Sunday, June 16, 2019

There's Nothing Like Official Accountability, In South Australia

Howdy dear availees in Egypt, Estonia, Japan, and United Arab Emirates...welcome to a post that is largely revisionary...(is this part of your 'Keep On Posting' strategy, in a context where deeply draining 'Depression' continues to dog you?-Ed)...exactly correct young Ed, continuing forward as best possible given the circumstances...(well it's been a coupla' fairly full-on months-Ed)...indeed it has, and I note with some sense of vindication that I've seen several people on Twitter say much the same things I have about politically-motivated depression, etc, and that they've felt driven to withdraw from 'electronic media', albeit briefly...(but I note that you force yourself to try and stay somewhat engaged-Ed)...well quite, and as I described in the last paragraph of the previous post, it is important to me and to the very nature of this 'ere blog that I remain 'actually correct' rather than 'think I'm right'...(and there is quite a difference-Ed)...indeed, and to that end I forced myself to sit through the farcically depressing pantomime that was Annabelle Crabbe 'interviewing' Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on the ABC's The Insiders this morning...(oh gourd, I don't want to know-Ed)...oh you know mate, you exactly know, we all know, and Language Warning, 'cos ya' didn't need to watch it to know that it was a farcically biased 'Dorothy Dixer Cluster Fuck'...End Language Warning...(ah, so better than I was expecting then?-Ed)...well quite, it was absolutely appalling... 

And I'll get into that more next post, but today I'd just quickly like to acknowledge a coupla' very supportive 'Comments', the first from 4th April 2019, when 'Unknown' wrote;
     "You have a particularly interesting way of writing and I am in complete agreance with
     you on Dear Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman, "Whim And Fancy" This Champ  
...and as previously explained, I don't blame people for showing their support anonymously...(given how popular you aren't in this political climate and/or town, can't blame people for not wanting to expose themselves to similar bigotry, abuse, and/or discrimination-Ed)...exactly, I only question the crassly cowardly halfwits who anonymously sling pig-ignorant personal abuse and derision and deeply often deliberately misinformed opinions...(like that bright spark who anonymously demanded on 12th September 2018 that you go 'onto social media' so that other like-minded drongos could 'hold you to account'?-Ed)...a perfect example Ed...anyhoos, only 2 days later, 6th April 2019, an 'Unknown' left this 'Comment' indicating that they have extensively read and understand this 'ere blog...
     "A list of organisations with nothing better to do than to conspire against Nick Fletcher.
     South Australia Police The Border Watch The ABC Tony Pasin Mount Gambier City
     Council Hawkins Medical Clinic Judge White Probably the entire legal system ICAC
     Corrections SA The Education Department Bill Degaris Google People who are actually
     actively working against Nick Fletcher Nick Fletcher" on Brief But Important Interim Post

(Ummm, yeahhh, not so sure that that's supportive-Ed)...really?...(yeahhh, I think you'll find that that's actually a very average attempt at mocking sarcasm, trying to concurrently belittle you and undermine the reality of your blogging about these various people/Authorities/organisations, quite probably based on having read only a very few posts-Ed)...oh, right...(yeah, sorry-Ed) no, not your fault mate, and now that you point it out to me, I see what you mean, this 'Unknown' is trying to imply that it is somehow ridiculous for me to discuss the collusive Pro-Paedophile Corruption that I have so very clearly identified and defined and been subjected to...(yeahhh, I think that's their intent-Ed)...mmm, indeed, and in that context it is self-evidently ridiculous to say this, because clearly and definably, it's not the issue that those listed have "nothing better to do", the reality is that this is just what they do...(my thoughts exactly-Ed)'s not a question of them colluding "to conspire against Nick Fletcher", they by their very nature 'conspire" to protect SA's Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption...(and in that context "Nick Fletcher" just happens to be the rabidly angry bunny caught in those Pro-Paedophile headlights-Ed)...absolutely, and I'm hardly the first and almost certainly not the last...

