Monday, August 31, 2020

$57Million FARC Debasco Must Be Stopped- First Of Two Posts (31 August 2020)

***Howdy dear availees, welcome to a coupla' quite random and sporadic posts about the proposed $57million Mt Gambier FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre) you'll see, I started into this stuff about Mt Gambier City Council's Development Planning Consent Application aways back in March 2020, including doing a written and then verbal submission to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP), which itself involved reading through MGCC's 156 page DPCA and trying to cover that via a post on this 'ere blog...(which then blew-out to 2 posts-Ed)...indeed it did, and then other stuff interposed itself and neither post was completed...(and then the SCAP approved the DPCA anyways-Ed)...yeah, and it all went on the semi-scrap heap to be possibly retrieved sometime laters...(and now here we are, laters-Ed)...yep, and stuck with 2 posts that are individually all over the shop, but together paint a more understandable I ask y'all dear availees to bear with these 2 posts and particularly this first one, which, as you'll see, identifies itself as being the second post, contains multiple half-finished paragraphs, etc...and y'all can check my bona fides for berating, my credentials for critiquing, the actualities of my activism by going to the SCAP website, and lookin'-up 'Minutes' for 19th March 2020, and there, under 'Representors', there's li'l ol' me and my submission, etc, mentioned by name...oh look, here's the link...

However, as disjointed as some of this stuff is, it shows that I did review MGCC's DPCA, and as above, I have tried to engage with this farce, therefore I have every right to comment and that I do so in an informed manner, it ain't just my opinion, etc...(well quite, so when you state that many of the excuses offered by MGCC CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle are lies, it's 'cos you can point to the truth that is confirmation of that lie, if you see what I mean-Ed)...absolutely, and I just today listened again to that lengthy lie-laden ABC South East Radio interview with The Peddler from last Friday 28th August 2020, and I'm really regretting my promise to dear availees that I'd transcribe the entire interview, which goes for 16 minutes, 'cos it's gunna' take like freakin' forever...(perhaps just do some bits-Ed)...yeah, I'll still try to get to it, but my energy's lacking 'cos it's a done deal...(a rancidly corrupt done deal-Ed)...of course, it's a Mt Gambier City Council deal, but it's still a done deal all the same...and Mt Gambier Ratepayers have been played as suckers every step of the way by our rancidly corrupt Council, deceived, manipulated, and straight-out lied to...remember, this started as a petition about an All Weather Covered Pool (effectively just enclosing the current Olympic-size pool), then off the back of that support Tony Pasin and MGCC suddenly rocketed it to a $39m 'Recreation Centre' without the pool covered, etc, and that that is what 'Citizens' were asked to 'Vote' for via the mail-in poll that saw only 40% respond and then only 70% of them say 'Yes'...

And because it is a big issue for some, that 'Poll' was for everyone in Mt Gambier, not just for the  Ratepayers, but it is Ratepayers that are gunna' cop it right between the thighs when this massive cost blow-out and associated massive borrowing come home to roost via massive Rate increases...(ummm, don't you mean 'cop it right between the eyes', the eyes, not "the thighs"?-Ed), I've written exactly what I mean, and with all due respect to dear lady availees 'cos I can't comment specifically on what that might be like for y'all, I'm using that as a non-gender specific state of discomfort I reckon we can all relate to, and therefore all get the point I'm making...(it's gunna' really, really hurt?-Ed)...exactly...(and probably take a really long time to get off the floor afters, and back on one's feet?-Ed) a fiscal sense, absolutely...and consider also that Ratepayers what is acting as landlords are gunna' pass-on those increases to tenants, which will have a debilitating effect on tenancy, etc...(particularly with issues like the reportedly exorbitant rents already being charged in the Main St precinct and how that is related to the many empty premises, etc, and how current Rates contribute to the 'high rents', etc-Ed) on, it's a vicious upward spiral of costs, in a deflating retail shopfront's already that "Perfect Storm' for landlords, and it's just gunna' get worse...

Now suddenly, without any Public Consultation or any sort of Ratepayer input, etc, MGCC is unilaterally gunna' 'borrow' at least $32m to cover the gap between Federal and State funding, totaling $25m, and the new $57m price tag...(more like a price millstone if you ask me-Ed)...well quite...and The Peddler's got the bare-faced audacity to wave away these concerns with glib statements about how MGCC has "a mandate" and that people originally voted not about the final costs, but rather, about whether or not to accept that $25m funding offer...   

And I'm gunna' cover this critical issue of 'Rate Increases' in both posts 'cos it's absolutely indicative of the outright lies that MGCC and most particularly The Peddler is, well, peddling......all involved have repeatedly and vehemently denied that Rates will be increased as a result of the FARC...(but haven't they already committed to a guaranteed 4.5% annual increase, regardless of CPI, etc?-Ed)...yep, and Member for Barker Tony Pasin was himself originally quoted as saying that there would be Rate increases, when he kicked-off this entire debasco aways back in January/February here's what MGCC said on page 148 of their official DPCA...  
     "...(MGCC has) a strong sense of social responsibility for ongoing operational costs which will
       necessarily flow through as rate increases to the community..."
...(but hang on a sec, that says that "operational costs...will necessarily flow through as rate increases"-Ed)...yep, you've got ahead of me there, 'cos I was about to point-out the apparent Professional Word-Weaseling of MGCC and The Peddler, where-in they are clearly very impressed with themselves in trying to obfuscate the issue with a view to deliberately deceiving Ratepayers/Citizens...and to achieve that deception they are separating 'Building Costs' from 'Operational Costs', and then saying 'No Rate Increases For Construction', when they know damn well that there will be huge Rate Increases related to 'Operational Costs'...

(Yeah, well, whilst you're quite correct and that's absolutely a critical indicator of MGCC's and The Peddler's deliberate deceits/corruption, etc, and that there will obviously and unavoidably be Rate increases to finance that massive $32m loan, etc, I was in fact referring to the MGCC admission that the FARC is gunna' run at a loss, and how that then impacts on MGCC's/Ratepayer's ability to finance/repay any costs, let alone a $32m loan-Ed)...please explain...(well they're admitting that they'll need to raise Rates just to pay for the FARC's running costs, which is itself an admission that it's gunna' run at a loss-Ed)...oh sweet baby cheeses, you're absolutely right, that's exactly what that statement says, 'operational costs will force rate increases', that says that MGCC are admitting that the income from the FARC will not cover even the basic operational costs...(and therefore Rates will need to be increased-Ed)...oh dear gourd, we are soooo rooted...(yep, if that's what their official DPCA says, then what hope for the future?-Ed)...yep, and it's so critical, it bears repeating, loudly...

MGCC is admitting that their own 'Business Model', for lack of a better and more appropriate name, their own official projections of the FARC's income is that it will not earn enough to cover basic running costs, and therefore there's gunna' be Rates increases.     

And so we get to the disjointed bits I already did months ago...apologies in advance, but we'll get there across these 2 posts, I hope...cheers...***    

Howdy dear availees in parts here. there, near and far...(even if you are a 'bot', an automated availee, gourd knows, I'm a confected literary device not an actual person, so solidarity brothers and sisters-Ed)...yes yes, alright, more power to you Ed, but as I understand it 'bots' are usually 'disguised' to appear to be actual peeps, and are mostly malicious in nature and designed/operated to 'troll' people, and/or skew debate and/or drive a false narrative, etc, where-as you are openly identified as a created character to help generate discussion and debate, as opposed to outright lecturing, and to set-up jokes and stuff...(and apparently quite effectively 'cos peeps periodically ask, 'who is Ed?'-Ed)...indeed they do...but we digress, howdy one and all, and welcome to the second of 2 posts about the current dysfunctional actionings of the Mt Gambier City Council and their beloved bloody Farcical Aquatic Recreation y'all are probs aware, we are currently at the Development Planning Consent (Planning Only) stage, but if you want to skip to the last coupla' paragraphs in  this 'ere post, I've updated this stuff as best I can...    

