Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Anyone Wanna' Lend Nick Fletcher $540,000?

(Aaahhahhahhha-Ed)...right, well you can stop that for a start...(nnnnhhh-k-huh-k-huh-herrrrrrraaahhahhhahhh-ahhhhh, urghh, that's better-Ed)...quite done mate...(arrrrrrhhh, yep, for a while-Ed)...fair, may I enlighten the dear availees as to why it is you are so full of mirth?...(errr, sure-Ed)...ok, and the drum roll please...(I don't have my drum-Ed)...oh gourd, let's just move on then...

Howdy y'all dear availees across the globe, and today, Wednesday 28th February 2018, in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, Magistrate White presented his 'Judgement' that the 18 'Counts' of allegedly breaching the ICAC Act 2012, have all been proven...(ahhahahhahhhh-Ed)...heh! you promised...(well I didn't actually promise-Ed)...whatevs! I fail to see that there's anything the least-bit amusing about a South Australian Magistrate conducting such a farcically corrupted Court 'process', and then handing down a litany of reality re-defining lies!...(well sure, particularly the stuff where he repeatedly states how fair he's been and how aware of your limitations due to a lack of representation and how scrupulously he's observed your rights as a defendant-Ed)...well so you have read it then?..(most of it, enough to know that the only thing outnumbering the lies and deceits, are the critical omissions-Ed)...indeed...  

And what a farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco) it was today...if Appropriate Process and/or Courtroom Proceedings hadn't taken a savage-enough hammering across the 3 bizarre years of this Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, today was just an embarrassing joke...for crikey's sake, I'm being royally screwed-over by a rancidly corrupt Political Persecution, but the No.1 feeling I took away from today was just embarrassment at the mind-numbing incompetence of the South Australian Magistrates Court...for all the bias and corruption and abuse and harassment and mistreatment I've been subjected to, and as motivated by a definable Pro-Paedophile Political Retribution for cranking-out this 'ere blog, despite all that, today was just an embarrassing joke...(do you think it was deliberate?-Ed)...oh gourd I hope so, that'd be some cause for optimism...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...

Dear I was found 'guilty' of all 18 'Counts', and thusly fined a potential $540,000...that's right...$540,000...and as I put it to Magistrate White, 'so I'm facing fines of $540,000 for just talking about something that's apparently all alright, supposedly guilty of a law you haven't even defined yet'...(gee, when you say it like that, it really does sound corrupt-Ed)...but I'm getting ahead of myself, because today I showed-up at 0915hrs for the Court-Ordered 0930hrs start, which meant I'd spent 45mins at Mt Gambier Courthouse when Magistrate White finally graced us with his Video-link presence from Elizabeth Magistrates Court...(wow-Ed)...yep, just going-on 1000hrs he finally materialised on my Court telly, well, Elizabeth Court with him aways to one side and several unidentified people apparent in the Court in front of him...but also there alongside him/the Court, taking-up half my screen, was some clearly non-impressed dude sittin' there with his arms crossed, with what looked like corrugated iron behind him...

I missed Magistrate White's opening comments because I was saying, 'hey there's some dude on my screen, I think he's on video-link from the gaol' (the Mt Gambier Gaol), and The Dude was sayin' something about 'no I can't hear you', and this went on for a coupla' minutes, with Magistrate White clearly able to see him too, eventually asking 'the gentlemen with his arms crossed to please remain silent while we sort this out' it's now 35minutes into the hearing, and we're in Magistrate Anderson's Courtroom with her cases queuing outside, lawyers filing-in for those cases, etc, and Magistrate White repeatedly using that as an excuse to shut it all down, before again hangin'-up on me...(where are that young gentleman's manners, in his boots?-Ed)...but not before stating that I was facing potentially a $30,000 fine per 'Count', which I quickly and laughingly calculated at $540,000...

To quickly paraphrase;
1) I sat there waiting for 30 mins,
2) then there was The Dude Interlude,
3) then Magistrate White stated that he'd made his 'Judgement' and that there was a copy for me, which a Court Sherriff then handed me,
4) Magistrate White then declared the 18 'Counts' were proven, for the reasons provided in his 'Judgement',
5) I asked how he'd reached this decision given that he hadn't yet defined the bizarre ICAC legislation,
6) he responded, 'the reasons are in my Judgement'...(he said that alot whilst not actually answering your questions-Ed)...indeed,
7) I then asked, 'given I haven't had a chance to read it because you've just handed it to me', had he addressed the issue of the ICAC Act being altered to allow prosecuting me, because what he'd just found me 'Guilty' of wasn't a crime when I was raided/reported, as all in my recent submission...and Magistrate White did his now traditional just-sit-there-basically-ignoring-me, so,
8) I repeated it in absolute detail, 'where ICAC Commissioner Lander and Attorney General John Rau did the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 27th 2014, including adding a definition of 'To Publish' specifically to get me'...and third time 'round, he responded,
9) 'I have used the original definition of To Publish'...(before again saying we're cutting into Magistrate Anderson's List Time?-Ed)...indeed, which led directly to,
10) we still had to organise to do the 'Penalty' bit following the 'Guilty', which is when he said '$30,000 per 'Count'...(which is when you instantly mathed that that was $540,000?-Ed)...that's the one...(well thank gourd that's over finally, least that's something-Ed)...and Magistrate White then duly advised that, 'because we're delaying Magistrate Anderson's list, we will be back on Friday 9th March for Penalty Submissions'...(wow-Ed)...including the extraordinarily facetious enquiry 'is that alright with you Mr Fletcher?', to which I responded,
11) 'I don't have a choice, I show-up when I'm told, for 3 years now, and I don't appreciate you pretending that you're doing me some favour', etc,
12) and then he set 9th March and then he hung-up, approx 1015hrs...(wow-Ed)...

I will come back to this in a longer, more dissective post...(for example addressing the farcical SAPol (police) Prosecutions 'Charge Sheet' debasco that brought Trial One (Nov 2016) to a grinding halt on Arvo One, as Magistrate Anderson was forced to call an adjournment and direct SAPol Pros to remove 'Count 10' or Her Honour would do it for them, etc, because that 'Charge Sheet' incompetently and inappropriately has Multiple Counts in each 'Charge', and/or has some 'Charges' identified on one date/post but not on others, and/or tries to be both Section 56 (a) and Section 56 (b) at the same time, etc, etc, addressing stuff like that-Ed)...most eloquently expressed Ed...the fact, as admitted to by SAPol Pros to Her Honour, is that each breach should be an individual 'Count', but they would have had over 70 Counts just for those 18-20 dates/posts and they knew the Court didn't like huge 'Charge Sheets' so they'd just crammed them all together, etc...farcical...indeed, it could and legally-should be argued that I'm facing a potential minimum $2,100,000 fine...and this 'Count' farce is just one of the litany of gross faults, failures, omissions, deceits, etc, etc, that remain unresolved in just plowing-ahead to this wholly unsound 'Judgement'...

(And what about all the Constitutional Law stuff that's been officially recognised but then relentlessly ignored?-Ed)...again Ed, spot on, what happened to the Special Meeting of all State's/Territories Attorneys-General (COAG-style) that's supposed to preview and then regulate/alter any State's legislation that might impinge on Constitutional Law?...(and do so before any trial even begins, not ignore it for years-Ed)...well I said, a litany... 

Tomorrow: More Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...oh, and to help pay my massively impending fines, I've invented Nickoin, so get on board now, whilst it's only $540,000 per share, it's a guaranteed winner...I'm in the book, no pressure...  

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