Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Pro-Paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill's Child Development Hypocrisy With Minderoo Foundation

Howdy y'all in the blogger-shere, apologies that I somehow missed this extraordinary story until someone pointed it out to me last week...I remember seeing that Weatherill had gone to work for Twiggy Forrest, but I just skipped past it without looking at exactly what my main man Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill was actually just to explain what The Shiny Man is up to these days, here's just a coupla' articles/stories about Jay's involvement with the 'Thrive Before Five' thingy...there's heaps of other stuff to look at too, just Interweb search 'Weatherill Minderoo'...

Please note that the Communist Party piece identifies Jay Weatherill's penchant for denying responsibility and blaming others, particularly when it comes to his Pro-Paedophile Corruption, eg, blaming the heads of the Education Dept...(hey, wasn't former Mt Gambier High School Principal Gary Costello made head of the Education Dept at one point?-Ed)...yep, that's him...(and didn't we here at TMGI identify that massively unwarranted promotion as being Gary's reward for his complicit role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yeah, but we only said that 'cos it's true...(fair enough-Ed)...regular availees will remember that in February 2008, in a Year 8 classroom orientation discussion about bullying, etc, that my child and several others disclosed some of the abuses committed against them by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling aways back in 2002 when they were 7 years old in his class at St Martins...(and wasn't the teacher so shocked that she reported that to the school's senior staff, including our mate Gazza?-Ed)...yep, but it wasn't until I went into the school and put a very polite rocket up them that they fulfilled their legally obligatory Mandatory Notification requirements...(well "Mandatory" says it all really, doesn't it?-Ed)...well apparently not well enough for Gazza & Co...

I then spent nearly 3 weeks chasing after Gazza, and when I finally got a response, it was, 'we've done what we need to do and that's all we're doing, end of the matter as far as we're concerned'...(and the cops (SAPol) refused to look at it didn't they?-Ed)...indeed, and that was when I spoke with the current SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens in his role as head of the Paedophile Taskforce, and he stated that his superiors had told him "to drop not touch it"...(strewth, is there anybody in this sad, sick state who ain't complicit in the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...I'll letcha' know when I find one...and right in that rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt mix is Jay Weatherill...again regular availees will be well versed in Jay's multiple complicit roles in the St Martins Cover-up, eg, when he refused in writing Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mullighan's written request to be allowed to investigate the St Martins Cover-up...(and in a context where Comm Mullighan was already investigating and had met several times with parents and been provided reams of documents, etc-Ed)...exactly, Comm Mullighan was investigating and the (then) Premier Mike Rann and Families Minister Weatherill wrote to him and stopped him...(and of course then the Mullighan Report was/is buried for 80 years-Ed)...yep, good ol' SA, absolutely not a State run for Paedophiles by Paedophiles and/or Pro-Paedophile Corrupt interests...(it just looks that way-Ed)...indeed...

Oh, and not forgetting that Jay Weatherill's law firm business partner Stephen Lieschke was Glyn Dorling's lawyer at the wholly corrupt Teacher's Registration Board Inquiry...and of course there's the several times that Jay threatened me about my supposed 'defamation', in writing, along with all the threats I've had from the rankly corrupt Crown Solicitors Office, the Lutherans, Piper Alderman lawyers, lawyer 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, our mate Gazza and the Ed Dept, etc, etc...(and their collective whingings to The Googles trying to have posts pulled-down, etc-Ed)...yep, all that stuff...and culminating as it has in the rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution proceedings of my "bizarre trial" for supposedly breaching the unintelligible SA ICAC legislation, eg, my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', the definable collusion between Magistrate Ian White and SAPol Prosecutions, etc...and for the record, 1) that 'persecution" started under Jay as Premier and included his Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau changing the ICAC legislation so as to facilitate prosecuting me, and 2) "this is a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution" is exactly what I said to Magistrate Teresa Anderson, several times, which Her Honour quantified as being "Malicious Prosecution", her there's some of the stuff that I lay right at the feet of The Shiny Man...      