And as I struggle to try and keep myself informed about such matters, often much to the detriment of my own Mental Health, eg, watching Scotty From Marketting spew unrelenting deceits and endless mindless rhetoric at perpetual pointless press conferences...(gourd he loves the sound of his own voice-Ed)...yeah, not so keen on other's voices though...(particularly those voices asking questions he don't wanna' hear!-Ed), 'cos I needed to know, I've repeatedly subjected myself to all 156-ish pages of MGCCs Application...(strewth!-Ed)...indeed, and it hasn't let me down...(no?-Ed)...nope, I only got as far as page 3, before the whole thing had gone to Heck in a Handbasket, etc, etc, and if MGCC's litany of pro-FARC lies, deceits and manipulations across the last 2 years weren't enough cause for concern, page 3 is of itself a huge concern...(how so?-Ed)...where to begin? well, firstly, it doesn't appear to have been completed correctly...(mmm?-Ed)...there's numerous sections requiring specific information and they're mostly blank...(and we're off to a flying start-Ed)...

***moved stuff here to Post 2, just skip through this stuff...***

Page 8...The official FARC Development Application is a hand-scribbled mess, and has MGCC CEO Mr Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle supposedly lodging that 'Application' on the 25th November 2019

Pages 9 -

These 'plans' (page 35) show that the FARC will be built immediately adjacent to the sink hole in O'Halloran Tce, in fact, the proposed 'Southern Carpark' is literally right next to it...(does this mean MGCC plans to try and fill-in' that sink hole, but just haven't told anyone?-Ed)...gourd knows mate

44 Anybody who currently uses Margaret St knows that even minimal traffic flow can be problematic when trying to exit, particularly any right hand turn, and that at the Bay Rd end the petrol station on that corner further complicates safe traffic management   

Pages 44-64 is just 20 pages of nonsense 'Traffic Figures' that supposedly support Council's ultimate position that everything is just gunna' be fine...(fine?-Ed)...just fine...and anybody who's tried to get outta' Margaret St at the Bay Rd end knows that it can be highly problematic due to the often blocked

66 Noise Assessment...***stuff about sound-proofing for concerts, etc***

And hasn't Council also promised nearly $2m to 'deepen and re-vamp the outdoor pool', but as a separate project/cost to the $30m FARC?...

***and here we jump to the stuff about my SCAP submission and testimony***

Well I did my 5-minute verbal submission via phone on 19th March 2020, and not sure that I actually achieved anything, but there you go, at least I had a go...(sorry, "5 minute"? only 5 minutes?-Ed)...yeah, and via phone and no documentation allowed/considered...(but I thought you said you spent many hours across several days preparing your 'verbal submission'?-Ed)...I did, as stated, that Application is 156 pages, and I was simultaneously doing this 'ere post which became so long I've had to split it into 2 posts, and then try to tidy them up a bit, etc, etc...(sounds like a very tortuous process-Ed)...well it ain't exactly been fun times for ol' Nicky boy, not least of all, and as I explained it to the SCAP peeps, when my extensive interactions with MGCC and/or witnessings of their relentless Institutionalised Corruption means that I inherently do not, nay, can not trust a single word they say...(let alone a series of them words strung together in what we like to call a sentence-Ed)...indeed, and similarly do I have nought but disdain and disbelief for any MGCC alleged facts, figures, statistics and/or graphs, etc, etc, is therefore an exercise in redundant dis-counting of anything they have to say with regards to effectively anything and/or anything in the MGCC FARC Application...(and the SCAP's response?-Ed)...that this, the 'believability/trustworthiness' of MGCC was not an issue they would consider in their decision-making process...(yeah, but you did outright call it "corruption" didn't you? don't they need take heed to that critical issue when considering the various facts and figures presented to them by MGCC?-Ed)...well Yes and No, apparently...("Yes and No"? which is it?-Ed)...

***sorry, forget where I was goin' with that, let's push on...***

Now I still have my previously described concerns, but I'm taking it from what the SCAP said that the various discrepancies and blank spaces, etc, on Page 3 are not a problem... 

Anyhoos, that was 0945hrs-ish on the Thursday morn (19th March), and the SCAP emailed me at lunchtime the next day (Friday) to tell me that the Application had been approved...

***So it took a whole day for the SCAP to approve the DPCA...and now back to the MGCC DPCA stuff***

Page 98 shows that sinkhole being used as the depository for the storm-water off the roof of the FARC building...(what? but that's almost guaranteed to cause massive and even catastrophic erosion!-Ed)...well if by catastrophic erosion you mean that dumping huge volumes of water into the sinkhole is almost certainly going to cause further subsidence and is highly likely to cause collapse of the cave system immediately below...(that's exactly what I mean, and anyone with even a basic knowledge of Karst Systems knows this-Ed)...a Karst System being "a topography formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is characterised by underground drainage systems and sinkholes and caves."...(exactly, the exact topography of most of the South East, including every square foot of the City of Mt Gambier!-Ed)...hard to believe that they (MGCC) don't know this...and they know that Englebrecht and Umpherston Caves are examples of exactly that sort of system...   

***...and that's where I'm gunna' finish this post, but hopefully most of that still makes some sense, and it's mostly covered in greater detail in the next I said, I had started to break this into 2 posts and only got halfway there, etc, but I think we covered the most critical point, namely, the stuff about MGCC admitting that the FARC will run at a loss, leading to Rate increases... 

Tomorrow: Part 2 Of The SCAP DPCA Stuff

Thanks y'all for your patience with these posts, and I'll try to make the next one a li'l less clunky...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Pack Up Ya' Troy Bells In Your Ol' Kit Bag

***Started this several weeks ago, so apologies for any continuity issues, etc***

(Ohhh, for gourd sake, you ain't lettin' go of that bone any time soon are ya'?-Ed)...I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about...(I'm talking about your relentless flogging of that same sorry 'Troy Bell/trouble' pun-Ed)...ahhh, in that case I do know what you're talking about...(and from what I can gather, most of this post ain't even about the current Member for Mt Gambier in the South Australian House of Assembly (Lower House), and/or the 'troubles' he's seeing via the blatantly obvious Political Persecution he is currently undergoing courtesy of SA's rankly corrupt Independent Commissioner Against Corruption-Ed)...oo oo, that reminds me...(reminds you of what?-Ed)...that My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander is retiring and being replaced by Justice(?) Anne Vanstone...(now where do I know that name from?-Ed)...well she's been a relatively prominent person in SA legal circles for some time, but I'd guess it's because she's the sister-in-law of former Liberal (Federal) Senator Amanda Vanstone...(oh gourd-Ed)...yesss, I know, but please be open to the possibility that that doesn't necessarily define Ann's operandi politique and/or social disposition, etc, maybe she loathes her 'Outlaws' and has nothing to do with them, and her/their ideologies/behaviours/etc may be world's apart...("operandi politique"?-Ed)...yeah, I made it up, simply meaning her political leanings /allegiances/whatevs and how that affects her conduct/decisions/etc...

Guilty By Association, Guilty By Inheritance:...and arguably on an absolute hiding to nothing is the incoming Commissioner, due to the definable Institutionalised Corruption evident in her predecessor's conduct...(in the same way that Grant King's multiple 'political' appointments by the rancidly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government defined the HAC and RDA as being corrupt, that is, my maaate Grant was 'appointed' to the Health Advisory Council and Regional Development Australia immediately following his still non-investigated defrauding of at least $3million from the failed Green Phone enterprise-Ed)...indeed, and a quick perusal of her credentials and work history ain't doin' much to alleviate my concerns...(employment with all the usual suspects?-Ed)...indeed, and given my experiences of the rancidly corrupt SAPol (police) Prosecutions and the Director of Public Prosecutions I'm also deeply concerned about some of the 'controversial' decisions that she has been involved in, eg, in 2008 the High Court described her directions to the jury as 'lacking neutrality', basically re-iterating the Prosecution case whilst almost ignoring the Defence...there are other examples, just Interweb search her history...

