Sunday, November 22, 2020

#PMScombover - When Personal Abuse Is Okay

Howdy dear availees in Costa Rica, Romania, Bulgaria, and Aotearoa (New Zealand), welcome one and y' my personal space I'm still struggling with motivation, energy, and general 'depressiveness', etc, but still pushing forward with this 'ere blog, and not least of all by shamelessly harvesting the Interweb, majoritively via Twitter...and as always, I'm quick to acknowledge where and/or if I'm wrong, etc...(and it's usually cause for celebration, if memory serves-Ed)...indeed, in the context where I'm perpetually 'cynical' about and/or questioning of whatevs is being shoved at me by the relentlessly pro-LNP biased Main Stream Media and ABC...(and a local case in point, owning your doubts and/or criticisms, etc, about Mt Gambier City Councillor Kate Amoroso, and expressing unqualified support for her-Ed)...indeed, and that support is genuinely an issue of how appallingly Cr Amoroso is being treated by the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, it's not just about me using her personal/political situation to bash the MGCC...(albeit a thoroughly deserved 'bashing', in the metaphoric sense-Ed)...said it before, saying it again, 'Crooks, Thugs, and Liars'...and for very recent new availees of this 'ere blog, please to be availing y'allselves of those recent posts to flesh-out what I'm referencing here...

And in that broader context of owning my mistakes, maybe it is wrong of me to hurl personal mockery at PM Scott Morrison for his hilarious, slightly bizarre and occasionally demonic 'hairstyles', but I'm comfortable with it...(well mate, that fuzzy green hair thing of a few weeks ago, that was just bizarre, he looked like Pennywise the Clown from 'IT' by Stephen King-Ed)...where he'd been in Queensland campaigning for the state election, albeit doin' that by frantically focussing attention on himself and rabidly 'Mansplaining' everything to everyone, even with the Queensland LNP Opposition leader Deb Frecklington standing right there...(well she is after all a woman, so it was incumbent of Scummo to step-up and run the show for the poor li'l woman, I mean, some of those were really tough questions with some really big words involved-Ed)...your sarcasm is duly noted, as is/was Scummo's relentless self-promotion, which, as it turns out, appears to have been at the expense of the QLNP who promptly lost said election by a near-record margin...(indeed, and Scummo came away from it looking like he'd spent all that week in an over-chlorinated hotel pool, hence the fuzzy green hair, and the Pennywise comparisons-Ed)...mate, that's exactly what he looked like, that inverted avocado shaped head with the frizzy green hair...just Interweb search 'Morrison Green Hair' for images...

Captain Mansplaining another slab of mockery I'm more than happy to hurl at Scummo, because quite frankly, he has defined this game and has therefore so thoroughly earned it...his mere presence as PM makes a mockery of the fundamental principles of Meritocracy, Democracy, and Accountability...(well I reckon the 'Comb-over' is the perfect metaphor for Scummo's ministerial 'style', for lack of a better word-Ed) so?...(well he's constantly making grandiose declarations about all manner of 'funding and/or initiatives', etc, and that's like saying 'hey, check-out my luxurious bouffant, how good is hair?'-Ed)...errr, not quite with you...(but then it all blows over and there ain't no hair anymore, there ain't no funding, never was, it's all bullshit, etc, and he quickly moves onto the next 'Comb-over', and on it goes ad infinitum-Ed)...well done Ed, unfortunately that makes perfect sense...and excellent mockery to boot...(cheers-Ed)...and Scummo's 'Text-book Trumpisms' of relentless self-promotion and perpetual election campaigning and bare-faced deceits and associated gas-lighting, it's all worthy, nay demanding of equal quantities of base mockery...(well quite, he is a lying, thieving clown, and that is how he should be described and treated-Ed)...and across Twitter et al, many have observed that his hair seems to suddenly thicken/return, but then next self-promoting press conference it's thinned again, etc, etc, and of course there's the Fuzzy Green Gimp look from last month...look it up, it's tres hilarity...

And here's a link to channels 10's The Project panel show-style news program...I have been critical of them on occasions, and gourd knows they've been appallingly off-beam with some stuff they do...(for example, having that drivelling Right Wing drongo Steve 'Angry Dwarf*' Price as a regular guest panellist-Ed)...yes, for example, and for frequently doing the subtle 'gas-lighting' stuff of using the LNP's version of events and/or talking points as the underlying 'reality' of the discussion...(oh, the ABC is atrociously predictable for doing that these days-Ed)...indeed they are...(just days ago, when South Australia suddenly shut-down due to a suspected COVID-19 'Super Spreader' outbreak via a hotel quarantine security guard, etc, Patricia Carvellas referenced SA's outbreak as 'unfortunate' and in literally the same sentence, about the exact same situation as it occurred in Victoria, that was a "bungle"-Ed)...and that in a context where our/SA's security guard outbreak occurred post the Victorian experience, so 'we' have actually repeated the same mistake...(but of course we're a Liberal State so the Murdoch-dominated MSM barely mentioned it, and certainly not in a critical way, eg, it's all completely understandable and unfortunate-Ed)...exactly, it's been an unrelenting, maniacal, often unhinged assault on Premier Dan Andrews by talentless Murdoch hacks like Rachel Blaxendale and Peta Credlin and LNP simps like 'Dim' Tim Smith and Josh Frydenburg, etc, etc, but nothing but sympathy for poor ol' Liberal SA Premier Steven Marshall...   

