Monday, February 19, 2018

Dear Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman, "Whim And Fancy" This Champ

***dear availees, started this post Friday, finished Monday, so a coupla' minor 'synchronicity' issues, cheers***

Howdy dear availees...just a real quick post, honest Ed...(I hadn't said it yet-Ed)...but you were going to, and I promise we are here for one very specific issue...(well ok, if you say so, just a real quick post?-Ed)...absolutely...(of one issue?-Ed)...yep...(ok then-Ed) gem of an issue with many facets...(orrrrr, here we go! I knew it! what is it with you and 'The Facets'?-Ed)...dunno', not sure really, I just find them facetnating...(that is atrocious, please tell me that you're gunna' retrieve this post with some genuine humour-Ed)...I'll see what I can do...

This morning (Friday 16th February 2018) the Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman was on ABC Radio South East...(on and on and on, it was a very long piece, over 5 minutes, easy-Ed)...indeed, and every minute of it Mr Sweetman was openly attacking former Robe Mayor William Peden, and I'd be a whole lot more rabidly furious about it if, 1) I hadn't laughed so hard since, well, just 'since', and 2) Mr Peden is clearly more than capable of stickin'-up for 'imself, going-by the short interview with him where-in he very succinctly gathered-up all that had been flung at him and politely hurled it back whence it came...(yes, very poetic I'm sure, but 2 things, 1) it's really not funny, not at all, in fact, it really reeks-Ed)...mmm, fair point...(and 2), shouldn't you put Mr Peden first, not how it affects you?-Ed) look, we've talked about this, who's the star here?...(nnnghh, you are-Ed)...and who gets the special rules?-...(you dooo-Ed)...that's right....

Dear availees, I am of course flippantly referring to the extraordinary events I've documented recently on this 'ere blog...(you mean all that stuff where you were (still are?) the subject of your very own February 2014 ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', and the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and Labor's Attorney General John Rau actually changed the ICAC Act through SA Parliament in October/November 2014 in a manner specifically to enable prosecuting you, and then your extraordinary resultant 'Trial' collapsed in absolute disarray in November 2016 after you clearly proved "Malicious Prosecution", but then just went-ahead anyway, and in truly extraordinary even bizarre ways, where-in 'Rules' clearly don't exist at all, you mean all that stuff?-Ed)...yes, indeed, all that stuff, all that stuff where-in I've been living the extent of Institutionalised Corruption in South Australia, and particularly in Mt Gambier, and in my personal experience it's been Corruption mired in and/or hiding behind Pro-Paedophile Corruption, the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia because that is what we are...(yay-Ed)...

And that's my stuff, that's my personal position about what we are as a 'State', but I am not trying to link Robe Council to any 'Pro-Paedophile' stuff, whatevs, but what I heard this morning was a very desperate man attacking another man for having the audacity to 'ask questions'...(questions man one clearly doesn't want asked, let-alone to have to answer-Ed)...well quite...and whatev's it is that's been going-on between Mr Peden and Robe Council, their 'relationship'' has been a frequent visitor to the public realm, as indeed it was again today...

And what really fired me up was Mr Sweetman repeatedly referring to Mr Peden's obviously labourious efforts to try to get info from Robe Council, as being "vexatious" and "whim and fancy"...(wow, really?-Ed) part of a broader whinge about how much Mr Peden had cost Robe Council with his persistent pesterings...(is this the stuff last year where Robe Council introduced 'Special Rules' for dealing with Mr Peden's correspondence?-Ed)...yep, all that, and also when Mr Sweetman attacked Mr Peden for the cost to Robe Council for the 'Robe Marina Missing $1Million Audit'...(what?-Ed)...oh yeah, exact same story, just look at Robe Council's website, it's all on there apparently, but whatevs, Mr Peden was attacked in the exact same manner for 'the cost of that Audit', and now here we go again...(haven't we covered that 'Robe Marina Missing $1M Audit' fiasco-Ed)...indeed we have Ed, repeatedly, in what is possibly our best ever attempt at Pointin' Out the Bleedin' Obvious...drum roll please...(drrrrrrrrr-Ed)...mmm, that sounds more like an arrow striking a target...(hang on, drrrrrrrrr-Ed)...yeah, maybe not...