Language Warning:...And again Dear Googles I'd like to own "my rights as a living woman"...(aha, nice zeitgeist reference to the current trend of privileged fuckwits, particularly women it seems, although that may just be the 'reporting' paradigm, etc, but they're refusing to wear masks and harassing poor Bunning employees or Australia Post staff, etc-Ed)...including apparently circulating some manifesto/script thingy that tells them they have the 'Right' to do whatevs they fuckin' feel like, fuckin' whenevs, fuckin' whatevs, and fuck everybody else...(fuckin' idiots!-Ed)...yep, we have some real issues in Australia at the moment about genuine actual Fascism courtesy of PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison cancelling Parliament and declaring himself a One-Man Cabinet and appointing mates to unaccountable COVID Committees, etc, and there's our actual breaches of Human Rights Conventions regarding our appalling, politicised  treatment of refugees, etc, but do these fuckin' idiots protest any of that? nup, they're goin' to the shops and yellin' fuckin' incoherent bullshit at under-paid staffers...(if it weren't so stupid it'd just be sad-Ed)...End Language Warning...mmm, anyhoos, it is not 'Defamation' or whatevs, it is my 'right' to state the realities as I have experienced them re the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia's Legislature (Parliament/Public Service), the Executive (Police/Corrections), and the Judiciary (errr, Judiciary)'s when I see someone who has spent their entire professional life as part of that definably compromised system, I'd reasonably be considered an absolute idiot if I did not have very genuine concerns...(but to argue against ya'self, not everyone you've encountered in the Parliament or in SAPol or in the Courts, etc, not everyone's been rabidly bent-Ed)...excellent point...

(*This is a very basic breakdown of the actual Legislature/Executive/Judiciary structure for the purposes of this 'ere blog, eg, the 'Elected Government' is part of the 'Executive', and some parts of the 'Public Service' can be both Legislature and Executive, and there are many overlaps from Federal to State powers and functions,'s actually a very complicated web of responsibilities and accountabilities, etc...(as witnessed with the current Aged Care and State Borders issues-Ed)...yep, although Aged Care is clearly a Federal responsibility that Scott 'Smirky Shirker' Morrison is desperately trying to deny...if like me, you struggle a bit with the technicalities and intricacies, etc, but do wanna' know more, just Interweb search it, it's well worth educationing ones-self about this shizzle as best one can.*)

But back to your excellent point well made Ed, indeed and for example, Her Honour Teresa Anderson was initially clearly not very impressed with me and my habit of abruptly repeatedly correcting her, etc, but HH very quickly realised that it was the bucket a' false info that she was being fed by SAPol Prosecutions, etc, that's where the real problem lay, and given that, that I was actually being quite polite and respectful in my conduct...(and that then led to HH treating you with genuine respect and listening to what you were saying about your 'Trial' being a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution" as motivated by this 'ere blog, etc-Ed)...absolutely, which led directly to HH identifying that as being "Abuse of Process" and then "Malicious Prosecution", and ultimately to Her Honour 'excusing/recusing' herself and withdrawing...(and in abject contrast, we have the definable bias and abuse and threats and badgering and repeated corrupt collusion with SAPol Prosecutions, etc, of HH's 'replacement', Magistrate Ian White-Ed)...indeed, chalk and cheese...and SAPol's conduct, both ACB and Prosecutions, through-out my "bizzare trial", was appallingly corrupt and inept, but that doesn't mean that the cops repeatedly sent to my house in November/December 2018 knew that they were there to harass and intimidate me...(well, not until you told them anyways, then they knew-Ed)...sure, but that was just me reacting quietly and respectfully and quite appropriately to having cops continuously lobbing on my doorstep and sticking cameras in my face and demanding DNA swabs, etc, in what was clearly a campaign of exactly that, harassment and intimidation designed to make me feel unsafe in my own home...  

Politically though, I ain't quite so balanced and/or forgiving, almost without exception I have found 'politicians' to be at best self-serving and self-protecting, etc, and at worst, just fundamentally corrupt, usually with a strong Pro-Paedophile aspect to that corruption...but that doesn't mean that I'm incapable of re-considering my position about specific situations and/or politicians...for example, I was initially very supportive of Nick Xenophon, and gave him what I considered the benefit of the doubt about his actions regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and eventually my personal beliefs about his perceived failures to follow-through on promises of support, etc, that leached into my opinion of his actual actions in helping us parents get a Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration anger and trauma drew me away from that fundamental truth and I have been/become very damning of Mr Xenophon...but as I say, there is that fundamental truth, so whilst I have accused Mr Xenophon of potentially conspiring with the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt elements in both major political parties, Labor and Liberal, and leading us already traumatised parents into a blind-gully pseudo-Inquiry that never intended to do anything positive, etc, the fact remains that if he had merely said 'sorry, can't help you's' when we first went to him, then I couldn't now point to the 3 years long SARC Inquiry into the TRB, as motivated by the TRB handling of the St Martins Cover-up...(and where-in the TRB's conduct is itself a critical component of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...exactly...

When I manage to disavow myself of and disentangle myself from my personal trauma and anger, etc, I still believe that Mr Xenophon got us the relatively innocuous Inquiry he believed that the Parliament would support, as opposed to an Inquiry with any real powers and/or genuine intent...that is, he knew that the SARC Inquiry was never going to ultimately achieve any real change or resolve anything about the St Martins Cover-up, but it was still better than not getting any sort of Inquiry established at all...(here here!-Ed)...  

But I digress...all this stuff conveniently collides under the 'Troy Bell Troubles' banner, 'cos there's the various issues of Bruce maaate's inappropriate involvement in Troy's investigation and prosecution, and of course how that relates to Bruce's definably complicit involvement in my "bizarre trial"...(are you talking about his personal referral of you to SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch?-Ed)...well sure, there was that, although is that strictly true/correct, 'cos when SAPol ACB unlawfully interviewed me at Mt Gambier Police Station, they made specific reference to the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions), an issue with this Troy Bell stuff...(well whatevs Bruce actually done, he done do it without conducting any sort of actual appropriate 'legislated' investigation by the Office of Public Integrity?-Ed)...again, yep, sure...(and then there's his personal written 'Authorisation' allowing you to speak with your Legal Eagle (lawyer), your family, your friends, and your doctor?-Ed)...well he did do that, yes, in July 2014, approximately 5 months after he'd personally referred me to either the DPP or SAPol ACB, etc, and therefore 5 months into the SAPol/ICAC 'Operation Baritone' what was/is all about li'l ol' moi, etc, etc, but most specifically I am referring to Bruce's collusion with the then Labor Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau...(ah yes, all that stuff about Bruce maaate contacting li'l Johnny in September/October 2014 to request changing/expanding the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, as ratified in Parliament November 2014-Ed)...yep, retrospectively changing the legislation so as to allow prosecuting me...

And that ain't some paranoid rantings or conspiratorial self-obsession, 'cos we've previously documented all of that, so's regular availees will be well aware that several of those changes/expansions were about defining what 'To Publish' actually meant, and were in direct response to my Legal Eagle's correspondence with Bruce maaate, where-in my Leagles wrote asking that exact question, 'what does To Publish mean? there is no definition', etc...(and several other questions about the vastly vague and undefinable nature of the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, eg, what the living shreck does "tending to suggest mean?"-Ed)...indeed...and recent revelations about Bruce mate's grossly inappropriate and potentially unlawful conduct with the Troy Bell investigation, it's all just a li'l bit too familiar for me...(I wonder just exactly how much these Court-ratified concerns have influenced Bruce mate's retirement?-Ed)'s certainly a question worth asking...   

