Sunday, September 6, 2020

The $57M FARC - Mt Gambier City Council Are Crooks, Thugs, And Liars

Howdy y'all to another very, very brief post, but that's only 'cos there's a veritable truckload of homework to be done...and cheers to the peeps who have been pointing-out some of this stuff to me, alerting me to certain Social Media posts, etc, etc...and so there's this, follow the link is MGCC Mayor Lynette 'In Da House' Martin and CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle being interviewed on local Triple M radio this Friday just gone, 4th September 2020...this runs very close to the same weasel-word  deceits and outright lies and gutless denials that these prize clowns spewed-forth on the ABC South East Radio Friday a week ago, 28th August 2020...and the bonus here isn't just that this might mean I don't have to transcribe all that shizzle, but also, that there's 2 interviews here, the first being with Mr Graham Greenwood, as referred to in the previous post on this issue...   

I also note that someone directed me to some Social Media posts by MGC Councillor Kate Amoroso, in response to criticism of the Council en masse...these posts align with stuff I've previously heard about how Ms Amoroso has been trying to get Council to inform Ratepayers/Citizens, rather than do all of this dodgy dealing 'In Camera', that is, secretly...Graham Greenwood also raises this issue, eg, that Council knew a full year ago that the cost had already blown-out from $39m to $50m, but didn't tell Ratepayers/Citizens...I have also heard many other 'statements' about Council's appalling bullying, harassment, and abuse of Cr Amoroso...and I say "statements" rather than 'rumours' because I believe it all to be completely true, given 1) my 'sources', and 2) my personal experience of what shitfully gutless li'l thugs infest the benches of MGCC...(they really are a very low brand of human being aren't they-Ed)...well I tried to gentrify the title as best I could, but Crooks, Thugs, And Liars was the best I could manage...and just for the record, none of this stuff has come from Cr Amoroso, apart from the Social Media stuff, and I will be discussing it with her before I go into any specific details...anyhoos, here's the link...

I hope you 'enjoyed' this as much as indeed I have...(yeah, there's nothing quite like listening to Crooks, Thugs and Liars define themselves-Ed)...indeed, and 'cos it goes for so long I'll just direct y'all to it now and then do a further more thorough 'review' in a separate post, cheers...

Tomorrow: My Attempts To Stop The $57M FARC Fraud

And can I just make the point, as indeed I'm sure some regular dear availees are asking themselves, yes, I have been hugely and repeatedly critical of Graham Greenwood, including on this specific subject, the unnecessary FARC...I have criticised him for 'potentially' just serving-up Dorothy-Dixer style pseudo-criticism to MGCC, therefore allowing Council to deny and distract and deceive Ratepayers/Citizens, etc...but I was wrong...(sorry what?!-Ed)...and never happier to be proven so...(hang on a second-Ed)...'cos I'd rather be wrong if it involves having someone of Graham's relative credibility and 'conservativeness' and profile and social influence, etc, working for the benefit of this community...(ahhh, I get it, it's that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' stuff-Ed)...well, not really, it's more about the fact that Graham is clearly genuinely concerned and genuinely has the best interests of Mt Gambier at heart, and appears to have acted upon that concern...(fair enough-Ed)...we may never agree on anything ever again, but given that this is arguably the third largest issue currently affecting Mt Gambier, his 'activism' is welcome...

(Ummm, "third largest issue"?-Ed)...well of course there's the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and then there's also the Culture of Sexual Assault at the Morrison Jazz Academy...(fair enough-Ed)... 
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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