Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Australian Main Stream Media And ABC Are An Embarrassment Unto Themselves

Howdy y'all and welcome to another stop-gap sortta' post dragged outta' the Drafts section of this 'ere blog...after a hugely exhausting coupla' weeks I've deliberately given myself a bit of time off from blogging this week, so here's one I started several weeks back, with some more recent stuff tacked on the end...cheers...and to open, here's some stuff I copied across from Twitter weeks ago, but given the ongoing and escalating rancidly politicised attacks by the Liberal/National Party on Labor State Premiers, about border closures and lock-down measures, etc, it's all still relevant...anyone who is even mildly balanced in their political observationings recognises the LNP is attacking Labor Premiers whilst carefully remaining completely silent about the Liberal State Premiers...(eg, our very own Stephen 'Holla' For A' Marshall-Ed)....yep, who has shut the borders between SA and New South Wales...(and with Victoria-Ed)...and with Victoria...and of course the studiously sycophantic Main Stream Media and wholly subjugated ABC just lap-up these LNP talking points and regurgitate it all as 'News'...(and then there's the crass hypocrisies at play when PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison and Border Force Minister Peter 'Spud' Dutton start publicly screech-preaching about 'humanity'-Ed)...indeed...

Ed is of course referring to Scummo's disgraceful commandeering of a Queensland family's funeral arrangements for their father, going onto shock-jock halfwit Ray Hadley's radio show to fake cry his way through his faux empathy...(and then the Prime Minister's Office lied, again, this time stating that Scummo was only responding to Labor Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk raising the issue in Queensland Parliament-Ed)...indeed...(when in fact it was Liberal Opposition leader Deb Frecklington who raised the issue, including giving the time of the funeral!-Ed)...exactly! but that reality hasn't stopped the farcically irrelevant MSM and ABC continuously reporting Scummo's lies as fact...(do any of these alleged 'journo' people do any fact checking at all any more?-Ed)...well you'd be excused for thinking 'No', no they don't, for example, revelations that Scummo/the PMO have been back-grounding State LNP stooges like Tim Smith in supporting and encouraging these attacks...(whilst Scummo keeps publicly harping-on about conscensus and supporting each other, etc, a proven hypocrisy given the reality of his conduct behind the scenes-Ed)...exactly, and then on top of that comes the revelations and related admissions that Scummo/the PMO is ringing journo's during Labor Premier's press conferences and feeding those 'journos' questions and/or outright directions as to what to ask...

Research for y'allselves Scummo's boastful history as Immigration Minister and his denying relatives access to the  funerals of loved one's who died in 'Immigration Detention', etc, etc, and look at Spud's current incarceration of the Biloela family (Sri Lankan refugees) and his statements about not making exceptions because it will cause a flood of illegal immigrants, etc, etc...when it suits them politically it's to heck with Human Rights and Decency and Humanity, but when they want to attack a Labor opponent, it's a tsunami of crocodile tears and faked sympathies...and the MSM and ABC rarely if ever cover these stark contrasts...and where do all these revelations occur? it's Twitter isn't it...

And no bloody wonder these self-important stooge 'journos' on/in the MSM and ABC get so spitefully shiteful when attacking those on Twitter who continuously out the collective stoogings of the pro-LNP 'professional media'...(I mean, it must be very embarrassing to have a bunch of 'left-wing-whingers and keyboard warriors' constantly exposing your voluminous and in many circumstances deliberate pro-LNP bias and abject failures to do even the most basic checks, etc-Ed)...for gourd sake, it took Twitter exactly sweet bugger-all time to jump on Scummo's 'Annastacia started it' lie, and post the actual transcripts from the Queensland Parliament, etc...(the other night on Channel 10's The Project RW shock-jerk Steve Price was made to look like the prick that he is when he tried to get one of the daughters to concede that Scummo had only responded to Palaszczuk raising the funeral in Parliament, and the daughter said, 'no' it wasn't her, I've read the transcripts'-Ed)...classic...(yep, but that didn't stop Priceless, he had another shot at it, and again was brutally shot-down-Ed)...indeed, it's a deliberate and massively biased pro-LNP misrepresentation of the facts, albeit it a failed one...and even today the ABC is still reporting that Premier Palaszczuk "took some body blows" on that issue, it's just bollocks...the facts are that Scummo ambushed someone's funeral for his own political purposes, spewed it into the MSM, and then tried to lie his way away from responsibility...(when it comes to Scummo, you can always rely on the fact that it's someone else's fault, not his, never his-Ed)...exactly, and he is emboldened and enabled by the pathetic MSM and ABC...    

And so it has been for months now in Victoria, with a litany of Right Wing Nut Jobs and assorted LNP Dick Wits given endless and unquestioning coverage in the MSM and ABC to attack Labor Premier Dan Andrews...and nothing covers that better than the Twitter stuff I referred to before and have included here...this is from a generic 'thread' so there's no specific acknowledgement...enjoy...

