Friday, November 27, 2020

Super Quick Post On Liberal/National Party Born-To-Rule Hypocrisies

Howdy y'all dear availees...and as advertised, a super short post based on the LNP's class-based Institutionalised Corruption and the many ways it manifests itself...we've covered most of this stuff in recent posts, so's I'm just gunna' mention that stuff and jump to the new bits...

As most availees would be aware, the LNP is defined by it's relentless pork-barrelling of LNP electorates and/or marginal seats, eg, Sports Rorts, etc, and/or other misappropriations of various 'funding structures', eg, via the Building Better Regions, and straight-out theft of monies, eg, the Angus Taylor/Barnaby Joyce Watergate deal...(then there's the vast sums being gifted to LNP supporters via Closed Tenders, etc, for 'consultancy' and/or service provisions, eg, the bizarre $450million and other contracts awarded without Tender to Paladin, a murky 'shelf company' operating out of a beach shack down a dirt road on Kangaroo Island-Ed)...indeed, and then there's the $450m to the Greater Barrier Reef Fund, who's board members are almost entirely fossil fuel industry executives...(which takes us to the gas industry executives appointed, by PM Scott 'Scombover' Morrison, to be the COVID Recovery Commission, a supposedly independent advisor whom, mucho surprise, recommended that massive gas extraction and associated infrastructure is the way to recover from the 'COVID-19 Recession'-Ed)...which is a Recession that we were already well on the way into before COVID kicked-off earlier this year, etc, etc...

And along the way we've had JobKeeper, JobSeeker, JobMaker, et al, and HomeBuilder, and gourd knows how many other 'announcements'...and at every step it's been 1) state Premiers, especially Labor ones, who effectively forced the Federal LNP/Scombover to act, especially early on with border closures and the intro of JobKeeper/Seeker, etc, and 2) Scombover's relentless capacity for self-promotion by making perpetual 'announcements' about funding for things, but then failing to provide any related funding and/or support, etc...and he does it over and over and over...and here's an unfortunately hilarious dissection of that reality as spoken in Parliament by Labor's Julian's all over Twitter, and here's one copy...  

And at every turn it's been the hateful, demonising class warfare ideology from the LNP, with big businesses profitting most whilst workers and their wages and superannuation, etc, are continually attacked...(and the poor and/or unemployed, etc, are routinely used as scapegoats and/or justification for tax cuts to big business, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, Scombover has been a hot mess of gas-lighting pariahtisation and faux funding announcements, and over-all dodging any and all accountability...(like dodging-off to Japan for an entirely unnecessary meeting, to avoid accountability for the LNP's gutless capitulation on their openly criminal RoboDebt bastardry-Ed)...and then the War Crimes findings as well...(and coming back to hide at home 'In Quarantine' whilst doing shameless carefully posed 'casual photo-ops' in-line with his 'Daggy Dad' faux-persona-Ed)...and don't get me started on the hateful, wasteful bastardry of the Indue (Welfare) Card, where-in billionaire mining magnate Twiggy Forrester is getting $10,000-12,000 per person to run the 'program'...(yep, just another LNP rort to help fund a mate by commoditising/marketting the suffering of the disenfranchised-Ed)...and the ultimate hypocrisy is that the drug-addled alcoholics who populate the LNP 'justify' the Card by demonising those people subjected to it's almost fuedal controls as being 'drug addicts' who have to be helped/controlled 'cos that's what's best for them...(meanwhile, politicians actually get a 'booze allowance' as part of their pay structure-Ed)...indeed they do...

Further meanwhilst, in New South Wales, Premier Gladys 'I Don't Need To Know That' Berejyklian has personally redefined LNP corruption by having a 'secret affair' with the disgraced former LNP colleague 'Dazzling' Daryl Maguire, which involved various funding and/or contract issues...(then blatantly lying to the NSW ICAC about what she did and didn't know about Dazzlin' Dazza's dodgy dealings, etc-Ed)...yep, including the $30m for 'airport' land worth $3m...(and then she was caught-out for shredding and/or deleting all official records relating to a $250m of 'grants', 90% of which was awarded to LNP electorates-Ed)...and now, after those approval records were forensically retrieved from someone's computer, proving the above pork-barrelling/rorting, she's defended it all as 'political business as usual' and 'everybody does it'...(and check-out this latest expose about her Deputy Premier, National's John 'Puttin' The Pork In' Barilaro-Ed)...absolutely, various Barilaro family members engaged in multi-layered corruption to rip-off an Italian community's the link to yet another excellent piece by Michael West Media, here in conjunction with FriendlyJordies..