(Well hopefully not the last-Ed)..."hopefully"?...(yeah, this whole process of relentless Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution via the farcically undefinable and openly Fascist Section 56 of the SA ICAC Act 2012, your "bizarre trial", etc, that's all about silencing not just you, but anyone else who thinks about speaking-out about the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption they witness/encounter-Ed)...well observed Ed, that is precisely correct, yet again it ain't just about 'getting Nick Fletcher', it's about threatening/preventing any 'Future Fletchers' behaving the way I do...(behaving the way you do? I hardly think that's gunna' happen, you are a very unique, very special unit-Ed)...well cheers mate...

And another thing too, dear Anonymous Dickhead...(I thought there might be-Ed)...I have never ever accused Google of 'conspiring against me', the well-documented evidence on this 'ere blog proves the exact opposite...(well I'd argue that this 'ere blog itself is proof enough that The Googles ain't conspiring against ya'-Ed) point exactly, as often made through-out this 'ere blog, but I'll say it again 'cos it bears repeating, if it weren't for The Googles providing this 'ere 'Free-of-Charge Blogspot Forum' thingy, I'd be effectively voiceless, given that I'm currently 'banned' from the National Broadcaster (The ABC)...(wow, you bastard-Ed)...and equally unwelcome in the local media...(still wow, and still a bastard-Ed)...and furthermore, I have repeatedly identified directly to The Googles themselves how they are being manipulated by those listed, eg, the litany of vacuous 'Defamation Threats' and/or various other lies used to have my posts 'pulled-down'...(yeah, get it right Anonymous Dickhead-Ed)...anyhoos, moving on...     

A goodly part of my 'Depression' is effectively forced on me by these harsh and very unpleasant realities about South Australia's Institutionalised Corruption that present themselves on a daily basis...(I thought you said it was "SA's Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption"?-Ed)...well indeed, it is my intensely personal experience and subsequent belief is that South Australia is a state run by and for paedophiles...(eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...exactly, but apparently some people struggle with that reality, so for the sake of this particular post, let's just deal with the definable Institutionalised Corruption of the farcical 'Authorities' in SA, from Local and State Governments, to SAPol (police) and the Judiciary, and on to their supposed 'Overseers', the Office of Public Integrity, the Ombudsman, and the extraordinary debasco (debacle/fiasco) that is the SA Independent Commission Against we're gunna' stick with the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC, and there's no better place to start addressing some recent farcical issues involving this lot, than to revisit this absolute classic, below...(didn't we cover this previous under the hilarious title Fines Clearly Defines Fine Line By Clearing Lee, back on 16th January 2018?-Ed)...indeed we did...

Apologies that I didn't record where exactly I got these two pieces, and they've been sitting in my Drafts section since first published...(one says "December 2017"-Ed)...yeah, but there's no direct byline or title bit, anyhoos, whatevs, if dear availees want to review the above mentioned post and combine it with this stuff, it gives y'all a fairly thorough discourse/explanation about how truly pathetic the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC can be when it comes to addressing the definable Institutionalised Corruption in SA...(does it or do we mention that former Mayor Lee was in China on a Ratepayer-funded trip when he was doing these personal business dealings?-Ed)...well you just did mate, but read-on dear heart, find out for ya'self...sees y'all on the other side...***        
A REGIONAL mayor “walked a very fine ethical line” in his role as mediator during the $13.2 million sale of a Coonawarra winery, the public sector watchdog has found, but cleared him of using his position for personal benefit.
In a report released yesterday, State Ombudsman Wayne Lines found Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee acted “inappropriately” in his elected position to help broker the sale of Rymill Coonawarra Winery, near Penola.
Mr Lines investigated Mr Lee’s use of his mayoral email in his dealings with the winery’s owner John Rymill and Chinese-owned Landbridge Group representative Gang Ye, as well as whether he used a taxpayer-funded trip to China to pursue personal business interests.
Mr Lee acted as an intermediary between Landbridge Group and the winery during its acquisition.
But Mr Lines said “these mistakes are not serious enough for a finding of misconduct”.
“As principal officer of his council, Mayor Andrew Lee walked a very fine ethical line dealing with the Landbridge Group as intermediary in a large commercial transaction,” the report said.
“Although Mayor Lee did send two emails from his mayoral account and inappropriately used his business card in his dealings with Mr Rymill and Mr (Gang) Ye, these mistakes are not serious enough for a finding of misconduct.