The Bleedin' Obvious:...Mr Sweetman, if everything was fine with that 'Missing Marina $1M Loan', and that $1m was exactly where it was meant to be in Robe Council's accounts, and hadn't at all in any way just sort of disappeared as indeed it appeared to have done, obviously to the $1m benefit of certain parties who were the recipient of that '$1m Marina Loan', if the '$1m' was exactly where it was meant to be, why did you need allegedly costly 'Council Reports' and 'Auditor's Reports', etc, etc, why did you need any of that to find the $1m exactly where it was meant to be in the first place?...(now that sir, that is some quality Bleedin' Obviousing right there-Ed)...cheers, it's a blessing, it's a burden, it's just what we do here at TMGI...(hooray for us-Ed)...and just to really confuse the issue, Mr Sweetman/Robe Council claim to have done an 'Independent Audit' that apparently claims that there never was a 'Marina Loan' in the first place...(but if 'the Loan' didn't even exist in the first instance, then what were they 'Auditing'?-Ed)...I know! it's self-evidently ludicrous, a self-evidently ludicrous 'Audit' that blames/attacks Mr Peden in the exact same manner as the latest li'l effort...

Reaching Critical Maths:...(well either which way, I'd have thought that Robe Council would be extremely grateful for Mr Peden helping them sort-out all that 'Marina Loan' nonsense-Ed)...really?...(and I'd go further and say that Mr Peden hasn't cost Robe Council 'more than $100,000', in fact, by my calculations he's saved them nearly $900,000-Ed)...lovin' the maths Ed, lovin' the maths... 

(And wasn't Mr Peden also 'Sued for Defamation' by Grant King and/or Regional Development Australia, sued for the heinous crime of politely 'officially' asking where and/or to whom RDA funds were being distributed and how those decisions to fund were made?-Ed)...absolutely Ed, because there's nothing at all screechingly shonky about a publicly-paid official involved in and/or responsible for distributing hundreds of millions of dollars of Taxpayers' money responding to an appropriate request for public information by 'Sueing for Defamation'...(Standard Operational Procedure down our way sir-Ed)...absolutely, let's practice now Ed...hmm,mmm...Mr Ed, how did you spend that money I gave you...(how dare you sir! I resent that slanderous implication and must sue you for defamation!-Ed)...see availees, it's just that simple...and then after 5 years of bilious posturing and relentlessly vexatious legal thuggery, all paid for by the Taxpayer, Grant King/RDA just withdrew...what a sick joke...but I digress...  

Mr Sweetman was very keen to reel-off a list of Mr Peden's supposed transgressions, and off he duly went, listing nearly a dozen of Mr Peden's questions...(but they all sounded like standard questions about decision making and accountability, what Council money was spent on, etc, something about their credit cards, Council's procurement deals and documents, etc, all basic stuff that you'd think was readily available on the public register and/or Council's own website, or even just really easy for Council to respond to, so what's the big problem?-Ed)...well indeed, all good points, so what exactly is the problem?...(well to answer my own question, according to Mr Sweetman it's the $35,000 Council has apparently spent on 'legal advice', as part of the "more than $100,000" that they've allegedly chewed-through in dealing with Mr Peden's vicious campaign of "vexatious...whim and fancy"-Ed)...what a bastard! imagine asking perfectly reasonable questions about the expenditure of Ratepayers' monies...(outrageous!-Ed)...  

So CEO Sweetman has flung his lengthy accusations, and amongst that repeatedly stated that 'the Ombudsman has looked at this stuff and found no problems'...(what, the Ombudsman Wayne Lines?-Ed)...that's him...(I thought you said that Mr Lines was a powerless and deeply corrupted stooge, whose incompetence and/or corruption was unequivocally self-defined by his ludicrous exoneration of Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee's dodgy/corrupt business deals with Chinese businesses, including Wayne's extraordinary comments about how he 'understands why people in Australia might look at Mayor Lee's conduct as corrupt'!-Ed)...indeed, truly bizarre comments, and he was on telly last week, stating that 'there are no consequences for errant Councils/Councillors', followed almost immediately by 'South Australians take comfort that I'm here to hold Councils to account'...what was a vacuous attempt to promote the credibility of the Ombudsman, was instead a farcically self-contradictory exposé of the reality...

And I note that Mr Sweetman used 'the Ombudsman' in very general terms to try and bolster Council's position that everything's fine, but he didn't specifically state which issue/s that the Ombudsman had supposedly reviewed and's standard Institutionalised Corruption obfuscation, declare that everything's fine but don't define what 'everything' actually is...and as with the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and Mayor Lee's business dealings, why did the Ombudsman deal with this and not my mate Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce Lander?...(well if it's been through the Ombudsman's office, then it has been to ICAC Comm Lander, that's the procedure-Ed)...great point Ed, but I counter with the observation that appropriate process is what Bruce/ICAC tells others they must do, but that ICAC itself does whatevs Bruce mate feels like, to heck with process, eg, Comm Bruce himself unilaterally referring me directly to SAPol (police) for prosecution without it going through any of the official 'Complaint Process'...(and why do you a private citizen get referred to SAPol, but corrupt Mayors/Councils get referred to the Ombudsman?-Ed)...two reasons, 1) it's about attacking me via a rankly corrupt SAPol, and 2) protecting corrupt Public Officials with a vacuous 'Ombudsman'...     