     Not one of these @DanielAndrewsMP haters is an expert in any medical field or has any 
     experience in dealing with a health emergency. Why listen to them? They have no idea.
     #auspol #CovidVic #COVID19Aus
9:00 AM · Aug 6, 2020Twitter Web App

***...and I'm loathe to admit that I know everyone of these rancidly self-important Right Wing Nutjobs, 'cos part of being informed is to monitor the putrid rantings of those you deplore...(and not least of all 'cos there's several politicians here, not surprisingly Liberal ones-Ed)...exactly, like our good mate Tim 'Franking Credits' Wilson there, second from right bottom row, and the last photo is Peta Credlin who was former PM Tony Abbott's Chief of Staff/'personal assistant'...(and allegedly his 'mistress' as well-Ed)...ugh, I know, and I reckon they've both denied that, but either way, don't they make such a lovely couple...and almost without exception, it's the glittering illuminati that populates the LNP benches, be it in Government or Opposition, it's almost always these clowns who seem to genuinely revel in lowering the tone to subterranean mud-slinging sans actual fact or rational rationale...(yep, never let facts or reality compromise your LNP political agenda and/or allegiances-Ed)...and hence these morons completely ignore or viciously defend what's happening with the federal LNP or in NSW or in South Australia, etc, but cheerily congratulate themselves for ludicrous comparisons between Victoria and despotic dictatorships, eg, shrilly referring to Premier Andrews as 'Dictator Dan'...(and doesn't that prize dickhead Tim Smith wear a mask with 'Dandemic' written across it?-Ed)...yep, prize dickhead alright... 

And you don't have to travel very far to find multiple examples of the sort of rancidly abusive, often wildly misogynist conduct of the LNP...need another example, then go here (link just below) and watch an Absolute Prick professionally AbsoPrick his way through one of the most appalling displays of incompetence furiously trying to hide behind faux outrage and actual bitter misogyny...his name is Brad Hazzard, and he's a serial offender in this respect...(or rather, 'lack of'-Ed)...sorry?...(respect that is, lack of respect-Ed)...oh yeah, right, good one, apologies but my senses are somewhat swamped by my rage at this sort of putridly vile conduct...(and who's the clown behind him laughing?-Ed)...not sure, but that other pudgy guy is notorious Police Minister David Elliott, just Interweb search him and you'll see what I mean, eg, try 'Elliot Defends Strip-Searching Children' and 'Citizens Should Be Afraid Of The Police'...what I'm more concerned about is the clown in the Speaker's chair...(you mean the clown who's meant to maintain the decorum and respectful and lawful running of the Parliament?-Ed)...yeah, that clown, what's he doing whilst this vile abuse is being spewed into the Chamber?...

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I am a naturally respectful and gentle person, but they also know that I'm more than prepared to play other people's games by their rules where appropriate and/or necessary...and in that context, Language Warning:...this fat ugly fucker is a limp-dicked failure on so many levels, and he knows it, and he especially hates being held to account by a woman, and that's why he's so gender-focussed in his abusive response... 

And what gets reported in the MSM and ABC? almost nothing, and yet again it appears that that very limited coverage was in response to the fury expressed on Twitter, and then only covered in a context such as to 'hose-it down'...but then watch how the ABC's The Drum 'reports' a single word from a Labor Member toward a LNP member...I understand the furore that surrounds the 'history' of the word "barren" as it relates to the LNP's gender-based abuse of former PM Julia Gillard, so there's also layers of hypocrisy goin' on right there, but this 'reporting' looks like it is literally just pumping righteous indignation oxygen into the subject matter to inflate the outrage beyond and judge for yourselves...  

I admit that I do not know if there is a more extensive background to this exchange, is there a history from this Member of similar attacks? etc, but for me it's the vast disparity between the very limited reportage of Hazzard's prolonged and open attack, and the use of a single word...we're gunna' finish here and start on another post to be 'posted' later today or first thing tomorrow, but if you're so inclined, do research for y'allselves the levels of disparity in how the MSM and ABC are reporting politics in Australia, eg, last Sunday's Insiders program, once the gem in the ABC's political crown,  was just another embarrassingly obvious wall-to-wall LNP stoogefest, featuring multiple current or former Murdoch Media employees, 'Speersy' included, and Peter Dutton as the is Spud's screeching hypocrisies about 'humanity', etc, as it relates to his political posturing utilising a family's grief, and as that contrasts to his actual conduct toward refugees...

Tomorrow: Adelaide University's Culture Of Sexual Assault By Senior Academics

Because it's all in the same ballpark as this institutionalised and widely unchallenged LNP misogyny, and we regularly cover these issues of Gender Imbalance and Cultures of Protecting Perpetrators of Sexual Assault, etc...might instead be the second part post of my review of Mt Gambier City Council's deliberately deceitful Planning Application thingy for the $64million Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...not sure which yet, but maybe it'll be both...(hurrah!-Ed)...indeed, and apparently Graham Greenwood has been giving it a hammering again on his Facebook page, so we must check that out too...(yeeha!-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters... 

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