“He has admitted his error of judgment and stated his regret for his actions. I note he took action at the time to remedy the mistake with the use of his mayoral email account.”
The Advertiser reported in January last year, Mr Lee had met Mr Gang Ye on a State Government-organised Shandong Business Mission in April 2016.
At the time, Mr Lee told The Advertiser he had no recollection of meeting Mr Ye, saying: “That trip I didn’t see him,” before adding: “Let me think … I can’t remember.”
During the Ombudsman’s investigation, Mr Lee admitted he had met with Landbridge Group chairman Cheng Ye twice and his brother Gang Ye once in 2015 to talk about acquiring the Rymill Coonawarra Winery.
He also admitted he met Gang Ye during the trade mission, but denied any wrong­doing.
“Mayor Lee admits he gave Mr Gang Ye his business card in Shandong, but realised later that ‘it was not right to do that’ in the context of their other business dealings,” Mr Lines said.
He found that Mr Lee and Gang Ye became business partners in the company Furunde Wine Co Pty Ltd, which was registered three months after the mission. The company – a subsidiary of Landbridge Group – bought the winery six months after the mission, which Mr Lines said “raised questions that warranted further investigation.”
Mr Lines found Mr Lee did not use his mayoral position for personal benefit, but acknowledged it was “not difficult” to see why some had concluded Mr Lee’s business dealings were “suspicious”.
“I advise the Mayor that in the future he should examine and clarify any actions that may give rise to a perception that he is using his elected office for personal gain,” he said. 

December 2017: City of Mount Gambier – Failure to disclose business interests – Mayor Andrew Lee
The Ombudsman received an ICAC referral about allegations involving the conduct of Mayor Andrew Lee of the City of Mount Gambier relating to his involvement in a State-funded trip to China and his subsequent acquisition of an interest in a South Australian winery.  The matter was subject of an article in the Advertiser on 30 January 2017, since which time it has attracted significant attention.  There were two allegations that were investigated.  First of misconduct by Mayor Lee in conducting personal business while representing the council when attending the Shandong business delegation in China in 2016.  The Ombudsman found no evidence of personal business being conducted; therefore, there was no finding of misconduct.  The second allegation concerned Mayor Lee’s use of his mayoral position to gain a personal benefit by acquiring shares in the Rymill Coonawarra winery.  The Ombudsman found no evidence of inappropriate use of mayoral position in the acquisition; therefore, there was not finding of misconduct.

*** there you go, "walked a very fine ethical line", what a shreckin' joke...(but those reports don't even mention the stuff about Mayor Lee failing to report to Mt Gambier City Councils' Register of interests either 1) his purchase of and/or stake in that winery, or 2) his subsequent income from said winery-Ed)...indeed, it's a pathetic joke from start to finish, a joke where-in Accountability and Ratepayers get punched right in The Fine Line by a farcically irrelevant OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC...and since then we've had the multiple farcical involvements of these 'Authorities' with the deeply compromised Robe District Council and/or their snipingly abusive former CEO Roger 'Whim And Fancy' Sweetman, eg, regarding multiple aspects of the Robe Marina, eg, their proven 'Maladministration' of Non-Tendered Contracts for a vastly over-priced carpark wall...(is that the one where the Ombudsman stated that they weren't gunna' do anything about it 'cos Roger was retiring from Local Government?-Ed)...indeed, which somehow exonerates him from his actions whilst CEO...(well that's just ludicrous-Ed)...not just ludicrous mate, it's conspiratorially corrupt inaction from the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC...(and just reminding dear availees that the legislative structure dictates that all matters/issues must go through the ICAC, therefore through Our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander-Ed)...exactly...