And that, of course, is just some of the LNP's corruption...but if all of that ain't enough to get y'all buzzin' with rage, then there's this...recently retired LNP Finance Minister Matthias Cormann has taken the LNP's Born-To-Rule corruption to literally and actually new heights by jetting around Europe in a government provided, $4,000/hr Taxpayer-funded RAAF luxury jet, supposedly to spruik his credentials for a position with the OECD...(a job interview that will be conducted 'on-line', not personally-Ed)...thus identifying this li'l jaunt as being exactly that, a li'l Taxpayer-funded post-retirement holiday floggin'-around Europe in a private jet, a lavish reward for his bastardry and incompetence whilst in government...(and don't forget the 8 staff with him, also Taxpayer-funded-Ed)...pardon me, my bad...(and of course there'll be the accommodation costs and meal expenses, etc-Ed)...but honestly, his personal entourage/retinue goes without saying, I mean, how many Royals travel without someone to crack open the champers and make sure the Beluga's fresh and correctly chilled...(well quite darling, well quite-Ed)...but all joking aside, whatta' prick...

Twitter has been awash with comparisons between Cormann's wholly unjustifiable Taxpayer-funded largesse, and what average Australians are struggling to survive on, in particular, those thrown back into poverty by the LNP's ideology-driven bastardry in hacking 'JobSeeker' back to far below the Poverty Line...(plus dealing with the many issues of the Indue Card-Ed)...absolutely, and here's an excellent graph that explains in 'graphic' detail exactly what millions of Australians know and endure as their/our reality courtesy of the same LNP who are using their/our money for relentless Rorting whilst exercising the LNP's ideological hatred agenda by screeching blame at us as being the problem...   

I have always acknowledged my genuine sense of gratitude that I live in a society that supports me via the Disability Support Pension and Public Housing, and has Medicare, etc, but even with all of that 'support', I exist right on and even just below the Relative Poverty Line...and have a look where NewStart/JobSeeker sits...with the COVID Supplement it rocketted up to the Henderson line, relating to a family of 2 parents plus 2 kids, but has just as quickly plunged back to sub-poverty... 

And if you don't have a problem with that, then you are the problem.

Obviously I do this 'ere blog to try and influence as much as inform dear availees, and whilst factually as accurate as I can genuinely produce, it is by definition my opinion...having said that, if you read my blog and cannot see how y'all are being manipulated and gas-lighted, etc, by the LNP and Main Stram Media, and instead wanna' cut-crook at me and/or my bleedin' Leftie rantings, etc, then mates and/or matettes, y'all are the problem...and having said that, I know that the vast majority of dear availees read this 'ere blog because they are of like mind and do believe in and support a caring and supportive Australia where everyone does get a genuine fair go and does succeed, etc, and failing that, that we are wealthy enough as a nation to provide better support than we currently do...(I've got a revolutionary idea-Ed)'re not going to do the ol' joke about 'forming a people's army and seizing control of the state'?...(no no, but just as likely unfortunately...let's get Australia's biggest mining magnates and other businesses to actually pay some tax-Ed)...oh nice one man, but you do understand that's exactly why these people work so hard to keep the LNP in power, so they never have to pay, you got that, yeah?...(I know, I know-Ed)...and so do they mate, so do they...

Purely for balance, I've included a link here to an article that's fully supportive of Cormann's jaunt...obviously I completely disagree, so I'll continue "hyperventilating" if it's all the same to the gimp who wrote this...I particularly reject the premise that this all could not be done via technology rather than personally...

Tomorrow: FARC And Stride

'Unforeseen Carpark Costs' aren't the only lie that Mt Gambier City Council have been spewing relating to their farcically corrupt mismanagement of the $57m?/$64m?/$Gourd Knows? Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre disaster...even then, any major function will see people needing to park streets away and walk...(and of course no public transport-Ed)...well not in the evenings or on weekends, no...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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