Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dear Availees, Please Sign This Mullighan Inquiry Petition

Howdy y'all and welcome to a super-short post on this one specific topic...I'm not exactly sure whether this particular petition is still current/valid, but I think it is...(it appears to be, in that there's no 'close date' evident and there are recent added signatures, yours included-Ed)...cheers Ed, thanks for checking, whatevs though, I think it's worth y'all checkin' it out anyway...the Interweb address provided here is not a direct link, I've highlighted it myself, but I have checked and that address does work and takes you directly to the GoPetition website and the Mullighan petition...anyhoos, here's the address...*** 

<a href="">Petition to re-open the Mullighan Inquiry suppressed for 80 years</a>

***...and for your convenience, here just below is the preamble and wording of the petition...(it is also very informative as to the prevailing Pro-Paedophile attitudes of the former Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill Labor government-Ed)...indeed it is Ed...(and I'd further suggest that the current Stephen Marshall Liberal government's response, or potentially lack of, to this petition, will be clear indication of the current attitude in South Australia's parliament regarding the clearly identifiable Pro-Paedophile conduct of previous parliaments-Ed)...another great point mate, and may I point out that the Liberals have been in power since March 2018 and show no desire to address this issue...(well, it's well documented that at least one of those people named/identified during the Mullighan Inquiry was/is former Liberal Premier, former Ozzie Consul-General (Los Angeles), SANFL Chair and Adelaide Stadium Management Authority Chair/Member, and the current Liberal Party President, John Olsen-Ed) you're suggesting that the current Liberal government aren't going to release the Mullighan Report because at least one previous Liberal Premier is named as a paedophile...(I'm not suggesting anything, I'd reckon it's a stone-cold certainty-Ed)...well, I guess we'll see...***
Hon Steven Marshall, Hon Vickie Chapman and Hon Rachel Sanderson
The South Australian Labor Party suppressed the names of over 700 child sex abusers listed in the Mullighan Inquiry released in 2008 for 80 years.
THE horrific extent of sex abuse against children in state care over four decades has been revealed in the 600-page report of the Mullighan inquiry to State Parliament.
Retired Supreme Court judge Ted Mullighan, QC, yesterday issued a stark warning that children in state care would remain vulnerable to sex abuse unless urgent action was taken to overhaul a system in crisis.
His $13.5 million inquiry considered hundreds of allegations of widespread child abuse within government and non-government institutions, spanning 40 years.
The report contained 54 recommendations, which Premier Mike Rann yesterday said would be comprehensively examined before a detailed response in early June. This never happened.
We call upon Hon Steven Marshall, Hon Vickie Chapman, and Hon Rachel Sanderson to un-suppress the names and properly investigate child sex abuse in South Australia, for the protection of children's rights, which until now, have been violated, by 16 years of Labor Government in South Australia.

***...and here's another choice piece that relates directly to the suppression of the Mullighan Inquiry and the broader Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...I copied this from someone's Twitter page, and, again, a simple 'search' of the names/issues involved will provide much more info...***

***...(and imagine my surprise that our good mate Bill 'The Dog' Morris, notorious Pro-Paedophile stooge involved with the rancidly corrupt Eugene Magee and several others relating to the organised removal/theft of the convicted Paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy's assets, etc, as previously covered on this 'ere blog-Ed)...absolutely, and if dear availees are not familiar with Bill's work, just Google-search it, it's an absolute wheeze...(right, so no surprise that 'The Dog' is/was employed by the SAPol (Police) Ombudsman, having previously been employed by the SAPol (Police) Complaints Authority-Ed)...and let's never forget that 'The Dog' was appointed by Mike Rann's Labor as the original Chief Investigator for the Mullighan Inquiry, and that 'The Dog' was hounded from that extraordinary appointment by Child Protection Activists furious at his involvement because of what was already publicly known about the Morris/Magee/Liddy Assets Conspiracy...(and then 'The Dog' was appointed to SA's Judiciary, serving as Mt Gambier's Resident Magistrate from 2007-2010-Ed)...indeed he was, and didn't that do wonders for the credibility of the Courts in Mt Gambier...(he said sarcastically-Ed)...indeed he did...

