Saturday, September 5, 2020

Court Dismisses Corrections SA Attempt To Gaol Nick Fletcher

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to a super-short post that is in fact already done via the title...regular availees will be aware that Corrections SA has tried to argue that due to my diagnosed Mental Health issues with chronic and debilitating Agoraphobia, related Anxiety, and Depression, that therefore I was not a suitable candidate to do Community Service, and therefore I should be gaoled instead...(sorry, hang on, they're saying that if, due to Mental Health issues a person, in this case you, is not able to do Community Service, then that person should go to gaol instead?-Ed)...yep, that's what I said, and indeed, what Corrections SA were arguing...(and in a context where there is no gaol time involved in the original 'Conviction', it's only a 'fineable offence'?-Ed)...yep...(so they were saying that Mental Health issues is in and of itself a justification for gaoling someone?-Ed)'s slightly more complicated than that, but yes, ultimately, that was their rationale...(that sir, is a bloody disgrace-Ed)...absolutely it is, and whilst this was clearly a 'personal vendetta' against li'l ol' moi on account of because 'Authorities' done hate me and the work we do here at this 'ere blog, etc, the fact remains that they've even gone to this place at all...

A Brief I said, it's slightly more complicated, but only in the sense that there's been one helluva' lot of official Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution leading up to this situation...regular availees will be well versed in the many and varied aspects of my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) and subsequent deeply corrupted 'Conviction' for 'blogging' about South Australia's Independent Commission Against Corruption, etc, etc, and I'm not getting into that again we celebrate what it is in many respects a massive 'victory'...(albeit a victory for common sense!-Ed)...well sure, that's certainly one way to look at it, but I also take a degree of pride in riding-out this latest storm, and those close to me have encouraged me to take a brief moment to celebrate what they describe as a significant, in that vein, Woohoo!...(yes indeed, well done sir-Ed)...

Now, whilst I am genuinely 'proud' of what I've managed to achieve here...(predominantly by just standing ya' ground and telling the truth-Ed)...indeed, but I don't want to get too carried away with my own wonderfulness 'cos as I said in jest, this is just as much a victory for common sense and decency and respect, as it is an exercise in brilliant legal machinations on my behalf...(well I don't know about "brilliant"-Ed)...yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, and indeed I was barely involved in the hearing on Thursday 3rd September 2020, which Her Honour Magistrate Panagiotidis allowed me to attend via phone-link...(how do you mean "barely involved"?-Ed)...well, Her Honour spoke to the Corrections SA Prosecutor dude briefly, identifying where his/CSA's own Affidavit stated that I had provided them with medical evidence about my Mental Health issues back in October 2018...I'm not going to quote anything directly here 'cos the phone-link was a bit scratchy and I missed a few words here and there, but Her Honour was short, sharp and right to the point...(well are you allowed to quote stuff from Court?-Ed)...I think so, I didn't try to record it 'cos I know from my "bizarre trial" that you're not allowed to do that...(yeah right, you could have had a recorder sittin' there with you and nobody would have known-Ed)...indeed, but I didn't, but also I don't need no recording to have a particular statement made by Her Honour running 'round in my head...

"(I'm/We're?) Not Wasting Anymore Of The Court's Time":...and I've put that first bit with a (?) 'cos it wasn't clear, but the next bit was, clear as a bell...and it wasn't just the fact that Her Honour said this, it was the tone in her is not inappropriate for me to identify my interpretation of that tone as being one of a person who was not impressed, even frustrated bordering on annoyed with the CSA Prosecution...(perhaps Her Honour had had a particularly long day of dealing with various assorted drongoes, dufouses, and dare I say it, dickheads?-Ed)...well sure, possibly, probably, but it doesn't detract from the fact that HH even said this, it's a huge critique to level at CSA Prosecutions...(ya' know, in a very real sense, I'd reckon it's not a huge leap from 'Wasting The Court's Time', to 'Abuse of Process'-Ed) on mate...(and I'd argue, even going as far as 'Malicious Prosecution'-Ed)...well indeed...(and the bizarrely self-contradictory CSA Affidavit would seem to self-identify this as absolutely being a 'Malicious Prosecution'-Ed)...well quite, and that has always been my position and I did identify that to the Court...

And to return to my earlier point that I was barely involved in this latest/final hearing, Her Honour did not ask me any questions, in fact I'm not sure I said a single word, and it was all over in minutes...(I believe the phrase HH used was 'the application is revoked'(?)-Ed)...yeah, something like that, but again, it was dropping in and out a bit as phone reception has a habit of doing here in 1955, I mean here in Mt Gambier and regional Australia more was all so sudden and more than a li'l surreal given what's happened previous in my "bizarre trial" processes...I wasn't exactly sure that I'd heard it all correctly, and indeed it wasn't until Her Honour stated 'You have no matters before the Court Mr Fletcher' that it started to sink-in a bit...2 days later and it's still a dawning reality...(and ironic really that "sinking-in" can cause a sense of being 'uplifted'-Ed)...and most poignantly put dear Ed, indeed, that's exactly what's happened, it's exactly how I feel...I was an absolute write-off yesterday...(but that didn't stop you pursuing Mt Gambier City Council's latest act of complete bastardry, their massively corrupt construct, the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre $57million Fraud-Ed)...well I had a go sure, but that's for tomorrow's post...(fair enough-Ed) we're just gunna' celebrate a quiet slice of 'Stickin' It To The Man'...   

And having said that, I'm under no illusion that this whole affair, this wholly corrupted affair is anywhere near concluded...(well there's your ongoing attempts to just access your "bizarre trial" recordings/transcripts with a view to actually getting your Appeal lodged-Ed)...well yep, there is all that, just another hugely corrupt bastardisation of appropriate process as part of the broader "Malicious Prosecution"...(and there's the rancidly corrupt politicised Final Intervention Orders, aren't they still 'active'?-Ed)...think so, not sure...(and does this latest decision mean that other restrictions have been lifted, eg, you can now leave the State?-Ed)...great question mate, I've no idea, so I'll have to write to the Court and seek direction/clarification...(and possibly get the transcripts, etc-Ed)...yeah, that too...and so as not to shoot myself in either foot and/or both, I'll also get direction about posting my own correspondence with the Court...(well that's your own stuff so I'd reckon that's not an issue-Ed)...that's what I think, but just to be sure it won't hurt to ask...(and it's not like we ain't got a tonne of other stuff to cover-Ed)...indeed...(do you reckon that CSA might try to Appeal Her Honour's ruling?-Ed)...well, whilst it wouldn't exactly surprise me given their malicious conduct thus far, you'd reckon that HH's comment about "wasting anymore of the Court's time" might put-paid to that...

So in conclusion, I'd just like to allow myself another small Woohoo!...I'd also like to acknowledge that handful of people who have supported and/or advised me through this latest round of "Malicious Prosecution", particularly my ever-suffering Tech Support who has doubled as my Emotional Editor, helping me produce balanced factual correspondence sans anger and provocation, cheers big ears...

Tomorrow: MGCC's $57m Fraud And Deceit Of Mt Gambier Ratepayers

They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, but I never thought I'd be quilt-sharing with Graham Greenwood...and because I've been scathingly critical of Mr Greenwood in the past, it gives me great pleasure to be proven wrong on at least this one issue...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PS: Please indulge me this, one last Woohoo!...(back of the net-Ed)...

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