And because someone's gone to the trouble of sending me this, and 'cos I can't be bothered just repeating it all myself by way of explanation, etc, etc, here's just one of the many stories about Bruce's abuses of his already vast powers...

And there are of course various other stories about this extraordinary issue, but I'll cover them in upcoming posts...this story is actually from 3 weeks ago, and there's been bulk machinationings related to it since, and we'll get onto that shortly like...(is it my imagination, or are we doing more frequent posts lately?-Ed)...well we're certainly tying, yes, and with the demise of The Border Watch and the multiple current Mt Gambier City Council corruptionings and associated bastardries to be addressed, etc, etc, now's as good a time as any to get this 'ere blog functioning propers again...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Troy Bell And ICAC And MGCC Stuff 

And just a quick mention, recently someone sent me some stuff about issues related to my 'Trial' and the Common Law Prohibition on Retrospective Criminal Prosecutions...I've read that stuff and whilst it clearly does relate to the extraordinary corruption of appropriate process I've described above...(where Bruce Mate went to li'l Johnny Rau and changed the ICAC Act so as to prosecute you?-Ed)...yep, exactly I ain't no lawyer, but years of trawling through this sort of shizzle has taught me to spot some critical indicators, and the first one I spotted here, literally screaming at me off the page, was use of the term 'Conventions', it's a 'Convention' that such-and-such 'should occur'...this means it's what 'usually happens if everyone agrees', but the reality is that it ain't actually Law, it ain't strictly legislated, and therefore wide-open to 'interpretation' and/or just simply being ignored...(you mean like the Implied Freedom of Political Communication, itself a 'Convention' that is routinely misinterpreted as meaning that we have legislated Freedom of Speech like the USofA's Declaration (Bill) of Rights-Ed)...exactly, when the reality is very, very different, the reality lies in the first word, 'Implied', as opposed to 'Legislated'...

Of course, the IFoPC is one of the Constitutional Law issues that was identified during my 'Trial', and as acknowledged by both SAPol Prosecutions and the Court itself (Magistrate Rice), and there should have been a COAG meeting to evaluate/review the obvious CL issues, etc, etc, and is therefore a cornerstone of my ongoing attempts to Appeal...I'll go back through this Retrospective Laws stuff and see if I can't get a better handle on it, and post soon...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Friday, August 28, 2020

The $39m FARC Up To $57million Now, Before They've Even Started

Howdy dear availees in the USofA, Switzerland, Malta, and Thailand, and most importantly today, right here in li'l ol' Mt Gambier...welcome y'all to TMGI with associated early Language Warning...regular availees will know that we here at TMGI often post stuff hoping to be proven entirely wrong, or at least a bit alarmist...(in the context that being correct means that the subject matter is likely riddled with corruption and/or incompetence, and then usually Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...correct, haha, that's exactly the idiom we operate in, and as the litany of un-realised Defamation Threats made against us proves, and as unpleasant and disturbing though our topics may be, we're inevitably 'correct' and even occasionally 'right'...but even Ed and I were absolutely stunned by this morning's announcement on ABC South East Radio...(and I'm a confected literary device utilised to create a sense of debate rather than just lecturing y'all dear availees , and to set-up jokes, etc, so you can imagine, it takes quite a lot to shock or surprise me-Ed)...well quite, but cop this matey, Mt Gambier City Council have managed to blow-out the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre from the originally exorbitant $39million, to a mind-boggling $57m...(wow-Ed)...not quite what I said...(strewth!?-Ed)...mmm, and that $18m/45% increase comes before they've even turned the first sod...(oh my, they haven't even started and it's gone-up by that already?-Ed)...yep...(oh gourd we are royally fucked-Ed)...yep, we surely are... 

And the ABC just had on MGCC Mayor Lynette 'In Da House' Martin and Chief Executive Officer Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle, and oh my sweet gourd...(let me guess, you've never heard so much absolute bollocks in your entire life?-Ed)...and mate, I've been to dozens of MGCC meetings before I was banned back in April 2018 by the rancidly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, etc, etc, so I've seen my fair share of bollocks, believe me...but anyhoos, here's a super-quick summary 'cos I'm gunna transcribe the full interviews...something about it's never a better time to borrow...(the $33million MGCC Ratepayers are gunna' get stuck for and/or with, forthwith?-Ed)...indeed, $33m via 'low interest loans to be re-paid over a 20 year period'...('cos they only got $25m 'funding', $15m from the federal LNP government and $10m from the state Liberal Party, so that's $33m to be borrowed-Ed)...and MGCC is still paying back nearly $2m of the money they borrowed a decade ago for the New Library debasco (debacle tail-ends a Fiasco)...but hey, it's only money, that Mt Gambier City Council doesn't have, and is prepared to lie about...(yay-Ed)...

No Pool Me Once, No Pool Me Twice:...'cos this latest announcement includes a new 'End Date' of  approximately 'Autumn 2022'...(and that's if everything goes well, ya' know, minimal time lost to inclement weather or COVID-19, etc, etc-Ed)...exactly, if all goes 'to plan' there ain't gunna' be a public pool in Mt Gambier for the 2020/21 or 2021/22 Summer seasons...(well I'm sure people can just drive the 32-35kms to the coast or 50kms to Millicent or the 100kms to Naracoorte, no probs-Ed)...and if you don't have a lovely air-conditioned car, bad luck...or no car, and for example, instead rely on the weekdays-only public bus service in Mt Gambier, then no need to worry 'cos it's business as usual as Council continues to not give a flying fuck about you...(I can fly, I caaaan flyyyyy, sob-Ed)...steady on...and that closure could well extend into the 2022/23 season, given how massively MGCC has managed to fuck-up previous and relatively minor projects like the farcical Main Corner and the New Library...(and the Rail Lands, don't forget the Rail Lands, they really fucked that up, and not just once but several times over-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, and indeed they continue to do so, with their latest epic Corruption-Laden Brain Fart being to use Ratepayer's money to finally do some repairs, albeit only partial repairs, on the iconic Old Rail Station, with a view to, and get this, with a view to "giving it away" to some as yet unidentified business entity...(that "business entity" wouldn't be 'Councillor's Son & Sons' would it?-Ed) mean like they did with the $1m Main Corner Commercial Kitchen that was given to (then) Councillor Des Mutton's son Lachie?...(yeah, exactly like that bare-faced Nepotistic Corruption-Ed)...oh you can bet on it mate, you can absolutely bet on it...  

MGCC Is A COVID-19 Cluster-Fuck:...and The Peddler was very keen to leap on the 'Blame It On The COVID Blame Train', repeatedly citing the pandemic as being responsible for the extraordinary and extensive delays in just getting to here, to this clusterfuck announcement today, and pre-excusing any delays and/or other problems by pre-blaming...(whilst simultaneously using 'the current health crisis issues to show us how necessary this centre is'-Ed)...and I'll 'ave 50 bob each way guvna', top a' the mornin'...(well that's just a terrible impersonation of The Peddler's truly annoying whiny English accent-Ed)...indeed, but as a First Generation White Australian with direct English ancestry, it's my inalienable birth-right, nay, my obligation, to take the piss out of that droning, whining noise that comes outta' that lying, rorting mouth...(now tell us what ya' really think-Ed)...well, when my mate Andy repeatedly states that, and I quote, "there will be no increase in Rates to pay for this", he's lying and he damn well knows it...Andy, mate, it's in your own damn application to the SCAP (State Commission Assessment Panel) and you damn well know it, 'it will be funded by an "increase in rates"...and then there's lies that are weasel-worded deceits and deliberate omissions...

