Saturday, September 26, 2020

Attempted Sexual Assault Cover-up At Adelaide University

Howdy dear availees everywhere, apologies for the 10 day hiatus, but I'd had several days off since the last post, and then my computer politely fritzed-out, and I've just got it back...fortunately it was a relatively minor and therefore relatively cheap 'power source' issue, cost a bit but still better than getting a new computer and having to retrieve all my stuff, etc...also had tech fail issues when I tried to record Mt Gambier City Council CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle last Saturday 19th September 2020, today's the 26th, but my battery was flat and I got nuthin', nuthin' I tell ya's...he was on the ABC South East Radio weasel-wording his way through another deceitful redefining of the realities relating to MGCC's appalling handling of the $39million, sorry, $57 m, sorry, $64m Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...but we'll get into that later today in a separate post...

Today we're just gunna' direct y'all to the extraordinary situation at Adelaide University...(Adelaide Uni or University of Adelaide, as it's reported in these stories below?-Ed)...whatevs, we know who we're talking about...can't recall if we covered this at all, but the attached stories are quite self-explanatory...when these 'resignations' of Chancellor Kevin Scarce and Vice-Chancellor Peter Rathjen first occurred there was a great deal of secrecy and conjecture about the motivations, there certainly wasn't any original admissions, etc...suffice to say, and given the way that the issue has evolved, there has been some effort made by Adelaide Uni to keep hidden the truth of this in order are four stories from the ABC, starting with the original report, and then onto the ICAC's involvement, and then the story everyone apparently knew but didn't want to know, and finally the most recent...

So 'cos there's a ton of stuff to get through with those stories...(and there's several other reports there about Rathjen's conduct elsewhere, eg, his exorbitant travel expenses, etc-Ed)...indeed, so that's all I'm gunna' do for this post...I do however note that good ol' Petey got a good ol' payout, reported here as being "$326,400", which is bad enough, but InDaily reported it as being over $600, here's that link...

Actually, I'd also point dear availees to the apparently conflicting issue of Kevin's supposed ignorance of the truth 'cos Petey supposedly deceived him, etc, and the fact of the "compensation" payment to one of the women involved...(well, I guess it depends on the exact timeline of the payment, but surely the Chancellor would be aware of any such payment-Ed)...well I'd find it extraordinarily unlikely that Kevin didn't know, but there are clearly numerous people within the Uni who did know...(and there must have been lawyers involved-Ed)...maybe, maybe the Uni just rushed it through so as to avoid appropriate scrutiny, etc...(fair point, but that last piece makes reference to lawyers being involved on both sides-Ed) it does, but I think that's about Rathjen's it's reported here, it appears that the woman's compensation payment occurred some time before Kevin suddenly resigned, supposedly ignorant of the facts...(well maybe he bailed due to the massive financial mismanagement identified, and the whole Rathjen stuff is just a marvellously convenient red herring to distract attention away from that-Ed)...your cynicism serves you well Ed 'cos I absolutely agree, I don't know that but it wouldn't surprise me in the least...

Regardless of my own conspiracy theories outside of the apparent Sexual Assault Cover-up Conspiracy, there's such a blizzard of conflicting accounts from all involved about who knew what and when and who's ultimately responsible, etc...what remains clear though is that Rathjen did Sexually Assault at least one woman and that the Uni knew...(and has he been charged by SAPol (police) for this Sexual Assault that the Uni has already acknowledged happened?-Ed)...well I don't see reporting of any 'Charges', but you're right, the compensation payment does show that the Uni technically if not specifically legally accepts that the Assault did occur...(and it's exactly the same as the situation involving former Jazz student Matilda Duncan and the 'payment' she received as a result of a Catholic Church investigation and report relating to teacher Graham Lyall Grooming and Raping her-Ed)...exactly it is Ed, and we re-refer dear availees to the New Matilda articles about this case, where-in Lyall himself identifies that are those links again...

Unless there's been some SAPol action on these that I'm not aware of, in both these cases there is acknowledgement by the institutions involved that Assaults did occur, but 'Charges' have not been levelled against the perpetrators...and yet again, for me this mimics exactly the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, where-in the school removed "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling but SAPol never even 'Charged' him, etc...(and of course Dorling also received an uncontested $250,000 'Unfair Dismissal' compensation payment from the Lutherans-Ed)...indeed, and all of these cases are to me just further proof of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that dominates/controls South Australia, an Institutionalised Corruption that manifests more broadly in other issues of covering-up Sexual Assault, etc...

Tomorrow/Later Today: More FARC Debasco And Deceits

And where 'debasco' is of course a freight train-style Class A Debacle tail-ending a First Class Fiasco, such that the two become indistinguishable...(such pretty poetry in such damning condemnation-Ed) does what one can to not just furiously vent one's spleen...(hurrah!-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters..

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