Then we've had the equally farcical 'exoneration' by The Three Amigos...(que?-Ed)...the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC...(ahhh, of course-Ed)...well, I just thought it was more respectful than The Three Drongos...(and if we're about anything here at TMGI, it's respectfulness...ness-Ed)...indeed, The 3A's 'exoneration' of Grant District Council's Mayor Richard Sage...('exonerated' of what exactly?-Ed)...of altering a critical Council document...(oh well, so long as it's no biggie, just altering critical official Council documents, I mean, what's the harm? what's the fuss?-Ed)...I thought we agreed 'off-blog' young man, that we'd leave the moronic sarcasm stuff to Anonymous Dickhead & Co'?...(I never signed not nuffin'! you got nuffink on me copper!-Ed)...settle down...Mayor Sage took it upon himself to alter a Council-Approved Draft Document to the Remuneration Tribunal, then got the then CEO David Singe to unknowingly/unwittingly sign the document, before Interim CEO Graeme Maxwell was also involved...(wasn't Maxwell there because Singe got sacked?-Ed)...indeed, and it was Mr Singe who reportedly lodged the complaint with The 3As...(so it looks like Singe was deliberately duped, then quite rightly reported that Gross Maladministration, only to be promptly sacked for his troubles-Ed)...that's what it looks like...I'll post the actual The Border Watch article in a future post...

Anyhoos, following that farcical 'vindication/exoneration', we charge ahead to the recent The Border Watch report/acknowledgement of the multiple Code of Conduct complaints that Mt Gambier City Councillors have lodged about their colleagues...(well everyone's been talking about this stuff for ages, so what's new?-Ed)...that the 'complaints' have been sent back to MGCC and/or their new CEO Andrew Meddle to sort out...(isn't that what happened with your very detailed 'complaint/report' back in December 2017, about the multiple abuses/confrontations/threats that you were subjected to by various Councillors/staff?-Ed)...yep, where-in my 'complaints' specifically identified, amongst other things, 2 grossly inappropriate incidents of harassment involving then CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane, one at my gym and a second at the September 2017 Full Council Meeting...(and those 'complaints' were sent back to CEO McShenanigans by the Minister Geoff Brock, for McShenanigans to sort out?-Ed)...exactly...(your 'complaints' about McShenanigans were sent back to McShenanigans for him to address?-Ed)...yep...(and?-Ed)...and what?...I'm still waiting...(well hurrah-Ed)...yeah, apart from a 'Your concerns have been noted' letter from McShenanigans aways back then, not nuthin', no action, no repercussions, it's a sickly corrupt joke...      
And given this has blown-out I'll have to do another post with those reportages/documents, etc, particularly the MGCC Code of Conduct stuff, so...

Tomorrow: Yet More MGCC Dodginess

Yes sirree, McShenanigans may have shot-through in spectacular fashion, but all the other shenanigans continue unabated...(does this include the gross deceits of the Fabulous Aquatic Recreation Centre debasco?-Ed)...ah, I see you're gettin' on board with the whole 'Naming Game' for the ludicrous $40million+ Hub thingy...(absolutely, and some people apparently want The ARC, so I've just expanded on that by adding 'Fabulous/Fantastic'-Ed)...well to my mind it's 'Farcical'...(yep, that still works-Ed)...hang on...The want to call it The FARC...(right on, and then all this stuff about 'Fundraising' could be promoted like, 'Donate For FARC's Sake', ya' know, stuff like that-Ed)...oh dear gourd...(I knew you'd like it-Ed)...   

I am Nick Fletcher, and that is Ed...(cheers-Ed)...whom might be a confected literary device but is still an integral and invaluable part of this 'ere blog...(oh mate, stop that-Ed) no, it's true, you are a confected literary device...(oh-Ed)...and this here is my/our blog...cheers and laters...


  1. I've recently been made aware of this blog post. It might be worth noting that Mr Lee did register his interests appropriately and that is why it wasn't mentioned. The advertiser took a section of the register as being the whole register. The Adv were informed of this and offered the full register but refused and carried on with the story regardless. This is how the media works. Big stories are more important than the truth.