For example, when asked to explain why the massive blow-out, Andrew matey rattled-on some absolute bollocks about the original plan not including fixtures and features, etc...(what, so the SCAP Application was for a vast empty box then?-Ed)...exactly, and as another example/excuse, apparently  they/we will be utilising Timber and that that will reduce the cost...(but that's a reduction, that doesn't explain a massive increase-Ed)...I know! try explaining that to Handy Andy 'cos he clearly doesn't understand the basic concepts of increase vs decrease...(well decrease means...-Ed) no, thankyou, everyone else on the planet understands the difference, it's just Andy who seems to struggle...then he included the refurbishment of the Outdoor Olympic Pool...(but they've already announced that as being, what was it, $1.7m, so that's only say $2m of the $18m increase-Ed)...yep, and then Andy identified 'carparks' as a reason for the increase...(but again, that was all covered in infinitesimal detail in the SCAP Application, pages and pages of it, and not least of all, 'cos Council had to prove they had enough parking, easy street access, etc!-Ed)...yep, so let's just call that another outright lie...just a cavalier cavalcade of casual corruption...

Andy Gets 'Is Mandate Out:...when asked about whether or not the citizenry had actually voted for this $57m, given that they/we were told $39m and that's what the 45% of actual respondents actually supported at 73% 'Yes'...(well, apart from the fact that those numbers seem to go up every time they're reported, it is still in itself only actually less than 33% of potential respondents that wanted this FARC thing-Ed)...yep, and as we've covered before, given the one-sided pro-FARC spruiking of MGCC's expansive and expensive saturation marketting, and the relentless reporting, etc, and former CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane feverishly catastrophising the situation, declaring across multiple ABC interviews that "we must do this or Mt Gambier will get fat and die" and "we must do this or Mt Gambier will die as a community", etc, etc, etc...despite all the support and advertising and doomsday predictions, etc, less than half the populace even responded, and then more than 25% of them said 'No Thanks'...but that didn't stop The Peddler from whippin'-out his "mandate" and waving it about for all to see/hear, as some sort of justification for this absurd project, let alone this massive increase...

The vast majority of Mt Gambier residents just wanted an enclosed, all-weather pool, and instead they've/we've been frog-marched into a quagmire of personal self-interest, Institutionalised Corruption, and generational Ratepayer's an absolute disgrace from the wholly self-interested Mt Gambier City Council and it must be stopped... 

Laters: A Full Transcript As Best I Can Manage/Stomach

I have recorded the full announcement/interview from this morning, and whilst it was barely bearable the first time through, I'll take another one for the team and do what I can of a verbatim transcript...(oh yay, what fun-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...gourd give me strength...cheers and laters...oh, and End Language Warning...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Latest Expose On The Morrison Jazz Academy Boy's Club

Howdy dear promised, a specific post especially dedicated to the latest article by citizen journalist Matilda Duncan, regarding the many and varied political 'criminalities' of the funding given to James Morrison for his business, and the related failings of the supposed 'business model', etc...this is of course all entirely separate to the extraordinary multiple issues of Morrison supporting and protecting 'Rapists'* at his business/Academy...(and also doesn't cover the bizarre granting of Charity Status to 'Generations In Jazz', another of Morrison's 'personal businesses'-Ed)...indeed, how the living shreck is that appropriate? and how did it happen?...(I'd love to see Ms Duncan go hard at that particular issue-Ed)...well yes, with what she's managed to produce thus far, and on a range of topics, I'd reckon that she'd get as far as possible into that issue as anyone could...("as far as possible"?-Ed)...yeah, I believe that there's all sorts of delightful 'secrecy clauses' involved with that legislation...(of course there is, 'cos if anything screams 'We Need Secrecy', it's about the structures of and/or peeps involved, etc, with 'Charities'-Ed)...well quite, but we digress...

(*) I put a '*' on that because that is my personal opinion of the perpetrators Graeme Lyall and Matthew Harkin, as defined by their own conduct, but neither has been 'legally' identified as such...if need be, please refer to previous posts in this 'ere blog for more detail about how these 2 perpetrators have been protected and excused, not least of all by James Morrison...

And my first stop with all of this is to direct dear availees to the following articles/posts about Ms Duncan's horrendous treatment by Graeme Lyall, James Morrison, serial Paedophile Protector and apparently a 'lawyer' Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, Tennyson Woods College, SAPol (police), et al...please note in the New Matilda articles that 1) the Catholics/Tennyson Woods College, where the 'Jazz Academy' was originally located, they've done an extensive 'report' about this situation, and 2) where Lyall himself acknowledges that as a result Ms Duncan has received a Compensation Payment...(I love that bit where Lyall actually complains about Ms Duncan still pursuing appropriate action 'even though she's had that money', and in whinging about it, he thusly identifies that that Compensation Payment has happened-Ed)...classic...and it's so fundamentally obvious that I'm going to say it again anyways...
What happened that warrants a 60-page Catholic Report and a Compensation Payment?

So here's those links...

Then there's these two the first Ms Duncan is referred to as 'Louise', and then later as 'Ms Duncan', not sure the second one, the first paragraph is her...

And this, the most poignant article where-in Ms Duncan describes her experience of Lyall and the broader 'Jazz Community'...

And after that, my second stop in all of this is of course to make it about me...(well, what else is a card-carrying narcissist s'posed to do?-Ed)...exactly!...anyhoos, I am so red-hot on the Morrison stuff...(really? I hadn't noticed-Ed)...anywaaaays, I'm so focused on Morrison because I feel an unrelenting sense of guilt stemming from my knowledge of Ms Duncan's 'experience', dating back to when it happened in 2010, and my subsequent failure to act upon I've posted previously, the statements of outright denial made at the time by Tennyson's Principal David Mezinec and a SAPol representative on ABC South East Radio were proof-positive to me that something had happened...and that belief was cemented by the rancidly abusive 'rumours' about Ms Duncan that rocketted around this charming li'l town within days after that 'report'...

And my guilt is further cemented by this latest 'Rape' by Mathew Harkin, and my belief that maybe just maybe things might have been different if I'd acted earlier and/or more strongly about James Morrison's apparent predilection for protecting 'Rapists'...(maaate, look at everything that Ms Duncan has managed to achieve, by herself, and yet nothing's changed, how can you be responsible for this?-Ed)...well I'm not really, it's largely just me 'Guilt Shifting' that which I feel for failing to identify the abuses committed against our 7-year old kids at St Martins by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and then my failure to resolve what is now 18 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and again, neither are actually your fault, it's all just yet further examples of the same rancidly Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that Ms Duncan was/is subjected to-Ed)...indeed, and perhaps I just find it easier and less confronting to feel 'guilt' for my own failures, rather than try to deal with the far worse reality of that Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that runs and defines South Australia...(fair enough-Ed)...      

And absolute credit to Ms Duncan that, despite all of the horrendous abuse she's suffered at the hands of Morrison and his rancid cronies she somehow keeps her personal issues relatively 'in-check'...obviously her experiences are a big part of what motivates her...(as are yours-Ed)...exactly, but I don't think, in fact I know that I cannot and have not dealt with the St Martins Cover-up with the same sense of detachment and 'professionalism' that Ms Duncan has achieved...for example, as identified, it's taken over a year of Freedom of Information applications, refusals, and Appeals for her to get those emails, but she done get 'um alright!...I have neither the patience nor the organisational skills to achieve that...(oh I dunno', remember those Summons for info that you managed to get the Court to 'Order' for your 'Trial'?-Ed)...yeah, but that's a bit different, I did successfully argue for those Summons but the Court set strict time-frames for that info to be provided to me...(sure, and remember the hilarious response from the ABC that you were "just fishing for information", and that it was all too complicated and difficult and therefore they came-up with exactly Zero documents?-Ed)...despite claiming to have kept a 'special file' at ABC South East Radio just for li'l ol' moi...yesss, I believe the term they used was "oppressive", the Summons was "oppressive"...(yeah, and then how the ICAC exactly mimicked that response, literally word-for-word, and themselves produced exactly Zero documents?-Ed)...yeahhh, if it weren't so critically important and mind-numbingly corrupt, it'd be Keystone Cops-style hilarious...