And here's another piece related to the above story, as copied from the ITNJ website...please note that it relates to the supposedly 'unsolved' Beaumont abduction/murders, and further states that the "pedo-criminal ring" involved in "multiple murders and mutilations" is still operating in Adelaide...simply search 'ITNJ Rachel Vaughan' for a litany of deeply disturbing personal accounts about how these murders and many others have been reported to SA authorities, particularly SAPol, yet these cases remain 'unsolved'...this is what we are SA, and it leads directly to the relatively minor cover-up of the gross abuse of dozens, potentially hundreds of junior primary school children by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School Mt Gambier, a cover-up being run from the heads of SA Parliament, both Labor and Liberal, and particularly by SAPol, and the Crown Solicitor and the Public Prosecutor and the SA Judiciary, etc, etc, etc, et al...this is what we are...*** 

 ***...and people who know already this stuff routinely tell me how brave I am for pursuing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and indeed, I have had periods where I've been concerned for my safety...(like when SAPol keep lobbing on ya' doorstep to hassle and intimidate you?-Ed)...well that hasn't happened for a while, but yes, that's exactly what that was/is about, retribution-motivated harassment and intimidation...(well, given SAPol's rankly corrupt collusion in the St Martins Cover-up, and their definable corruption during your ICAC "bizarre trial", etc, I think you're more than entitled to be mildly concerned when they rock-up on your front porch, armed as they are with pepper spray, revolvers, and a government-sanctioned monopoly on violence-Ed)...indeed, I have suffered relentless Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the hands of a rankly corrupt SAPol and SA Parliament, etc, and SAPol Prosecutions and definably complicit Magistrate Ian White, etc, and my Physical and Mental Health have suffered terribly because of the stress/trauma/anger/whatevs, but I know that there are others like Ms Vaughan and her siblings who have suffered and continue to suffer far more than I've been through...

And I will again make the point that when I talk about "the rankly corrupt SAPol", etc, I'm always referring to to the heads of the relevant Authority...(unless otherwise identified, eg, the actions of SAPol Prosecutor Batten is as definably corrupt as that of her superior, Head of Prosecutions, Andrew Paesch, and the collusion between SAPol's Batten and Magistrate Ian White is both manifest and definable, so they should all be identified-Ed)...exactly, and the responses from the broader Judiciary, eg, appointing Magistrate White to continue my "bizarre trial" even after I'd proven "Malicious Prosecution" to Magistrate Teresa Anderson, at Trial in November 2016, after Her Honour directed that I present my argument/allegations formally, etc, etc, and that 'Trial' collapsed in disarray, etc, etc, shows that Her Honour acted appropriately and that it was other's 'above' HH who chose to ignore that and continue to persecute me via the increasingly corrupt "Malicious Prosecution", where-in Magistrate White's conduct itself became a critical component of said "Malicious Prosecution"...when SAPol have come-a-knockin', I have genuinely apologised to those relatively junior officers involved, albeit whilst carefully explaining the actual realities behind their attendance...(you mean the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...exactly, spot on, looked straight down the cameras they were waving in my face, and told them all about it...quietly, politely, and very, very succinctly...  

Tomorrow: That Latest Mt Gambier City Council Rail Station Rortfest 

Or maybe the definitive dissecting of the farcical MGCC Rortathon being described as the Hub Recreation Centre...(so many choices-Ed)...indeed, but it's there to be done, and there's one here to be done-ing it...("done-ing it"?-Ed)...whatevs...and again dear availees, if today's post has caused you distress of any description, please seek an understanding shoulder and/or ear, don't try to bear this burden alone, no-one should have to...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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