Webinar Of Deceits:...and here's the link to The Shiny Man's latest effort on Zoom or TikTok or Grinder or whatevs...

And to put it all in context, specifically about how Paedophile perpetrators can and do target very young children, here's the link to the latest 'Paedophile Ring' story...look where these people were employed, and in one case a dozen 'kindy' kids abused...

And to close, here's a fascinating observation as made by someone outside one of Nick Xenophon's campaigning meetings in Mt Gambier with 'his' candidate Kate Amoroso aways back in 2016...I've been holding this back since then, not least of all 'cos I do not have any direct evidence/experience of this, it is just another re-telling of an old story/rumour I'd heard many times before, but it was very calmly stated as fact by a very reliable/respected person...and I think it's very relevant in the context of 1) this post and the conduct of Jay Weatherill, and 2) the current issue of 'politically expedient loving family man' politicians who have extra-marital relationships that, apart from the hypocrisy, potentially compromise them and make them vulnerable to blackmail, etc...and so it was, standing in a circle in the carpark, this person directly identified that Jay Weatherill had a boyfriend whom he 'supported' with an apartment, etc...and as I say, it was something that I'd heard many times before in my traumatic journey related to the St Martins Cover-up, eg, 'this is the sort of stuff you're up against'...and I'm sure they'd be only too happy to confirm this discussion/disclosure actually occurred, 'cos (then) Mt Gambier City Councillors Penny Richardson and Mark Lovett were in attendance that evening and were part of that circle... 

And Dear The Googles:...if Jay matey comes bleating to ya' about 'defamation', etc, and tryin' to get this post pulled down, like so many have done before, please make sure that he's followed your own guidelines first and approached me to seek redress/removal if he feels that what I've said is something he wants to defend/deny...I respectfully remind y'all at The Googles of Bill DeGaris's repeated threats to sue me, etc, and that when I offered him the opportunity of meeting and getting everything on the record, etc, that he flatly refused and came a squealin' to y'all instead...(and he ain't Robinson Crusoe in that regard, as we covered earlier-Ed)...indeed...and just for the record, and so as to not needlessly drag her into this reeking quagmire, it wasn't Ms Amoroso and she wasn't in that circle... 

To conclude on a slightly lighter note, here's some stuff I poached from the Twitterverse...many a true word spoken in jest...and the 'Bone Spur' reference, for those who don't know, refers to the excuse that the Mango Mussolini used to avoid the Vietnam draft, 5 times...

Well look at this
The mango Mussolini has his own special place in history
#TrumpConcede #TrumpIsPathetic #BidenHarrisToEndThisNightmare

And to close it out today, here's the Mango Mussolini bragging about wonderfully well he's done, yet not quite understanding that that makes him the sitting President who gained a record number of votes for an Election Losing, One Term President...(kapow!-Ed)...and as quite rightly slapped-down by whomever this 'Christy' person is...

71,000,000 Legal Votes. The most EVER for a sitting President!
Replying to
Good thing something is legal. #TrumpIsPathetic #TrumpMeltdown
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I won the USofA Election...(no no! I won the USofA Election-Ed)! I won the Election, and so did my wife...(oh, I thought you were Q?-Ed)...oh no no no, dear me no...(why are you winking at me like that? stop it, it's creepy!-Ed)...I've just ummm, just got a speck of dust in my eye...(still creepy-Ed)...apologies...(oh! are you Anonymous?-Ed)...yes, yes I am Anonymous, that's why I put my name to everything I do...(oh right, yes, I see what you mean-Ed)...but to be honest...(you'll never have a career in politics with that attitude young man!-Ed) be honest, I do actually subscribe to one of the more extreme QAnon factions...(truly? do tell-Ed)...well you know how there's the Far Left?...(sure-Ed)...and then the Far Right, right?...(yep, with you thus far-Ed)...well I'm a fully paid-up member of the Far Q...............(I really should have seen that coming-Ed)...cheers and laters...

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