrow: Just How FARC-ed Are We?

Seemingly monthly cost blow-outs coupled with outright lies from MGCC about 'No Rate Rises', etc, leads inevitably to the question, just exactly how much are all our lives going to be negatively effected by Rate Rises, decreased services, etc, etc, as they relate to the FARC?...what will be the impact on our lives for decades to come?...and it won't be positive and it will be decades...

In closing, I refer y'all to this fabulous Twitter thread about the appalling Murdoch minion Rachel Blaxendale's latest appallingly erroneous attack on Premier's all there, errant 'revelations' denying/ignoring the Federal Liberal role, dog-whistling about China and the abusive 'Dictator Dan' stuff, etc, in what is clearly a clumsy and base attempt to distract away from the huge 'actual' story that it's a Liberal connection who has just been outed/arrested/whatevs as a 'Chinese operative'...(nice work Rach, yet again, never let the facts get in the way of a good distraction-Ed)...she's a shocker...

And just to try and bring it on home with some actual humour, here's the link to a hilarious mock-up photo-shop sortta' thingy of Donald Trump playing a toy piano accordion whilst he speaks, The World Accordion To Trump...the final clip, I nearly fell off my chair...

I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog...cheers and laters...#IStandWithKate...

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