Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Natural Conspiracy Theory - Does Trump Really Have COVID19?

Howdy dear availees across this wee globe we call home, but especially those in the these increasingly tumultuous times I reckon it says everything about who POTUS Donald 'The Orange Roughy' Trump is and how he conducts himself when many people automatically theorise that he's 'faked' his alleged COVID19 illness...and I concur not just with the idea that it is possible this is 'fake', but also with the view that it's not a wildly unhinged theory in the QAnon vein...(I've seen stuff on Twitter where people have been predicting exactly this sort of scenario, along with concerns about a potential second Civil War, etc, when things aren't going well for Trump in the election polls-Ed)...yeah, and there's a ton a' stuff to support those predictions/theories, and I have been wondering what it would be...and now that it's happened it all seems just a little too convenient for Trump, potentially, and here below is my reasoning for saying 'convenient'...

Beyond that, I have no sympathy for anyone who has behaved in the way Trump has and then gets infected, eg, UK PM Boris Johnson...(well my first thought when that pontificating boofhead was ill, was who missed out on a ventilator 'cos he was on it?-Ed)...excellent point Ed, did someone get denied appropriate treatment because that idiot refused to wear a mask and insisted on handshaking, etc...(and did it even lead to someone dying?-Ed)...not a pleasant question to ask, but certainly a relevant one...did Boris' stupidity, thusly directly denying others access to that treatment, did that lead directly to someone's death? my less charitable moments...(so always?-Ed)...nearly, but actually, I'd recommend that these half-wits who screech and whinge about their 'civil liberties' being suppressed and/or how COVID19 is fake, etc, etc, just give the darlings the 'Rona, stick 'em in a room with their whiny mates, and let them fend for themselves...(hoorah!-Ed)...but the only problem with that is that there's increasing evidence of long-term side-effects, eg, lung damage, chronic fatigue, etc, and that means that those survivors may likely clog-up the health system for years even decades to come...(ooo yeah, hadn't thought of that-Ed)...more patient people than I suggest more sober actions, eg, getting these whiners to volunteer in COVID wards...

A quick aside, just stunned but hardly surprised to see Melbourne's Channel 7 news running a story about a thronging crowd at St Kilda Beach, and that it's then revealed via Instagram that the Ch7 crew orchestrated that crowd, gathering them specifically for the story, including several specific ring-ins, allegedly including the journo's girlfriend...prior to that the people had been relatively spread-out...(gotta' love the Main Stream Media...what's that thing about 'the tail wagging the dog'?-Ed)...well not least of all, there was a movie about exactly that, 'Wags The Dog', about media manufacturing news to create a reality that otherwise didn't exist, to drive and/or support a specific agenda...and that's exactly what Ch7 has done here...(is this about the rancid 'Get Dan Andrews' bastardry of the MSM and Liberals, etc?-Ed)...highly likely Ed, given that Ch7 is owned by Kerry Stokes who also has large investments in Aged Care and has been very keen for people to be looking at everything other than his direct accountability for profiteering in that sector and the resultant COVID deaths...but whatevs, we digress...

Re-Gearing The Media a week where Trump's campaign has been seen to unravel...(not least of all 'cos of his own outrageous support of White Supremacists-Ed)...indeed, his big shout-out to the laughably dangerous Proud Boys via his debate "Stand Back and Stand By" directive, followed by his ludicrous attempt to back away from that endorsement and feign ignorance of who they are...(if he didn't know who they are, why didn't he say that when asked during the debate?-Ed)...exactly, it's what happens when a habitual liar gets asked the same question more than once, they ludicrously contradict and compromise themselves...Don has repeatedly made less-than subtle overtures to and even just offered outright praise for White Supremacists, eg, "there's good people on both sides", and has failed to remonstrate with Far Right protestors, rather attacking 'Antifa' and 'the Left'...(which he did again in the debate, when asked about the Proud Boys, he did the "Stand By" schtick and then said 'Antifa's the real problem'-Ed)...indeed he did...and when I say "laughably dangerous", I'm referring to the discourse about how the Proud Boys are just a bunch of self-important misogynists who think themselves far more influential/powerful than they actually are, but that aside, it only takes a handful of dickheads with military-grade firearms to reek some real carnage...(and that's why some theorise about a looming Civil War II-Ed)...don't even say it...