Anyhoos, just go to, or here's the direct link to Ms Duncan's latest piece, and I encourage y'all to read her other posts about Morrison, and to look at her work about Greyhound Racing, yet further proof of her thoroughness and 'professionalism'...

(I love that bit in the emails where Geoff Brock demands credit, but when asked about his role by Ms Duncan, denies all responsibility-Ed)...and that's what happens when you lie, you contradict ya' took me a while to get through all this stuff, so may I suggest y'all have a go at it as I did, in chunks, a few emails at a time, have a break, another few emails, etc...I also struggled with the continuity stuff where one email gets repeated in others, etc, but stick with, it's well worth the effort...

Tomorrow: SA"s ICAC Corruption, More Troy Bell  Than It's Worth

(Strewth, that is an appalling pun, and you've used it how many times already?-Ed)...don't you worry your pretty little face about that, there's plenty more where that came from...(gourd give me strength!-Ed)...your gourd wont help you now buddy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Just Some Stuff About Fascism And Whistleblowers

Howdy y'all dear availees in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Singapore and welcome to a rather random post cobbled together from the Draft section of this 'ere blog, about nuthin' in particular, and yet a bit of's been a huge week in my personal universe, and a lot of it not great, so's let's grind through that and get to the good per usual, I've been spending a lot of time pawing through Twitter and other Social Media whilst simultaneously listening to the ABC/BBC News Radio, with intermittent Main Stream Media, and I've pinched a coupla' pieces to re-post here 'cos it's stuff I agree with and/or are concerned about, and quite frankly, it's quicker than writing it all out myself...these first two pieces are obviously about the litany of Rorts/Professional Corruptionings that define the Liberal/National Party Criminal Cabal...these have come-up in the context of the rank failure of the MSM to even question Scott 'Scummo' Morrison/the LNP, let-alone actually hold them to account for anything...(and in many cases the MSM actually just presents the LNP propaganda and lies as fact, and/or defends them and/or runs interference, eg, the rancidly unhinged media attacks on Victorian Premier Dan Andrews at his daily COVID-19 press conferences-Ed)...indeed, it's hugely concerning and very, very frustrating...(and the ABC is one of the worst!-Ed)...well quite, and I think the first reference here is to statements made on the ABC about how people aren't interested in the LNP's corruption...         

Replying to
SCANDAL? #RubyPrincess -23 dead #Newmarch -19 dead #Palladin #Parakeelia #ReefGate #Watergate #CloverGate #AuPairs #HelloWorld #SportsRorts #RoboDebt -2000 suicides #ChristmasIsland #JamGate #RolexRobert #AWURaids #SecretTrials
We've done several posts recently with lengthy attachments about the LNP's corruption, and here's the link to another excellent thread from Twitter...(well I for one think that ya' can't identify and call-out this relentless corruption and incompetence often enough, so I'm all for it-Ed)...absolutely, so here's this link, please to be checkin' it out, and we'll see y'all on the other side...

Welcome back and just a quick shout-out to some Twitter peeps that I regularly follow...if you're of a like bent, please to be checking-out the smooth Social Media stylings of Ingrid M at @iMusing; Ronni Salt at @RonniSalt; Friendly Jordies at @friendlyjordies; Michael West at @MichaelWestBiz, Michael Pascoe at @MichaelPascoe01; also; and Independent Australia; and New Matilda; and Matilda Duncan at to all those I haven't mentioned...Ms Duncan is a self-confessed trainee journalist, and her latest piece further cements her credibility as a hardworking and genuine researcher and writer and contributor...and because it relates directly to Mt Gambier I'm gunna' give it it's own post as soon as I finish this one...on a personal note, I take great comfort on my worst, most defeated, most depressed days that there are people like these who are out there havin' a red-hot go, and I gain from them a sense of vicarious and sometimes even actual per my last post, I also take great inspiration and draw strength from the experiences of those extraordinary men who are my grandfathers...but I's another classic about Scummo, couldn't say it better myself...(I love Scummo's new hashtag, #ScottyTheSimp, courtesy of Labor's Bill Shorten-Ed)...sweet, and I see it's trending...

This man nails old mate from the Lodge here..#ScottyTheSimp #ScottyFromMarketing
3:27 PM · Aug 16, 2020Twitter for iPhone

And I referred earlier to The Saturday Paper, and they did an excellent piece about the decline of Democracy here in Oz, with Parliament suspended and #ScottyTheSimp ruling by decree and press conference announcements and self-appointed Commissions, etc...I had never heard of the 'Henry VIII Clauses' before, but TSP are spot-on with their observations/concerns about this...TSP has a subscription cost, but I've seen bits and pieces on other feeds/sites...
     Morrison ruling by ‘Henry VIII’ clauses
     New concerns surround the government’s increased use of legislative powers to bypass the    
     parliament and create laws that cannot be amended or overturned.
And then there's this random stuff that I cannot remember where or why I copied it, but it's immediately self-explanatory as to what it's about, which is in and of itself a quantifier as to the rank corruption of the LNP... 
#MrManilla #NCCC & #Towke #TourismSackings

#MrManilla obviously refers to the National's George Christenson...(other wise known as the Member for Manilla-Ed)...exactly, because of the extraordinary amount of Taxpayer-funded time he has spent trawling through 'Sex-Bars' in Manilla, something like 1/4 of his time, that is, 28 trips averaging 10 days per trip, from 2014-2018, totalling nearly 300 days in 4 years, whilst a serving Federal politician...(wow-Ed)...#NCCC is the rankly corrupted, National COVID Coordination Committee, as appointed by #ScottyTheSimp, and loaded with Mining executives, headed by Gas Industry executive Nev 'Super' Powers...(is that the NCCC who have completely unpredictably declared that Australia's only salvation is to be found in massive investment in Gas?-Ed)...oui, quelle surprise eh?...#Towke is about #ScottyTheSimp's political assassination of Michael Towke, the original selected candidate for the Seat of Cook, 82 votes to 8 against Scummo...just Interweb search this stuff for a more thorough explanation, or just use that hashtag above...and #TourismSackings is surely going to be about Scummo's corruption, incompetence, and subsequent sackings from 2 Tourism jobs...again, just Interweb here's one that really, really concerns me...
SA Police is now deploying officers armed with assault rifles (as well standard-issue pistol, taser, etc) to patrol "at-risk areas" such as ... Rundle Mall, AFL games and protests. This is absurd and completely out of step with widespread community demands to demilitarise police.
2:27 PM · Jul 2, 2020Twitter Web App

And no personal offence to that young woman at the front, but she looks to be about 18 years old if that, and I just wonder exactly what life and/or firearms experience she might have...perhaps I'm just being ignorantly Ageist, perhaps she's an award-winning junior shooting champ...(perhaps she's one of those ageless country girls who looks 18 but is actually 30?-Ed)...well I think you're straying a bit from the point there, but sure, why not...all that aside, the main point that applies to all this crew and their locked-and-loaded compadres, is exactly what amount of actual training have any of these peeps had, and beyond that, what-the-shreck has ever happened in SA that requires militarised police like this?..(don't we have already have heavily armed specialised response units, whatevs they're called?-Ed)...indeed we do...(so what's the point of these random strolling firing squads?-Ed)...mmm, many a true word spoken in jest, but is this actually about cowing and scaring the general populace with pseudo-militia wandering the streets waving big guns in our faces?...(strewth, that's not a great situation if it's true-Ed)...indeed, and then couple that with the current COVID-19 reality that the SAPol (police) Commissioner Grant Stevens is by default running the state via the powers delivered unto him by the Marshall Liberal government...(wow, happy days-Ed)...     