But I take your point Ed, this reeks of ICAC, yet I ne'ery heard ICAC/Bruce mentioned...(perhaps it's all suppressed with that omnipresent and rankly corrupt ICAC Suppression Legislation, Section 56, ICAC Act 2012?-Ed)...excellent point Ed, the exact nonsense legislation that I'm 'Charged', until otherwise notified, I'm going to call it, I reckon that the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt ICAC Comm Bruce Lander has had his grubby li'l mits all over this Robe Council stuff, because protecting Institutionalised Corruption is exactly what SA ICAC does, it's why SA ICAC the very least, the Ombudsman's involvement indicates that ICAC is involved...(and who involved the Ombudsman? it sounded like Robe Council had referred themselves-Ed)...indeed it did Ed, another classic indicator of problematic conduct and how SA's corrupt ICAC operates, it's deliberately designed such that the Corrupt can 'self-refer' and then get an official ICAC exoneration backed-up with threats about 'not talking about it' (that's the Section 56 stuff)...

This is exactly what happened/is happening to me with my rancidly corrupt Magistrate Courts 'Trial' for the heinous crime of 'talking/blogging about an alleged-but-never-happened ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council'...a rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution being conducted from the head of the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Labor Party and it's equally corrupt ICAC... 

So, there you have it, Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman's blustering bleatings about Mr Peden are clear indicators that 1) something is very, very 'wrong' with Robe Council, and 2) that the corrupt ICAC has been involved to some degree...Mr Sweetman has gone to great lengths to attack and discredit Mr Peden, and tried to drag Ratepayers into this attack by claiming that it's Mr Peden's fault that Council has spent all this money in responding, it's all Mr Peden's fault...(and how did Mr Peden respond?-Ed)...simply and succinctly, 'why doesn't Council just answer my questions then I wouldn't have to keep writing to them, and it ain't my fault if Mr Sweetman runs-off to a lawyer every time I ask something'...(spot on mate, spot're right, Mr Peden can fend for himself-Ed)...certainly Ed, but it's one thing to pick-off obvious contradictions from an incompetent CEO, it's a whole different issue when taking-on the rancidly corrupt ICAC and State Parliament...(fair enough-Ed)...  

So that's about it acting in the way it has, Robe Council is self-evidently desperate to keep concealed all manner of questionable issues, not least of all that hilarious '$1m Marina Non-Loan' debasco (debacle/fiasco), and in a context that reeks of the corrupt ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...this perpetual attack on Mr William Peden fundamentally defines where the real problem lies, in Robe someone who endures this exact same 'Official Procedure' of personal denigration from the exact same rankly corrupt bodies, eg, my local Council and the ICAC, I feel a sense of absolute solidarity with Mr extensive experience teaches me that this Robe Council/Mr Peden conflict 1) defines the reality of the real problem, and that problem is Robe Council, and that 2) Robe Council will continue to act in this outrageously corrupted manner because they think they can...(just look at the ongoing Institutionalised Corruption of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...well exactly, the rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt MGCC...  

Tomorrow: More Angry Man

And as we plow into another 'Election Campaign', I've yet to hear a single mention of 'Child Protection', and anyway, what hope for SA when the entire SA Parliament is compromised by it's collective Pro-Paedophile Corruption...I remind availees that our local Member (former Liberal, now 'Independent') Troy Bell was fully aware of my SAPol 'raid', etc, and I'd shown him the bizzarely undefinable ICAC Act Section 56, etc, but when Labor/ICAC changed the ICAC Act through Parliament specifically to be able to prosecute me (October/November 2014) I didn't hear squat from Mr Bell...I find it impossible to believe that Mr Bell did not make the connection between what I showed him and we discussed, etc, in May/June 2014, and this extraordinary ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, yet he never notified me...  

As stated, because of the multiple parallels involved, I obviously empathise/sympathise with Mr Peden, but ultimately it's absolutely irrelevant who is getting attacked in this way, it's the fact that these attacks are happening at all...Mr Peden's situation is clearly symptomatic of a much broader problem...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. You have a particularly interesting way of writing and I am in complete agreance with you