Which Cord? Discord:...but it's not just that openly Racist self-exposure that Donald's been keen to distract from, there's a whole raft of dysfunction, failure, and electoral criminality that he would be keen to see go unreported, eg, the Texas governor has limited Postal Vote boxes to a miniscule 1-per County, deliberately drastically reducing the chances for people to vote that way...(and let me guess, the vast majority of those voters are likely to be Democrats?-Ed), and not just Democrats but also those others who do believe COVID19 is dangerous and want to avoid large gatherings, eg, lines at voting is well documented that it's Republicans who likely oppose COVID regulations and/or don't believe it's even real, etc...(or that they're safe 'cos "the blood of Christ is on me", well, 'on them' I mean-Ed)...indeed, and these peeps will therefore be the majority of those who vote at a booth on the day...this all ties in with Donald's discourse about how he believes that the election voting system is 'rigged' against him, particularly Mail-In Voting...(yep, he's deliberately sowing the seeds of discord and stoking the fires of conspiracy, without any actual evidence, with a view to manipulating the election and/or then denouncing the result if/when he loses-Ed)...and if he wins he just says his corrupt manipulations stopped the fraud that would have seen him lose...(perfect-Ed)...

More immediately, he needs to distract from what uninspiring flops his 'rallies' have reportedly become...usually the platform for his greatest self-congratulation, the slump in energy/enthusiasm and numbers attending, etc, is apparently getting to Donald, and certainly reflects poorly on his broader campaign...(which hasn't ever precluded him from lying about the numbers, eg, his grossly inflated claims about the actually rather meagre crowd at his inauguration-Ed)...well compulsive liars will compulsively lie...but in the present, this alleged illness allows Donny to cancel any public appearances, eg, rallies, and even the next election debate, possibly even both of them...(which addresses the quite justified criticism about his atrocious behaviour at the first debate, trying to bully both Joe Biden and the moderator and interrupting constantly, etc-Ed)...yep, and there's SFA chance that he'll change that behaviour, despite all the negative blow-back, 'cos he simply can't, he just isn't capable of change, he's a rabid Sociopath Narcissist with no self-control and no respect...(and no fresh public scrutiny means no new public criticism-Ed)...well we'll just have to refer back to all of his previous appalling conduct...

Don't Speak Dead Of The has seen to already happen, Twitter is threatening peeps with being suspended if they post comments wishing Donald a swift and hopefully unpleasant demise...(but what about all of the vile, violent stuff on Twitter and Facebook, etc, about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?-Ed)...well apparently that's fine, just fine...(and who's forgotten Trump's mocking of a disabled man and mockery of Hillary when she had pneumonia during the 2016 election campaign, etc?-Ed)...well that's where I come to my personal position about 'give them the 'Rona and leave them in a room', etc, and where I'm happy to be just as abusive in return as others have set the standard, that context, I do not condemn people for their loathing and lack of sympathy...Donald's set the bar, let him be soundly beaten with it...(and this 'diagnosis' also empowers his followers to embrace their hypocritical righteous indignation about anyone who now dares to criticise their precious Donny, 'cos he's sick don't cha' know-Ed)...and Joe Biden's already pulled his 'attack ads' from circulation, can't imagine Trump doing the same...(well he'd be guaranteed to do exactly the opposite, ramping-up the mockery and denigration about how piss-weak Joe is-Ed)...that's exactly what Donny would do, it's what he's done previous, it's what he Twitter's credit, they have previously 'Fact-Checked' and/or hidden Trump's tweets, eg, when they hid one for "glorifying violence"...(and they've copped abuse and threats from him for doing so-Ed)...yes they have...         