And I chuck into the debate the ongoing and constant escalation of Federal Police and/or ASIO powers by Home Affairs Oberfuhrer Peter 'Spud' Dutton, etc...(and look at the Gestapo-style very dark or even black uniforms of the Australian Federal Police and Border Force, and as it appears above, SAPol-Ed)...more powers for increasingly militarised police, I mean, how could that possibly go wrong?...(well just look at what happens in any despotic dictatorship, or even in the USofA, where cops with military-grade weapons and vehicles are being turned-out against unarmed protestors by the increasingly erratic Donald 'Orange Roughy' Trump-Ed)...yeah well it was a rhetorical question, but thanks for that...  

Later Today: A Post About Morrison Jazz Academy, Courtesy Of Matilda Duncan, And The Border Watch Closes

And then tomorrow another post about stuff, and so on...with this weeks sudden and total demise of The Border Watch, I'm gunna' try to really bring the news back to Mt Gambier and surrounds via a daily post...(well some peeps seem to think that that's exactly what we here at TMGI have been doing-Ed)...well cheers y'all...(and furthermore, that we've actually recorded the alternate and actually more factually accurate history of Mt Gambier and SA, in the same context that TBW claims to have done-Ed)...well we certainly pride ourselves on being at the very least factually accurate, and on many occasions we cover certain issues that TBW and/or ABC South East Radio fail/refuse to do appropriately or sometimes even at all...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

75th Anniversary Of VP Day, 15th August 1945

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to a super quick post solely devoted to the memory of my grandfathers, whom I have written about previous on occasions like ANZAC Day...there's so much I'd like to relate about the sacrifice made by so many and the suffering of millions, including many civilians, etc, and how all of that is disrespected and diminished by the modern Body Politique, particularly the Morrison Liberal/National Party and the Trump Republicans, and how they/we treat the elderly and veterans, etc, but that's enough of that for today...

My Kiwi (Aotearoa - New Zealander) grandfather served as a Hurricane/Spitfire fighter pilot in the RAF (Royal Air Force) in the Battle of France and the early days of the Battle of Britain, before being withdrawn as a test pilot, and then served with the USAAF (United States of America Air Force) in New Guinea and the Pacific...he survived the war, reaching the rank of Group Captain, and was awarded multiple medals, including the DSO (Distinguished Service Order, after recommendation by the USofA), and an OBE (Order of the British Empire)...

My other grandfather, a Scottish teenage immigrant, served in the Australian Army (Second Australian Imperial Force?), first in Tobruk (North Africa) part of the famous Rats of Tobruk, and then went through several Mediterranean 'conflicts', before serving in New Guinea...he survived the war at the same rank he started it, Private, 'cos he used to keep getting promoted to Corporal but then busted for insubordination, once for being AWOL (Absent With Out Leave), etc, he was a bit of a larrikin ya' might say...

The two men couldn't really be any more different, but they shared one thing, they both rarely talked about their extensive experiences at war, and rather, saw it all as 'a waste of good men'...they both fought against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, but had great compassion for their counterparts in these opposing forces...

I never really understood when I was young, not properly, they were just my grandpas...but now I do, they were/are legends and so today like every day I try to honour their extraordinary 'achievements' by doing what I can to improve the society they fought to defend...whatever the politics of the time, eg, who exactly had the 'Moral High Ground' when it comes to creating 'Empire' by force? did the fall-out of WW1 effectively guarantee WW2? what exactly was 'Democracy' anyway? etc, etc, etc, and whatever you think of what we currently 'endure' by way of increasingly Right Wing Politics, etc, this is what they had to do, and I thank them for it...

And so to go thanks for all those who were killed during the war, or died of wounds soon after, etc, and I think of their grandkids who never knew Pops, etc...and I extend this to our WW1 people, and to more recent conflicts like Korea, Vietnam (the USof A War in Vietnam), and Iraq and Afghanistan, etc...

Today is about remembrance and thanks, and so that is where I'll leave it...thanks Papa, thanks Pops... 

Tomorrow: The Debilitating Disgrace Of Courts Protecting Paedophiles In South Australia 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and thanks...

PS: due to unforeseen issues, this was actually posted 16th August 2020... 

Monday, August 10, 2020

With Morrison's Support, Jazz Academy 'Indecent Sexual Assault' Student Escapes 'Scott Free'

Hello y' per recent posts on this topic, unfortunately, I am entirely unsurprised that Morrison Jazz Academy student Matthew Harkin has effectively been given a 'free pass' from the South Australian Courts, despite pleading Guilty to the Indecent Sexual Assault of a fellow student, and that Guilty Plea coming after the Prosecutions massively down-graded their 'charges' from 2 Counts of Rape...this 'No Conviction' decision was handed down last Tuesday 4th August 2020, but I wanted to wait and see how it was reported (or not) during the was mentioned several times as a general news item on ABC Radio South East on 5th August 2020, but they have not done a specific story that I've heard...but it hasn't been in The Border Watch at all, nor on the associated WIN News '2-Story In An Ad Break Bulletin' during the evening TV news...also, I've had 4 days/goes at this post 'cos it has caused me a lot of trauma as I explain later...  

I am so tired, so angry, so depressed, then some more angry, then deeply saddened, and then even more angry, etc, etc, etc, on and on it goes...I apologise that I really just don't have the energy to deal with this in the way that I feel I should right now...but I will...experience teaches me that I'll bob-up for air some time and then I'm gunna' move on it as best as is possible from my position of isolation and my own personal Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution and associated intense 'hatred' from official bodies like SAPol (police) and other regulatory bodies...that is, if I report something it's likely to get ignored and/or covered-up because it's me reporting it, or better still, I'll end-up on 'charges' for trying to do something about it!...regular availees will fully understand the litany of Pro-Paedophile Corrupt realities underpinning that otherwise 'paranoid' observation...and no apologies for helping my own Mental Health via the upcoming Language Warning, sometimes ya' just gotta' let the angry out, and I consider it perfectly appropriate in this circumstance, 'cos sometimes 'just words' just ain't enough...

If y'all haven't yet read about this fucking disgrace, this fucking outrageous outcome where-in Harkin, who pleaded Guilty to Indecent Sexual Assault, doesn't even get a 'Conviction' recorded, not even a fine apparently, but instead gets a '$5,000 Two Year Good Behaviour Bond' and is allowed to bolt back to the USofA, to become a teacher for fuck sake, well then here 'tis...and just for the record, as I understand it a 'Bond' is not a fine, it only applies if the person breaches the conditions of said 'Bond', and even then the Magistrate has discretion as to whether or nor to do even that...I checked this by reading the SA Legal Services Commission webpage, so in case I've misread that, here 'tis the link... and here's the link to the ABC story, and there are many other stories that y'all can find for y'allselves...

And a reminder that this started as 2 counts of Rape, so what does that mean? was this a prolonged 'attack' involving multiple assaults on a single occasion, or were there separate incidents on different dates? I've asked previous, how the fuck does 2 counts of Rape become 1 of 'Indecent Sexual Assault'...and what exactly the fuck does, "took a consensual sexual encounter too far" mean? what the fuck does that even mean?...and the whole thing is appalling reportage when it doesn't pose these questions's one thing to report that bollocks, "consensual sexual encounter", but to not then explain what that supposedly constitutes is just best, this is partially excusing Harkin's conduct, and the Magistrate's outrageous comments do exactly that, and go even further...
     "It was not a transient sexual assault — the surrounding circumstances led to confusion on
       your part as to the issue of consent."
...and it's a very short step from there to straight-out Victim fact, fuck that, this is Victim Blaming, by the Magistrate, as he openly and deliberately officially minimises and then excuses Harkin's conduct and the seriousness of the Assault, etc, effectively acting on behalf of Harkin...

