Monday, June 10, 2019

Mighty McShenanigans Rides Again

Howdy dear availees in Canada, Italy, Switzerland, and Ireland, and y'all elsewhere, welcome to a very short post...I'm a bit shocked myself to realise that it's been 12 days since the last post, and it's a clear indicator of the level of 'depression' that I'm currently enduring/experiencing...not proud that all I've managed for that time is to 'function'...(is that the Eat/Sleep/Bathe stuff?-Ed)...yeah, with a bitta' gym thrown in for good measure...(well hurrah-Ed)...and not proud, but hardly embarrassed, and I reckon it's genuinely helpful almost healthy to discuss such unpleasant realities...(indeed, there is a space where 'not coping' is effectively 'still coping'-Ed)...and as illogical as that sounds, you're exactly right...not proud, not embarrassed, and certainly not has been a very confronting coupla' months, and regular availees may well remember that the June long weekend is the anniversary of the sudden removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School, aways back in 2002...(2002? has it been 17 years?-Ed)...yep, 17 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, 17 years and counting...

Be that as it may, I'm gunna' keep trying to move forward with this 'ere blog by doing short, sharp single topic posts on a hopefully daily basis, 4-5 days a week, by way of politely forcing myself back into of the biggest 'confrontationings' that I am constantly grappling with is the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...(and effectively Australia, if it comes to that, just look at the definable 'corruption' of the supposedly wonderful Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission-Ed)...well quite, and St Martins parents are very well acquainted with that FCARC Corruption...(what with the FCARC refusing to even look at the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...exactly, but I was referring to the local manifestations of corruption, eg, the relentless litany of Nepotism, Insider Trading, Fraud and/or Theft, Official Deceit, etc, etc, that defines Mt Gambier City Council...(and that brings us of course to today's topic, the miraculous resurrection of former MGCC CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane-Ed)...indeed it does...  

Mighty McShenanigans clearly stated that he was "retiring", largely motivated by his desire to protect his own health...I suggest that y'all Interweb search if you are so inclined, but everything I've looked at very specifically states "retire", as per this bit just below...***

Mark made the decision to retire last year after seeing friends suffer through chronic illnesses and decided to reassess his personal priorities moving forward.
“I haven’t stopped, it has been successive decades of quite challenging and demanding jobs. So that was my reason for saying it’s time.”
“It really is a great job, it’s a great organisation but ultimately you’ve got to make the call and I had to consider what I’m going to do for the rest of my life. When you’re working all the time often it can be too late, then you haven’t got the health that you want to be able to do the things that you have always planned for in retirement.”
Mark will now find the time to slow down a little to enjoy travel, fishing and the gym.
“My family will stay here this year, I’ll slip quietly into some relaxation and a bit more gym work, I’ve got jobs to do around the house that haven’t been touched for several years and some travel plans have been made and flights booked in April and September.”

***...note that this piece, taken from MGCC's own web-page, very specifically says "retire", not 'resign', but it does not mention that McShenanigans has "retired" 3-4 years early on a recent 5-year extension of his contract...I've searched extensively and cannot find any mention of this Breach of Contract in any reportage, but then again, MGCC's own website does not have any reference either, and there's a distinct absence of any 'CEO Review' info from 2018, the last entry is June 2017...(that's a bit odd-Ed)...ain't it though...I also tried to search 'MGCC CEO Contract Renewal' but again without success...perhaps you, dear availee, might have better luck...anyhoos, then there's this from the Northern Argus...***

Kingston CEO heads north

Kingston District Council CEO Andrew MacDonald will take up the same role with Wakefield Regional Council.