(*'Angry Dwarf' refers to a comedic stunt perpetrated years ago by John Saffron, where-in he rang Priceless' radio show to prank him about a 'brand' of Ecstasy tablets circulating in Sydney, pills that supposedly had Pricey's inglorious mug (face) stamped uponst them, and when he had Stevo engaged in the conversation, Saffron 'revealed' that the tabs were known as 'Angry Dwarves', mocking Pricey's stature and nature)

Anyhoos, here's the link to The Project's spot-on assessment of the Robo-Debt situation, as seen across Twitter, with this copy from Labor leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese's Twitter less than a minute, the horrendous realities of the rank and deliberate LNP bastardry are defined...(and who gets multiple mentions as being specifically personally responsible for multiple aspects of Robo-Debt, why it's our mate Scombover-Ed)...indeed it is...

In that context, in the glaring light of that harsh reality, there is no level of contempt and mockery that is adequate when it comes to delivering unto Scombover all of the abuse that he when I say I got it half right, I'm also referring to the amount of mocking abuse I hurled at Scombover last post, 'cos quite frankly, he deserves at least twice as much...  

Whilst I'm sucking-up the bitter-sweet fruits of my own contrition, I am reminded of that great line from Rose Tattoo, "It's hard eating crow, but it's harder not eating at all." that exact context, I watched the ABC's Insiders program for the first time in a coupla' weeks, and solely because of the guest panellists, Karen Middleton, Peter van Onselen, and the Tik Tok 'sensation' Andrew Probyn       and I was duly rewarded...(really?-Ed)...straight-up, not only was it not completely appalling and pro-LNP biased, especially with LNP Fan-Boy host David Speers constantly talking over guests, etc, but these 3 guests went right at Scummo and the LNP, particularly about the horrendous and quite deliberate Robo-Debt...and by contrast, just last week after the LNP had pulled-out of the associated Court case, so as to protect the multiple complicit LNP stooges responsible from actually having to testify to their collective bastardry, I saw an ABC announcer referring to the 'unfortunate programming error that led to Robo-Debt'...we covered this in the last post...anyhoos, for all I've said in the past,  today's Insiders (22 November 2020) is worth watching...

Well I Got It Half Right:...'cos it's that last post about Scummo disappearing to Japan to avoid accountability with the Robo-Debt capitulation, etc, that was absolutely true when I wrote it, that's exactly what he did, but is now with the benefit of hindsight less that half the story...(how so?-Ed)...well mid-week came the official acknowledgement of Australian soldiers committing 'War Crimes' in Afghanistan, and the Chief of Defense, General Angus Campbell was left to carry the can, doing the official press conference sans any LNP Minister let alone the PM...(but then later Scummo's done a 'Oh Golly It's Terrible But None Of Us Knew' video message complete with a dozen Aussie flags behind him-Ed)...indeed he has, and that message rather than fronting a press conference is because he's in 'isolation' after returning from Japan...(how convenient for him then, no potentially awkward questions from journos, just another carefully scripted self-promotion and denial of responsibility-Ed)...yep, and if these clowns are to be believed, nobody in command/authority had any idea that these murders/executions were happening, for years, and involving 18-20 individuals, etc, etc...(but isn't former soldier David McBride currently facing a potential life sentence for exposing this stuff years ago?-Ed)...yep, and those Australian Federal Police raids of the ABC headquarters and journos related to those allegations/charges and the ABC's reportage there-of, etc...and even after these 'revelations',Mr McBride's still on Trial...

And it's all remarkably convenient for Scummo that all of this 'comes out' whilst he's overseas and/or locked away...(and it seems even more awfully convenient that these 'War Crimes revelations' also happened only days after the Robo-Debt capitulation-Ed) thoughts exactly, and with Robo-Debt there's direct blame to be laid right with those LNP Ministers involved, as per that piece from The Project above, and on multiple occasions/levels, it's Scummo who is responsible...pardon my cynicism, but given the events of this week;

I believe that the 'War Crimes Inquiry' release was specifically timed to follow the Robo-Debt capitulation/withdrawal and over-shadow it and dilute or even drown-out the related outrage.

I absolutely urge y'all to check-out this fantastic piece of investigative journalism as it relates to the sociopathic liar that is Scott Morrison, and here is a perfect example of 1) him obviously lying through his teeth, about a report into his conduct at Tourism Australia, a report that apparently doesn't exist now and potentially never did...and 2) some of the genius of Twitter-related journalism...

...(wow, just wow, I see what you mean about the extraordinarily obvious Scummo lies, everything about that shifty posturing and faux-casual demeanour, it's all there-Ed)...indeed it is mate, a small child would pick that as being lies, it's so bleedin' obvious...

Tomorrow: Another FARC Post

'Cos aren't folks just thrilled with the now $64million price tag, sure to increase further... 

Just For's the link to a hilarious piece about another terrific Scummo moment when he scalded Australians with a vacuous 'Just Stop It' diatribe...might have posted this before but I do lose track sometimes, so here 'tis...

I am Nick Fletcher and this relatively short post is on my blog, cheers and laters...

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