Let's not fuck about, let's actually call this 'Indecent Sexual Assault' and 'Confusion', etc, let's call it exactly what it is, and for lack of a better term, it is/was 'Date Rape'...the young woman clearly hasn't consented, and her reaction and ongoing trauma, etc, clearly indicates that it was an extremely intense 'incident', not just some 'unfortunate misunderstanding'... 

In a previous post I covered the issue of Morrison petitioning the Court to get Harkin special Bail treatment/allowances in 2019 so that he, Harkin, could travel to Melbourne to perform in a concert with Morrison that was to be recorded and published as an album, etc...I wrote about the grossly inappropriate decision to allow Harkin to stay at a 'hostel' without warning the proprietors about Harkin's Rape Charges and Bail, etc, and also about the welfare of the young woman, who lived in Melbourne...and here in this Channel 9 report, that exact issue...

Her statements about how she was "further humiliated and discredited by my university" directly contradicts Morrison's previous deceitful statements about 'supporting the victim'...furthermore, as it's reported here, it was Morrison's glowing 'character reference' that directly helped Harkin's lawyers argue-down the 2 Rape Charges to 1 of Indecent Sexual with the Grooming and Rape of Ms Matilda Duncan by Graeme Lyall, James Morrison is definably absolutely complicit in protecting and excusing the perpetrator, to the direct detriment of the victims of these 'Assaults'...Morrison is absolutely complicit and the abject failure of the media to hold him to account is absolutely fucking in point, on Saturday morning just gone, 8th August 2020, ABC Radio South East had Morrison on as a guest to memorialise his mate Don Burrows, but not one question about the Harkin outcome or Morrison's deeply complicit and fucking disgraceful role in that outcome... 

I also found this statement whilst researching this post, and whilst it was on 'Social Media', I've removed the names so as to 'protect' the sources...*** 

July 16
I have been thinking over the last two days about what I wanted to say about this situation, however I think ********* has said it all.
I do want to say that I am so proud of the strong and courageous survivor. ❤️
I also want to say how proud I am of ******** and all the young women and men who have stood by her in the gracious and respectful way you have. ❤️
Here is ********’s post:
“I have many thoughts and emotions about this, and if you’re close to me you’ve probably heard many rants and held me as I cried. I could say so much about the character and type of person Matt Harkins is, but I’m not going to give him anymore of my time. Instead, I think the world needs to hear how incredible the victim is.
The victim is one of my closest friends, and she deserves the world. She is one of the most beautiful, kind, talented person you could meet, and I can say without a doubt she’s the smartest person I know. She has honestly changed my life, especially about how I look at myself through her positivity and openness regarding all things. She is unapologetically herself, and I thank god every day that we met. The world is a better place because she is in it, and Matt Harkins does not get change that. She has been nothing but gracious throughout this whole process, even while he sat there turning people against her. She’s not just a victim, but a survivor.
The truth was told since the day it happened, but it was incredibly hard and disheartening to see so many of our peers, friends, and uni staff take his side when history had, and continued to show us what he was like. I hope to see many of you apologising to her.
She is one of my best friends, and an extra member of my family. I know she’s going to have an amazing future, and will easily be one of the most successful people to come out of JMA, even if it’s not the traditional “professional musician” occupation most students pursue. And she’s going to do all that without a reference letter from the head of school.
I am so proud of her, and I love her dearly ❤️

***It's all there, again, exactly as happened with the Grooming and Rape of former student Matilda Duncan by Morrison's mate and Jazz Academy/Generations In Jazz teacher Graeme Lyall...the 'Jazz Community' protects and supports the perpetrator and their precious fucking career, and the 'victim' is shunned and/or attacked, their career's destroyed, etc...this is exactly what happened to Ms Duncan, who was Groomed and Raped and then shunned and attacked by the 'Jazz Community', and grossly failed by Morrison et al, and by SAPol who did sweet fuck-all investigation and never even 'charged' Lyall, and then went on ABC Radio saying 'nothing to see here', etc, etc, etc...and there's also the blizzard of highly derogatory Victim Blaming rumours about Ms Duncan that swept through Mt Gambier, all in a context where Lyall was/is well known within the 'Community' as having an extended 'reputation' for inappropriate conduct...what's happened previously with Harkin that this person writes, "when history had, and continued to show us what he is like."...this clearly infers/indicates that this is not the first 'incident' involving Harkin...and again this parallels the issues with Lyall being potentially a serial groomer/abuser...and as I've covered in previous posts, how does this, "without a reference from the head of school", relate to Morrison's simpering weasel-words about 'I'm not going to comment on what we've done to support the student (young woman)'?...

I've always had my personal concerns about an organisation that brings 1,000s of kids to Mt Gambier, to my personal experience the second largest Paedophile City in the Paedophile State, etc, but my blood ran cold when I also read a damning comment from another person, where-in they very specifically state;
     "...the jazz academy is Australia’s version of Jeffrey Epstein’s island..." either that person is prone to massive hyperbole and exaggeration or even fiction, or they're indicating that there are many known issues of abuse related to Morrison and his Academy and/or Generations In Jazz, issues that are yet to surface...and I've watched how thoroughly Morrison & Co have covered-up the Grooming and Rape of Ms Duncan, and how they've supported Harkin, and how in both instances they've attacked the young women for speaking-out, etc...said it before, saying it again, I'd be absolutely stunned if these are the only 2 incidents to have occurred, there is a definable culture of Abuse and Cover-up with Morrison and his jazz cronies, etc...  

And I have an absolute right to write about this culture of protecting abusers at the Morrison Academy/Generations In Jazz, particularly the issues of the 'Community' supporting the abuser/perpetrator and attacking the victims/reporters, because it is exactly what's been done to us families regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse few parents who tried to get some appropriate 'action' regarding the abuse of our children by "text-book grooming paedophile' Glyn Dorling in 2002...we were (and still are) repeatedly and often publicly attacked, eg, in the school news letter or by MP Rory McEwen on the front page of The Border Watch or bailed-up and abused in the supermarket, etc...we've been openly denigrated by the Lutherans, especially by Principal John Alexander and senior staffer Cheryl-Ann Perryman and Peter Heuzenroeder, etc, and repeatedly attacked and blamed by SAPol, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen and a litany of other equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt politicians of all persuasions, Labor/Liberal/et al, but particularly the Rann/Weatherill Labor government...and that's publicly, it doesn't include the vicious 'rumour' campaigns waged against us by local senior Lutherans, my mate Rory, SAPol, etc, etc...

So whilst plenty of people seem to have plenty to say about the 'Jazz Community' and this Harkin outrage, never ever forget that 1) this isn't the first and only incident involving James Morrison and his mates, and 2) it's happened in Mt Gambier, which as a 'Community' has also witnessed the St Martins Cover-up but done Sweet Fuck All about that as well...obviously I'm not blaming every single person, but it is absolutely accurate to say that everyone in any sort of position of authority and/or influence knows about the St Martins Cover-up, eg, the ABC, The Border Watch, the Mt Gambier City Council, etc, etc, and they are all by definition absolutely complicit...   

Tomorrow: More Rancid Political Misogyny

Just more vile, sexist, gendered abuse from the charming world of Old White Male privilege...and not surprisingly, it's mostly the Liberal/National Party, but they're hardly Robinson Crusoe...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...