Kingston District Council CEO Andrew MacDonald will take up the same role with Wakefield Regional Council.
Wakefield Regional Council is set to have three Chief Executive Officers in the space of three weeks before a permanent appointment fills the role.
Current acting CEO Steven Griffiths finished up in his role with Council on March 22 and at a special Council meeting on Monday night, his replacement was decided.
Nominated by Mayor Rodney Reid, Mark McShane will dip his toes back into local government after recently retiring from his role as CEO of the City of Mount Gambier.
However due to personal reasons, Mr McShane will not start in the role until April 1.
With an ordinary Council meeting scheduled for next Wednesday and a CEO needed, one of Wakefield's managers will fill in as a stop-gap until Mr McShane takes the helm.
Mr McShane was willing to take the job on the condition that he could spend four days in the office and one out of it to spend time with family at Mt Gambier.
Alternatively, he was willing to work five days in the office but use Monday and Friday as half days for travel.
Mayor Reid said Mr McShane was willing to stay in Balaklava during the week at his own cost and not that of Council.
Councilor Peter Bowyer spoke on the motion, saying he was happy to support it.
"It is an incredible offer for someone to consider coming from that far away, up and back, each week," he said.
"Clearly the person is willing to make a commitment to do that, so i think that is an indication that he is very keen on helping us out."
Elected members also voted on the appointment of Kingston District Council CEO Andrew MacDonald as the new permanent CEO of WRC going forward.
Mr MacDonald has been in his current role since May 2014 and has previously held managerial roles with Adelaide City Council and City of Onkaparinga.
Mayor Reid said in a statement that Mr MacDonald would bring fresh energy to Council.
"During his time at Kingston, Andrew has created a high performing and respected organisation with a strong collaborative culture and effective workforce," Mayor Reid said.
"Andrew showed himself to be a real 'people person' - a passionate leader who engages effectively with all stakeholders, including politicians, Elected Members, key stakeholders and the wider community.
"Council was exceptionally impressed by Andrew's knowledge of our region and our challenges and opportunities, as well as his commitment to become part of the Wakefield community."
Mr MacDonald's official start date was to be confirmed in the coming days.
Monday's special Council meeting was the last for the outgoing Mr Griffiths.
Mayor Reid acknowledged his commitment to the role in such a short space of time during the meeting.
"We thank you for your input, your willingness to come and work with us and for us in this Council," he said.
"You have gained the respect of the elected members, you have gained the respect of staff and of those in the general community as well.
"We do wish you well with the appointment in your new placement."
In response, Mr Griffiths said he loved his time in the role and stated that it brought him back to his roots.
Mr Griffiths received a round of applause from those in attendance at Phil Barry Chambers before the meeting was closed.

***...and if that is not a clear enough indication he hasn't retired at all, he's now employed by AME Recruitment...(hang on, isn't that the same company that the Local Government Association and/or MGCC used (still use?) for recruitment?-Ed)...apparently, yes...(well that's all rather cosy isn't it, McShenanigans sells Mt Gambier Ratepayers down the river with a lie-laden litany of deceits about the farcical $40million Recreation Hub, jumps ship like the rat that he is, then goes straight into another CEO role, albeit temporary, then to a company that he and/or MGCC engaged and/or worked with, it is my understanding that AME Recruitment have worked directly for MGCC, but I cannot find any direct reference to them on MGCC's website..again, this could be my failing, or just yet another deletion/absence from MGCC...regardless, McShenanigans has dealt with them via the LGA...and here 'tis...***

 Mark McShane joins AME Recruitment

*** McShenanigans has hardly "retired" from anything, he's just skipped from one position to another via that temporary CEO position...and I reckon that a thorough explanation of the ways that he and MGCC have deceived MG Ratepayers about this Hub nonsense deserves it's own post, so...

Tomorrow: MGCC's Recreation Hub Deceits

And again it'll be a relatively short post because it's fairly straight forward the various deceits involved and how they've been perpetrated...(I remember when McShenanigans was on the ABC South East Radio last year, just prior to the farcical Postal Vote thingy, urging Ratepayers to vote 'Yes' because if Mt Gambier didn't get this vast White Elephant, the li'l ol' Mount was, and I quote, "going to die"...ludicrous, just absolutely ludicrous-Ed)...indeed...and I will briefly part-apologise for 1) an abundant lack of humour in this post and potentially those to soon follow, and 2) any failures on my behalf to successfully 'research' what I is bloggin' about...regular availees know that I pride myself on taking great care to be 'accurate' rather than simply 'right', even if that research contradicts my own personal position...(and I'd suggest that the litany of vacuous defamation threats made against you by government departments, lawyers, etc, etc, prove exactly how hard and how effectively you have worked to be accurate-Ed)...well cheers mate...('cos if those pricks thought they could sue you for being malicious or even genuinely erroneous, sue you without tipping a ripe bucket of rancid truths on themselves, they'd have done it by now rather than bleating empty threats to you and/or Google, etc-Ed)...exactly Ed, a great point well made...anyhoos, until the next post...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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