Thursday, September 10, 2020

They Call Him Fibber, Fibber, Master of Gaslighting

No-one you seeeeee, is faster or looser than heeeee...and yes dear availees, I am using the theme song from the TV series 'Flipper', the cetaceous equivalent of our own dear 'Skippy', in referring to our mendacious Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison and his pathological aversion to telling the truth and relentlessly Gaslighting the electorate...(well in that context he's a multi-instrumentalist-Ed) so?...(well, he's playing fast and loose with the truth, thusly and simultaneously playing the Australian public for suckers-Ed)...oh nice one man...and his latest vile effort was to go on appalling 'shock-jock' Ray Hadley's bilious radio show and vilely fake cry his way through another wholly political, unambiguous attack on Queensland Premier Anna Palaszczuk...and the vehicle for this latest attack? Scummo shamelessly and opportunistically used a young woman's attempts to attend her father's funeral...(good ol' Scummo, he really is scum isn't he? although, in fact, scum can be useful, like pond scum can be a source of biofuel production, where-as #ScottyTheSimp is just a nasty stench lookin' for somewhere to happen-Ed)...indeed, he really is a deplorable human being, and this effort today is absolutely typical...and here's a link to a classic angry sneer photo of's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and indeed this photo speaks volumes...what a guy... 

And here's a lovely link to a comedic piece from Dan Ilic, that unfortunately is just way too accurate to be able to just wave-away as satire...this is as strictly factual account of how Scummo functions, it's relentless and absolute Cult of Personality self-aggrandising press conferences about endless 'Announcements' that inevitably prove to be straight-out it Bush Fire Recovery, Arts COVID Funding Support, the farcical 'HomeBuilder' program, etc, etc, he's all talk and no substance...

And whilst we're on the subject of deceitful announcements and outright lies, here's Mt Gambier City Council Mayor Lynette 'In Da' House' Martin, as taken from MGCC's Facebook page, yet again relentlessly lying about what MGCC did and/or didn't say about the ludicrously exorbitant $64million Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...(hang on, she says "$57m"?-Ed)...yep, and on the same day Council announced this Tender to Badge Constructions, with it's massive price increase from $39.1m to $57m, it was being reported by The Advertiser that they'd seen the secret documents, etc, and that the true cost was more like $64m...(strewth! and putting aside her and CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle's relentless weasel-words about this huge disparity in costs, eg, the $39m was just an 'interim costing', the reality is that this FARC was repeatedly presented and promoted to Mt Gambier Citizens/Ratepayers as being a '$39.1m Completed Project'-Ed)...and here again Lynette deliberately grossly misquotes support numbers, it wasn't '70% of respondents' who voted 'Yes', it was 70% of the 40% (approx) returned, a final figure of approx 30% support...(I also note that she doesn't actually explain any of the differences/adjustments/alterations/'future-proofing' that supposedly explain/justify this huge blow-out-Ed)...yep, weasel-words and deceit, from start to finish...

And to close-out today, here's the links to two articles from Independent Australia, both relating to the apparent culture of gross misogyny in the Australian Jazz industry, a culture that extends to the Sexual Assault of women/girls, and the protection of perpetrators...(I see that James Morrison gets a well-earned guernsey for his appalling support of 'Rapist'/convicted Indecent Sexual Assaulter Matthew Harkin-Ed)...yep, but I do note that Morrison's mate, Groomer and Rapist Graeme Lyall doesn't get a is a very unpleasant but excellent discussion about where we as a community 'draw the line' between success and skill, etc, and gender inequality and sexual abuse, etc, and how to report and/or record and/or respond...,14273#.X1Wb3NCY25o.facebook,14068 

So that's all for today, 'cos there's a ton of stuff to read through there...I also again refer dear availees to those New Matilda articles about Graeme Lyall, and to the articles about Sexual Assault in Educational Institutions and issues with the Morrison Jazz Academy by Matilda Duncan on her well-researched blog, Interweb searches will get you there...

Tomorrow: Part Deux Of The FARC Development Plan Debasco (debacle tail-ends a fiasco)

This relates directly to the lies and deceits and weasel-words spewin'-out of MGCC...I see on their Facebook page a hilarious photo of the stooges grinning inanely about RUOK Day...I wonder how they reconcile this with their own bullying, harassment and abuse of fellow Councillors like Kate Amoroso?...(and what about that hilarious time in September 2017 when Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello bailed you up outside a Council meeting and threatened and abused you, and then Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane, and Nick Serle and Mark Lovett came out and joined in?-Ed)...indeed, if it wasn't so serious it would be pathetically hilarious...I distinctly recall the hilarious sight of them pouring out of the door but getting bottle-necked there 'cos I didn't back off, and then Lovett tried to intimidate/threaten me, and then McShambles threatened me as a word, pathetic...

I am Nick Fletcher, and all this above, particularly that I don't succumb to gutless posturing bullying and threats, this is why Magistrate Ian White helped these clowns get me banned from Council meetings, via his reprehensibly vile political mis-use of Final Intervention Orders...(well because of that, and 'cos ya' then go home and slam it all down on this 'ere blog, outtin' them for their Nepotistic Institutionalised Corruption , and makin' them look like the thuggish crooks that they are-Ed)...indeed...anyhoos, I am he, you's are here on my blog, and cheers for that and laters y'all...

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