Old Mate Donald Had A Pharmacy, Is He High On Adderall?:...(adding a new twist to singing his praises?-Ed)...indeed, sing that to 'Old McDonald Had A Farm, EE I EE I O'...(nice-Ed)...I did see one Tweeter who predicted this 'illness' likelihood weeks ago, including the probability that Don would suddenly emerge triumphantly healthy a week later and singing the praises of his favs super-dodgy alleged treatment Hydroxychloroquine...(oh yeah, win, win, win, win, he distracts away from all the bad press, gets all the attention, miraculously recovers, and does so with his preferred snake oil-Ed)...and I think 'miraculously' really sums it up nicely, 'cos there are many of his supporters who are wholly consumed by their alleged 'Christianity', and who actually believe that Donald is actually really 'Heaven Sent'...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...well quite, and that ties in with your previous observation about "the blood of Christ"...(oh that's a religious thing is it? I actually thought that was a brand of injectable disinfectant-Ed)...nice one man, waxing humourous about Don's insane ramblings about 'putting disinfectant into the body, maybe by injection'...(I love the lip-sync thing that USofA comedian Sarah Cooper did with that-Ed)...absolutely, her stuff is priceless and we here at TMGI do not hesitate to recommend it to y'all...if ya' haven't availed y'allselves of her fine work already, please to be doing so...      

So there are many reasons as to why Donald would potentially fake a COVID illness...(and given that he's surrounded himself by a legion of 'Yes People', it would be very simple for him to demand his own health team and get a fake diagnosis, etc-Ed)...indeed, you only have to look at his abusive, petulant responses to those who challenge him...(that's if he responds and doesn't just walk off-Ed)...indeed, exactly like our Part-Time Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison...(oh, and did we mention the release of Donald's miniscule tax returns, there's another thing he's mad-keen to distract from-Ed)...absolutely, and it also sets the scene for his Messianic re-emergence, sprouting nonsense about how he's 'the most positive tester ever' and how 'doctors have never seen anyone recover from an illness like I recover', etc, etc...(so an avalanche of ridiculous self-aggrandising hyperbole wholly removed from reality?-Ed)...yep...(so business as usual then-Ed)...indeed...beyond that, it also allows him to just 'recover', and then play it all down as being nothing much like he's previously claimed... 

Where-in Lies The Truth? first reaction to this 'Trump Has Corona' story was that it's a con, it's fake...and the more it develops, the more it looks like it, eg, why would he be given an "experimental antibody" if he only has "a mild case"?...(sure, and whilst that seems to initially confirm that he does actually have it, you're right to ask why experiment on the POTUS if he only has "a mild case"?-Ed)...yep, that bit doesn't make sense...(but remember we're dealing with professional liars-Ed)...true, and hence the beautiful self-contradiction of where-in 'lies the truth'...and as I said, I'm far from the only person who has doubts, please check-out the #TrumpHasCorona Twitter thread...

Tomorrow: More FARC Debacle

And it's just been put to me that another witty scribe (source unknown) is making the observation that there's currently more COVID19 cases in the White House than in all of Aotearoa...(particularly hilarious given that only weeks ago Don was gleefully gloating about the "surge in New Zealand"-Ed)...well if there's anything amusing about COVID, there's a certain ironic humour to that...

Oh, also check-out the Twitter thread about the appalling Murdoch hack Rachel Baxendale and the associated feed about dickhead Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith...both have been attacking Victorian Premier Dan Andrews in what can only be described as 'an unhinged manner'...(Dim Tim is a very special boy isn't he? and now the wholly compromised ABC is running pathetic protective puff-pieces about what a 'larrikin' he is-Ed)...if it weren't so sadly corrupted, it would be quite funny...and Rachel has brought that wall of criticism down on herself with her appallingly biased harassment of Dan...many argue that these two clowns, along with many other Liberal and Main Stream Media clowns, are collectively responsible for much of the 'Anti-COVID restrictions sentiment/actions' in Victoria, eg, people storming Bunnings screeching about their Human Rights...(or the sort of stupidity witnessed at St Kilda yesterday, albeit it looks like that was staged by Ch7-Ed)...having said that, I absolutely reject the type of gendered abuse and Rape/Death threats stuff that some have used...that's simply wrong and is always and in all ways's the link...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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